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Ethiopia: human rights defender condemns deadliest mass murder in Oromia. #IrreechaaMassacre #OromoProtests October 3, 2016

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Odaa OromooOromianEconomist


Human rights League of the Horn of Africa




Ethiopia: human rights defender condemns deadliest mass murder in Oromia #IrreechaaMassacre  #OromoProtests

Ethiopia: Deadliest TPLF/EPRDF Mass Murder In Oromia

HRLHA Urgent Action

October 2, 2016

The HRLHA deeply condemn the mass murder by the Ethiopian government  sponsored killing squad Agazi force near Bishoftu, Oromia  where over 4,000,000 Oromos were gathered  to celebrate the Irrecha annual festival , the Oromo thanksgiving day on October 2, 2016.

The attack by the killing squad Agazi  which was supported by helicopter from the air has left at least 300 civilians dead on the spot and thousands  wounded and has been taken to hospitals in Bishoftu and Addis Ababa, 40 km away from the place of mass murder took place. According the HRLHA informants from the place, the dead bodies were everywhere on the ground around the Hora Arsadi, the area of the irrecha festival

The October 2, 2016 mass murder would be one of the highest tolls for a single day in Oromia  since 10 months the Oromo protest has begun in November 2015

The HRLHA calls on the world governments and donor organizations to condemn the barbaric acts of government sponsored killing squad Agazi force against Oromo civilians and put pressure on the TPLF/EPRDF government to allow swiftly neutral body to investigate this horrific action of this dictatorial government sponcered killing squads..

The HRLHA will continue updating the fast growing number of the victims from around  the  area.


Note: The following pictures are extremely graphics. Proceed with procuation

All photos were taken from social media, names are not identified




Read Related at OE: 

Irreecha Massacre: Bishoftu Massacre: Fascist Ethiopia’s regime (TPLF) has committed war crimes and crimes against humanity in Oromia (Ethiopia) on the peaceful Irreecha ceremony- Oromo thanksgiving day, 2nd October 2016 where over 4 million celebrating the Oromo National Cultural Day at Horaa Harsadii, Bishoftu, Oromia.