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Kello Media: A virtual forum on Human Rights in Oromia/ Ethiopia June 29, 2020

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Ethiopia: The prison house of nations: The prison is breaking up June 29, 2020

Posted by OromianEconomist in Uncategorized.
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The Prison is breaking up: It is said tall sorghums are either for birds or for slings. Pioneers of liberation struggle rose at a time when majority of the oppressed were not aware of their capabilities to challenge the oppressors. They paid in their lives to bring the masses to today’s level of political awakening. Now prisoners of the Ethiopian empire have started to break the prisons in unprecedented numbers after more than a hundred years. Those for whom oppressing is normal order of life are now running up and down making sounds of fury and empty threats to stop them but in vain. It is too late, to stop Wala’ita, Kaficho, Hadiyyaa, Silxee, Guraagee, Kambaataa, Gedi’o, Konsoo, and their Nilotic neighbors etc. from determining own destiny. Nafxanyaa system empire is crumbling. They have to know that the name Ethiopia should not be used to blackmail others by a group in particular oppressor group. What is important is not the name but the love and interest peoples show to live together. One oppressor group accepted the federal system confident it could disable and do whatever it likes with it. But the oppressed grabbed it and adopted it as their own dismissing the authoritarian selfish group. They are the peoples; it is their time; no force can stand against them. All have to come around a table and negotiate.
Though declaring their independence is a right, these peoples are offering continuing to live together in a democratic union of equals refraining from such declarations. Not understanding this, those with crooked decadent outlook are trying to reinstitute the defunct Nafxanyaa unitary system. On the other hand, nations and nationalities are holding hands for federal system to be realized. No more South, no more cluster but a federal republic coming to existence by will of the free and the equal. No more language, no more culture, no more symbols, no more authority of one is superior to the others. All present cacophony and diversions are only bubbles and dust that will blow away soon leaving sovereignty and rights of each and all peoples intact. In their last kick the reactionaries may harm the oppressed but people will always survive to judge. Together nations, nationalities and peoples will recommit themselves to principles of the federal constitution and safeguard their national sovereignty and federal interests without fail. A time wheel that no power can stop is in motion. Thanks to the tall sorghums, lusher and more yielding ones have sprouted irrigated by their blood. Oromiyaan haa jiraattu!


Oromia: OMN: Keessummaa – Wellisaa Hacaaluu Hundeessaa (Wax 22, 2020) June 23, 2020

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OMN: Keessummaa – Wellisaa Hacaaluu

Geneva Press Club: Kello Media: An Ethiopian Dilemma: Political Transition, Human Rights and Constitutional Crisis June 18, 2020

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Kello Media: Tarsiimoo Mootummaan Itoopiyaa Oromoofi Oromummaa irratti qabu. June 17, 2020

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Tarsiimoo Mootummaan Itoopiyaa Oromoofi Oromummaa irratti qabu.

Koo yaa shunge mee chim chim goonaa, new Oromian Oromo music 2020 by Dangaa Qanani and Eskiyas Mezemir June 17, 2020

Posted by OromianEconomist in Oromo Culture, Oromo Identity, Oromo Music, Oromo Nation, Uncategorized.
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Democracy imperiled in Africa by ‘reformers’ turned dictators, Washington Examiner June 13, 2020

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Democracy imperiled in Africa by ‘reformers’ turned dictators

by Michael Rubin, Washington Examiner| June 11, 2020 

It is often forgotten that the worst dictators are often, early in their careers, lauded as reformers. In Iraq, Saddam Hussein was initially embraced as a “pragmatist” by diplomats and journalists alike. In 1991, the Norwegian Nobel Committee awarded Burmese dissident Aung San Suu Kyi the Nobel Peace Prize; only in subsequent decades would she expose herself as an apologist for ethnic cleansing. Of course, she is not the only figure to sully the preeminent peace prize’s legacy.

In Africa, the trend of reformists becoming dictators has been especially acute.

In April 1976, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger declared that the United States supported black rule in Rhodesia, today’s Zimbabwe. He was cautious about Soviet and Cuban inroads among certain liberation movements. President Jimmy Carter, however, had no such caution. He drew parallels between Robert Mugabe’s Marxist Zimbabwe African National Union and the civil rights fight in the U.S. South. Mugabe was, therefore, a reformer and a social justice warrior. Many officials likewise greeted Isaias Afwerki as a democrat and reformer when he became Eritrea’s first president upon its 1993 independence. Indeed, Bill Clinton congratulated his Eritrean counterpart on “Eritrea’s good start on the road to democracy and free markets” when, in 1995, they met in the Oval Office. Diplomats likewise once praised Rwandan leader Paul Kagame for his progressive attitudes toward women and liberal approach to the economy, but most human rights groups today criticize him for intolerance to dissent and human rights abuses.

Now, it appears, another Nobel laureate, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, may be heading down the same path. Perhaps buoyed by the praise he receives on his frequent post-Nobel trips abroad, Abiy on Wednesday announced that he would remain in office beyond the end of his term. For all of Abiy’s enthusiastic and, at times, naive peacemaking abroad, his tenure has exacerbated ethnic tensions at home. Reelection was no certainty, but his decision to seek to hold power extra-constitutionally could precipitate conflict in Africa’s second-most populous country.

Not to be outdone, Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo has also signaled he seeks to delay elections and remain in power. Farmajo’s tenure has already seen a backsliding of democracy and resurgence of the al Qaeda-affiliated al Shabab terror group. If the deeply unpopular Farmajo tries to hold onto power, he will return Somalia into full-blown civil war.

The U.S., in recent years, may have diminished presence on the world stage, but the cards the White House and State Department have still matter. From a realist standpoint, Abiy and Farmajo are both weaker than they themselves admit or realize. Abiy may seek to become the new Mugabe, and Farmajo the new Siad Barre, but their respective peoples will not stand for it. Unbridled ambition will lead to civil war in their respective states. This is in no one’s interest. Rather than promote silly photo-ops with regional presidential summits, like that which the State Department’s Bureau of African Affairs plans for this coming week in Djibouti, the U.S. government should signal both to Abiy and Farmajo that they risk pariah status if they continue their undemocratic tendencies.

Central to President Trump’s international philosophy is the idea of restraint: The U.S. should not deploy its forces across the globe in pursuit of agendas that do not directly impact the security of the American homeland. In these troubled economic times, that makes sense, but it requires effective diplomacy now to avoid scenarios where state failure mandates far more expensive responses. The best way to promote regional security is to continue to cultivate democracy and provide a peaceful mechanism for ordinary citizens to hold ineffective leaders and would-be dictators to account.


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1. Ibsi Koomishiniin Poolisii Oromiyaa baase argineerra. Ibsichi Dhugaa Oromoo awwaaluuf Jawar Mohammed irratti kan xiyyeeffateedha, kanaaf Doorsisaa fi Aggaammii Jawar Mohammed irratti godhamu kamuu gadi baanee ni balaaleffanna.

2. Ilmaan Oromoo guyyuma guyyaan kutaalee Oromiyaa gara garaa keessatti hidhamaa, gidirfamaa (torture) godhamaa ajjeefamaa jiran gocha duguuggaa Sanyii (Genocide) ummata Oromoo irratti ajaja Abiyyiin Humna Agaazii fi Humna addaa Poolisii Oromiyaatin raawwachaa jirtu gadi baanee Sagalee keenya dhageesisuun ni mormina.

3. Jawar Mohammed tuquun Ethiopia keessatti guyyaa qiyaamaa ofiratti labsuu akka tahe warri Bilxiginnaa cimsanii hubachuu qabu.

4. Maatii Sabboontoota fi Sabboontoota Oromoo Oromiyaa guutuu keessatti Kaadiree Bilxiginnaatu Humna Agaazii fayyadamuun Tarkaanfii suukanneessaa irratti fudhataa jira waan taheef gocha kana hatattamaan hin dhaaban taanaqn Qeerroon Oromiyaa Maatii Kaadiroota Bilxiginnaa Naannoo keenyatti argamu irratti Tarkaanfii fudhachuuf qophii ta’uu keenya isiin hubachiisuu barbaanna.

5. Fincilli xumura gabrummaa (Warraaqsi Galaana ummataa) guutuu Oromiyaatti keessatti Cimee akka itti fufu murteessinee jirra.

6. Abiy Ahmed Aangoo hatattamaan gadi dhiisuu qaba, Ethiopia eenyummaa oromoo hin feene wajjiin jiraachuun nu gaheera.

7. Bilxiginnaan yoo nuti Callifne akkuma amala ishee Jawar Mohammed Ragaa sobaa qopheeffattee hidhuu fi doorsisuuf deemti waan taheef qeerroon oromoo tokkummaan dura dhaabbannee hooggansa keenya ni tikfanna.

8. Sirna Nafxanyaa (Bilxiginnaa) ofirraa buqqaasuuf Ummaanni Oromoo, Qeerroo fi qarreen Oromiyaa Tokkummaan akka falmannu murteesineerra.

9. Nuti Qeerroon Oromiyaa Jawar Mohammed wajjiin jirra, jawaar dura duunee banna malee abadan Jawar hin tuqamu!
Kana Diinnis firris akka beekuu barbaanna!! Qabsoon Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromiyaa hanga Bilisummaa Oromoof Walabummaa Oromiyaatti itti fufa!!!

Haqa qabna!
Tarsiimoon masakamna!
Ni injifanna!

Waxabajjii 9, 2020
Qeerroo Oromiyaa irraa


Ethiopia’s Speaker of the House of Federation (HoF), Keria Ibirahim resigned from her position warning the danger and the unconstitutional move of the Abiy Ahmed’s government June 8, 2020

Posted by OromianEconomist in Uncategorized.
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Ethiopia’s Speaker of the House of Federation (HoF), Keria Ibirahim resigned from her position by warning dire and the unconstitutional move of the Abiy Ahmed’s government

Ibsa Af-yaa’iin Mana Maree Federeeshinii Itoophiyaa aadde Keeriyaa Ibiraahim aangoo isaanii gadhiisu ilaalchisanii kenan as gadii caqasaa:-

Speaker of Ethiopia’s Upper House Resigns After Polls Postponed ( The New York Times)

By Reuters, June 8, 2020

ADDIS ABABA — Ethiopia’s upper house speaker resigned on Monday in apparent protest at the postponement of planned elections in the Horn of Africa country over the coronavirus, a sign of growing tension between her party and the government.

The speaker Keria Ibrahim is also a top official in Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), one of the country’s major political parties and which has opposed the poll postponement.

The parliamentary and regional elections had been planned for August ahead of the end of incumbent Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s term in September. No new date has yet been set.

In a televised speech, Keria accused Abiy’s government of taking away Ethiopians’ sovereign rights, without elaborating.

She was widely understood to refer to the government’s decision to postpone the elections which effectively allowed Abiy to continue ruling beyond the expiry of his term.

“I can’t be an accomplice when the constitution is being violated and a dictatorial government is being formed,” she said. “I have resigned not to be collaborator (with) such a historical mistake.”

Last month TPLF, which is also the governing party for the country’s Tigray region, threatened to organise polls for the area in defiance of the postponement, potentially setting the region on a collision course with the federal government.

Keria’s resignation underscored the deteriorating relationship between Abiy and his ruling Prosperity Party and the TPLF, said Kjetil Tronvoll, professor of peace and conflict studies at Bjørknes University in Oslo.

“If the process is left unabated, it may lead to an open confrontation,” he said.

Abiy took power in Africa’s second most populous country in 2018 and went on to roll out a series of reforms allowing greater freedoms in what had long been one of the continent’s most repressive states.

But the reforms have made it possible for long-held grievances against the government’s decades of harsh rule to resurface, and emboldened regional power-brokers such as the TPLF to seek more power for their ethnic groups.

Partial lists of confirmed Oromo civilians killed by Ethiopia’s regime security forces in 2020 June 7, 2020

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#HappeningUnderNobelLaurate @AbiyAhmedAli

The partial lists of confirmed Oromo civilians killed by Ethiopia’s regime security forces from 1st January to 3rd June 2020:-

This was Aanaa Mohammedsham age 15. He was gunned down last night in Qobo town, East Hararge. He was driving the three legs bajaj when soldiers of the newly deployed Liyu Police shot him. He succumbed to his wounds later. https://www.facebook.com/Jawarmd/posts/10105488077056383

Diinaa’ol Nagaasaa jedhama. Humnoota mootummaatiin eda halkan Ambotti rasaasan rukutame

More reports on human rights violations against Oromo people in Oromia (Ethiopia)

These are some of the political prisoners currently held with no charge, in Borana Zone alone. Imagine how large the number could be in the entire regional state!

Maqaa hidhamtoota #Godina_Booranaa keessaa ka nama garii kunooti. Nami maqaa hin argatin kan irra guddaa


(Dira Mooyyaleefi dira Tuqaa irraa (
1.Dooyyoo Iyyaa
2.Malataa Waaqoo
3.Galgaloo Xunii
4.Xummee Shoobaa
5.Luuccaa Malataa
6.Kanuu Guyyoo
7.Baatii Kanuu
8.Bulee Boruu (Oromia police)
9.Haroo Abduuba-
10.Halkanoo Baddoolee


11.Obaa Gufuu
12.Kiyyaa Liiban
13.Darmii Guyyoo Liiban (University student)
14.Bonayyaa Duuba
15;Kiyyaa Guyyyoo libaan
16;Finina Abduba
17.Abduba Galgalo Areeroo
18.Dabasoo Faqee Huqqaa
19.Qucee Kusaare
20;Galgaloo Halakee Jibichoo (University student)
21.Kateeloo Shanee
22.Bonayyaa Duubaa
24.Boochola Guyyoo
25.Diida Goollichaa
26.Halkanoo Gurraacha Jaatanii
27.Kanaa Goollichaa
28.Biqilaa Tarreessaa


29.B/sa Galgaloo Taarii
30.Guyyoo Shamee
31.Kiyyaa Duuba Guyyoo
32.Diida Aagaa Burraa (University student)
33.B/sa Diida Moluu
34.Maammadi Dheengee Boruu
35.Barraaqoo Gurroo Boruu
36.Galma Moluu Shootii
40.Barsiisaa #Galgaloo_Taarii
41.Barsiisaa Diqqaa Duubaa Dooyyoo
42.Dargaggoo Saara Guduroo


43.Goolee Adaanoo (Oromia Police @Moyale)
44.Abbaa Gadaa Dr Jaldeessaa Guyyoo
45. Goreessaa Guyyoo Liiban (Lawyer)
46. Galgaloo Saaraa
47. Waariyoo Dabbasoo
48. Kanuu Jirmoo Galgaloo
49. Guyyoo Duubaa


59.Galma Kanaa
51.Guyyoo Galma
52.Kateeloo Gufuu
53.Waariyoo Liiban
54.Guyyoo Moluu
55.Abkunuu Xuunnee
56.Carfii Kasulee
57.Gurraale Diidaa-
58.Diqqaa Waariyoo


59.Daalacha Baggajjaa
60.Daalacha Abbaa Ruufaa
61.Barcii Qancoorro
62.Carii Duuba Bantee
63.Ijoollen Bilisoo Soraa

(Magaalaa Hiddii Lolaafi Magaalaa Bokkuu Luboomaa irraa)

64.Galma Bonayyaa
65.Mallichaa Roobaa
66.Galgaloo Moluu
67..Galata Kuulaa
68.Jamaal Kuulaa
69.Galma Liiban
79.Guyoo Dooyyo
71.Haawwoo Guyyoo
72. Kiyyaa Liiban


73.Milkii Dooyyoo
74.Soraa Galgaloo
75 Abdurhaman Warquu
76.Liiban Jaatanii
77.Saara Katanoo

(Magaalaa Borbor irraa)

78.Turaa Gurraachaa (cabine member)
79.Barcii Abgudoo
80.Bonayyaa Caaccicha (Elder above 60s)
81.Guyyoo Balaambal (cabine member)

(Ganda Bokkuufi Goorilee irraa)

82..Nuuraa Bonayyaa Godana
83.Dabboo Bonayyaa Godana
84.Xummee Bonayyaa Godana
85.Elemaa Bonayyaa Godana
86.Adii Bonayyaa Godanaa
87.Diida Waariyoo Godaanaa
88. Kiyyaa Waariyoo Godaanaa
89.Jiloo Waariyoo Halake
90.Roobaa Waariyoo Halake
91.Kiyyaa Waariyoo Halake
92. Xummee Cuurii Dooyyoo
93.Qaballee Diidaa
94.Saasii Diidaa
95.Abduuba Halakee
96.Huqqaa Mataa
97.Xummee Huqqaa
98.Qaallicha Jiloo Guyyoo
99.Guyyoo Jiloo
190.Qumbii Bulee
101.Kiyyaa Bulee Jaarsoo
102.Obaa Dhalee
103.Saara Bilaalaa
104.Jiloo Huqqaa Boruu
105.Galmoo Huqqaa Boruu
106.Qabballee Jaarsoo Halake
107.Tuuraa Jaarsoo
108.Diidaa Waariyoo
109.Diidaa Waariyoo
110.Diida Goollichaa
111.Saaroo Boruu
112.Guyyoo Boruu
113.Lookoo Boruu
114.Kana Mallicha
115.Biduu Jaarso
116.Bulee Jaarsoo Huqqa
117.Jaatanii Galgaloo Gaayoo
118.Bagajjaa Galgaloo Gaayo
119.Kottobbo Galgalo Gaayo
120.Rooba Liiban
121.Galmoo Tuukkisaa
122.Tuukkisaa Liiban
123.Jaatanii Soraa Taadhicha
124.Dullachaa Soraa Taadhicha
125.Diimaa Soraa Taadhicha
126.Dooyyoo Abduuba
127.Shunaa Diidaa
128.Dheengee Dalacha
129.Xummee Taarii
130.Abduuba Jiloo
131.Diidoo Boruu Dhaddacha
132.Diida Dooyyo Baddoolicha
133.Rooba Dabbasoo Roobaa
134.Qaallicha Jiloo Guyyoo
135.Diida Goollicha Qancoorro
136.Qumbii Halake
137.Boora Kuula Boruu
138.Daalacha Galgaloo
139.Qaallicha Diqqa
140.Godaanaa Soraa Boru
141.Taarii Guyyoo
142.Miyoo Diidaa
143.Caaccuu Liiban
144.Diimaa Mallichaa
145.Jaatani Sora
146.Abduba Halake Shonee
147.Barsiisaa Boruu Bukkee
148.Dheengee Goollichaa


149.Gurraachaa Galgaloo Guyyoo
150.Roobaa Galma Adii
151.Daraaraa Huseen Jaarsoo
152.Jaldeessa Mallichaa
153.Kiyyaa dhakaa Tuundhaa
154.Kana Galmaa
156.Huseen Dooyyoo Waariyoo
157. Huseen Kottolaa


158.Qallaa Kuulii
159.Boru xachee
160.Boru Bulee

Godina Guji Lixa, Aana Dugda Daawwa, Magaalaa Fincaawaa, mana hidha Qabalee keessatti dararama jiranu kan armaan gadiiti:-
1) Maammush(Gujii) Gammade
2) Dullacha Qadiida
3) Konso Dukkalle
4) Gammachuu Baqqala
5) Caala Toleera
6) Yahiqoob (Godaana) Uddo
7) Duuba Komoodo
8) Adoola (Quxxisu) Bariiso
9) Shaaqqole Boneyya
10) Duube Adula
11) Eebbisa Koronto
12) Kuukkuu Soraa
13) Ashulee Kabbadaa
14) Quraa Bursaano
15) Astar Bursaano
16) Bollee Goobana
17) Muluu Jiloo
18) Ushukka Leqqo
19) Meseret Elema
20) Xumme Jiloo
21) Areero Galma
22) Abram Jilo

Gootiti OROMOO
Weelliftu seenaa kamaal waan hidhamteef sagalee yaa taanuf
Qarreen tuni weelliftuu qofaa miti qabsooftuu gabrummaa saba ishee hin dandeenye akka taate hundi keenya ni beekna bara 2016 gaafa irreecha hora bishooftuutitti oromoon dhume sana akkuma argitan waltajjii irratti mallattoo diddaa gabrummaa agarsiisun nama gabrumma saba isheetif sagalee dhageessisaa turteedha, gaafa ajjeechaan jawaar irratti yaalames nama qarree fi qeerroo oromoo biraa hin hafne anis jawaar waliin wareegamuun qaba jechuun nama lubbuu ishee hin qusanneedha walumaagalatti seenaan oromoo biraa haftee hin beektu


#በአቢዮት_ካሳዬ የሚመራው ብልፅግና የሚባል የሽፍታ ቡድን ስብስብ በዜጎች ላይ እያደረሰ ያለው ግፍ በደል ተመልከቱ

Baqqalaa Bidiraa miseensa Adda Bilisummaa Oromooti. Yeroo darbe Jaal Abdii Raggaasaa gaafachuu deemee hidhame. Akkuma baheen mana isaa keessatti https://www.facebook.com/awol.mustefa/videos/2993215454098271/

Ethiopia: The pandemic appears to be closing a political space that had only just started opening, Ethiopia Insight June 2, 2020

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‘The pandemic has become another litmus test for Prime Minister Abiy, who was already  grappling with the challenges of what has been a rough and sloppy transition since 2018, much of it of his own making. That said, some of the problems are deeply entrenched in a century-long inter-ethnic group divisions, a polarized political culture, and the imbalanced economy that the Prime Minister inherited from his predecessors.But the new ruling party’s leanings towards unitarist sentiments is cutting him off from the Oromo and other groups with strong adherence to multinational federalism; and the lack of any clear transition roadmap over the last two years has created uncertainties about the democratization that most would like to see. The result is serious questions about the legitimacy of the government and its leadership.’ Click here to read the full article at Ethiopia Insight