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Oromia: #OromoProtests: Gabaasa Fincila Xumura Garbummaa (FXG) Oromiyaa 2016 ( June) June 30, 2016

Posted by OromianEconomist in #OromoProtests, Africa, Oromia, Oromo.
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Odaa OromooOMN on NILESATOromo Protests defend Oromo National Interest

#OromoPRotests tweet and share#OromoProtests against the Ethiopian regime fascist tyranny. Join the peaceful movement for justice, democracy, development and freedom of Oromo and other oppressed people in EthiopiaOromo Students protest @ Mandii, Western Oromia 25th November 2015Oromo Students protest @ Ambo, Oromia 25th November 2015 picture1Gaaffiiwwan yeroo ammaa


Gincii, Amboo, Jalduu, Gudar, Giddaa Ayyaanaa, Mandii, Najjoo, Laaloo Assaabii, Jaarsoo, Gullisoo, Bojjii, Gujii, Dambi Doolloo, Gimbii, Naqamtee, Buraayyuu, sabbataa, Dirree Incinnii, Adaamaa, Harammayyaa, Mattuu, Baale (Robee), Madda Walabu, Walliisoo, Tulluu Boolloo, Sulultaa (Caancoo), Horroo Guduruu, Buuraayyuu, Dirree Dhawaa, Calanqoo, Ada’aa Bargaa, Baddannoo, Holootaa, Shaashee, Awaday (E. Harargee), Hara Qallo (Goro Dola, Gujii), Gaasaraa (Baalee), Bulee Hora, Jimmaa, Arjo, Heebantuu, Giddaa Ayyaanaa ,Kiiramuu, Ciroo, Dodolaa, Anfilloo (Mugii), Walqixxee, Diillaa, Bishooftuu, Finfinnee,  Yuniversiitii Finfinnee, Geedoo, Asallaa,  Shaambuu, Agaarfaa, Sibuu Siree, Kotobee, Wacaalee, Saalaalee, Machaaraa, Ammayyaa, Tokkee  Kuttaayee, Innaangoo, Baabbichaa, Laaloo Qilee, Hiddii Lolaa, .Mugii, Arsi Nagallee, Baabbichaa, Shukutee, Baakkoo, Shukutee,  Baakkoo, Jalduu, Gindoo, Buun’dho Beddellee, Grawwaa,Gaara Mul’ataa, Qarsaa, Qobboo (Dardar, Eastern Oromia), Sinaanaa (Baalee), Jimmaa Arjoo, Bojjii, Kombolcha,  Aggaaroo,Tajji (Iluu), Qilxuu Kaarraa, Baabboo Gambel, Daawoo,Tulu Milki (Warra Jarso), Hirnaa, Xuulloo,  Masalaa, Galamso, Bordode, Mi’esso, Waheel, Diggaa, Arjoo Guddattuu, Guraawa, waamaa Adaree, Shabee Somboo, Limmuu Saqaa, Amuruu (Agamsa), Daroo Labuu (Gaadulloo), Yaabelloo, Aliboo (Jaartee Jardagoo), Saasigga, Magaalaa Dafinoo, Dhumugaa, Daroo Labuu (Buraysaa) Begii (Kobor), Mardida Halo Guba (Daroo Labuu), Qassoo, Bonayyaa Boshee, Baalee  (Dalloo Mannaa), Jimmaa Raaree (Magaalaa Gobaan), Nophaa (Iluu), Bordoddee, Togowacaalee ……………


Gabaasa FDG Oromiyaa Sadaasa (November) 12, 13,  25,  26, 27, 28, 30, Muddee (December) 1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,14, 15, 16, 17/18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,  26, 27,28, 29,30, 31….    2015

Amajii (January) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,14, 15, 16, 17,18,19, 20,21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,30, 31……2016

Guraandhala (February) 1,  2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9, 10,11,12,13, 14, 15, 16, 17,18,19, 20, 21,22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28,29………… 2016


Bitootessa (March) 1, 2, 3,4, 5,6,7,8,9, 10, 11,12, 13,14,15, 16,17, 18, 19,20,  21,  22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 2,28, 29, 30, 31 …………2016

Ebla (April) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,18, 19,20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30……… 2016

Caamsaa (May) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,20, 21,22, 23, 24, 25, 26,27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 2016


Waxabajjii (June) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 …………………………….2016


 #OromoProtests: International Community Alarmed as Ethiopia Crisis Worsens

#OromoProtests. International Community Alarmed as Ethiopia Crisis WorsensEthiopia's scores in freedom in the world 2016, freedom House World Report, January 2016.

Ethiopian regime guilty of crime against humanity

Click here for #OromoProtests updates, 1st – 31st May 2016

Click here for #OromoProtests updates, 1st – 30 April 2016

Click here for #OromoProtests updates, 1st – 31st March, 2016

Click here for #OromoProtests updates, November 2015- February 29, 2016

S.Res.432 – A resolution supporting respect for human rights and encouraging inclusive governance in Ethiopia.

Committee on Foreign Relations. Ordered to be reported without amendment favorably.

Wixineen Labsii 432 dhiittaa mirga namoomaa Itoophiyaa murtee itti aanuuf dabre.



foreign relation commite voted unanimously in support of S. RES. 432

Al Jazeera Stream: Protests and state violence: Felix Horne, HRW, and President Jimmy Carter speak on #OromoProtests



HRW: Ethiopia: Protest Crackdown Killed Hundreds. #OromoProtests



IBTimes: There is a violent repression in Ethiopia – so why is the UK government silent about it? #OromoProtests


ALJAZEERA: The ‘Ethiopia rising’ narrative and the #OromoProtests



HRW: Scale of crackdown on Ethiopia’s Oromo ‘unprecedented’


Symposium: Social Movements and State Fragility in Ethiopia: Lessons from the Oromo Protests and Government Responses of 2015-16

SOAS,  Centre of African Studies,     Date: 21 June 2016



Delta Blues to the Oromo Blues



Ethiopie : entre rébellion et répression



Ethiopia: EU must raise treatment of Human Rights Defenders with Prime Minister









‘People like TPLF leaders are those who never change no matter how much one tries to explain to them about the brutality of their ruling system and barbaric actions of their military and special commandos. This article expose the failed policy of the TPLF and their new destructive plan to slow-down the Oromo people movement for freedom.’



NPR: Ethiopia Stifles Dissent, While Giving Impression Of Tolerance, Critics Say



Jawaar Mohammed: Mootummaan Gaaffii Dhiheessineef Deebii Gahaa Kennuu Yoo Dide Tarikaanfii Itti-aanee Fudhannuun Kasaaraa Isa Mudatuuf Itti Gaatamaan Isuma.



“The government’s repression of independent voices has significantly worsened as the Oromo protest movement has grown,” said Yared Hailemariam, Director of the Association for Human Rights in Ethiopia (AHRE). “The international community should demand the end of this state-orchestrated clampdown and the immediate release of peaceful critics to prevent the situation from deteriorating further.”




Ethiopia: Detainees beaten and forced to appear before court inadequately dressed

Ethiopia: Detainees beaten and forced to appear before court inadequately dressed


AFRICA: Oromia: Athletic Nation Report: Oromo Runners in Ethiopia Say They Face Discrimination



Oromia: The Agony of Oromo athletes under TPLF Ethiopia’s tyranny. #Africa





Ethiopians speak out against their regime



Opinion- Exam-Leaks: Disorientating and Overpowering a Leviathan

UNPO: Oromo: Protesters Achieve Postponement of University Exams

After an exam paper had been leaked by Oromo protesters, the Ethiopian Ministry of Education had to cancel upcoming university entrance exams. Mostly student-led protests over the rights of the country’s marginalized Oromo people have effectively led to the months-long closure of the region’s high schools. Therefore, Oromo students had less time to prepare than students in other parts of the country. The leak of exam papers by Oromo students, thereby buying more time for students to prepare for university entrance exams, is thus a major success for the beleaguered movement.


Ethiopian 12th grade for University entrance exam has been leaked and cancelledEthiopian 12th grade for University entrance exam has been leaked and cancelled p2Ethiopian 12th grade for University entrance exam has been leaked and cancelled p2

Human Rights League: Ethiopia- Gross Human Rights Violations: Human rights situations that require the UN Human Rights Council’s attention


AI: Heading the Wrong Way: The Ever Closing Political Space in Ethiopia


Pulse: Oromo protests

The Oromo people in Ethiopia have long complained of being marginalized. Addis Ababa expansion plans which sparked fresh protests have been scrapped but the conflict continues to simmer.


Oromo Activists Force Government to Suspened University Entrance Exam

Researcher says Canadian government should be more vocal in its criticism of the Ethiopian crackdown


New Report from State Department Details Widespread Human Rights Abuses in Ethiopia


Dispatches: Using Courts to Crush Dissent in Ethiopia


The Human Rights League: Ethiopia: Endless Injustices against Oromo Nation in the Name of Law Enforcement. #OromoProtests


Ethiopia must release opposition politician held for Facebook posts


Oromia (#OromoProtests) :Shirri Xaxamuu fi Ololli Geggeeffamu Falmii Bilisummaa Fi Mirga Abbaa Biyyummaa Finiinaa Jiru Hin Dhaabu!


Press Statement: The United States is deeply concerned by the Government of Ethiopia


Freedom for Bekele Gerba and all political prisoners in Ethiopian prisons


U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken condemned the lethal violence used by the government of Ethiopia against hundreds of Oromo protesters. #OromoProtests



Ilhan Omar denounces crimes against humanity being committed in Ethiopia




 U.S. Senators Condemn Ethiopia’s Crackdown on Civil Society



Human Rights league: The TPLF Hidden Agenda of Reducing the Oromo Population Must be Stopped



HRW: Foreign Policy In Focus: Deafening Silence from Ethiopia:The Ethiopian government is cracking down on journalists and NGOs. Where’s the outrage from the international community?


Human Rights in Ethiopia – An Update

Date: Tuesday, April 19, 2016 – 11:00am
Location: 2255 Rayburn House Office Building


Please join the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission for a briefing on the current human rights situation in Ethiopia.


Oromo protesters: ‘We are still on the streets because we want self-rule’


No, we don’t have self-rule in Oromia state


IPS: Ethiopia’s (Fascist TPLF) Smoldering Oromo. #OromoProtests


Das Berliner Missionswerk: Frieren Sie die Militärhilfe für Äthiopien ein, bis Äthiopien die Menschenrechte achtet!


Why Have Oromo People Been Clashing With The Ethiopian Government For So Long?    http://www.afrizap.com/en/why-have-oromo-people-been-clashing-with-the-ethiopian-government-for-so-long

France 24: Focus: Anger among Ethiopia’s Oromo boils over.

France 24: Focus: Anger among Ethiopia’s Oromo boils over. #OromoProtests


Are Ethiopia’s Oromo being violently repressed? – UpFront



Ethiopia – #OromoProtests and Ethiopian Repression: Overview


Geerarsa Oromoo:
Utubaa Sibilaa
Qeerroo sanyi dhiiraa


Geerarsa Oromoo, hallayyaa biyya leeqaa






Warraaqsii Biyyoolessaa Oromiyaa FXG Magaalaa Finfinnee fi Bulchiinsoota Magaalota Addaa Naannawwaa Finfinnee Keessatti Fufee Jira.

13516217_10102386915374253_6186638036544140732_nWaxabajjii 28-29,2016 Warraaqsii Biyyoolessaa Oromiyaa FXG Magaalaa Finfinnee fi Bulchiinsoota Magaalota Addaa Naannawwaa Finfinneetti Daran Jabachuun itti Fufuun Warraaqsii kun Daran Jabaachuun Uummatni Poolisoota Federaalaa  uummata Ajjeesuu fi dhiiga dhangalaasuun warraaqsaa uummata dura kanneen dhaabbachuuf bobba’anb irratti tarkaanfii fudhateen  Poolisootni Federaalaa 4 Du’uufi 7 ol madaa’uu fi Uummatni nagaan namootni 17 olitti Kanneen Lakkaa’aman madaa’uun fi Motorri  codii gabateen ishee 4 A.A 03634 kan mootummaa taate  Irree uummataan barbadoofte, Daandiin Konkolaataa  Finfinnee Gara Adaamaa fi Bahaa Oromiyaatti geessuu bakkoota hedduutti  goototaa dargaggoota Oromnoon cufamee oleera, Warshaan Ispoonjii Zaamuura tti jedhamu Magaalaa Duuklam Keessatti kan Argamuus  barbadaa’era.!
Kutaa Bulchiinsaa Naannoo Oromiyaa suuta suuta Magaalaa Finfinnee jala galfaman  Laaftoo, Labuu, Qarsaa  fi Hannaa Furii jedhamanitti 13524443_10102386976027703_8814025728652017121_n Warraaqsii kun kan Daran jabaatee yoo ta’uu Uummatni ukkamsaan, Duulli Diigumsaa manneen jireenyaa fi Qe’ee nurraa haa dhaabbatuu Gaaffii mirgaaf ajjeechaan, hidhaa fi ukkamsaan deebii hin ta’uu jechuun warraaqsaa finiinsan. Haaluma kanaan Uummatni Oromoo fi Sabaaf sabvlamootni Cunqurfamoon biyyatti bifa dammaqinsa qabuun akka mirga isaaniif falmataniif Qeerroon bilisummaa Oromoo mariisiisaa kan turee fi barruulee warraaqsaa yeroo yeroon uummataaf tamsaasaa kan ture yoo ta’uu, haalaa Warraaqsaa FXG irrattis sabboontoota Uummata Oromoo Magaalaa Finfinnee fi Magaaloota Addaa Naannawaa Finfinneetti Marii gochuun Ibsa waliigalaa Warraaqsaa FXG jabeessuu dabarfachuu Qeerroon ifa gochuun ni yaadatama. Ammas Uummata Qawween fi loltuun cabsanii bituun takkaa hin danda’amu, qe’eef qabeenyaa irraa buqqisuun dhaabbachuu qaba, Gaaffii Mirga Abbaa Biyyummaa Oromoof Deebiin sirnaa kennamuu qaba Hidhamtotni oromoo gaaffii tokko malee hiidhamuu qabu, Kanneen Wareegamanii fi madeeffamaniif mootummaan gumaa kanfaluu qaba!!, kanneen qe’ee fi qabeenyaa irraa buqqifaman qe’ee isaaniitti deebiufamuun beenyaan haamilee kanfalamuu fi qaba!! Mootummaan Ce’umsaa haa hundeeffamu, Waraannii Mootummaa wayyaanee EPRDF/TPLF Oromiyaa gadhiisee bahuu qaba! Waraannii Wayyaanee, poolisootnii, hidhattootni fi humnootni tikaa wayyaanee uummatatti dhukaasuun uummata irraa dhalatan dhiigsuu, ajjeessuu fi ukkamsuu irraa  of dhaabuun gaaffii uummataa dhaggeeffachuun cina dhaabbachuu malee adeemsii amma waraanaan fudhatamaa jiru furmaata tokko illee kan hin finne ta’uu qeerroon hubachiisa jira!!





Walga’ii OPDO’n Dodolaatti waamte mormii uummataatiin goolabame.


OMN:Oduu Wax.29, 2016 Jiraattonni godina Arsii lixaa aanaalee garaagaraa irra walitti dhufan, Konfiransii nageenyaa jedhamuun magaalaa Dodolaatti qophaa’e, Obbo Bakar Shaalee  Itti gaafatamaan hoggaansa OPDO fi qondaltoonni biroon qooda fudhatani irratti  gaaffii hedduu kaasuudhaan qondaltoota kanneen afaan qabsiisuun isaanii himame.

Jiraattonni godina Arsii lixaa aanaalee garaagaraa irraa walitti dhufani magaalaa Dodolaatti konfireensii nageenya jedhamuun kan qophaa’e, kan itti gaafatamaan OPDO obbo Bakar shaalee, komishineera koomishinii Poolisii Oromiyaa fi humnoonni waraanaa hedduun bakka argamanitti gaggeefame irratti hirmatan.Kaayyoon konfireensii nageenya kun inni guddaan, dhimma ajjeecha sukkanneessaa jiraattota godina arsii lixaa irratti raawwatama jiru irratti gaaffiiwwan jajjaboon hirmattoota waltajjii kanaan gafatamaan deebii fi furmaata dhabuun immoo dubbicha haalan jabeessa oole jiraachuun isaas beekkame  jira.

Gaggeessitoonni waltajjii kana gocha ajjeecha raawwacha kan jiran,i farreen nageenya warreen biyyaa alaa jiranidha jedhani hirmattoota amansiisuuuf yaalannis, hirmattoonni garuu dhimma ajjeecha kana dugda duubaa harka mootummaattu keessaa jira jechuun ifaaf ifaatti dubbii isaanii harkatti qabuun isaaniis hirmaataan waltajjii kana dubbataniru.

Hirmattoonni waltajjii kana akka jedhanitti, konfiransii nageenya jetani qopheessuun keessaan, mootummaa nagaa isin hin jechisiisu; hojii gaarii kan sabichi dhugaa bahu hojjeechu qabdu malee jechuun qeequuni isaaniis namni kuni eerani jiru.

Akka hirmaatan waltajjii kana yaada isaanii OMN’f qoddanitti, Obb Bakar shaalee sila OPDO’n aangoo hin qabdani, ergaa sii ergaan mootummichaa bira deemi hojii kee irraa deebi’e ilaali, diraamaa gowwomsaa  waggaa 25 ilaale dhaloottatti hin ceesisnu nu gaheera jechuun makmaku fi qoosaniru  jedhu.
Waltajjii nageenya jedhame kana irratti, warreen nageenya eegu jedhe.

uummanni kaleessaa amana ture amma immoo waadaa nyaatani faallaa sana tahani, humnoonni waraanaa hedduminaan  iddoo kanatti argamani namoonni hedduun akka waltajjii kana irratti qoodda hin fudhannee eega turanis; hirmaattonni waltajjii kana irratti argamani gaaffiiwwan jiraattota bakka bu’aanii haala aja’ibsiisan gaafachu isaanii jiraataan magaalaa Dodolaa Godina arsii lixaa himaniru.

Act now

#OromoProtests 29 June 2016: Namoonni maqaan isaanii armaan gaditti tarreeffaman kunneen Oromiyaa giddu galaa, godina Shawaa Kibba Lixaa aanaa Ammayyaa irraa kanneen hidhamanii dha. Namooti kunnean ergamaa wayyanee bulchaa ganda Harroojjii Ejersa Nadhii kan ta’e, Addunyaa Magarsaa, erga hiisisee baatileen ja’aa ol lakkoofsisee jira.
Namooti kunneen haga yoonaatti Mirga wabiis murtiis dhabanii mana hidhaa Ejersaa kan Walisoo jiru keessatti dararamaa jiru. Jarreen kun ganduma Harroojji Ejersaa Nadhii Keessaa walitti qabamanii hidhaman.

Maqaa, umurii fi hojiin isaanii kana:

1.shallamaa dirbabaa birru-umri-67-q/bulaa

2.urgeessaa ibsataa shorroo-um-57-q/bulaa

3.indaalaa tafarraa banabbaruu-um-70-q/bulaa

4.isheetuu tasammaa shallamaa -um.25-q/bulaa

5.tasfaayee warqinaa gurraachoo-um-48-q/bulaa

6.geetaachoo rafeeraa ukaa-um-28-q/bulaa

7.bareechaa galataa gargaaraa-um-19-q/bulaa

8.dajanee raffisaa baqqalaa-um-27-q/bulaa

9.warqituu asnaaqaa dassaaleny-dubarti-um-30-q/bulaa

10.tsaggaayee mitikkuu tsaggaa-um-55-q/bulaa

11.baqqalaa lateeraa gaaddisaa-um-35-q/bulaa

12.bulloo shallamaa qurus-um-45-q/bulaa

13.balaachoo naggasuu caalchisaa-um-22-q/bulaa

14.alamaayyoo dabbabaa jootee-um-40-q/bulaa

15.shantamaa abarraa gannatii -um-50-q/bulaa

Namoonni ragaa sobaa irratti bahaaa jiran:

1.addunyaa magarsaa-bulchaa gandichaa

2.bulloo adam

3.lateeraa caalchisaa

4.waaqjiraa naggasaa

5.dirribsaa tarreessaa-bulchinsafi nageenya gandichaa

6.biraanee shimallis-haadha manaa addunyaa bulchaa gandichaa



Residents protesting as the fascist Ethiopia’s regime is  to demolish their houses in Hanna Furi, Finfinnee, 29 June 2016. Roads are blocked. ” ታሪኩ የተባልው የአፍራሽ ግብረ ሀይሉ መሪ በህዝቡ ተገድሏል.”

Residents protesting government plan to demolish their houses in Hanna Furi, Finfinnee, 29 June 2016

OromoProtests 29 June 2016:  Oduun Waxabajjii 29 bara 2016 nannoo Finfinneeti qaxxamuree Asi ga’e akka ibsuuti humni polisii wayyaanee kan meeshaa waraanaa hidhatee jiru humna Ummata Oromoo kan meeshaa Uumama ykn dhagaa hidhate jiru wajjiin warrana gaggeeffamaa ture irratti loltun diina 17 ajjeefamanii hedduun immoo hojiin ala akka ta’an Odeessii gamaa sanaa ifa godhee jira. Garuu soba polisii amma kana miti kan du’e jechuun motummaan kan ufiin jettu fashitii wayyaanee wakkachuu akka jirtus himame.

17 Armed fascist Woyane  officers killed and seven civilians injured in a clash at Hanna Furi Area, Lafto Subcity of Finfinnee (Addis Ababa). Residents have been protesting the governments decision to demolish some 30,000 houses in the area with the aim of giving the land to TPLF. The commander of the woyane police was ambushed and his motor cycle was burned down as you see below.

June 28 /29 2016: #Oromo protests in Oromia (finfinnee, Hanna Furi) as the regime engaged in destroying residential houses for land grabs.

This is not just a political slight of hand. This is downright tragic. This is simply brutal. This is an act of state terror. This is bureaucracy deployed to disrupt life and terrorize poor citizens. This is a heartless exposure of people to a miserable death on the streets in these dark rainy days. You can’t call out women and children to a meeting and yet demolish their houses in their absence. We say NO to this in the strongest possible terms! NO! to a continued infliction of unnecessary suffering to poor people! Tsegaye Ararssa. 



Mootummaan abbaa irree wayyaanee Finfinnee kutaalee garaa garaa keessatti manneen jireenya ummataa irraa diigun ummata boochisaa jiru. Jiraatan naannoo Nifaas Silki laaftoo tokko akka jedhanitti lafti har’a Finfinnee jala galchan tuni lafa Oromiyaa turte. Namni kuni waggaa 39 naannoo kana jiraachuu isaanii dubbachujn mootummaan ilmaan Oromoo irraa buqqisaa abbootii qabeenyaf lafa Oromoo gurguraa jira. Mootummaan kuni lammii ofiif dantaa tokko hin qabu. Nuti iddoo itti dedmnu hin qabnu. Carraan keenya nutti dukkanaa’e jedha maanguddoon kuni.


#OromoProtests in Hanna Furi, Finfinnee, 29 June 2016




ODUU  #OromoProtests 28 June  2016

Harargee bahaa Magaalaa Dadariitti mormiin akka itti fufetti jira.

OMN: Oduu Caamsaa 25, 2016

OMN:Oduu Wax.28,2016 Godina Harargee bahaa magaalaa Dadar keessatti mormii dheengadda geggeeffame hordofuun, poolisoota magaalattiin namoonni dararamaa jiraachuu jiraattonni dubbatan.

Magaalaa Dadaritti daragaggoonni hundi walitti qabamuun mirgi abbaa biyyummaa fi abbaa qabeenyummaa nuuf haa kabajamu jechuun kan dheengadda mormii isaanii eegalan.

Mormii kana dhaamsuuf jecha poolisoonni magaalattii dargaggoota kanarratti boombii imimmaanessu darbatanii jiru.

Reebicha hamaa isaan muudateen ammoo daragggononi hedduun miidhamuu jiraataan magaalatti tokko nuuf himan.

Jiraattoonnis ilmaan keenna osoo arginuu hin reebdan jechuun mufii isaanii dhageesisanii turan.
Namni nuti dubbifne akka jedhanitti, dargaggoonni magaalaa Dadar kun dheengadda galagala ture Oromiyaan biyya keenna jechuun kan mormii isaanii finiinsan.

Akka isaan jedhanitti, wayta mormiin dargaggootaa geggeeffamaa turetti, mormii kana karaa nagaan deebisuun hafee poolisoonni magaalattii rasaasa roobsuu eegalan.
Reebichis haalaan hammaatee ture jedhan. Namoonni sadii miidhamuullee dubbatanii jiru.

Mormii achitti geggeeffamee ture hordofuun ammas dararamiinsi namoota nagaa irra gahaa akka jirus namni kun himan.
Haaluma wal fakkaatuun achuma godina Harargee bahaa magaalaa Qobboo keessatti poolisoonni Oromiyaa namoota nagaa irratti dhukaasa roobsaa jiru jedhameera.
Haga ammaatti eentu miidhamee fi kamtu madayee wanti beekkame hin jiru.

Sababni isaatis yeroon halkan waan ta’eef namni wal arguudhaaf hedduu rakkisaadha jedhan.

Rakkooleen kun wayta adda addaatti jiraattota irratti raawwatamaa jiraachuu kan nuuf himani jiraattoonni inni ammaa kun haalaan hamaadha jedhanii jiru.


Jiraattoonni kutaa Nifas Silkii Laaftoo manni isaanii akka jalaa hindiigamne mormataa oolan.

Screen Shot 2016-06-29 at 01.03.53

OMN:Oduu Wax.28,2016 Jiraattoonni naannoo Qarsaa fi kontomaa kutaa bulchiinsaa Nifaas silk-laaftoo, galma waltajjii Laaftootti walgahuun manni keeenya diigamu hin qabu jechuudhaan hoggantootaa gaaffiin jonjessuu bira darbee sagalee isaanii dhaggeessisaa oolun isaanii himame.

Gaaffii jiraattota kanneen deebisuuf gahumsa kan dhabe qaamni waltajjii kana walitti qabe mana keessaan gadi lakkisuu qabdu kan jedhu malee mala furmaata kennuu dadhabuun isaanii immoo dubbichaas haalan hammeessa jiraas jechuun jiraattonni dubbatan jiru.

Magaalaa Finfinne Kutaa bulchiinsa laaftoo labutti, guyyaa har’aa jiraattonni gaaffiiwwan gurguddoo dhimma mootummaan Biyyitti bulcha jiru manneen jireenya isaanii irratti diiguu fi dabarse investerootaaf kennuuf  jedhu irratti qondaltoota waliin mari’atani falu dhabu isaanii irraa kan kahe dubbii guddaan uumuun gara mormiitti jijjiramuun isaa dhaggahame.
Namni waggoota afurtamii afuuriif iddoo kana jiraatanis, dhimmichi mootummaan tahe jedhe waan jal’inaan guuteen, daba lammiilee irratti raawwacha jirudha malee, bu’uurri isaa faayadamummaa lammiilee kan gidduu galeessaa godhaate miti jechuun dubbatu.

Jiraataan waggaa dheeraaf naannoo kana jiraatan akka jedhanitti, naannoo amma mootummaan karoora irratti baase jiraattoota buqqisuuf tattafattu kuni naannoo  Oromiyaa keessatti kan argamudha. Garuu jedhu namni kuni, deemsa keessaa gara magaalaa Finfinneetti dabalame, karoorri amma mootummaan itti jiru kuni immoo, namoota harka-qalleeyyii kuma sodoma(30,000)olitti lakka’amaan miidhuu danda’a, kuni immoo itti aantumma sabaa bulchaan  dhabu agarsiisaas jechuun sagantaa manneen jireenya diiguu kana hadheeefatani mormanii jiru.
Namoota iddoo kanatti mana ijaaratani jiraatanis, waraqaa ittiin lafa bitani mana ijarratani fida qonnan bultoota irraa qarshii keessaan isiniif deebisisne jechuun jiraattota giddutti wal-dhabde uumuuf carraqqiirra  jiraachuun qaamota mootummaa immoo uummatichi dubbii isaanii harkatti tufataniruus jedhame jira.

Waan garaa nama nyaatu jedhu namni nuyi dubbisne kuni, dhiibbaa gama mootummaan isaanii qunnama jiru jala bahuuf, waktiin isa gannaa waan taheef ji’oota muraasa nuuf kenna biyya keesssa iddoo dhabne jira ,biyyoota oollatti illee baqanna isaa jedhuuf illee deebii mootummaa irraa dhabu isaanillee namni kuni  dubbataniru.
Iddoo garaagaratti fala argachuuf socho’uu fi gaaffii  hanga masaraa mootummaa biyyitti dhiyeeffachuun keenya illee, rakkoo godhate akka balleessatti ittiin abarama fi dorsifama jiru jechuun dhimmichaa hadheefatani komatu.
Miidiyaaleen dhuunfaas tahe biyyoota alaa  biyyitti keessaa socho’uun dhorkame kan jirudha, garuu warreen miidiyaa mootummaa EBC, FBC iddoo kanatti argamanis dhugaa jirtu gara mootummaatti dabsani waan gabaasanii namni yaada kennuuf dhibuun immoo dubbicha hangam mootummaa fi sabicha gidduutti hameenyummaan akka jabaate kan agarsiisudha kan jedhaniis nama nuyi dubbisnedha.
Namni kuni akka jedhanitti, bulchittoonni kutaa  bulchiinsa magaalaa Finfinnee Nifas silk laaftoo obbo Fitsum fi obbo Taarikuu namoonni jedhaman, waayita fillanno sagalee ummataa argachuuf waaadaa baay’ee jiraattotaaf kan galaniis, amma waadaa sana haaluudhaan gara jabeenyumma guddaan namoota kanneen irratti murteessa jiraachun isaanii immoo dubbicha haalan hammeessa jira.
Digaamuun  manneen  kana, namoota 30,000 oli tahani mana malee hambisuuf jira waan taheef, yoo mootummaan dhimmaa keenya nuuf  ilaalu hin  barbanne maal tahu fi mudaachu mala kan jedhu gaaffii keessaa nama galcha jechuun jiraattonni magaalaa Finfinnee kutaa bulchiinsaa nifaas silki laaftoo naannoo Qarsaa fi kontoma waamicha isaanii dabarsataniru.
Dhimma kana waliin wal qabate, lubbuu fi dhiigni hedduun dhangala’u ni mala shakkii jedhu akka qabanis dursani beeksisaniru.
Jiraattonni yeroo hunda gadi bahanii dabareedhaan qaama mana isaanii diiguu eega jiru, mootummaan biyyittis tahe warreen meeshaa hidhatan immoo ergama isaanii rawwachu irraa duubaatti hin deebi’anii, sabicha dhaggahu dhiisuu  aadaa erga godhaatanis bubbulan jiru.

Itti aantumma sabaa bulchani karaalee miidiyaa biyyitti dhaggeenyu malee qabatamaatti hin argines jechuun dubbatu.
Yerooma dhiyoo kana, dhimma manneen diiguu kana waliin wal-qabate magaalaa Finfinnee kutaa bulchinsa Boolee bulbula naannoo warra Ganuu keessatti namoonni sadii ajjeefamu isaaniis isiniif gabaasuun keenya ni yaadatama.

Sagalee Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo (SQ) Qophii Waxabajjii 27,2016 / Qophii Addaa “Dirree Xiyyaaraa Moo Dirree Awaaraati” Jedhu Qabateera.


Loltoonni Agaazii jiraattoota godina Shawaa Lixaa hiraarsaa jiru.

Amharic News Feb. 06, 2016

OMN:Oduu Wax.28,2016 Godina Shawaa lixaa aanaalee hedduu keessatti loltoonni mootummaa sakkata’iinsaa fi reebicha hamaa geggeessa jiraachuu jiraattoonni dubbatan.

Akka jiraattoonni himanitti, loltoonni kun baadiyaalee hunda keessa naannayuun shammarranii fi dubartoota Oromoo gudeeduu itti fufanii jiru jedhan.

Raayyaa ittisa biyyaa, poolisoota Federaalaa fi loltota Agaaziitiin gochaaleen foffokkisaa ta’an, jiraattota godina Shawaa lixaa irratti raawwatamaa jiru haalaan jabaatee jira.

Aanaalee hedduu keessatti reebicha, sakkatta’iinsaa fi dararamiinsi jiraattota irratti geggeeffamaa jiru wayta ammaa kan hammaate yoo ta’u, namoota baayyee ammoo qabanii hidhaa jirus jedhamera.

Namoota hidhaman keessaa manguddoonni umariin waggaa 70 jiraachuullee jiraattonni dubbatan.

Jiraataan godinichaa akka nuuf himanitti, loltoonni mootummaa kun meeshaa waraanaa gurguddaa hidhachuun magaalaa fi baadiyaa hunda keessa deemuun namoota dararaa  jiru jedhan.
Loltoonni kun manniin barumsaa, buufata fayyaa fi waajjiraalee hedduu keessa kan qubsiifaman yoo ta’u, jiraattoonnis rakkoo hamaa keessa jiraachuu dubbatan.

Akka namni kun jedhanitti yeroo gara yerootti gidiraan jiraattota godina Shawaa lixaa irratti raawwatamaa jiru haalaan hammaatee jira.

Manniin jiraattotaa dabalatee magaalaa keessatti manniin siree hundi sakkata’amaa jira.
Baadiyaa hunda keessa naannayuun gara jabeeyyiin hoomaa waraanaa kun shamarranii fi dubartoota irratti gudeeddii raawwataa jiru jedhan.

Magaalaa Gincii keessaa ammoo manguddoon umriin isaanii waggaa 70 ta’an loltoota kanaan qabamanii hidhamanii jiru. Daragaggoonni hedduun ammoo reebamaa jiraachuu himan.

Hoteelonni manniin siree hundi loltoota kanaan sakkata’amaa kan jiran yoo ta’u, namoonni manniin siree bulan, waraqaan eenyummaa isaanii gaafatamuun, doorsifamaa akka jiranillee himan.
Kana raawwachuun mootummichaa ammas bifa itti fufiinsa qabuun mormiin ummataa geggeeffamuu mala shakkii jedhuun ummata dararaa jira jedhan.

Loltoonni mootummaan bobbaase kun biyya nagaa qabdu keessa naannayuun ummattoota nagaa dhoorgaa jiru kan jedhan namni kun, kanarraa ka’uun jiraattoonni hundi yaaddoo keessa seenanii jiru.

Kun kanaan osoo jiruu mormii guutummaa godina Shawaa lixaa keessatti geggeeffameen, mootummaan biyyattii bulchaa jiru, jiraattota sanyii filatamaa fi xaa’oo dhoorgatee rakkisaa jira jedhan.

Haala amma argaa jirru kanaan biyyattiin mootummaa fi seer-dhablee taatee jirti jechuun dubbatanii jiru.


Qabsoon Itti Fufa!













Godina Arsii Aanaa Diksiis fi Magaala Hamdaa Akkasumas Asaasaa Keessatti FXG Itti Fufee Oole.

Waxabajjii 25,216

13497936_134055650350611_5703429190010668559_oGodina Arsii aanaa Diksiis magaalaa Hamdaa keessatti guyyaa har’aa mormii barattoonni mana barumsaa sadarkaa tokkoffaa godhaa oolani.

Kana malees ummanni Magaalaa Asaasaa fi naannoo ishee mormiirra ooleera mormiilee isaanii keessatti ajjeechan gara jabeenyaa kan addatti ummata Oromoorratti raawwataa jiru haa dhaabbatu nuti wayyaanen hin bullu soba Wayyaanee hifanne jechaa oolaniiru, Arsii magaalota hedduu keessatti waraana akka cabbiitti gadi naquun ummata sochii dhoorgaa jiru.





TPLF’s delegates being escorted by police in Rotterdam, Netherlands after their planned event was forcefully cancelled by #OromoProtests, 25 June 2016.

Lukkee Wayyaanee bifa kanaan poolisiin Holland ummata jalaa baasee geggeesse.



TPLF delegates being escorted by police in Rotterdam, Netherlands after their planned event was forcefully cancelled by Oromo protesters .

Demonstratie in Rotterdam tegen ‘genocide’ Ethiopië

Honderden demonstranten blokkeerden zaterdag een zaal in Rotterdam waar leden van de Ethiopische ambassade aanwezig zouden zijn. De emoties liepen daarbij hoog op.

De activisten zijn woedend op de Ethiopische leiders. Die zouden zich schuldig maken aan ‘genocide’ op de Oromo, de grootste etnische groep in het land.

”Duizenden Oromo zijn gearresteerd en in hechtenis”, staat te lezen in flyers, die door demonstranten werden uitgedeeld aan de Tamboerstraat in Rotterdam.

De sfeer tijdens de protest was gespannen. De activisten bekogelden een busje met vertrekkende ambassademedewerkers met eieren.

Het vertrek van de Ethiopische functionarissen ging verder gepaard met veel gejoel en geschreeuw. De politie moest de aanwezige demonstranten in bedwang houden.

Voor de jonge bezoekers in het aangrenzende kinderwerkplaats de Ontdekhoek was de demonstratie even schrikken. Zij moesten enige tijd binnen wachten.

Mensenrechtenorganisatie Human Rights Watch sloeg eerder deze maand alarm over het gewelddadige optreden van veiligheidstroepen in het Afrikaanse land.

Zij zouden sinds november vorig jaar tijdens demonstraties zeker vierhonderd activisten hebben gedood. Ook zouden tienduizenden mensen zijn opgepakt.

De Oromo demonstreren volgens de activisten in Rotterdam tegen illegale landroof door de regering, die boeren hun land zou afpakken.

OromoProtests in Asaasaa, Arsi,  Oromia, 25 June 2016.

Waxabajjii 25 bara 2016 Arsii Lixaa Magaalaa Asaasaatti har’a mormii ummataa cimaatu godhamaa oole.


#OromoProtests in Asaasaa, Arsi, Oromia, 25 June 2016 p3


#OromoProtests in Asaasaa, Arsi, Oromia, 25 June 2016



#OromoProtests in Asaasaa, Arsi, Oromia, 25 June 2016 p2






#‎FxG‬ Kuni injifannoo guddaaadha Uummatni Oromoo Xiqqaaf Guddaan Bakka Oolumsa isaa hunddaatti qabsoo finiinsaa jiraachuun nama oonnachiisa. Bakka jiruu ofii hundatti mallattoo biyya ofii fi eenyummaa ofii ibsu godhachuun sabboonummaa ofii cala’qi’siisa. Diina ofii funyaan jala taa’anii ittiin morkuun ‪#‎Gootummmaadha‬. Oromoon Goota.
FXG Oropmiyaa maraa keessatti ta'aa jiru nama onnachiisaa

#OromoProtests, June 24, 2016

Waxabajjii 24 bara 2016 yunivaristii saayinsifi tekinolojii Adaamaa keessattii kana argamuu Gumiin Aadaa fi seenaa oromoo ykn GASO kab jedhamu guyyaa haardha tana galgalaa 12:00 irraa kasee saganta ballee ykn Angoo fi hundeefama waggaa 10 ffaa gumichaa kabajacha olaan haa ta’u malee saganata kana irrattii kan argamaan keessummaa kabaja ta’udhaan. Dargagoo
# Firaa’ol Damee
# laalisaa Dagagaa
# Eebbisee
kan jedhaman xumuraa sagantichaa irrattii ukamfamani fudhatamanii jiruu. waa nama gadisisuu keessaa muccayoo maqaan ishee eebbisee jedhamtuu.hiriyyaa firaa’ol waan taateef imimmaa ishee osoo dhangalasaa jirtuu naasuu tokko malee ergamtooni wayyaanee ukkamsanii konkolaata keessattii darbanii fudhatan deemani kana. kuni kanan osoo jiruu dargagoo laalisaa dagaga muccaa jedhamus batalumaa akka bubbee obonboleetii lafa ol kasanii tarataniini jiruu yaa oromoo maaliu keenya malii. ijolleen kun balleessaa tokko malee fudhataman‪‪. Adama Science and Technology University

“Qawwee Kee Mukatti Hirkisi” Jechaa Mootummaa Wayyaanee Balaaleffachuun Qeerroon Godina Wallaggaa Aanaa Gullisoo Guyyaa Har’aa Waxabajjii 24,2016 FXG Gaggeessan.

Video Player

Lixa Oromiyaa Keessatti Warraqsi FXG Jabaatee Itti Fufuu Qeerroon Gabaase.

Waxabajji 24,2016

Najjo sanyii Abdiisaa
NajjooGodina Wallaggaa lixaa aanaa najjoo bulchiinsa magaalaa Warra Jirruu keessatti fincilli xumura garbummaa bifa haaraan dhohee jira.Fincilli kun kan jalqabe baratoota mana barumsaa sadarkaa 2ffaa magaalattiin yeroo ta,u fincilichi daran jabaachuun guutummaa uummata magaalattii
dhuunffachuun dhaga,amee jira.
Dhaadannoowwan jajjaboof Walleewwan onnechiisoo wallee warraaqsaa dhageessisaa tura.Humni federaalaas baratoota nagaa irratti dhukaasa banuun magaalattii goolaa jiraachuu maddeen keenya achirraa nu qaqaban ifa godha

Godina Wallaggaa Magaalaa Giddaa Ayyaanaa Keessatti FXG Akka Itti Fufetti Jira.

GiddaakooGiddaan giddima

FXG Dhaabuuf Wayyaaneen Trakaanfii Ilmaan Oromoo Irratti Fudhataa Jirtu Itti Fufus FXG Jabeessee Iti Fufeera

Waxabajii 23,2016
Wayyaaneen yeroo ammaa oromiyaa keessatti FXG dura dhaabbachuudhaaf ajjeechaa haalli isaa hin beekamne kan bifa jijjiirrate dhokataa ilmaan Oromoo irratti raawwataa jiru addatti godina Arsii lixaa magaala shaashimanneetti torban lamaa asitti ilmaan Oromoo nagaa irratti tarkaanfiin ajjechaa raawwataa jiru daran suukkanneessaa kan taheedha. Kana malees waraanni wayyaaneen kan aggaamee ajeese mootummaan gaafatamaa jalaa bahuuf lola dhuunfaa fi firaatti jijjiiraa jira. akka fakkeenyaatti shamarree  guyyaa lamaan dura calanqootti ajjeefamte mootummaan wayyanee lola dhuunfaatti jijjiiree jira. kan waraanni ajjeese akka waan firaan, dhuunfaadhaan lolli uumamee lubbuu ilmaan Oromootti taphataa jira. Haatahu malee akkasuma godina Arsii lixaa magaala Shaashimanneetti lubbuu halkan halkan darbee bulu hin dhaabbanne hanga ammaatti.
Mootummaan Wayyaanee shiroota garagaraa xaxee dadhabee milkaawuu hin dandeenye. Haala kanaan amma oromiyaa keessa godina shawaa lixaa, Wallagga lixaa, Wallagga bahaa keessatti kaleessa Waxabajii 22/2016 irraa kaasee ajjechaan ilmaan Oromoo irratti raawwataa jiru dhaabachuu qaba, kan hidhatamanis haa gadhiifaman jechuudhaan FXG itti fufeetu jira.
Godina Shaggar  lixaa aanaalee hedduutti daandiin cufamee jira kaleessa irraa kaasee. Akkasuma wallagga lixaa magaala Mandii, Najjoo, Haaruu
fi kkf keessatti mormiin uummataan waan jabaateef humni waraana agaazii jedhamu kan lubbuu ilmaan Oromoo dhangalaasee bare ammallee godinoota kannenitti bobahaa jira. wayyaaneen ammas nagaadhaan aangooshee irraa kan hin buune yoo tahe tarkaanfiin ilmaan ishee Oromiyaa keessaa qabdu ilmaan tigrootaa irratti akeekamee jiru galma gahuu kan hin hankaakneedha.

Lixa Shaggar Magaalaa Amboo Keessatti Warraaqsi Akkuma Finiinetti Jira

Waxabajji 23,2016
Itti fufaHar’a magaalaan Amboo daran dirree waraanaa fakkaattee jirti. Mormiin Wayyaanee wajjin eegalame itti fufuun barattoonni kutaa 11ffaa qophaa’inaa Amboo balaaleffannaa ajjeechaa uummata Shashamannee,du’a garajabumma mootumichi uummata oromoorratti fudhachaa jiru addatti mormaa jiru.

Magaalattii keessatti dhaadannoon barattootaan dhagaa’aman mootummaa shororkaa yaaddoof rifaatuu keessa galchee jira.Barattoonni kutaa 11 barumsa dhiisanii ya’anii murna bicuu daguggaa sanyii keessattuu Shaashamannee keessatti fudhachaa jirtu balaalefataa jiran,Ajjeechaa suukanneessaa akka hatattamaan dhaabu gaafatan.Haalli magaala keessaa hedduu yaaddeessaadha.Humna afaan qawweetti amanu dura barattoonni dhaabatanii mormii haala gaariin dhageessisaa jiru.Konkolaataan olis ta’e gadi deemu sakatta’insa cimaa irra jira.Baajaajonni magaalaa keessaas yeroo deemanis ta’e deebi’an sakkatta’amaa jiru uummata konkolaataa keessa Jiru dabalatee. magaalaan qondaaltota Wayyaaneen guutamtee jirti.
Oduu dabalataan gara Lixa Oromiyyatti yoo darbinu Magaalaan Mandii kaleessa balaaleffannaa mootummaa Wayyaaneerra turuun ,Mootummaan gochawwaan rifaasisoo hatatamaaan akka Uummata Oromoorraa dhaabu,Ajjeechaa dukkana uffatee Uummata nagaarratti banee jiru,Keessattuu ajjeechaa magaalaa Shaashamanneefi ajjeechaa durbee Sabriinaarra dhaqabee jiru,Ajjeechaa garaa namaa madeessuu akkasii,Hatatamaan akka harkasaa irraa deeffatu,Gaafatanii jiran Gochaawwaan fokkisoo mul’inatti nurratti fudhatamuuf kan harkasaa hin deffanne yoo ta’e,Uummati murtoo mataasaa fudhachuuf qophii ta’uu,Barattootaaf jiraattonni Mandii mormiisaaniin ibsatanii jiru.


#Oromoprotests: Loud Yearning for Freedom in Shashemene, Oromia,  June 22, 2016

#‎OromoProtests Loud Yearning for Freedom in Shashemene June 22, 2016


FXG Lixa Shaggar Ambo Keessatti Akka Itti Fufetti Jira.

Waxabajji 22,2016
Warraqsi barattota Amboon eegale daran babal’achuun uummata dabalatee jira Haaluma Kanaan Guyyaa har’aa mana Barumsaa futuritti qabsoon eegalame finiinaa deemuun Ummata Dabalachuun Cimee Jira.Qabsichi Itti Fufuun Daandii Amboo Gara Finfinnee Geessu Yeroo Murtaa’eef Cufamee Tureera! Qondaalttonni Wayyaanee Sadii Miidhamaniiru Akkasumas Konkolaataan Wayyaanee Haalaan Caccabdee Jirti.
Walumaa Galatti Wayyaaneen Har’a muddamuun  Oliif Gadi Kaachaa Ooltee Jirti. FXGn HAALA KANAAN MAGAALAA AMBOO FI NAANNOOSHEETTI ITTI FUFEE JIRA.
Gama biraatiin Lixa Oromiyaa Bakkeewwan Tokko tokko keessatti warraqsa finiineen Uummati gaaga’ama jabaa keessa jira,Gaaga’ama kana magaalaa Najjoo warra jirruu keessatti sochii barattoonni kaasaniin uumati humna waraanaa Wayyaaneen shororkeeffamaa jira.Akkasuma magaalaa Naqamtee keessatti humni addaa Hidda gabroonfattootaa kan turan,Kanneen Ayyaalee Faabboobet wajjiin hojjechaa turan irratti
tarkaanfii jabaan fudhatamee jira,Gareen diinaa kun kaayyoo Uummata Oromoof Afaan Oromoo barbadeessuu qabatee kan deemu,caasaa Lixa Oromiyaa keessatti bakkeewwan hedduu keessaa kan qabu yoo ta’u,Sochiif warraqsa uummataan akkasuma Humna addaa Lixa Oromiyaa keessa socho’uun caasawwaan isaanii addaan baafamanii jiru,Warreen hafanirratti tarkaanfii jabaan nii fudhatama achuma Wallagga bahaa Keessatti Magaalaa Arjoo jedhamtutti guyyoota muraasa darban keessa Qaamonni mootummaa namoota karaa deemaaniin Konkolaataa caccabsan jechuun Dhukaasa Namoota nagaarratti banteen naamoonni miliqanii kan hafan ta’ullee,Jabbiin Qote bultoota achii tokko rasaasa namatti dhukaateen ajjefamte konkolaataan Golden bus qabeenyummaan kan Wayyaanee kan ta’e Lixa Oromiyaa keessa socho’uu sodaate jira.

#OromoProtests June 22 2016,  Waxabajji 22,2016: Godina Wallaggaa lixaa aanaa Najjoo bulchiinsa
magaalaa Warra Jirruu keessatti fincilli xumura garbummaa bifa haaraan dhohee jira.Fincilli kun kan jalqabe baratoota mana barumsaa sadarkaa lammaffaa magaalattiin yeroo ta,u fincilichi daran jabaachuun guutummaa uummata magaalattii dhuunffachuun dhaga,amee jira.
Dhaadannoowwan jajjaboof Walleewwan onnechiisoo wallee warraaqsaa dhageessisaa tura humni federaalaas baratoota nagaa irratti dhukaasa banuun magaalattii goolaa jiraachuu maddeen
keenya achirraa nu qaqaban ifa godha.

(SBO/VOL – Waxabajjii 21,2016) Waxabajjii 20-21/2016 Godina Bahaa Oromiyaa Harargee Bahaa fi Dhihaa Aanota Garaagaraa Keessatti Warraaqsii Biyyoolessaa Oromiyaa FXGn Daran jabaachuun itti Fufe, Waraani Agaazii Wayyaanee, Liyuu Hayilii fi Koraa Bittinneessaa jedhamanis Yakka Duguuginsa Sanyii Ilman Oromoo Irratti gaggeessa jiru.

Godinoota Harargee Bahaa aanota akka Dadar Magaalaa Qobboo, Gursuum, Magaalaa Calanqoo, Godina Harargee Lixaa aanaa Mi’eessoo, Magaalaa Mi’eessoo dabalatee Warraaqsii biyyoolessaa Oromiyaa FXGn, gootota barattoota Oromoo kutaa 12ffaan daran jabaachuun itti fufee jira.

Goototni barattootni Oromoo Godina bahaa Oromiyaa, Harargee bahaa fi lixaa keessatti qorumsa kutaa 12ffaa seensa yuunibarsiitiif qophaa’aa jiraachuun keenya utuma beekamuu roorroo fi hiraarsa saba keenyaa fi nurra ga’aa jiruu obsuu waan dadhabneef warraaqsa finiinsuun falmachaa baranna; kunis warraaqsaa keenya irraa duubatti hin deebinu jechuun warraaqsaa finiinsu irratti argamu.

Goototni Barattootni Oromoo fi Qeerroon Dargaggootni Oromoo erga Oromiyaan bulchiinsa waraanaa jala galfamtee addatti duulli itti fufiinsaan waraanaa Agaazii, Liyuuhayilii, Poolisii federaalaa fi Kora bittinneessaa jedhamaniin uummata Oromoo irratti gaggeeffama jiraachuun godinoota Harargee lamaanii fi Oromiyaa bakkoota hedduutti ilmaan Oromoo guyyuu ajjeefamaa fi ukkaanfamaa jiraachuun Qeerroo dargaggoota, gootota barattootaa fi ummata Oromoo boqonnaa kan dhorkee fi daranuu kan warraaqsatti jabeessaa jiruu dha. Kana irraa warraaqsa FXG jabeessuun roorroo of irraa deebisuuf kan murteeffatan ta’uu ifa gochuun FXG finiinsuutti jabaatan.

Sababaan addaa warraaqsa FXG kana jabeessuuf dirqaman kan biroon immoo dabballootni kittallayyoota wayyaanee ta’an jibbinsaa barattoota Oromoof qaban deeggarsaa barattoota kutaa 12ffaa sababa qorumsaa yeroon itti dheeraateef godhameef dhorkachuun mirga barattoota Oromoo ukkaamsuufi deeggarsaa godhameef bu’aa dhuunfaa isaaniif oolfachuu irraa goototni barattootni Oromoo Aanaa Dadar magaalaa Qobboo, Aanaa Gursum, Anaa Mi’eessoo Magaalaa Mi’eessoo warraaqsaa finiinsuun dura dhaabbachuun falmachaa jiran.

Akkuma amaleeffatee fi baratee mootummaan wayyaanee fi ergamtuun wayyaanee OPDO’n ilmaan Oromoo bulchiinsa waraanaa jala jiran irratti loltoota agaazii bobbaasuun Oromoo nagaa hojjetatee of jiraachisuu fi mormii keessatti illee hin argamiin itti dhukaasanii ajjeesuu itti fufuun Shaamarree Oromoo kan hojii buna daandii irratti danfistee ittin of jiraachiftuu fi maatii ishee tajaajiltuu dubree Sabrina Abdallaa jedhamtuu Harargee Bahaa magaalaa Calanqootti itti dhukaasuun, lubbuun ishee wareegame jira.

Kana malees Godina Harargee Bahaa fi Lixaa keessatti bakkoota garaagaraatti yakki waraanaa ummata Oromoo irratti gaggeeffamaa jiraachuun walqabatee Qeerroo fi ummatni wal ta’uun addatti warraaqsa Biyyooleessa Oromiyaa FXG daran jabeessuun dura dhaabbachuu qofatu furmaata jechuun waamicha warraaqsaa waliif akkasumas guutuu barattoota, dargaggoota/qeerroo fi ummata Oromoo cufaaf dabarsaa jiraachuun ibsamee jira.

Injifannoon uummata Oromoof






#OromoProtests 22 June 2016: Ajjeechaan Sabrina Abdallaa kan dhagahe hunda Sabrii dhowwate. Ajjeechaan mucittii miskiina kana irratti hidhattoota mootummaatiin raaw’atame ergaa guddaa Oromoof dabarsa. Ajjeefamuuf Oromoo tahuun qofti gahaa akka tahe nutti hima. Sabriinaan dhagaa darbitee miti yookiis qawwee baattee hidhattootatti dhukaaftee miti kan ajjeefamte. Oromoo waan taateef qofa. Bakki ajjeechaan kun itti raaw’atame ammoo Calanqoo lafa lafeen Oromoo kumaatamaa lafa jala ciiftu. Tarkaanfiin Wayyaaneen Shashamannee fi Baha Oromiyaatti ummata Oromoo nagaa irratti fudhataa jirtu godaannisa madaa gaafa Calanqo fi Aanoolee daranuu billawa itti horfee dhiigsuun tarkaanfii maayyii fi murteessaaf Oromoo qopheessa malee hin callisiisu!


Sabriinaa Abdallaa Gootittii Oromoo bara 2016 Sanyi Bakar Waaree



#OromoProtests 21 June 2016, the Road to Dire Dawa has been closed by commandeered bus at Chalanqo in protest against the barbaric killing of Sabrina Abdalla.

Daandiin gara Dire Dhawaa deemuu ganama kana Calanqorratti cufamee jira.

#OromoProtests 21 June 2016, the Road to Dire Dawa has been closed by commandeered bus at Chalanqo in protest against the barbaric killing of Sabrina Abdalla






18 years old young Oromo woman Sabrina Abdalla was shot by fascist Agazi of the TPLF Ethiopia’s regime on 20 June 2016 in Chalanqo, East Hararge, Oromia. She has died at upon arrival at Harar hospital. She was shot in a small hut she uses to sell tea and coffee.


Young Oromo woman Sabrina Abdalla was shot by fascist Agazi of the TPLF Ethiopia's regime on 20 June 2016 in Chalanqo, East Hararge, Oromia

Sabriinaa Abdallaa kan Harargee bahaa magaalaa Calanqoo keessatti loltoota Agaaziitin Waxabajjii 20 bara 2016 dhawamtee turte, hospitaal Harar osoo geessaa jiranii lubbuun dabartee jirti. Sabriinaan bakkuma ishiin shaayii danfiftee gurgurtu keessatti rasaasaan dhawamte. Reeffi isii gara Calanqoo deebifmaa jira.
Rabbiin wareegmtoota keenya biroo waliin warra jannataa haa godhu. Firaafi maatii isii rabbiin jajjabina haa kennuuf.

Body of Sabrina Abdalla (18 years), the 10th grade Oromo female student who was gunned down in the night of 20 June 2016 byfascist Ethiopia’s regime soldiers in Chalanqo, East Hararge, Oromia.

Kun reefka Sabrinaa Abdallaa barattuu kutaa 10ffaa kan galgala  Waxabajjii 20 bara 2016 loltoonni Wayyaanee Harargee Bahaa magaalaa Calanqotti galafataniiti. Ganama waxabajjii 21 baraa 2016 ummanni Calanqoo buqqa’ee ba’uun mormii guddaa dhageessisaa jira.


Body of Sabrina Abdalla, the 10th grade Oromo student who was gunned down in the night of 20 June 2016 byfascist Ethiopia's regime soldiers in Chalanqo, East Hararge.Body of Sabrina Abdalla, the 10th grade Oromo student who was gunned down in the night of 20 June 2016 by fascist Ethiopia's regime soldiers in Chalanqo, East Hararge.


Shaggar Lixaa Keessatti FXG Haalaan Jabaatee Itti Fufee

Waxabajji 20,2016
1bFincilli xumura gabrummaa Ambo Keessatti bifa Jabaan eegalee raafama guddaa Mootummaa Shororkaa Wayyaaneerraan gahaa jira FXG barattoo Amboon erga dheengadda eegalee har’as itti fufee jira.Haaluma kanaan Shaggar Lixaa Magaalaa Ambootti Manni Barumsaa Sadarkaa tokkoffaa Carii qabsoo Finiinsaa oolan.Haaluma kanarraa ka’uun qondaaltonni Wayyaanee manneen barnootaa kanneen akka Carii, Liiban Maccaa fi Mana Barumsaa qophaa’inaa xiyyeeffannoo addaa itti kennuun bahaa fi gala barataa eegaa jiru.Oolmaan magaalaa Amboo guyyaa har’aa qondaaltota Wayyaaneetiin guutamuun dirree waraanaa fakkaattee jirti yeroo ammaa kanas dabalatee humni waraanaa buufata godhatee itti duulaa jira.


Barattoonni eebbifamtoonni Oromoo yuunivarsitii garaa garaa dhaadannoo adda addaa maxxansaa jiru. #OromoProtests 20 June 2016

barattoonni eebbifamtoonni Oromoo yuunivarsitii garaa garaa dhaadannoo adda addaa maxxansaa jiru. #OromoProtests 20 June 2016



Qeerroon Bilisummaa Yuuniverstii Diillaa Waamicha Warraaqsaa Dabarse.


Qeeyroon Yuuniversitii Diillaa keessatti waraqaa warraaqsaa “WAAMICHA LAMMUMMAA” jedhu maxxansuun Qeeyroon gabaasee jira. kunis Waxabajii 18/2016 barreeffamni warraaqsaa bittimfame kun poolisii Wayyaanee boqonnaa dhorgudhaan naasuudhaan waraanni naannoo moorichaa akka qubatu taasifamee jira. Waraqaan kun erga maxxanfamee kaasee Yuuniversitiin keessaa fi alaan waraanaan marfamuudhaan barruuwwan Qeeyroon waamicha taasise kana bakka maxxanfamee waraanni funaanuunis meeshaa camadee barattota tiksuunis odessi Qeeyroo moorichaa nu gahe addeessee jira.
Naannoo Kibbaa godina uummata Segen aanaa Konsootti akkuma duraan eegale fincilli ammas jabaatee itti fufuun Qeeyroon gabaaseetu jira. Fincilli kun aanaa Konsoo magaala Kaaraatitt wayyaaneen dhiyoo akkuma uummata konsoo irratti tarkaanfii suukkanneessaa fudhatteen ammallee kan hin dhaabnes dargaggeessa konsoo tokko ajjehcaa irratti raawwachuudhaan kan ajjeeses poolisii humna addaa wayyaanee tahuunis kan barame yoommuu tahu fincilli uummataan ammas jabaatee kan itti fufee jiru tahunis gabaafamee jira.




#OromoProtests 20  June (Waxabajjii)  2016:  Students in Shamene staged mass protest against the killing of their classmate, Harun Haji Tusu, who was murdered by unknown assailants. The students marched through the town and paid a mass visit to Harun’s family. Students have demanded those responsible must be identified and held accountable at the court of law. Shashemene Police has announced arresting several.

Magalaa Shaashamanneetti barattoonni har’a ajjeechaa hiriyaa isaanii Haarun Haji Tusuu balaaleffachuun hiriiraan maatii isaa bira booyicha gahanii jiran. Barattoonni kun warri yakkaa suukaneessaa kana hiriyaa isaanii irratti raaw’ate saffisaan beekamanii seeraafi dhihaatanii akka adabaman gaafatanii jiran. Kaleessa Poolisiin Shashamannee namoota yakkan kanaan shakkaman qabnee jirra jechuun suura isaanii facaasee jira. Namoonni kun dhuguma warra yakkicha raaw’ate moo kanneenuma mootummaan dubbii ofirraa qabbaneessuuf walitti qabe ta’uun ifaa miti. Poolisin Shaashamannee ragaa gahaafi amansiisaa waliin dhiheessee ummata amansiisuu qaba.


#Oromo Protests, Shashemene, Oromia, 20 June 2016 #Oromo Protests, Shashemene, Oromia, 20 June 2016 p2

#Oromo Protests, Shashemene, Oromia, 20 June 2016 p3

#OromoProtests 20 June 2016:  12 grade students rally in Qobo town, East Hararage, Oromia complaining that the government is not providing with necessary support needed prepare for exam.

Waxabajjii 20 bara 2016 Aana dadar magaala Qobbootti baratotoni kuta 12 Maalaqa degarsa nuf kaana ja’ani gaafatan saababa bulchan ana Dadar Obbo Taajiir Shame koraabiitinesa irati bobase jolee reeba jiran.

#OromoProtests 20 June 2016 in Qobbo, East Hararge, Oromia 12th grade students and residents marching.

Harargee Bahaa magaalaa Qobbootti barattoonni bifa kanaan waxabajjii 20 bar 2016 mormii godhaa turan.


#Oromo Protests, Qobboo town, Dadar, Hararghe, Oromia, 20 June 2016#Oromo Protests, Qobboo town, Dadar, Hararghe, Oromia, 20 June 2016 p1#Oromo Protests, Qobboo town, Dadar, Hararghe, Oromia, 20 June 2016 p2






#‎OromoProtests‬ 19 June 2016:  Namoonni maqaan isaanii armaan gaditti tarreeffaman kun Godina Sh/K/Lixaatti aanaa Ammayyaa ergamaan wayyanee bulchaa ganda Harroojjii Ejersa Nadhii kan ta’e addunyaa magarsaa erga hiisisee ji’a 6 ol lakkoofsisanii jiru. Mirga wabiis murtiis dhabanii mana hidhaa ejersaa kan walisoo jiru keessatti hafanii jiru.
Maqaa, umurii fi hojiin isaanii kana:
1.shallamaa dirbabaa birru-umri-67-q/bulaa
2.urgeessaa ibsataa shorroo-um-57-q/bulaa
3.indaalaa tafarraa banabbaruu-um-70-q/bulaa
4.isheetuu tasammaa shallamaa -um.25-q/bulaa
5.tasfaayee warqinaa gurraachoo-um-48-q/bulaa
6.geetaachoo rafeeraa ukaa-um-28-q/bulaa
7.bareechaa galataa gargaaraa-um-19-q/bulaa
8.dajanee raffisaa baqqalaa-um-27-q/bulaa
9.warqituu asnaaqaa dassaaleny-dubarti-um-30-q/bulaa
10.tsaggaayee mitikkuu tsaggaa-um-55-q/bulaa
11.baqqalaa lateeraa gaaddisaa-um-35-q/bulaa
12.bulloo shallamaa qurus-um-45-q/bulaa
13.balaachoo naggasuu caalchisaa-um-22-q/bulaa
14.alamaayyoo dabbabaa jootee-um-40-q/bulaa
15.shantamaa abarraa gannatii -um-50-q/bulaa

Namoonni ragaa sobaa irratti bahaaa jiran:
1.addunyaa magarsaa-bulchaa gandichaa
2.bulloo adam
3.lateeraa caalchisaa
4.waaqjiraa naggasaa
5.dirribsaa tarreessaa-bulchinsafi nageenya gandichaa
6.biraanee shimallis-haadha manaa addunyaa bulchaa gandichaa

Xalayaa Aanaa Ammayyaa irra. #OromoProtests 19 June 2016


#OromoProtests 19 June 2016: Haarun Hajj and Dastaa Kadir Gammadaa, Oromo youths murdered by fascist TPLF killing forces on 17 June 2016.


Shashamannee Shororkaa Wayyaaneetiin miidhamaa jirti

Magaalaa Shashamannew keessa jiraachaan ture, Jiraachaan jiras, Garuu Abbichu Haalli gidduu tanaa Qaaquun nama surura,Halkan dukkana Uffatanii Dargaggoo jabduu tana lafu naqaa bulan,Torbee tana keessattille Namoota Torba Ajjeesaanii jiran. Eenyuun akka ajjeefaman hin beekamu. Ani gama tiyyaan Magaalattii gadi lakkisi na godha. Mootummaan Waraabeessi tun dukkana daheeffattee nu daguugaa jirti. Hawwaasi Shashamannee wal harkaa fuudhani tanuma qaaqaa jiran. Jiraachuu molqamuun keenya aarii guddaa nu seensisaa jira. Uummatille hedduu aaraa jira magaalattii keessatti halli tunillee hin sirreefamu taanan Qeerroo Shaashee Tarkaanfii mataa teenya Fudhacuuf jenna. Teessattu gochiin dheengadda Hiriyaakoo osoo salataa bahuu ajjeechaa gara jabeessi irra gahe nagalle na dhorkee jira. Nuti Amantiin teenyallee mootummaa cinatti akka sarbamaa jiru argaa jirra. Barri nuti teenyee ofirratti ilaallu hafe jira. Hawwaasa Oromoo Shaashee jiruun Osoo dhalli teessan dhoksaan duutuu teessanii nurratti akka hin ilaalle ittin nuu gahi. 

Haarun Hajji, Oromo youth murdered by fascist TPLF forces on 17 June 2016. Dastaa Kadir Gammadaa, Oromo youth murdered by fascist TPLF forces on 17 June 2016.

Odeessa Mana Barumsaa Qopha’ina Amboo Barattoota achiirraa argameen

#OromoProtests 19 June 2016: Odeeffannoon Amma Nu Gahe Akka Ibsutti Barataan Natural Saayinsii Tamasgan Jedhamu Qondaala Wayyaaneetiin Rukutamee Dhiigni Afaaniif Funyaaniin Bahuu Isaafi Akkasumas Mormii Fi Fincala Guyyaa Lamaa Booda Gaaffiin Barattootaa Fudhatama Argachuun Isaa Himameera! Dabalataan Barattoonni M/b Qophaa’inaa Amboo Barnootawwan Qarmaata Biyyoolessaa Irratti Hin Dhufneen Kanneen Akka IT, Drawingii Fi Kkf Nu Hin Cinqiinaa Gaaffiin Jedhu Barattoota Biraa Ka’uunsaa Fi Gaafichi Fudhatama Argachuun Isaas Himamee Jira.Haala Kanaan Qeerroon Magaalaa Amboo Mootummaa Wayyaanee Raasaa Jiru! Qeerroon Oromiyaas Haala Kanaan Finciluu Qabu Jechuun Dhaamsa Dhaamanii Jiru Qeerroon Magaalaa Amboo!




Godina Horroo Guduruu Wallaggaa Aanaa Abbaay Coommaan Suuluula Warshaa Sukkaaraa Finca’aa fi Mana Barusuu Suuluulaa Finca’aatti Warraaqsii FXG Bifa Adda Ta’een Dhoofame Alaabaan ABO Fajjiin Qabsoo Bilisummaa Oromoos Ol Qabamee Dhaabamuun Ibsame Jira.

Waxabajjii 17-18/2016 
BarsiisotaGoototni uummatni Oromoo hojjettootni warshaa Sukkaaraa Fincaa’aa ,goototni barattootni Oromoo mana barumsaa Suluulaa Fincaa’aa sadarkaa 1ffaa  kutaa 1ffaa hanga kutaa 8ffaatti jiran warraaqsaa FXG finiinsuun alaabaa ABO mooraa mana barumsichaa keessa dhaabbachuun sa’aa 4:OO oliif fajjiin qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo alaabaan ABO dhaabbate tureera.

Sochiin warraaqsaa kun mooraa warshaa sukkaraa fincaa’aa keessattis daran jabaachuun dargaggootni jiraattootni Oromoo hojii dhabdootni naannoo warshaa Sukkaaraa fincaa’aa waliin walitti dhufuun warraaqsaa FXG  daran finiinsuun gabaafame. Sababaa guddaan Warraaqsaa FXG kanaaf adda ta’ee Mootummaan abbaa irree wayyaanee hojjettoota haaraa warshaa sukkaaraa Fincaa’aaf namootaa naannoo Oromiyaa fi Oromoo hin ta’a’iin 40 fidee warshaa Sukkaaraa Fincaa’aa keessatti qacare midaa guddaan akka tajaajilaniifi basaastummaa fi shira dalagaa jiraataan kan taasifame yoo ta’uu, Uummatni Oromoo fi dargaggootni Oromoo Warshaa Suluulaa Finca’aatti argamanii fi Uummatni jiraattootni naannoo warshaa  dargaggootni keenyaa hedduun barnoota sadarkaa digirii fi diplomaan eebbifamanii hojii dhabaa ta’anii utuu jiranii nanoota hin baratnee fi kashalabboota  naannoo biro irraa finadanii uummatarratti ramaduun hacuuccaa guddaa fi roorroo mootummaan abbaa irree nurratti raawwachaa jirudha jechuun  Furmaatni uummatni keenya qabu warraaqsaa keenyaa gama hundaan jabeessuu mirga abbaa biyyummaa keenyaa kabachiisuuf Warraaqsii FXG itti fufuu qabna jechuun warraaqsaa dhoosuun shira diinaa dura dhaabbatan. Mootummaan abbaa irrees akkuma amala isaa humna waraanaa agaazii uummatarratti bobbaasuun uummata goolaa jiraachuun ibsame jira.

Waxabajjii 16-17/2016 Godina Lixa Shagar  Ambootti  Goototni Barattootni Oromoo M/B Amboo Sadarkaa 2ffaa Fi Qophaa’inaa Qormanni Kutaa 12ffaa Utuu Nuti Hin Baratiin Nuuf Kennamuuf  Jiru Kun Kan Keenyaa Adda Ta’uun Nu Midhuuf Kan Karoorfamedha Jechuun Warraaqsaa
FXG Finiinsan.
Qormaatni Biyyoolessaa kutaa 12ffaa utuu hin baratiin nuuf kennamuuf jiru kun akka guutuu biyyattiitti j`alqaba baatii Adoolessaa kennamuuf kan jiru Kana Godina keenyaa Addatti  M/B Amboo sadarkaa 2ffaa fi Qopha’inaa fi Maneen Barnootaa tokko tokkoo keessatti guyyaa adda ta’eetti kennuuf karoorfachuun kan nu miidhuuf karoorfamee fi nu shororkeessuu malee bu’aa tokkoo iyyuu hin qabuu waan ta’eef  yoo kan qoramnu ta’ee haaluma wal fakkaatuun qoramna malee ofumaa itti fakkeessiif guyyaa adda ta’etti qabuun kun bu’aa hin qabu jechuun gaaffii mirgaa dhiyeeffachuun deebii waan dhorkatamaniif warraaqsaa keenyaa daran jabeessuun itti fufuun uummata Oromoo hundaaf furmnaata jechuun Warraaqsaa biyyoolessaa Oromiyaa FXG bifa adda ta’een Waxabajjii 16/2016 irraa eegaluun kan qabsiisaan guyyaa har’a Waxabajjii 17/2016 warraaqsaa FXG daran jabeessuun sagalee daadannoo guddaa gaaffii mirga abbaa biyyummaa fi kabajamuu mirgoota dimookiraasii fi dhala namaaf deebiin nuuf kennamuu qaba, abbaan irree qawween nu bulchaa jiruu aangoo irraa haa kaafamu jechuun mormii isaanii jabeessan.
Motummaan bakka bu’insa uummataa hin qabne abbaan irree Wayyaanee akkuma amala isaa loltoota agazii barattootatti  ol seensisuun gaazii
summaa’aa nama imimmeessuun irratti dhukaasuun barattoota hedduu akka malee reebuu fi madeessuun, kaan immoo hidhatti ukkaamsuun gabaafame jira.

Director M/B sadarkaa 2ffaa fi Qopha’inaa kan ta’ee Namni Ambassee Tulluu jedhamuu waraana agaazii barattoota qalama malee waatu of harka hin qabnetti seensisuun yakka waraanaa barattoota irratti rawwachisaa jira. Namni Ambasee Tulluu jedhamu kun asiin Fuldura bara 2013 yeroo Directora Mana Barumsaa Geedoo sadarkaa 2ffaa fi Qophaa’ina turettis barattoota Oromoo 30 Ol barnootarraa guutummaatti kan arii’achaa turee fi bara kana illee Barattoota Oromoo 8 M/B Amboio sadarkaa 2ffaa fi Qopha’inaa irraa maqaa barattootni kun shororkeesitoota jedhuun dabarsee diinatti kennuun kaan hiisisee kaan barnootarraa arii’achuun daba daangaa hin qabnee barattoota Oromoo fi barsiisota Oromoo irratti dalaguun kan beekamu waan ta’eef uummatni Oromoo sabboontootni Oromoo lukkee diinaa kana irraa of eegachuu fi bakka argameetti gumaa barattoota Oromoo bara dheeraa akka bahaattan dhaamsii Oromomummaa isiniif dabarfamee jira. Warraaqsii itti fufa, garboomsaan ni kufa!!


Lixa Shaggar Naannoolee Baadiyaaleet Keessatti Isin ABO dha Jechuun Poolisiin Wayyaanee Uummata Nagaa Hidhaatti Guuraa Jira..

Odeessa Qeerroo Waxabajii 18/2016
Itti fufaFXG Shaggar lixaa magaala Amboo fi Gindabarat keessatti har’a Qeerroodhaan itti fufee jira. guyyoota muraasa dura Wayyaanee humna Finfinnee gara Shaggar lixaa shakkii qabduun gara Gindabarat fi Gincii irra qubachiistee turte. Qeerroon godina Shaggar lixaa sodaa humna waraana wayaaneef bakka hin laannee guyyaa har’a waxabajii  FXG itti fufuudhaan tarkaanfii fi dhaadannoo dhageesisuudhaan FXG itti fufuun Qeerroon kan gabaaseedhaa.

Akka maddeen keenya Qeerroon godina Shaggar lixaa addeessutti magaala Ambotti har’a ganama irraa kaasee daandinis cufaa ture Qeerroon dhuunfatee sirbota qabsoo dhageesisuu fi asii achi socho’uudhaan dhaadannoo dhageesisaaa tureera. Gara sa’a boodatti wayyaaneen sochii Qeerroo magaala Ambootti feshelessuuf humna poolisii qabdutti dhimma baatee Qeerroo dura dhaabbachuuf yaalii taasiste tarkaanfii Qeerroon poolisoota irratti fudhateen poolisii Wayyaanee mgaala Amboo keessaa baasuudhaan sirbota qabsoo fi dhaadannoo garagaraa dhageesissaa oolaniiru.

Odeessa Qeerroo gabaafame waliin










Jechuudhaan dhaadannoo dhageesisaa oolaniiru.










FXG Fnfinnee keeysatti ka’a sodaa jedhuun humni waraana Wayyaanee gandoota magaalaa mara keessa hedduminaan bobba’ee jira.

Waxabajii 15,2016
f2Mootummaan abbaa irree Wayyaanee yeroo ammaa kana waan qabuu fi gadi dhiisu wallaalee jira.Qeeyroon magaala Finfinnee fi godina adda keeysatti waraqaa warraaqsaa facaasen diinni wraana isaa finfinnee keessa olii fi gadi kaachisaa jira.
FXG oromiyaa keeysatti wayita kana walgayii wayaanee diiguudhaan, daandii cufuudhaan magaalota fi baadiyaalee keeysatti waan jabaatee itti fufef wayyaaneen humna waraana qabdu kan ishee utubee jiru Oromiyaa keessatti bittimstee kan jirtu amma magaalaa guddicha Oromiya Finfinnee keeysatti FXG ka’a kan jedhu sodaattee waraana ishee har’a ganamanaan Finfinne keeysa bakka bakka qabsiisaa jirti keeysattuu nannoo Yuuniversitiiwwani waraanni marsee ka jiruudha.f1
Dabalataan Qeeyroon godinoota addaa oromiyaa keeysatti barruu warraaqsaa bittimfameen wal qabsiisee bakka Qeeyroon itti walgahu, uummanni Oromoo yoo walitti deeme bakka cidhaa fi bakka du’aatti FXG sodaadhaan wayyaneen uummata nagaa humna qabduun burjaajeessa kan jirtu bakka naannowan kanneenitti poolisii federaalaa ramaddee jirti. Qeeyroon dhaadannoo fi qabsoo isaa jabeessuun ija poolisii duratti FXG jabeeffateera.


OromoProtests 14 June 2014: “Waldiddaa aanaa masalaa ilaalchise:
hawaasni aanaa masalaa aradaalee gara garaa guyyaa hardhaa hidhatoota aradaa nama 9 mancaa fi uleen sirriti qoraasanii hidhanoo hiikkatanii jiran.namoota kaneen keessa 8 achuma buufta fayyaa masalaati yaalama jiran, areedoo kan jedhamu san ammoo hospitaala ciroo kan jiru yoo tahu innis du’aa fi jiruu jidduu jira.”

Mootummaan Wayyaanee Hojii Dhablootaaf Dalagaan Waraana Ta’uu Jira Jechuun Beeksisa Baasaa Jira.

Waxabajjii 14,201613391496_1001773289890998_1828559211365196397_o13434302_618506048325320_669203236_nMinisteerri ittisaa Itiyoophiyaa beeksisa hojiii jedhee Oromiyaa malgaa gara garaa keessatti namoonni hojii loltummaatti akka galaniif gandootaa fi bakka waajjira magaalaalee mara keessatti maxxansaa jiraachuun beekame.

Haala amma muddama siyaasaa keessa jiru keessatti hojiin isinii banameera kootta waraanatti seenaa jechuun mootummaan Wayyaanee dargaggoota dirqaa jiraachuun faayidaa Oromootaa fi hojii dhalbleef hojii banuuf osoo hin taane ilmaan Oromoos ta’e sabooti biroo dantaa isaan hin ilaallanne keessa seenaanii akka du’a seenaa hin qabne du’aniif ta’uun beekamaa dha.


#OromoProtests June 13, 2016:  Wayyaaneen muddamsuu gamaa gamanaan isii mudateef akkuma barattee ijoollee oromoo guurtee waraanatti erguuf beeksisa kana bakka hundatti maxxansite jirti. Ilmaan oromoo kan taatan hundi keennaayuu diinni keenna wayyaane malee diina biraa yeroof him qabnu. Kanaaf namni tokko deemtanii hin galmaainaan dhaamsa oromummaati.


Beeksisa wayyaanee

Dhaamsa ilma Oromoof intala Oromootiif.
Impaayerri toophiyaa maqaa uummata bala’aatiin bara Minilikii kaasee haga har’aatti waaraana gurguddaa fi lola babal’aa oofaa ture.
Lola bara Minilik, bara Tafarii, bara Darguu maqaa biyyaatiin deeme keessati gaheen ilmaan Oromoo guddaa ture. Ilmaa fi abbaan itti gubatan. Garuu seenaa biyyatti keessatti bakka argatee hin beeku.
Ammas maqaa Impayeratti kaasuun lola ilmaa Oromoo hin laallanne, kan bu’aan isaa daran dhala Oromoo ukkaamsu ilmaan Yohannis jalqabanii jiru. Lolli kun lola Tigreeti. Lola Oromoo laallatu miti. Kanaafuu:
1). Warri waraana keessa jirtan qawwee keessan waraans Tigree, kan ilmaan Oromoo qe’ee keenyatti fixaa jirutti garagalchaa
2). Warri kaan lola kana karaa sinii danda’ameen durs dhaabbadha.
Sochii ‪#‎Oromoprotest‬ itti fuufnee kufaatii mootummaa Tigree hala bareedaa uummamaa jiru kana keessatti haa saffisiifnu.Liiban Jaldeechaa

Godina Lixa Shaggar Keessatti Warraaqsii Biyyoolessaa Oroiyaa FXG Utuu Wal Irraa Hin Citiin Gaggeeffaamaa Jira.

Itti fufaWaabajjii 12/2016 Godina Lixa Shaggariitti Warraaqsii Biyyoolessaa Oroiyaa FXG Utuu Wal Irraa Hin Citiin Gaggeeffaamaa Jiru , FXGn Kan Marsaa 6ffaan Bifa Adda Ta’een Wayita Qabachuuf Jiru Kanatti Waranni Agaazii Wayyaanee Sakkatta’insaa Seeraan alaa Bakkoota Hedduutti Gaggeessuun Uummaata Shororkeessaa  Jiraachuun Ibsame.

   Daandiiwwaan Finfinnee irraa gara dhiha Oromiyaatti geessuu addatti Lixa shaggaar daandii gara aanota akka  Jalduu Shukutee,Gaaleessaaa, Dandii Ilfata,Waddeessa,Ada’aa Bargaa, Meetaa Roobii, Gindabarat,fi gandoota baadiyaa godinichaa keessaattillee uummaatni sakkaatta’insa waraana wayyaaneeen shororkeeffamaa jiraachuun ibsame.

  Warraaqsii biyyooleessaa Oromiyaa FXGn hanga gaaffiin mirga abbaa biyyummaa deeebii argatuuttii fi waranni agaazii oromiyaa gadhiisee bahuu fi  hidhamtootni oromoo hundii hiikkamanitti fi ajeechaa jumlaa oromiyaa keessatti gaggeeffaa jiruuf hanga mootummaa yakkamaan kun aangoo biyyaa bulchuu gadi lakkisee seeraatti dhiyaatuutti warraaqsii biyyooleessaa oromiyaa takkaa kan hin dhaabbanee fi yeroo yeroon bifa isaa jijjiirratee kan itti fufu ta’uu qeerroon bilisummaa Oromoo hubachiisuun diina boqoonnaa dhorkuu itti fufee jiraachuu hubchiise.


#Oromoprotests 12 June 2016: 2nd TPLF’s meeting in Melbourne, Australia has been forced to be cancelled.



OMN: Oduu Wax. 12, 2016




Barataan Civil Engineering Waggaa 4ffaa Kan Ta’e Barataan Gammachiis Malkaamuu Yuniverstii Wallaa Irrraa Ukkaamfamee Bakka Bu’e Hin Beekamu.

received_674066512750781Waxreceived_674066509417448abajjii 12,2016/Yuunibarsiitii Wallaggaarraa night civil engineering waggaa 4ffaa barataa kan ta’e sabboonaan Oromoo Gammachiis Malkaamuu guyyaa har’a Waxabajjii 12,2016  magaalaa Naqamtee keessatti situ  sochii barattootaa duuba jira jechuun jechuun magaala walakkaatii  Oromummaan yakkamee  humna tikaatiin ukkaamfamee bakka hin beekamneen geessaniiru. Reebichi akka malee akka irratti geggeeffamaa jirus oduun humnuma tikaan baate nu geesseetti.



OromoProtests 12 June 2016: Kolleejjii Qonnaa Alaagee fi fayyaa Beeyladootaa Arsii keessatti argamu keessatti fincilli xumura garbummaa halkan edaa itti fufee akka jiru beekameera

Maddi isaa gaaffii ilmaan Oromoo Abbaa biyyummaa isaaniif ajjeefamaa jiran ilaalchisee Barattoonni kolleejichaa fincilatti kan fufan yeroo ta’u, yeroo ammaa kana humni waraanaa barattoota mooraa kolleejjii Alaagee keessaa walitti qabanii dirqiin ganama kana warra mooricha keessatti hafan walgahii kaahuuf akka socho’aa jiran maddi odeessa Qeerroo beeksiseera.



OromoProtests 11 June 2016 In Dedoo (Molee) : Waxabajjii 11 bara 2016 Oromiyaa Godina jimma Aanaa Dedoo Ganda Molee kessatti hawaasini mormii issaa itti fufeera .
Dhaadannoo ka’aa turan keessaa:-
1/bulchiinsii Gaarin hin jiru
2/Qormaanni kutaa 12 ayyaanaa muslimaa irra haa haqamu
3 /Mirgi ummata Oromo haa kabajamu


#OromoProtests in Molee, Dadoo district, Jimma, Oromia, 11 June 2016

#OromoProtests 11 June 2016:  waxabajjii 11 bara 2016 godina Harargee Lixaa magaalaa Asaboot keessatti sababa dargaggoon maaqan isaa Mahdi ja’amuu hidhaa seenen uummanni magaalaa Asaboot mucaa kan hidhaadhaa nuuf baasa ja’ee hirirraa waan ba’eef pooliisin uummata nagaya irratti dhukaasa banan gabaafame.


#OromoProtests 11 June  2016: The Oromo and Ogaden protesters in action in Canberra, Australia; they forced cancellation of TPLF’s meeting, 11 June 2016. All ‘presidents’ forced to leave through emergency door….then the room was left only by protesters.



#OromoProtests 11 June 2016, the Oromo and Ogaden protesters in action in Canberra, Australia; they force cancellation of TPLF's meeting

#OromoProtests 11 June 2016: Guyyaa Har’aa walgahii Wayyaanee Canberra, Australia’tti godhame hawaasni Oromoo fi Ogaaden harkaa fashaleessanii jiru.



Walga’iin Jila Qondaaltoota Mootummaa Itophiyaa ,Awustralia Magaalaa Canberratti Fashalaa’e.(Waxb.11,2016)


Qeerroon Bilisummaa Yuuniversiitii Jimmaa Gaggeessaa Gannaan Wal Qabatee Waadaa Qabsoo Isaa Haaromfate


IMG_20160609_164956Guyyaa kaleessaarraa qabee Qeerroon Yuunibarsitii Jimmaa Mariif yaadota furmaata waaraa biiyyattiif fidan irratti Kaleessa akkuma Du’a Dr.Daaani’el Gizaachoof yaadannoo  taasiseen booda,Marii jabaan Waadaa  haaromfatee jira.
Mariin kun Hoggantoota mandheewwan garaagarraa dhufanin kan gaggeefame yoo ta’u, akkamiin akka walabummaa safiisiisuu dandeenyu fi Ummatichaaf karaa Daandii Walabummaa baasuuf aggammii eegalle akkamiif bifa kamiin ka jedhu mala mataasaa dhahatee waliif yaada hiraa tureera.Akkasuma eebbifantootasaan fulduratti gama kamiin wal arguuf waliin sochiin akka waliin itti fufu maloota barbaachisoo dhahatee jira
Gama Qeerroo Yuunibarsitichaan
Waadaan galame

  1. Jaarmiyaan keenya ABO waliin hojjechuuf yoomille karoorasaaf mul’atasaa galmaan gahuuf qophii ta’uu keenya nii beeksifna
  2. Qaamolee Gufuu warraaqsaa ta’an nii balaaleffanna.
  3. Humnoota Gufachiisoo ta’ani of keessaa dhabamsiisuuf nii hojjenna.
  4. Bakka deemnu hundatti Qeerroowwan danuu of jalatti hiriirsinee,Hamenya mootumichaa Uummataaf hawwaasa keenya nii barsiifna.
  5. Rakkoowwaniif gocha Suukanneessaa Yuunibarsiitichi barattoota Oromoo Oromummaa isaanii qofaaf irratti fudhatu nii balaaleffanna.
  6. Gochaawwan duguggaa sanyii nurratti fudhataman dura nii dhaabbanna.
  7. Uummata nubarsiiseef keessatti baranneef yoomillee nii hojjenna,Bakkeewwan deemnu hundatti Uummatichaaf nii dhaabbanna
    Waadaan Waadaa milkii nuuf haa ta’u,Jechuun waadaasaa haaromfatee dirqamota hojiis waliif laatee bifa miidhagaan xumurate.






#OromoProtests  9 June 2016: Barattoonni yuniversiitti Jimmaa Afaan oromoo fu ogbarruu ebbifamtoonni 2016 lammiin baratee IMAANAA him nyaatu jechaa du’aa Dr.Dani’eli gizaachoo baay’ee akka isaan gaddisissee ibsatanirruu kayyoo inni eegalee sharfe tokko otoo hin cabsiin galmaan genyaa jechuun waadaa galaniruu.

#OromoProtests 9 June 2016: Qeerroon giincii mormiin fxg hamma biliisummattii hin dhabatu jechun guyyaa har’aa gabaa guddaa magaala keessa nan’uun mormii dhaggesiisa olaan. waraanni agaaziis ijoolee qabuf oliigadii kattuus qeerroon hundii harka miliiqxee jirtii.

#OromoProtests, Gincii, Oromia, 9 June 2016


three people have been arrested from Rift Valley University, Labu Campus today.
1. Chalchisa Damtew
2. Gololcha Bali ( Dean of the College, an Italian educated academic who returned to the country with hope of serving his people)
3. Abiyot Nugissie Head accountant


Itti Gaafataamaan Yunveresittii Rift-Valley Obbo Gololcha Baalii fi Dameen Barnootaa Abiyoot Nuguseen Ukkaanfaman.

Reft vally gaafatamaaWaxabajjii 10,2016 Diinii Yunveresittiichaa kan ta’e Gololcha Baalii fi itti gaafatamaan Damee Barnootaa fagoo Abyooti Nugussee humnoota tikkaa motummaa Woyyaaneetiin bakka hujii isaan irraa butaman akka fudhataman himamee jira. Itti Gaafatamtoon kuniin butamuu mallee hanga ammatti bakki geeffaman hin beekaminne .Barrissiisaa Caalchisaa Daamxxoo fi Abyyooti Nugussee kaleessa galgalaa ( wax.8 / 2016 ) Waajiraa isaniitii konkolataa gara garaatiin kan fudhataman yoo ta’u, Rift-Valley
Obboo Gololcha Baalii ganama hardhaa waxabajii ( 9/2016) akkuma Waajiraa seeneeni faana seenanii akka butani deeman himamee jira. Obboo Gololcha Baalii Preesidaanti Baratootaa Oromoo Yunveresittii Finfinnee kan turee yoo ta’u yeroo hedduu deddebise hidhamaa turuun isaa niyaadatama.


#OromoProtests 9 June 2016: Itti gaafatamtoonni Yuniversiitii Riifti Vaalii ukkaamfaman. Diinii Yunivarsitichaa kan tahe Gololchaa Baalliitii fi tti gaafatamaan damee barnoota fagoo Abiyoot Nugusee humnoota mootummaatiin bakka hojii isaaniirraa butamanii akka fudhataman himameera. Itti gaafatamtootni kunneen butamuu malee, hanga ammaatti bakki geeffaman hin baramne. Barsiisaa Caalchisaa Daamxoo fi Abiyoot Nugusee kaleessa galgala waajjira isaaniirraa konkolaataa garagaraatiin kan fuudhaman yoo tahu, obbo Gololchaa Baallii ganama har’aa akkuma waajjira seeneen faana seenanii akka butanii deemaniin himameera. Obbo Gololchaa Baallii kanaan dura, perezidaantii barattoota Oromoo Yunivarsiitii Finfinnee kan ture yoo ta’u, yeroo hedduu deddeebisee hidhamaa turuun isaatis ni yaadatama.



OromoProtests 9 June 2016: Residents Qarsa and Kontoma villages in Lafto Subcity of Addis Ababa who are facing eminent eviction from their homes marched to the prime minister’s palace to plead their case. But they were stopped near a place called ‘Total’ where several of them have been arrested. Its reported that the people have been protesting for the last four days. Over 7,000 homes have been marked for demolition.

residents Qarsa and Kontoma villages in Lafto Subcity of Addis Ababa protessting evictions, 9 June 2016. p2


OromoProtests 9 June 2016: The brave faces of Dill University Oromo students who were incarcerated at Maekelawi for four months and now being tried at local court in Dilla. Hundreds of students gathered at the court house but the session was adjourned without any hearing at the prosecutor continues to ask for extension.

Waxabajjii 9 bara 2016: Barattoonni Oromoo Yunivarsitii Dillaa kan baatii afurii oliif Maakkallawiitti rakkifamaa turanii gara mana murtii Dillaatti deebifman kunoo har’as dhihaatanii turan. Barattoonni hedduun mooraa mana murtiitti deeggarsaaf argamanii turan. Garuu abbaan alanagaa yeroo dabalataa waan gaafateef dhaddachi osoo hin taa’amin hafee jira.

the brave faces of Dill University Oromo students who were incarcerated at Maekelawi for four months and now being tried at local court in Dilla. 9 June 2016 p.2the brave faces of Dill University Oromo students who were incarcerated at Maekelawi for four months and now being tried at local court in Dilla. 9 June 2016


#OromoProtests 9 June  2016: The emergency meeting of Oromia Regional Parliament ( Caffee) has removed presidents and vice president of the Supereme Court, Damoze Mame & Boja Tadesse. They have been replaced by Addisu Qabeneessa ( President of SW Shawa High Court) and Hussien Adam ( president of Arsi Supreme Court) , respectively. The change of guard at supreme court is a result of TPLF’s accusation of the Oromia judiciary of being lenient towards Oromo Protesters. The parliament also removed immunity for Zelalem Jemaneh, former OPDO executive committee member and head of the agricultural department.

#OromoProtests 9 June 2016 (Waxabajjii 9, bara 2016):   Yuuniversitii Haromaayyaatti dhiyoo doormiin barattoota dhiiraa gubatuu irraa kan ka’e mooraan yuunniversitichaa humna waraana Wayyaaneen kan toohatamee fi buufata waraana tahe gabaasuun keenya ni yaadatama. Haala kanaan barattootni waggaa tokkkoffaa baratanis mootummaan wayyaanee akka galan dirqisiisee akka galan taasifameetu jira. Guyya doormiin barattootaa gubatee kaasee barattootni hedduunis yeroodhaa yerootti hidhaatti guuramaa jiraachuunis hubatamee jira.
barattootni hedduunis kan gara qe’ee galan mooraa alatti tika diinaan butamanii mana hidhaa darbamaa jiraatuunis Qeerroon gabaasee jira.

#OromoProtests  9 June 2016: Dhaamsa hatattamaa qeerroo guutummaa oromiyaa keessa jirtaniif .Konkolaataan abbaan qabeenyummaa isaa kan tujaarota tigirootaa ta’e kun gidduu kana magaalaa naqamtee keessatti tarkaanffiin irratti waan fudhatameef mootummaan wayyaanee sodaa guddaa keessa seenuun humnoota federaalaa konkolaatota kanaaf ramaduun akka isaan dirqiin oromiyaa keessa hojjetan gochaa jira.Nuti qeerroon guutummaa oromiyaa keessa jirrummoo konkolaataa kana duwwaa irratti xiyyeeffachuu hin qabnu.Maaliif yoo naan jettan konkolaattonni kanneen akka
star bus, sky bus, tata  fi kanneen albuuda oromiyaa saamuuf kutatanii ka’an fakkeenyaa dhagaa daalattii kan jedhamu kan naannoo mandii keessaa ba’u .Dhagaan kun albuuda oromiyaan yeroo ammaa kana albuda qabdi jedhamee abdatamu keessaa isa guddaadha.Kanaaf nuti qeerroon guutuu oromiyaa keessa jirru yeroo kamiyyuu caalaa tarkaanffii qabeenyaa diinaa fi lukkee lee diinaa irratti fudhachuuf qoophii ta’uu qabna.Kanaaf adaraa keessan yeroo tarkaanffii fudhannu bifa qindoomina qabuun hojjechuummoo akka qabnu isiniif eeruun fedha.












#OromoProtests 8 June 2016: Naqamtetti Waxabajjii  08 bara 2016 qabeenyaa TPLF kan ta’ee fi SELAM BUS bakka kan bu’e Kan GOLDEN BUS jedhamu akka malee caccabsanii jiru.  karaa Cinasaa fi Fuula duraan caccabee wajjira Polisii Ganda 07 fuldura dhaabachaa jira.

Otobisii wayyaanee golden jedhamtu Naqamtetti caccabsani. Waxabajji 8 bara 2016

Waraanni Wayyaanee Godina Arsii Aanaa Roobee Ganda Suudee Sinbixaa Jedhamu Irraa Ummata Oromoo Hidhuun Nagaa Dhorkaa Jira.

Because I am OromoWaxabajjii8,2016 Godina Arsii aanaa Roobee ganda Suudee sinbixaa jedhamutti Adda Bilisummaa Oromootif nama ijaaraa jirtu jechuun namoonni kudha shan har,a ganama qabamanii waajjira poolisii aanaa roobeetti hidhaa jiraachuun dhagayame isaan keessaa kan maqaan isaanii nu gahe
1 Kadiir kamaal
2 Jundii Amaan
3 Abbaas Huseen
4 Shamsaddiin Turii
5 Amiin kamaaloo
6 Ahmaddiin Huseen
7 Keeyruu Jeylaan
8 Muhaammad Tunaa jedhamu.

Gama biraan Yuuniversitii Haromaayyaatti dhiyoo doormiin barattoota dhiiraa gubatuu irraa kan ka’e mooraan yuunniversitichaa humna waraana Wayyaaneen kan toohatamee fi buufata waraana tahe gabaasuun keenya ni yaadatama. Haala kanaan barattootni waggaa tokkkoffaa baratanis mootummaan wayyaanee akka galan dirqisiisee akka galan taasifameetu jira. Guyya doormiin barattootaa gubatee kaasee barattootni hedduunis yeroodhaa yerootti hidhaatti guuramaa jiraachuunis hubatamee jira. barattootni hedduunis kan gara qe’ee galan mooraa alatti tika diinaan butamanii mana hidhaa darbamaa jiraatuunis Qeerroon gabaasee jira.

Woyyaaneen Hidhaa Fi Ajjeechaa Sabboontota Oromoo itti fuftee jirti.

Waxabajjii/ June 8/2016 galgala naannoo sa”attii 2:30tti nama lama harkaa fi luka hiitee fudhachuun namoonni ilaan dhaggan himan.

Namoota lamaan keessaa tokko Caalchisaa Daamxee jedhama. Obboo Caalchisaan kaadhimamaa dorgomaa Mana Maree Bakka Bu’oota Uummataa (parlaamaa) OFC/Medrek kan 2007 Kan ture yo ta’u bakka hojiisaa University Rift Valley Kampaasii Labuu irraa har’a humnoota wayyaaneetiin ukkaamamee fudhatameera. Humnoonni tikaa Woyyaanee bakka hojiisaa universitii Riifti vaalii kampaasii labuu laaftooti waardiyaa reebanii dhiigsanii seenuun biiroosaa foddaa cabsanii isa fuudhanii bahan jedhama.

Woyyaaneen haga feetelle wixirattu barana kubbaan harka Oromoo jirti! Oromoottu miidhaa jira isaan ofirraa ittissarra Jiru! Dargaggeessi Oromoo ofkennee woreegamaa jiraa waan dandeennu maraan bira haa dhaabbannu!

#OromoProtests 7 June 2016:

(SBO/VOL – Waxabajjii 07,2016) Akeekkachiisa Arifachiisaa Ilmaan Oromoo Sabboontota Caasaa OPDO Sadarkaa Garaagaraatti Argamtanii fi Addatti immoo Bulchiinsa Magaaloota Addaa Naannawaa Finfinnee Keessatti Argamtan Hundaaf Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo Irraa Isiniif Dabarfame!!

Mootummaan abbaa irree EPRDF/TPLF lukkeelee isaa ulee diinaa kan taate OPDO fi ergamtoota diinaaf amanamoo ta’anitti dhimma ba’uun isin balleessuuf akkuma karoorfatanii fi dhaadachaa turanitti Sabboontoota Ilmaan Oromoo bulchiinsa Magaaloota addaa Naannawaa Finfinnee keessatti hooggantoota, kaabinootaa fi Ogeessoota Professionally ta’uun uummata tajaajilanii fi kanneen dhugaan roorrifamuun Oromoo isiniif galee Shira uummata Oromoo irratti gaggeeffama jiru fudhachuu diduun Oromummaan keessan isinitti dhaga’amaa jiruu fi uummata keessan cina dhaabbachaa jirtan hundi diinni shira ulfaataa kan ittin mana hidhaatti isin guuree isin rakkisu, lubbuu keessan Balleessuu fi Biyya irraa isin arii’achuuf karoorfate hojiitti hiikaa jiraachuu fi haala walii galaan rakkoo ulfaataa diinaan uummata keenyarratti dalagamuu fi rakkoo waliigalaatti furmaata gochuu akka dandeenyuuf dhaamsa armaan gadii saffisaan isiniif dabarsuuf dirqamnee jirra.

1. Ilmaan Oromoo Bulchiinsaa Magaalaa Sulultaatti Bulchaa Magaalaa Sulultaa nama maqaan isaa Masfiin jedhamuu fi Kaabineen Wajjiraa Fayyaa Sulultaa namni maqaan isaa Dirribaa Tolaa jedhaman kan keessatti argamaan walumaagalattii ilmaan Oromoo namootni 25 Yakka itti fakkeessii maqaa Malaammaltummaan poolisii federaalaan qabamanii hidhamuun isaanii ni yaadatama. Utuu yakka Malaamaltummaa ittisuuf ta’ee Ilmaan Tigiree fi Aangawootni TPLF kanneen akka Abboy Tsahaayyee, Azeeb Masfiin dabalatee hundii isaanii mana hidhaatti argamu ture. Garuu har’a Ijoolleen Oromoo dhugaa uummata Oromoo hubachuun dhugaa uummataa dura ragaa qabatanii dhaabbatan dhabuun uummata cina dhaabbachuuf waan murteessaniif dursanii hidhaattii darbamanii jiran irraa barnoota guddaa barachuu qabdu!!

2. Yeroo amma kanattis magaalota addaa Oromiyaa Naannawaa Finfinneettii argaman kanneen akka Burraayyuu, Sulultaa, Laga Xaafoo Laga Daadhii, Aqaaqii Qaallittii, Duukam, Galaan, Bishooftuu, Sabbataa, Holotaa fi Sandaafaa carraan ilmaan Oromoo Sulultaa mudatee isiniif immoo kan caalu isiiniif qophaa ‘aa jiraachuu walga’iiwwaan dhiyeenya yeroo yeroon angawoonnii fi ergamtootni amanamoo abbaa irree isin teessisaa jiranii fi ifattiis isinitti himuun isin doorsisaa jiran irraa isiniyyuu nu caalaa maaltu akka isin eeggatu hubachuu qabdu!!

3. Haqamuu qormaata kutaa 12ffaaf Sababni Guddaan Gaaffii Mirga abbaa biyyummaaf deebiin sirnaa dhabamuu fi Sochii Warraaqsaa FXG karaa nagaan gaggeeffamaa jiru irratti waraanaa addaa liyuhayilii fi agaazii fayyadamuun uummata Oromoo nagaa fixuu irraa ta’uu eenyuumaafuu gaaffii hin qabu. Dabalataanis barattootni Oromoo waraana kanaan hiraarfamaa, ajjeefamaa, madeeffamaa, barnootaarra arii’atamaa fi hidhamaa jiraachuun bara barnootaa 2016 kana guutummaa Oromiyaa keessatti sababaa kanaan barnootni kan hin kennamne ta’uun ifaa dha. Kanaafuu tarkaanfiin akka qormaatni kun utuu barattootni Oromoo barnoota hin baratiin qoramuu fi utuu Oromiyaan waraanaan hiraarfamtuu qorumsi kun kennamuun barattoota Oromoo fi biyyattiif miidhaa guddaa ta’uu hubachuun sirnichi kufaa ta’uu saaxiluuf tarkaanfii fudhatameen qormaatni haqamuun injifannoo cululuqaa sababa sochii warraaqsaa FXG ta’uun beekamaa dha. Ilmaan Oromoo tarkaanfii kana irraa barnoota argachuun bakkuma jirtanitti utuu bu’aan dhuunfaa wayyaanee irraa argattan isin hin daangessiin uummata Oromoo roorrifamaa jiruuf dirmachuun bakka jirtanii fi aangoo irra jirtanitti fayyadamuun tarkaanfii fudhattaniin uummata keessan boonsitanii mataa diinaa gadi qabdanii Sochii Warraaqsaa FXG cina dhaabbachuu, itti makamtanii jiraachuu fi qooda guddaa bahachuun keessan ifaa dha. Ammas caalmaatti roorrifamuu fi hiraarfamuu saba keessaniif bakkuma jirtanitti gartuudhanis ta’ee nam-tokkeen diina afaan qawween Oromiyaa bitaa jiruu fi dhiiga dhangalaas jiru aangoo irraa qaarsisuuf ga’ee keessaan itti fufiinsaan akka ba’attan abdii guddaatu isin irra eegama!!

4. Gaaffii guddaan uummata Oromoo gaaffii mirga abbaa biyyuummaa, gaaffii bilisummaa, gaaffii mootummaa mataa ofii ijaarrachuu fi mootummaa uummata Oromoo bakka bu’u hundeeffachuu waan ta’eef, abbaan irree wayyaanee EPRDF/TPLF ergamtuu isaa OPDO addatti qabachuun uummata Oromoo lafarra fixuu dhaabee gaaffii uummata Oromoo kanaaf deebii akka kennuuf ilmaan Oromoo hojjettootni, Ogeessootni fi beektootni sadarkaa garaagaraa irratti argamtan kallattii hundaan dirmannaa fi dhiibbaa barbaachisu sirna nama nyaataa irratti akka gootan gadi jabeessuun dhaammanna!!

5. Ulee diinaa ta’uun Ilmaan Oromoo sadarkaa hundatti lafarraa fixaa kan jiran keessaa Muktaar Kadir, Bakar Shaallee, Asteer Maammoo, Kumaa Dammaqsaa, Abbaa Duulaa fi fakkaattoota isaanii ta’uu hubachuun sabboontootni ilmaan Oromoo sirnicha keessatti argamtan gadi fageenyaan caasaa sirna kanaan ijaarame irraa akka of eeggattan. Sirni kun akka diinaaf tolutti maqaa OPDO jedhamuun diinni namoota isaaf amanamoo fi ergamtuu ta’aniin ijaarrate kun ilmaan Oromoo kamiif iyyuu diina malee qaama mirga keessan kabachiisuu fi isin bakka bu’u akka hin taane hubachuun sirna badaa fi hirmii uummata keenyaa ta’e kana of irraa gara galchuu irratti akka fuulleeffattan dhaamsa keenya!!

6. Master Plan Finfinnee fi Magaalota addaa Oromiyaa ifaan ifatti ibsi fi labsiin baldhaan mootummaa Federaalaa irraa kennamee akka haqamu gadi jabeessuun gaafatna!!

7. Ilmaan Oromoo sababaa Oromummaa isaanii fi Sochii Warraaqsaa FXG Oromiyaa keessatti hirmaattee jirta jedhamuun sobaan himatamanii hidhaatti guuraaman hidhamtootni Oromoo hundi haalduree tokko malee hatattamaan akka hiikaman kallattii hundaan ilmaan Oromoo Poolisii, mana murtii, abbootii alangaa, abbootii seeraa hojjettoota fi ogeessootni sadarkaa garaagaraarratti argamtan dhiibbaa barbaachisu roga hundaan akka gootaan gadi jabeessuun waamicha lammummaa isiniif dabarsina!!

8. Manneen kondominium Magaalota naannawaa Finfinnee fi Naannawaa Finfinneetti Ijaaramanii jiran Hundaa kan hirmachaa jiruu fi carraa itti fayyadamuu kan argataa jiran sadarkaa 1ffaatti ilmaan Tigrota, sadarkaa 2ffaatti dabballootaa fi ergamtoota sirna wayyaanee dhalootaan Oromoo hin ta’iinitu itti fayyadamaa jira. Ilmaan Oromoo biyya abbaa isaanii irratti akka lammii 2ffaatti ilaalamuun hirmannaa qabeenya abbaa isaanii keessaa illee moggaatti dhiibaman. Oromoon sirnichuma keessatti ogummaa fi hojiilee garaagaraan argamu carraa kana dhorkatamee kan jiru ta’uun hubatamee waan jiruuf, Sochiin ijaarsa manneen kondominium fi ijaarsi kamuu fedhii uummata Oromoon alatti gaggeeffamaa jiru bakkuma jirutti akka dhaabbatuu fi manneen ummataa humnaan diiguun qe’ee irra buqqisaa waan jiranuuf uummata qe’ee irraa hin buqqaanu jedhee qe’ema isaa irratti dhumaa jiruuf dirmachuun qe’ee fi qabeenyaa isaa irratti sabni keenya wareegamee akka falmatuu fi carraan manneen kondominium ijaaramanii jiran carraan dursaa abbaa qe’eef akka eegamu ummatni keenya bakka hundaa harka wal qabatee ka’uun haa falmannu.
Injifannoon Ummata Oromoof!!
Gadaan Gadaa Bilisummaa Oromoo ti!!
Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo
Oromiyaa, Finfinnee!!
Waxabajjii, 2016


#OromoProtests 7 June 2016: What could be the reason why OPDO gave 30 million birr to Mekelle Technical and Vocational Education and Training college? The source say its a payment for the demands made by ‘people of Tigrai’ during the organizations 25th anniversary which was when they were forced to admit they were founded in Adet, Tigray rather than Darra, Oromia. J.M.







#OromoProtests 6 June 2016: Tarkaanfii Humnaa Mootummaan Oromiyaa Keessatti Fudhateef Kan Gaafatame hin Jiru: Gamtaa Medirek





#OromoProtests June 6, 2016:  Fascist Ethiopia’s regime set fire on Kotobe University college on the night of 5 June 2016. Several Students were injured as fire razed the University College. 

Ethiopia's regime forces set fire on Kotebe University College, several students injured. 5 June 2016













#OromoProtests:(Waxabajjii/June 05,2016) Sabbataa fi Holotaa gidduutti kan argamu naannoo bosona Subbaa, Tulluu Hococaa biratti waraanni wayyaanee haleelamtee wayyaaneen reeffa loltoota ishee guurrachaa akka jirtu gabaafame.
Tarkaanfii loltoota ishee irratti fudhatametti kan aarte wayyaaneen ABO tu itti gala waan ta’eef, bosonni kun gubachuu qaba waan jeetteef ummatni nu fixxu malee bosonni kun hin gubatu jedhanii akka dura dhaabbatan gabaafameera.

Guyyaa kaleessaa (Wax 4, 2016) Ayyaanni kabaja Odaa Diinshoo 130 oliif bade Yeroo jalqabaaf Godina Baaleetti ilmaan Oromoo Sikkoof mandoon akkasumas lammiilee Oromoo kutaalee Oromiyaa gara garaa irraa dhufaniin kabajamee jira. Ayyaana kana qeerron Arsii Sikkoo mandoo mormitti jijjiirun kaabinee fi sareewwan wayyaanee ofirraa ariitee jirti. Gootonni Arsii ijoollen Baalee tokkummaan diina dura dhaabbatanii falmachuif waadaa waliif galaniiru.




On 4th June 2016 Oromo national Tesfaye Erena Elema was killed by cruel fascist Agazi/TPLF Ethiopia’s regime forces bullets in Kattaa near Burrayyu at 7:30 PM.

Waxabajjii 4 bara 2016 Burraayyuu ganda Kattaa keessatti sabboonann Oromoo, Tasfayee Irranaa Elemaa Wayyaaneen ajjefamuun beekame. Tasfayee Irranaa Elemaa dhaloonni isaa Shawaa Lixaa Aanaa Abbunaa Gindibarat ganda Dhagaa Xinnaa naannoo Mudhamaa jedhamutti. 

On 4th June 2016 Oromo national Tesfaye Erena Elema was killed by Agazi bullets in Kattaa near Burrayyu.

#OromoProtests 5 June 2016. Odeeffannoo Waxabajjii 5 Bara 2016: Mootummaan wayyaanee Yunivarsiitii Mattuurraa barattoota maqaansaanii armaan gaditti argamu kanneen, erga ji’oota sadiif ukkaamsee fudhateen booda mirga wabiitin gadhiisullee, bulchiinsi Yunivarsiitii mattuu fi mootummaan walii galuun akka barattoonni kunniin waggaa tokkoof Yunivarsiiticharraa ari’aman godheera !

1, Baacaa Fiqaaduu (departimentii seeraa waggaa 2ffaa)
2, Barinaan Jifaaraa (departmentii mechanical engi. waggaa 2ffaa)
3, Dannoo hindhibuu (departimentii seeraa waggaa 2ffaa)
4, Mitikkuu Addunyaa (departimentii afaan Oromoo waggaa 2ffaa)
5, Naatin Boon (departimentii Oromoo Foklorii waggaa 2ffaa) fi
6, Tarreessaa Addunyaa (departimentii Oromoo Foklorii waggaa 2ffaa) ti.

Qaroon Oromoo Kan Ta’e Dr.Daaniel Gizaachoo Magaalaa Jimmaatti Lubbuun Dabarte

daaniel giza..daanii gizeWaxabajjii 4,2016, Dr, Daaniel Gizaachoo muummee medicin  Yuunibarsiitii Jimmaatii bara 2016 kana keessa eebbaaf kan qophaa’u yoo ta’u,Akka Xoophiyaatti barattoota fayyaa ciccimoo 6 filatamanii barnootaaf biyya Jarman deemuuf jedhan keessaa tokko yoo ta’u. Doktor Daniel sabbooummaa isaan nama haalaan jabaa fi qabsoo Oromoo gadi fageessee kan hubatu ta’uun beekama.

Dr,Daanie’l waldhaansaaf Hosptala Jimmaa seenee hadoochaa qaamni isaa fudhachuu dandayuu ol waan itti kennameef jecha lubbuun isaa dabartee jirti. Waaqayyo jannata isaa haa banuuf,maatii isaafis jajjabina haa kennuuf jedha Qeerroon Bilisummaa.

#OromoProtests 5 June 2016: This piece of paper contains plight of four Dire Dawa University students who are being held underground at one of the military camps. They appeal to their fellow citizens to save them. The letter was found on street near the camp.
The letter lists four students, their department, year and place of birth)
1. Gada Ebisa, English 2nd yr ( from Mandi, West Walaga)
2. Amanuel Etefa, Sport 3rd yr ( Dambi Dollo, Qellam Walaga)
3. Oli Zewde, Law 2nd yr ( Mandi, West Walaga)
4. Bedhasa Endale, Biology 2nd year (Naqamte, EastWalaga)


this piece of paper contains plight of four Dire Dawa University students who are being held underground at one of the military camps.

#OromoProtests 4 June 2016: Waxabajjii 4/2016 G/h/lixaa Aanaa doobbaa magaala caffee baantee keessatti nama maqaan isaa ahmadyasin harun jedhamu polisoni tumanii hidhatti yeroo oofan qeerroon gurmuudhaan poolisii dura dhabatee irraa buufte. sababa kanaaf guyyaa arraa jechuuniis Waxabajjii 5/2016 alada arraa feedaraaloonni dhufanii dachii balleesan baratootaafi jiraattoota magaalaa caffee qabanii hidhatti guuran. haatahuu garuu muraasni qeerroo mana hidhaati faca’uudhaan harkaa bahani jiran.





#OromoProtests June 4, 2016 in Asabot town, Hararghe, Oromia.

#OromoProtests in Asabot town, Hararghe, Oromia, June 4, 2016

#OromoProtests‬ June, 03/2016: Solidarity rally at Brussels, Belgium, June, 03/2016

#OromoProtests solidarity rally in Brusells, Beligium, 3 June 2016#OromoProtests solidarity rally in Brusells, Beligium, 3 June 2016 p2#OromoProtests solidarity rally in Brusells, Beligium, 3 June 2016 p3#OromoProtests solidarity rally in Brusells, Beligium, 3 June 2016 p4



#‎Oromoprotests‬ June, 4 2016  (Waxabajjii 04,2016): Wayyaaneen erga ayyaanni ishee Ginbot 20 darbee asitti ummata Oromoo irraa isa dhumaa abdi kutatteetti. Kanarrayyuu darbee hojjetoota isheerraas kan dhumaa abdii kutattee jirti.
Ayyaana kanaan wal qabsiisee abdii kutannatti kan ishee geesse Finfinnee kutaa magaalaa Nifaas Silkii Laaftoo irraa kaasee akkasuma kutaa magaalaa Finfinnee keessa yoo ilaalamu kutaa magaalaa tokko keessatti xalayaadhaan namoota 500
hanga 1000tu waamame. Kan argames Tigrootaa fi Amaarota darbee yoo baayyate hanga nama 40 hin caalle ture. Finfinneetti namooti ayyaana ishee irratti argaman firoota ishee qofa. Oromiyaatti kanneen akka Godina Shawaa Lixaatti maqaadhumti waggaa 25ffaa Ginbot 20 jedhamu hin kaafamne. Magaalota tokko tokkotti ammoo harka qalleeyyii sabummaan Oromoo hin tahin qarshiidhaan gowoomsanii ayyaana isaaniitti waammatanii turan.
Torbee kana keessa wayyaaneen sadarkaa saree maraatuu ta’uudhaan waraana ishee Oromiyaa keessa bittimsitee jirti.
Ummanni amma ifatti ABO jedhee beeksifateera. Maanguddoo fi xixiqqaan keenya Oromoon ABO beeka malee wayyaanee hin beeku jechuun dubbachuunis diina rifaatuu guddaa keessa seensisee jira.
Haala kanaan barattota gooluun hanga ariyuutti deemaa jirti. Kaleessa Yuniversitiin Haromaayaa gubatuudhaan har’a barattootni yuniversitichaa waggaa tokkoffaa baratan mooraa akka gadhiisan murtiin irratti darbe. Dirre Dawaatti akkasuma barataan hordofamee qabamaa jira.
Kun hunduu wayyaanee kan raasaa jiru kan hin hafneef soda Qeerroo irraa qabduuni. Addatti torbeen kun mootummaa wayyaaneef aarii fi hamilee kan dhabde siyaasa isheettis kan kufaatii dhumaa keessa buusee jiru tahuun kan ifatti mul’atee jiruu dha. Yuniversitiileen hundumtuu amma humna waraanaan marfamanii eegamaa jiru.
Injifannoo Ummata Oromoof!

OMN: Oduu Wax. 3, 2016




Waxabajjii 2,2016/Barattooti Oromoo Kolleejjii Barsiisota Maattuu Baratan 6 Badiin Tokkoon Malee Barnoota Irraa Arihamuu Itti Gaafatamaan Kollojjechaa Ato Yidneqacho Tasfaye Barattoota Beeksisan.

Baratooti maqaan isaanii kanaa gadii yeroo ammaatti kanneen arihamani dha.

  1.  Masfiin Abdataa barataa sportii waggaa 2ffaa
  2.  Yoonaas Urgeessaa bartaa isportii waggaa 3ffaa
  3. Shibbiruu Abdiisaa barataa Sportii waggaa 2ffaa
  4.  Daani’eel Caalaa barataa ispoortii waggaa 3ffaa
  5. Baayisaa Daksiisaa barataa sifiikii waggaa 3ffaa
  6. Sanbataa Wandimmuu baraataa waggaa 2ffaa

Diddaa Barattooti Oromoo Yuniverstii Wallaggaa Keessaan Wal Qabatee Waraanni Wayyaanee Mooraa Keessa Qubachuun Barattoota Goolaa Jira.

Waxabajjii 2,2016 Naqamte


Yunivarsiitii Jimmaatti GDASAO(Gumiin Dagaagina Aadaa fi Seenaa Afaan Oromoo) Gaggeessa Waggaa Taasifate

Waxabajji 2,2016
Guyyaa har’aa Yuunibarsiitii Jimmaatti GDASAOn Qophii bareedaan galgala kana barattota moorichaan gaggeessaan waggaa tasifamee jira Qophiin kun Eebbaan kan eegale yoo ta’u, Qophii kanarratti Walleewwan hedduun Waltajicharraa barattootaaf banamanii barattoonni gamtaan dhiichisaa turan,Walaloowwaaniif Dhaamsa garaagaraas irratti waliif dabarfamaa ture, Keessattuu Qophii har’a godhamerratti Hirmataa qophichaa kan ture,Barataa Bara darbe Barnoota Social science Geeba kaase,Dhalootaan Oromoo kamisee ta’ee Lecturerf kan moorichii waammate,Dhaamsa Walloo kamiseef Uummata Oromoo Raayyaa Aseeb jiran irraa Fuudhe Qeerroowwaan Golee Oromiyaa Maraaf Ergaa nama boosisu akkasiin dabarseef..
“Elaa yaa Dhiigakoo ilmaan Aayyaa isin kan Oromiyaa keessatti dhalattan garbummaa waggaa dhibbaaf bohaa jirtu,Aniif hawwaasni ani keessatti dhaladhe garuu,Garbummaa Waggaa Dhibba afurii baannee siqiqaa jirra,Dhaamsi haawwasikoo isiniif dhaaman,tokko taanee garbummaa keessaa wal haa baasnu,Elaa Obbolaan keessan Ijoolleen Wallo Kamiseetiif Raayya Aseeboorraa dhufan,Dugugguruu lafee keessaniti lafee keessantu cabe Garbummaatu humnaa ol irra turee Afanis akka dagatan danqe,Adaraa Ofitti Nuuf qabaatii afaan keenya ka galaana miilu san nuuf barsiisaa!! Aadaa keenyas nuuf barsiisaa!,Nuti wal malee humaa hin qabnu” jechuun ergaa osoo dabarsuu ijji barattootaa Dirree Xiqaarraa(Minstadium) Keessa ta’anii imimmaan calale,Imimmaan Jaalala Imimmaan Oromummaan dhaamsaa isaa fudhaaniif, Dhumarrattis Waltajjiin Sirba Tokkuummaa Uummata Cunqurfamoo sirbuun Gengoo ykn O Uumuun harka wal-qabatanii,Waadaa Oromummaaf Waadaa
Tokkummaan Waltajjicha haala Gaariin Xumurani.

“Abbaan Biyyaa ABO Dha” Jedhu Daa’imman Warraaqoo Godina Hararge Lixaa Magaalaa Asabooot.

Waxabajjii 2,2016 Guyyaa har’aa gootonni Yeeyyiin warraaqsa Oromoo magaalaa Asaboot keessatti “Abbaan biyyaa ABO dha” jechuun dhadhachaa oolan.

(SBO/VOL – Waxabajjii 02,2016) Waxabajjii 01/2016 Warraaqsaa Biyyoolessa Oromiyaa FXG marsaa 5ffaa Caamsaa 30/2016 Godina Kaaba Shaggar Saalaalee Aanaa Kuyyuu Magaalaa Gabra Gurraachaatti gaggeeffame irratti Tarkaanfii Diinummaa Waraanni Agaazii fudhateen Sabboonaan Oromoo Obboo Toleeraa Ijaaraa Wareegamuun guyyaa har’aa Uummatni Oromoo kumootaan lakka’aman dhaadannoo fi dheekkamsaa guddaa dhageesisuun sirni awaalcha isaa rawwate.

Guyyaa dheengaddaa Salaalee gabra Gurraachaatti Warraaqsii jabaan qabsiifamee gaggeeffamaa oluu gabaasuun keenya ni yaadatama. Warraaqsaa kana irratti tarkaanfiin diinummaa waraanni agaazii wayyaanee gaasii Summaa’a uummatarratti dhukaasuun fudhateen sabboonaan Oromoo Obboo Toleeraa Ijaaraa abbaan maatii ijoollee sadii ukkanfamee Wareegamuun isaa uummata Oromoo Aanaa Kuyyuutti kan dhagaa’amee fi hedduu dheekkamsiisaa jiru yoo ta’uu, Waxabajjii 01,2016 Sirni awwaalcha isaa Aanaa Kuyyuu Gabra Gurrachaatti bifa adda ta’een bakka sabboontootni fi qeerroon dargaggootni Oromoo argamanitti uummata gara kuma 4000 olitti lakka’amuun kan gaggeeffame ta’uu madden keenya Gabra Gurraacha irraa gabaasan.

Uummatni Oromoos kaayyoo Toleeraa Ijaaraa goonni Oromoo kun irratti wareegamees galmaan ni geenya, dhumnee dhabamna malee mootummaa gabroomsaa jalatti deebinee hin bullu jechuun dhaadannoo guddaa dhageesisuun sirni awwaalcha isaa bifa adda ta’een gaggeeffamera. Waraabbii video fi suuraalee sirna gaggeessaa sabboonaa Oromoo kana irratti waraabame kan isin qaqqabsiifnu ta’uu ni hubachiifna!!

Injifannoon uummata Oromoof!!

#OromoProtests, Saalaalee, Kuyyuu, Gabra Gurraachaa, Oromia, 1 June 2016

Because I am OromoWaxabajjii  2/2016 Hidhamtootni Oromoo 32’n Kanneen  Magaalaa Finfinnee Kutaa Bulchiinsa Boolee Keeaatti Utuu Afooshaaf Walitti Qabamani Jirani Qabaman Guyyaa Kaleessa Waxabajjii  1/2016 Wayita Mana Murtii  Lidetatti Dhiyeeffamanitti Uffata Gaddaa Uffachuun Hacuucaa Fi Daraaraa Irra Ga’aa Jiru Balaaleffatan.

   Mani murtii Wayyaanee qofaaf dalaguu fi ilmaan Oromoo irratti daba dalaguu irraa duubatti hin deebine ilmaan Oromoo daraaraa fi hirraasa maqaa Oromummaa isaanii qofaan yakkamaanii fi gochaa suukkaneessa isaan irra ga’aa jiruu fi sobaan himatamaa jiraachuu balaaleffachuun uffata  gaddaa uffataan aangawootni abbaa irree Mana murtii wayyaanee wal ta’uun  Uffata isaanii kana dirqamanii akka baafatan gochuun mirga namummaa irraa sarbee uffata irraa baasuun gara mana hidhaa Qilinxootti kan deebise ta’uu saaxilame.

 Hidhamtootni ilmaan Oromoo mirga hidhamaan seeraa tokko illee qabu dhabuun uffata  gaddaa maaf uffattaan jedhamani illee utuu hin gaafatamiin uuffata isaanii kana akka of irraa baafatan dirqisiifamuun kan baafatan yoo ta’uu mirgi dhala namummaa isaanii sabamaa jiraachuun hubatamee jira.

    Walumaagalatti haalli qabinsa mirga hidhamtoota Oromoo yeroo irraa gara yerootti hammachaa fi haalaan kan nama gaddisiisuu ta’aa waan jiruuf Dhaabbileen mirga namummaa Addunyaa Amenisty International , Human Right watch , Dhaabbileen mirga Dhala namaa Gaafa Afrikaa, mootummootni fi biyyootni  leelliftummaa mirga dimookiraasii fi dhala namaaf waardiyaa dhaabbattan ilmaan Oromoo manneen hidhaa Impayera Ethiopia bakkoota garaagaraa keessatti dararamaa jiraniif dirmannaa akka gootan Qeerroon bilisummaa Oromoo gadi jabeessuun dhaamasa dirmannaa dabarfanna!!

Godina Kibba Lixa Walisoo M/B Garasuu Dhukii Sadarkaa 2ffaa fi qopha’inaa akkasumas Walisoo fi Magaalaa Walisoo keessatti FXG itti fufe.

Itti fufaWarraaqsii  FXG marsaa 5ffaan kun Godina Walisootti Caamsaa 26 /2016 Irraa eegaluun kan eegalee fi addatti immoo goototni barattootni Oromoo M/B sadarkaa 2ffaa fi qophaa’ina  Garesuu Dhukii adda durummaan warraaqsaa kan finiinsan yoo ta’uu, mootummaan Wayyaanee Tajaajila network balleessuu irratti xiyyeeffachuun sochii uummata ukkamsuuf yaalii gudda godhus warraaqsii FXG kun afaan qawwee fi loltuun ukkanfamuu kan hin dandeenye ta’uun itti fufuun warraaqsii daran jabaachuun finiina jira. Goototni barattootni Oromoo gaaffii mirga abbaa biyyummaa gaafachaa jirruu fi mirgi bilisummaa saba keenya hanga kabajamuu fi waraanni wayyaanee Oromiyaa fi dhaabbilee barnootaa gadhiisee hanga bahuutti warraaqsii FXG hin dhaabbatu, qormaata utuu hin baratiin hin qoramnu, sirni barnootaa waraanaan nu jalaa uggurameef mootummaan wayyaanee itti gaafatamuu qaba, hidhamtootni Oromoo hundi haalduree tokko malee haa hiikaman jechuun gaaffii isaanii finiinsuun warraaqsa qabsiisan. Sochii Warraaqsaa Oromiyaa godinichatti jabaachaa dhufuun wal qabatee waraanni agaazii gootota barattoota Oromoo M/B Garesuu Dhukii sadarkaa 2ffaa fi Qopha’inaa mooraa mana barnootaa seenuun barattoota waraana agaaziin kan goolaa jiruu ta’uu fi barattootni Oromoo 6 humna waraana agaaziin ukkanfamuu kan hidhaman ta’uun ibsame jira.  Barattootni Oromoo Wallisoo M/B Garasuu Dhukii irraa ukkanfaman

1.       Barataa Misgaanaa Dhiinsaa , kutaa 9ffaa

2.       Barataa Guutamaa Rundaasaa, kutaa 9ffaa

3.       Barataa Alamayyoo Rundaasaa, kutaa 9ffaa

4.       Barataa Xurunaa Kitaabaa,  kutaa 10ffaa

5.       Barataa Waggarii Birhaanuu , kutaa 9ffaa kanneen keessatti argaman barattootni Oromoo 6 humna waraana agaaziin kan ukkanfamani hidhatti darbataman ta’uun ibsame jira. Humni waraanaa agaazii fi poolisiin federaalaa gara godina kanatti guuramaa jiraachuun ifa ta’eera. Warraaqsii uummataa Godina Kibbalixa Shaggar Walisoo magaalaa hanga gandoota baadiyyatti illee yeroo irraa gara yerootti jabaachaa jiraachuu madden Qeerroo Magaalaa Waliisoo irraa gabaasan.









#OromoProtests in Langey, East Hararge, May 31, 2016


Caamsaa 31, 2016 Godina  Lixaa Shaggar  Aanaa Ada’aa Bargaatti Warraaqsii biyyoolessaa Oromiyaa FXG marsaa 5ffaan Gootota barattoota Oromoo M/B Sadarkaa 2ffaa fui Qophaa’inaa Incinniitiin guyyaa kaleessa irraa eegaluun finiinee itti fufe!!

Itti fufa(June 1, 2016): Sochii warraaqsaa FXG marsaa 5ffaan kun daran jabaachuun goototni barattootni Oromoo Aanaa Adaa’aa Bargaa Magaalaa Incinnii fi M/B Incinnii  keessatti qabsiisan Nuti Barattootni utuu torbee tokkoillee nagaan hin Baratiin baatii 6 guutuu mirga uummata keenya sarbameef gaaffii mirga abbaa biyyummaa fi kabajamuu mirgoota namummaa fi dimookiraasii dhiyyeeffachuun hanga har’aa deebiin tokko illee nuuf kennamuu dhabuu fi torbee tokko illee nagaan sirni baruu fi barsiisuu utuu nuuf hin kennamiin qormaata kutaa 12ffaa fi 10ffaa Oromiyaa keessatti barattoota Oromoof kennuun dabaa fi Shira ittin uummata Oromoo miidhuuf dalagamaa jiru waan ta’eef ni balaaleffanna jechuun hanga gaaffiin mirga abbaa biyyummaa deebii argatuu fi bilisummaan uummata keenyaa mirkanaa’utti warraaqsaa keenya isa xummuraaf gaggeessa jirruu irraa duubatti hin deebinu jechuun bifa haaraan warraaqsa dhoosuun diina wawwachisaa jiraachuun ibsatan.

Mootummaan abbaa irree Wayyaanee humna waraana isaa barattoota irratti bobbaasuun Barattootni Oromoo  hedduun isaanii humna waraanaan qabamuun Magaalaa Incinnii irratti hidhamanii jiran keessa barattootni Oromoo 4 immoo humna waraanaan butamanii eessa buuteen isaanii kan hin beekamne ta’uun ibsame jira. Sochiin warraaqsaa FXG uummata Oromoo humna Waraanaan dhaabbachuu hin danda’u guyyaa ha’as  Godinaalee Oromiyaa  garaagaraa keessattis itti fufee jiraachuu Qeerroon gabaase.


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Odaa OromooAddis Standard


In Piassa, an area many consider to be the heart of Addis Abeba, rests the Ethiopian Federal Police Force Central Bureau of Criminal Investigation, otherwise known by its Amharic name, Ma’ekelawi (Amharic for central). Notorious for the sever torture detainees are subjected to inside its enclosures, Ma’ekelawi is a time defying institution which has been in use for more than half a century in Ethiopia, sadly for the same purpose.

During the dark days of the Marxist Derg regime between 1974 and 1991, Ma’ekelawi served as a place where thousands of dissenters were exposed to cruelties including disquieting torture and arbitrary killings. More than three decades down the line many of those who survived Ma’ekelawi live a life overshadowed by what happened when they were incarcerated, struggling to fully overcome the experience as they carry the burden of the darkest chapters in their lives.

Today nowhere is that history of horror visibly displayed than at the Red Terror Martyr’s Museum around MesqelSquare in central Addis Abeba. The Museum’s motto, “Never Ever Again”, speaks volumes about the atrocities committed inside Ma’ekelawi throughout the 17 years in power of the Derg regime.

The Red Terror Martyr’s Museum was built by the current regime in Ethiopia in honor of the people who perished during its predecessor’s infamous Red Terror campaign of 1977-1978. An estimated number of more than half a million Ethiopians were killed during that brutal campaign; and many of the victims have gone through the terrible experience of life at Ma’ekelawi.

For the survivors of the campaign, the Red Terror Martyr’s Museum is a place where solace and comfort can be sought. Some survivors who were approached by this magazine found talking about the horrendous experience they had gone through inside the fortress of Ma’ekelawi too much to bear, rendering our attempts to get their stories futile.

Fast forward, decades later and a completely different government that has ‘democratic’ written all over it, and that waged a civil war against a regime which partially depended on what happened inside Ma’ekelawi to extend its grip on power, the story of Ma’ekelawi remained intact.



Wofe-Lala – Derg’s favorite torture method


Wofe-Lala – Derg’s favorite torture method

 ‘Chambers of horror’

Other than its frightening name, a great number of present-day Ethiopians know little about either the physical structure or the torture techniques applied inside Ma’ekelawi. But a 2013 Human Rights Watch (HRW) report titled:“They Want a Confession: Torture and Ill treatment in Ethiopia’s Ma’ekelawi Police Station,” revealed a chilling account. It documented in detail the scale of human rights abuses, unlawful investigation tactics, and detention conditions practiced between the years of 2010 and 2013. It accuses investigators of using coercive methods including several ways of torture to extract confessions, statements, and other information from detainees. Depending on their compliances with the demands of investigators, the report said, detainees are punished or rewarded with denial or access to water, food, light, and other basic needs.They are also subjected to sever physical tortures involving beatings and punishments by stressful positions such as hanging them with their wrists tied to ceilings, or being made to stand with their hands tied above their heads for several hours.

The US State Department’s annual Human Right Report on Ethiopia, which was released in April this year, also admits that “there were credible reports police investigators used physical and psychological abuse to extract confessions inMa’ekelawi. Interrogators reportedly administered beatings and electric shocks to extract information and confessions from detainees.”

Both reports have been corroborated by several detainees (past and present) who were interviewed by Addis Standard for this story. (See selected stories here and here).

Many of them refer to Ma’ekelawi as “chambers of horror.”

Ethiopia's chambers of horror


“For many of the detainees Tawla Bet is a place of heartache, guilt and moral dilemma”

Inside the ‘Chambers of horror’

Ma’ekelawi has three different blocks with conditions significantly differing amongst them. Based on the locations and the facilities inside; the three blocks are known as Siberia, Tawla Bet & Sheraton.


The worst of the three blocks is called Siberia for none other than the cells’ freezing temperature.  Siberia alone has between seven and 10 cells at a time, all ranging from 16 to 25 square meters in size. (The number of the cells can go up and down depending on the number of detainees received at a time. And when detainees overwhelm the block, the management converts rooms that serve as storage places or communal rooms into detention centers).

One of the cells in Siberia, cell number 8, is partitioned into four separate cells and is used to keep detainees in solitary confinement. The rooms are just big enough to accommodate a mattress to sleep and a bucket to urinate on. They have no window and no light inside, which is why they are called “Chelema Bet” (Amharic for Dark House).

The rest of the Siberia block hosts communal cells, which are lined up along a long corridor facing one another. They do share similar features with “Chelema Bet”: the rooms are naturally dark except for a dim fluorescent light hanging on a barred, small window near each ceiling. The metal doors have small peepholes, often covered on cardboard, and are kept locked for 24 hours. Detainees inside these communal cells are allowed to have just 10 minutes of access to daylight per day.  The only other stuffs in each communal cell are mattresses, a bucket and a few food bowls. Up to 20 detainees (sometimes more) are forced to share each of the communal cells, which are not more than 4X5 square meters in size.

At one end of the corridor there are five filthy toilets and a shower located adjacent the toilets, all for communal use. While showering is allowed once a week, accessing the toilet is restricted to 15 minutes at a time, twice a day; and as if that is not enough discomfort the toilets don’t have doors to give detainees the privacy they need.

‘Tawla Bet’

Tawla Bet (Amharic for wooden house), is where those who are coerced to testify against fellow detainees are kept as prosecutors’ key witnesses. For many of the detainees Tawla Bet is a place of heartache, guilt and moral dilemma;  many of them are brought into a point of mental breakdown to testify against fellow detainees under sever duress.

Tawla Bet is also where female detainees are kept. Although most of the regulations are similar with Siberia, the doors in Tawla Bet cells can stay open during daytime, allowing detainees to sit at their doorstep and sometimes move from one cell to the other, a precious asset inside the two blocks.


Named after Ethiopia’s luxurious hotel, Sheraton is a block in which detainees are indulged with a movement as well as access to lawyers and relatives. They can also watch television – mainly broadcast of the state TV programs – at daytime.  Detainees who went through interrogations in Siberia and Tawla Bet and are waiting to be officially charged are the primary occupants of the Sheraton block.

The political element

Amha Mekonen, a prominent defense attorney who has represented some of the high profile defendants in recent years – including the much publicized case of Zone9 bloggers – is no stranger to the stories of Ma’ekelawi detailed in the HRW report. “Defendants who are detained at Ma’ekelawi often complain that they are subjected to inhuman treatments,” he tells this magazine. “Some of the defendants even manage to convince courts that they indeed have been abused and assaulted.”

One key problem Amha sees with Ma’ekelawi is that “the division initiates investigation without actually having any real ground to suspect that there is a crime that warrants an investigation. Many say this happens when the case is politically motivated. I am not sure whether that is true or not. What I am sure is the fact that there are instances when the division begins investigation without having sufficient evidence,” he says.

But for the HRW’s report the political element in Ma’ekelawi’s conduct is not easy to miss. The facility is the first stop for the majority of the country’s opposition politicians, journalists, protest organizers, and alleged supporters of ethnic insurgencies once all are taken into police custody, the report says.

Article 6/1 of the Ethiopian Federal Police Commission Establishment Proclamation 720/2011 gives the Federal Police the duty to prevent and investigate any threat and acts of crime against the Constitution and the constitutional order, security of the government and the state and human rights offenses. As a result the majority detainees in Ma’ekelawiare suspected of committing Federal offenses.

Furthermore, Ethiopia’s introduction in 2009 of the infamous Anti-Terrorism Proclamation (ATP) has made Ma’ekelawian important site for the detention and investigation of most of the politically sensitive cases, according to the HRW report. The provisions included in Ethiopia’s ATP seriously undermine basic legal safeguards against prolonged pre-charge detentions. Thus, once accused of offenses under this law, the facilities at Ma’ekelawi automatically become home to the majority of detainees in preparation for their trials, according to the report.

As of late the facility is overcrowded, Amha says. “I heard that they are transferring some of the detainees to Addis Abeba Police Commission nearby,” he says. “This shows that they are overwhelmed with cases. It might be criminal cases or something else. It might be something the government wants to suppress. It can be politically motivated,” Amha opines, but Tsegaye Ararssa, a Melbourne-based legal scholar, is unambiguous in his assertion: “the fact that the larger proportion of detainees are political prisoners and prisoners of conscience indicates that something is wrong with the way the politics is run in that country,” he told this magazine in a written interview.

One of the factors that made living conditions inside Ma’ekelawi hellish has always been the disproportionately big numbers of people forced to stay in a single room. “We hear that around 12 sometimes up to 15 people are detained in a cell which is no wider than 4 meter square,” says Amha.

Recently, Bekele Gerba, first secretary general of the opposition Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) – and who is going through life at Ma’ekelawifor the second time –  made a passionate plea at a federal court that he and 21 other detainees were forced to stay at a “4×5 meter cell that included a toilet”.

The Constitution: Ma’ekelawi’s first victim

The operations inside Ma’ekelawi are not only against basic human rights but are at odds with the Supreme Law of the land, the constitution, as well as other laws the country governs itself by, according to Amha.  For Tsegaye the essential purpose of Ma’ekelawi is “regime security not human security” and as such it has become an institution that flouts the rights and security of citizens that are otherwise guaranteed in the country’s constitution.

Article 19 (2/5) of the Ethiopian Constitution, for example, asserts that people under police custody should not be forced to make confessions or make admissions which could be “used in evidence against them”. It nullifies any evidence obtained under coercion as inadmissible in the court of law. And article 24 of Proclamation No. 720/2011 prohibits the police from committing, “any inhuman or degrading treatment or act.”

In addition, regulation on the Treatment of Federal Prisoners 138/2007 (art. 3/1) clearly states that “no discrimination on grounds of gender, language, religion, political opinion nation/nationality, social status or citizen,” while art. 3/2 of the same Regulation guarantees “respect to [the detainees’] human dignity unless restricted by the penalties imposed on them.”

Nonetheless detainees at Ma’ekelawi are not only refused access to lawyers and relatives, but are subjected to tortures. “[Similar] tortures we have been hearing in the Derg period such as hanging a bottle of water on male genitals, electric shock, beating, being forced to stand for a long time, and other forms of prolonged interrogations,” are committed against detainees, says Amha, adding that defendants also experience self-incrimination and coercion to testify against co-defendants.  “What is more astonishing is the level of details and [organized narratives] we find on those confessions. It is as if they were [composed] by someone with a literary background. No one in his right mind incriminates himself in that manner,” Amha says.

Tsegaye reinforces Amha’s point. “In Ethiopian detention centers fact is not found, or discovered, as such; they are made. They are created in the course of the ‘investigation’”.

Many detainees are brought from remote areas all over the country. For them the pain is twice as much. “They are separated from their social background and support system. There might even be a language barrier. I am not sure ifMa’ekelawi is equipped with proper translation mechanism during interrogations,” says Amha. “And what is worse is after having gone through painful and life-altering months or even years at Ma’ekelawi, they might be acquitted and walk free,” he adds.

According to Tsegaye, “the fact that detainees come from afar disconnects them from their family and their support system thereof. But more importantly such distance from one’s place of residence becomes a barrier to access to justice. Physical distance, cultural distance, and linguistic distance are the three major barriers to access to justice,” Tsegaye said, adding that when a detainee is far removed from his/her own place of residence it “makes it more difficult to gather evidence even for the investigator.”  But because the main focus is on “infliction of pain on the ‘suspect’ rather than finding facts, often this fact is neglected.”

To ease this problem, if not to solve it, Amha suggests that other criminal investigation facilities should be established in regional states. Further explaining on this, Tsegaye says that in principle regional states can – and perhaps should – have their own system of criminal investigation. But their power would be confined to the crimes over which they have jurisdiction. (The States have legislative competence over criminal matters that are not covered by the federal criminal code.)

As per Proclamation No. 25/1996 (and its amendments since), the State Supreme Courts have jurisdiction over cases that were meant to appear in the Federal High Court, according to Tsegaye. “State High Courts would adjudge cases that are normally under the jurisdiction of the Federal First Instance Court. This practice suggests that, to this extent, the Ethiopian federal system is merely an executive/administrative federal system. (That is to say, it is a federal system where the federal government has a legislative power whereas the States have an executive/administrative power. The State institutions enforce or execute federal laws), Tsegaye explains.

Ethiopia, prisoners items in Ma'ikelawi (Torture chamber).

Back to a lingering past

On February 26, 1977 44 prisoners were picked from Ma’ekelawi and were taken to the outskirts of the city where they were executed and buried in a mass grave, Babile Tola, a survivor of Ma’ekelawi, recounts in his book, “To Kill a Generation: the Red Terror in Ethiopia.” The youngest of the 44 was only 17 while many of them were aged between 17 and 26. The story of the secret mass execution was brought to light thanks to two prisoners who managed to jump and escape out of the police van on their way to their execution. One of them was the young Hilawi Yosef, who subsequently joined the armed struggle against theDerg regime.

After putting the stories during the armed struggle behind him Hilawi Yosef served in several senior positions in the incumbent’s government. Asked by this magazine to relate his story of the Ma’ekelawi Hilawi, who is currently serving as Ethiopia’s Ambassador to Israel, declined to return our email, but his story was narrated in Babile Tola’s historical book, as well as Girmaye Abraha’s “Yemiyanebu Egroch” (Amharic for “The feet that weep”), an apparent reference to the tortures that leave detainees’ feet bleeding.

In addition to Ambassador Hilawi Yosef, several other officials in the current government have been, at one point or another, detained at Ma’ekelawi during the Derg regime. It is a fact that leaves Ma’ekelawi’s current victims mystified and in endless search for answers on the logic of keeping and running an institution that many died fighting against.

So why is Ma’ekelawi still running?

For Tsegaye, the core reason for its existence as the prime source of state terror is the fundamental insecurity of the Ethiopian state. “There lacks to be a political will to demolish this prime example of the apparatus of state repression,” he says. The US state department report revealed that majority of mistreatments happen in “Ma’ekelawi and police stations rather than federal prisons.”

Amha carefully points at the existence of other facilities as a viable alternative to (at least) replace the deteriorating physical infrastructure of Ma’ekelawi, but agrees with Tsegaye that lack of political will is what is holding the change back. “You can find the evidence to that within a walking distance. The newly built Addis Abeba Police Commission has a much better criminal investigation block and facility. If there was a political will, the same improvements could have been done to Ma’ekelawi.

However, Amha says he doesn’t have any problem with the existence of a Federal Criminal Investigation facility. “My problem is with how it is being operated. [Also] for symbolic reasons, I would prefer it if it is somewhere else because of the horrible memories associated with that place.”

Tsegaye argues that the structure and even the name of Ma’ekelawi should have been altered to “reflect the changed politico-administrative structure of the country. Taking account of the federal set up, the name could have changed into ‘Federal Bureau of Criminal Investigation’. That it hasn’t changed even in name already betrays the virtually non-federal political culture and the political practice of the country to date.”

Tsegaye is of the view that if there was a serious thinking into it, such a change – the change from a unitary system to a federal one – would have offered an “opportunity to move away from the dastardly, imperial, and barbaric practices that [Ma’ekelawi] represents and is a symbol of.”

One obstacle that hindered this change, according to Tsegaye, is the fact that Ma’ekelawi has never been put to the light of political and legal accountability. “It has never been publicly criticized (for its misdeeds) in representative political institutions (such as Parliamentary Oversight Committees); its power, finance, and personnel have never been put to a transparent audit system; the legal foundation of that institution, its competence (such as the matters it has jurisdiction over), its jurisdiction, and its responsibility framework has never been publicly accounted for.”

Aside from the visible lack of political will (see our editorial here), lack of skill in crime investigation is yet another factor that contributes to the brutal handling of detainees under police custody, Tsegaye adds. “Criminal investigation is a science, a profession in its own right. Detection requires a distinct set of skills that have to be put to use in the investigation of a particular crime.” From his stint as a lecturer at the Police College, Tsegaye remembers “being told that no one was trained in criminal investigation.”

Tsegaye is under no illusion that judging from its ultimate purpose as a tool of repression, its ideal location in the heart of Piassa (comforted by a general silence), and the total information blackout on the purpose and everyday conduct of the injustice inside its fortress, the current government is, unfortunately, poised to continue running Ma’ekelawi,despite it being a  “monument of state barbarity” and a “primary institution that serves as the true face of the repressive regimes – past and present.”

Analysis: Ma’ekelawi! Why is Ethiopia still running a ‘Torture Chamber’ from the past?

UNPO Side-Events at UN Human Rights Council Raise Awareness of Gross Human Rights Violations in Ethiopia June 28, 2016

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Odaa OromooUNPOUN Human Rights

UNPO Side-Events at UN Human Rights Council Raise Awareness of Gross Human Rights Violations in Ethiopia

UNPO,  24 June 2016

Aiming to raise awareness of the gross human rights violations perpetrated by the Ethiopian government against its own citizens, the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO), in cooperation with the Nonviolent Radical Party (PRNTT), the Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa and the Ogaden People’s Rights Organization, convened two side-events to the XXXII Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, on 22 and 23 June 2016, respectively.

On 22 June 2016, a conference entitled ‘Business and Human Rights in Ethiopia: Double-Digit Growth at What Cost?’ looked at the systematic and large-scale violations of human rights committed hand-in-hand by transnational corporations and the Ethiopian government, with particular focus on the Ogaden region.Mr Abdirahman Mahdi, Chairman of the Ogaden People’s Rights Organization (OPRO), provided the audience – comprised of human rights defenders, diplomats, politicians, journalists and academics from all over the world – with an introductory overview of the Ogaden, a region that has recently seen its territory divided into 22 blocks to be then assigned to transnational corporations, with no regard whatsoever to the local inhabitants, who are being forcefully displaced and denied access to their grazing lands. Mr Mahdi reminded the audience that, although the Ethiopian constitution stipulates that the land is owned by the state and the people of Ethiopia, “the Somali people in Ogaden have no say or right in deciding the fate of their land and are never consulted”.

In a region where aid is severely restricted and international NGOs are denied access or operate under direct supervision, “detention, rape, summery execution and torture are rampant”, Mr Mahdi explained. Even the International Committee of the Red Cross has been banned from working in the Ogaden since 2007, while it is allowed in other parts of Ethiopia. Only during the last six months, several civilians in 69 localities were rounded, detained, beaten, looted or killed. On 6 June 2016, 51 people were killed in Jama Dubad, in the Gashamo District On 15 June, more than 400 civilians, relatives of Ogaden diaspora members were detained and tortured in Qabridahar, Dhanaan, Wardheer, Godey and Dhagahbur, after some demonstrations against the regional president had taken place in Australia.

Following Mr Mahdi’s presentation, journalist and director Mr Graham Peebles screened for the first time his recent short documentary “Ogaden: Ethiopia’s Hidden Shame”. The film is based on interviews conducted in Dadaab Refugee camp in Kenya in October 2014 and reveals the state-sponsored terrorism taking place in the Somali Ogaden region of Ethiopia, showing related stories of extreme violence, torture and rape at the hands of the security forces. After the screening of his poignant film, Mr Peebles shared with the audience the experience of shooting and producing the piece. Mr Peebles remarked that, in addition to Ethiopian military and paramilitary being engaged in killings to clear the area for resource exploration, the Ogaden has also been severely affected by drought and famine. “Although the WFP is providing emergency food aid in the Ogaden, the relief programme has been forced to recruit locals who are said to be working for the Ethiopian security services”, he explained. As a result, food aid is increasingly being diverted from WFP warehouses to local agencies, “who reportedly transfer it to the army or government regional administrators, who then divide the food amongst themselves with the purpose of being sold on the black market or given to groups that support the ruling party”.

Scene of the film “Ogaden: Ethiopia’s HIdden Shame’ by Graham Peebles, screened at the UN in Geneva

Followed by a debate, this first conference sought to address the complex relationship between business and human rights in Ethiopia, where the most basic rights of the local population are sacrificed on the altar of major economic interests and so-called ‘development’.

On 23 June 2016, the second side-event, in collaboration the Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA), shifted the focus to the Oromo region of Ethiopia where, in November 2015, national security forces responded to largely peaceful protests with excessive and lethal force. The roundtable was entitled “Violations of Freedom of Assembly and Demonstration: Brutal Crackdown on Peaceful Oromo Protests”.

Mr Garoma Wakessa, Director of the Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa, opened his presentation by offering a comprehensive overview of the situation of the Oromo, who despite being the largest ethinic group, are largely socially and politically marginalized. Mr Wakessa presented the origins of the protests that broke out across Oromia, in 2015, when civilians took to the streets to protest against the so-called ‘Integrated Master Plan’, the central government’s intention to expand Addis Ababa’s municipal boundary into Oromia regional territory. Mr Wakessa emphasized that the demonstrations were mainly led by Oromo students and while the protests started as an opposition to the ‘Master Plan’, they gradually evolved into a wider Oromo movement levelled against the central authorities.

Mr Felix Horne, Ethiopia Researcher for Human Rights Watch, offered with his most recent report,  “‘Such a Brutal Crackdown’: Killings and Arrests in Response to Ethiopia’s Oromo Protests,”,  further details of the Ethiopian government’s use of excessive and unnecessary lethal force and mass arrests, mistreatment in detention, and restrictions on access to information to quash the protest movement. His publication was based on interviews with more than 125 protesters, bystanders and victims of abuse, who documented serious violations of the rights to free expression and peaceful assembly by security forces against protesters and others, between the very beginning of these protests in November 2015 and up until May 2016. Moreover, Mr Horne explained that Ethiopian government’s pervasive restrictions on independent human rights investigations and media have meant that very little information has been coming from affected areas. Since mid-March [2016], the Ethiopian government has restricted access to Facebook and other social media, as well as restricted access to diaspora television stations.

The well-achieved goal of convening two side-events to the XXXII Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council was to raise awareness of the dangerous misconception that Ethiopia is ‘an African democracy on the make’ and ‘a beacon of stability in an otherwise troubled region’. Both events informed human rights defenders, diplomats, politicians, journalists and academics from all over the world about the dire human rights’ situation in Ethiopia, firstly by shedding a light on the damage caused by large-scale business operations, notably in areas inhabited by ethnic groups who are already being systematically marginalized and suppressed by the central government. Secondly, by looking at how an authoritarian regime uses brutal and lethal force against peaceful protestors, such as the case of Oromia.  The international community clearly has an active role to play in ensuring investigations into the mass atrocities taking place in Ethiopia, to hold perpetrators of crimes responsible and to end the enduring impunity.



Mr Abdirahman Mahdi, Chairman of the Ogaden People’s Rights Organization (OPRO)

Mr Graham Peebles, Journalist and Film Director

Mr Garoma Wakessa, Director of the Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa

Mr Felix Horne, Ethiopia Researcher Human Rights Watch

Side-Event Press-Release: Violations of Freedom of Assembly and Demonstration: Brutal Crackdown on Peaceful Oromo Protests

Side-Event Press-Release: Business and Human Rights in Ethiopia: Double-Digit Growth at What Cost?


Oromia (WBO): Irree fi Gaachanni Ummata Oromoo Waraanni Bilisummaa Oromoo Godina Bahaa Tarkaanfii Waraana Wayyaanee Irratti Fudhateen Loltoota Diinaa 40 galaafate. June 28, 2016

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Odaa OromooSBO Oduu Ammee


WBOn Godina Bahaa Keessatti Waraana Gabroomfattuu Wayyaanee Rukutee Balaa Irraan Gahe.

(SBO/VOL – Waxabajjii 26,2016) Irree fi Gaachanni Ummata Oromoo WBOn Godina Baha Oromiyaa Lixa Harargee Onoota Odaa Bultumii fi Gammachiis keessatti waraana wayyaanee ummata hiraarsuu fi sakattaa WBOf bobba’e rukutee loltoota diinaa 40 ol hojiin ala taasiseera.


Haaluma kanaan Waxabajjii 21,2016 humni WBO Godina Lixa Harargee Ona Odaa Bultum keessaa bakka Araddaa Gaaleeysa jedhamee beekamutti waraana diinaa ummatatti roorrisuuf bobba’e haxiidhaan rukutee 7 irraa ajjeesee, 11 madeesseera.


Diinni tarkaanfii irratti fudhatametti aaruun marraa lammaffaaf bakka qubsuma isaa Burqaa irraa WBO barbaachaaf bobbaa godhaa akka jirus beekuun danda’ameera.

Waraanni Bilisummaa Oromoo (WBO)n sochii isaa itti fufuun Lixa Harargee Ona Gammachiis keessaa bakka Kuyyuubboo jedhamutti humna diinaa kan sochii irra ture rukutuun lolli jabaan geggeeffameera. Lola kana irratti waraana diinaa irraa 9 ajjeefamanii 13 ol ammoo madeeffamaniiru.

Tarkaanfii humna isaa irratti fudhatametti haloo ba’uuf mootummaan wayyaanee naannoo san keessaa ilmaan Oromoo 7 ta’an isintu WBO nu rukuchiisa, isintu odeessa keenya kennaaf jechuun ukkaamsee dhabamsiisee jira.

Walumaagalatti loloota kanneen irratti loltootni wayyaanee 16 yeroo ajjeefaman, 24 ol ammoo madeeffamuu fi mi’ootni adda addaa diina irraa booji’amuu Ajaji WBO Godina Baha Oromiyaa ifa godhee jira.


UNPO: Ogaden: Documentary Sheds Light on Ethiopia’s ‘Hidden Shame’ June 26, 2016

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Odaa OromooEthiopia's regime crimes in OgadenOgaden, Ethiopia's hidden shame


Ethiopia is often hailed as an African role model and a beacon of stability and hope in an otherwise troubled region. The developmental community is smitten by the country’s alleged progress in areas such as GDP growth, school attendance and provision of public healthcare. As British journalist and filmmaker Graham Peebles points out in his documentary, however, the reality for most of the people in the Ogaden region of Ethiopia is radically different from the sugar-coated image put forth by the Ethiopian government. Scores of Ogadenis flee their home region to escape state-sponsored violence and abuse, while the international community turns a blind eye to their plight.


Below is an article published by Dissident Voice:

Ethiopia is regularly cited as an African success story by donor nations; the economy is growing they cry, more children are attending school and health care is improving. Well GDP figures and millennium development statistics reveal only a tiny fraction of the corrupt and violent picture.

What development there is depends, the Oakland Institute relate, on “state force and the denial of human and civil rights”; the country remains 173rd out of 187 countries in the UN Human Development Index and around 40% of the population live below the extremely low poverty line of US-$1.25 a day, – the World Bank worldwide poverty line is $2 a day.

The ruling party, the EPRDF, uses violence and fear to suppress the people and governs in a highly centralised manner. Human rights are ignored and a methodology of murder, false imprisonment, torture and rape is followed.

The ethnic Somali population of the Ogaden, in the southeast part of the country, has been the victim of extreme government brutality since 1992. It is a familiar story of a region with a strong identity seeking autonomy from central government, and the regime denying them that democratic right.

In 2013 and again in 2014 I visited Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya and met a number of people who had fled state persecution in the Ogaden. Men and women told of false imprisonment, murder and torture. All the women I spoke with relayed accounts of multiple rape, and sexual abuse; defected military men confessed to carrying out such appalling crimes.

We filmed the meetings and put together a short documentary, Ogaden: Ethiopia’s Hidden Shame. Most people have never heard of the region and know nothing of what is happening there.

The purpose of the film is to raise awareness, of what human rights groups describe as a genocidal campaign, and to put pressure on the primary donors – America, Britain and the European Union. Countries that collectively give around half of Ethiopia’s federal budget in various aid packages, and whose neglect and indifference amounts to complicity.

The film records the distressing stories of three extraordinary young women, Anab, Maryama and Fatuma.


RT: Brexit could have destroyed UK…& it might be for the best June 25, 2016

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Odaa OromooWe are out


EU Map



It looks increasingly possible that Brexit will lead to the demise of the United Kingdom. That may be for the best, as it’s abundantly clear that the four members now have markedly different concerns.

Do you remember where you were on May 1, 2004? I do. I was in Dublin watching the Irish government – which held the rotating European Union presidency – welcome 10 new members to the bloc. It was the single biggest expansion, in terms of population, in the EU’s history. But tellingly, not in terms of wealth.

Make no mistake: that was also the day Britain’s membership of the EU became unsustainable. Because the main reason Brexit has been passed is English anger at the consequences of unfettered mass immigration. Despite a negative fertility rate (1.75 in 2004 vs. 2.41 in 1971), the population of the United Kingdom rose from 59.99 million in 2004 to 64.1 million in 2013. That surge of over 4 million in less than a decade is greater than the entire increase in the 33 years from 1971-2004.

Before the 2004 expansion, which admitted the likes of Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Baltic States, internal EU migration was manageable. That was down to the fact that living standards weren’t vastly different across the union. For example, life in Portugal, the then-poorest member, wasn’t that much worse than in wealthier countries like Germany, France and Denmark. However, the gap between wages in Latvia, for instance, and London was astounding. Back in 2004, the average worker in Riga brought home €239 ($265) a month. That was less than 10 percent of Londonincomes which were £2,058 (around €2,900 at the time). Thus, it’s hard to blame east Europeans for seizing the opportunity to move west.

Ill fares the land

Britain’s post-war social democratic consensus has been under pressure since the Thatcher years, but EU expansion collapsed it. Rightly or wrongly, resentment has taken hold at the perception, fueled by the media, that foreigners are abusing the UK benefit’s system. Meanwhile, British workers have endured declines in real wages in the past decade. The reason is easy to understand. The wide availability of cheap labor, unrestricted by visa requirements, has enabled employers to conduct a race to the bottom, heightening inequality. And to make things worse, the population explosion has increased competition for housing, leading to enormous inflation in rent and property prices. Put simply, for common folk, life in England is getting worse.


I say England, rather than Britain, because this is all about England. Or more precisely, England and Wales, (except London of course, which is a different world entirely these days). Scotland and Northern Ireland have overwhelmingly voted to remain in the EU. Of course, for reasons of climate and economics, both are far less attractive to migrants than England or Wales and their status as net recipients from the UK budget means they have less at stake than other regions. Yet, things aren’t that simple.

Ulster says yes

Northern Ireland needs the EU because the peace settlement which ended its decades-long civil war, or ‘Troubles,’ was contingent on Dublin and London being legally joined via Brussels. Additionally, Ulster’s economy is heavily-dependent on trade with the vastly richer Irish state. In Scotland’s case, attitudes to ‘Britishness’ differ from those in England. In Scotland, to be British is to face inwards, but to be European is to face outwards. Down south, ‘Englishness’ and ‘Britishness’ are mostly synonymous.

Now, 62 percent of Scots have voted to remain in the EU, but because they are controlled by London, their democratic wishes matter not a jot. With that in mind, it’s hardly a surprise that Scottish Nationalists have already issued calls for a new referendum on independence.

One that even those who passionately supported the survival of the UK in 2014 might support.

In Northern Ireland things are less straightforward.

Pro-Irish republicans were far more likely to support the EU than pro-British loyalists, whose leaders campaigned for Brexit. The (historically mainly-Catholic) nationalists will now hope that moderate unionists (usually nominally-Protestant) can be persuaded to support a united Ireland, sacrificing ethnic tradition for economic reality. However, there is no guarantee that citizens of Ireland itself would agree to accept them at this time. The south has only just recovered from the greatest economic crisis in its history and may feel it cannot afford unity. Unless of course, Brussels is willing to underwrite the project. That is not as outlandish as it seems. Because Eurocrats are angry and may want to ‘punish’ England.

Eurocrat rage 

The European Parliament president, Germany’s Martin Schulz, announced Friday morning that there will be “consequences”for Britain so other EU countries are not “encouraged to follow that dangerous path.” Now Shulz’s comments might be mean and vindictive and show contempt for democracy, but they also reflect realpolitik in Brussels.

If the UK, or whatever is left of it, is successful outside the EU, it will be the biggest disaster imaginable for the EU establishment – an elite of unelected rootless cosmopolitans often contemptuous of public opinion. It will show that a brighter future is possible and expose ‘project fear’ as a load of baloney. Brussels has pushed a mantra for nearly 60 years now that European integration makes things better and that there is no alternative. If a country as important as England proves that theory wrong, all bets are off. Actually, maybe they already are.

Let’s be honest, nobody really expected this result. Even UKIP leader Nigel Farage practically conceded defeat for Brexit on Thursday night. When people realized, early Friday morning, that Leave was winning, it was as much of a shock as if England had beaten Germany in a penalty shoot-out. In ice hockey. Even Brexit’s best known exponent, Boris Johnson, looked stunned when he eventually emerged to face the cameras.

We are now in uncharted waters. A member state has decided to leave the EU. A major one at that. Furthermore, the vote has exposed deep divisions inside the UK itself. Discord perhaps profound enough to mean its demise. Nevertheless, in the long term, such an outcome may be better for all concerned.




These Are the Media’s Best Brexit Covers








Al Jazeera Stream: Protests and state violence: Felix Horne, HRW, and President Jimmy Carter speak on #OromoProtests June 23, 2016

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Violations of Freedom of Assembly and Demonstration: Brutal Crackdown on Peaceful #OromoProtests: Joint HRLHA-UNPO Side-Event to the UN Human Rights Council to Assess Freedom of Assembly and Demonstration in Ethiopia June 22, 2016

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Odaa OromooJoint HRLHA- UNPO Side Event on the occassion of the 32nd Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council, seeks to assess the human right situation ine Ethiopia

On 23 June 2016, the Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA) and the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) will convene a side-event entitled “Violations of Freedom of Assembly and Demonstration: Brutal Crackdown on Peaceful Oromo Protests”. The side-event, taking place on the occassion of the 32nd Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council, seeks to assess the human right situation ine Ethiopia, while giving special attention to the recent crackdown in Oromia, where the Ethiopian security forces responded to largerly peaceful protests with excessive and lethal force. Full article UNPO-HRLHA Statement


UN Human Rights Council – 32nd Session: The Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA) Oral Statement June 22, 2016

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Odaa OromooHuman rights League of the Horn of Africa

The Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA) Oral Statement

UN Human Rights Council – 32nd Session
13 June – 1 July 2016
Geneva, Switzerland


June 22, 2016
Presenter: Mr. Garoma Wakessa
Director, HRLHA


Human Rights Crisis In Oromia Regional State of Ethiopia

Mr. Chairman and Council Participants;

Mr. Chairman

Mr. Chairman

Therefore, the HRLHA respectfully asks the UN Human Rights Council to use its mandate to establish a commission of inquiry on human rights in Oromia Regional State of Ethiopia.


Thank You, Mr. Chairman and Council participants

HRW: UN Human Rights Council: Item 4 General Debate June 22, 2016

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Odaa OromooUN Human Rightshrwlogo

UN Human Rights Council: Item 4 General Debate

(HRW) — Human Rights Watch is deeply concerned about several human rights situations that have either been inadequately addressed by this Council, or on which the Council has remained largely silent.

Bangladesh has taken an ever-increasing turn to authoritarianism in recent years. The authorities have engaged in mass arrests of opposition members – numbering in the thousands – and have cracked down on civil society groups, opposition media houses, editors, and journalists. Impunity for the security forces remains the norm, as alleged abuses by government forces go unchecked. The government’s initial response to the machete killings of over 50 people was to warn these victims to exercise self-censorship, even going so far as to prosecute four bloggers for “hurting religious sentiment.” In the past week, the authorities have taken a more determined turn in responding to these killings, but instead of investigating and prosecuting in a careful, measured manner, have fallen back on old patterns and arrested 15,000 people, many, it seems, arbitrarily. We urge Member States to raise this concerning situation at the Council and directly with the government.

In Ethiopia, state security forces have killed more than 400 protesters since November 2015, during largely peaceful protests in its largest region of Oromia. Many of those killed were students. Tens of thousands of people have been detained, and many of those remain in detention without charge. More broadly, Ethiopia continues to criminalize peaceful expression of dissent through severe restrictions on independent media, independent civil society, and misuse of its antiterrorism law. Torture and ill-treatment in detention continues to be a serious concern. We call for an independent and impartial investigation into the use of excessive force and other serious abuses by security forces in Oromia. As a Human Rights Council member – and vice-president – Ethiopia is required to cooperate with the Council and its mechanisms. Yet it has not accepted requests by numerous Special Procedures to visit over the past decade. We urge the government to do so as a matter of priority.

In Thailand, since the military coup in May 2014, the ruling National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) has carried out policies and actions without any effective oversight or accountability. A current draft constitution, written by a junta-appointed committee, endorses unaccountable military domination of governance even after a new government takes office. Regardless of its pledges to respect human rights, the junta—led by Prime Minister Gen. Prayut Chan-ocha—has banned political activity and public gatherings; made expression subject to criminal prosecution; conducted hundreds of arbitrary arrests; and held civilian detainees in military detention. Public debates and open opposition to the draft constitution, on which a referendum is scheduled for August 7, 2016, are prohibited. Military courts are regularly used to try civilians, particularly dissidents and alleged lese majeste offenders. In southern border provinces, serious abuses by all sides continue unabated in the fighting between separatist groups and security forces. The killing and enforced disappearance of human rights defenders and other activists, as well as reprisals via politically motivated criminal litigation, remain a pressing concern across Thailand. Millions of migrant workers face systematic abuse. Asylum seekers, having no legal avenue to bring their claims, are subject to arrest and deportation.

Finally, the armed conflict in Yemenhas been marked by serious violations of international law and an absence of accountability. The Saudi-led coalition has carried out numerous indiscriminate and disproportionate aerial attacks. Human Rights Watch alone documented 43 airstrikes that killed more than 670 civilians and 16 attacks involving indiscriminate cluster munitions. The Houthis and allied forces have fired weapons indiscriminately into civilian areas, recruited children, and laid anti-personnel landmines. The conflict has taken a terrible toll, with more than 3,500 civilians killed and 82 percent of the population needing humanitarian assistance. The Human Rights Council should establish an international me­chanism to investigate violations by all parties to the conflict.


ALJAZEERA: The ‘Ethiopia rising’ narrative and the #OromoProtests June 20, 2016

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Odaa Oromoo#OromoProtests against the Ethiopian regime fascist tyranny. Join the peaceful movement for justice, democracy, development and freedom of Oromo and other oppressed people in Ethiopia

Opinion/ Human Rights: The ‘Ethiopia rising’ narrative and the Oromo protests

Oromos have been the victims of indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks in the hands of security forces.


Members of the OromoComunity living in Malta, protest in Valletta, Malta, December 2015, Reuters photo
Ethiopian migrants, all members of the Oromo community of Ethiopia living in Malta, protest in Valletta, Malta, December 2015 [Reuters]

by Awol K Allo, ALJAZEERA, 20 June 2016

Awol K. Allo is a Fellow in Human Rights at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

So much for the “Ethiopia rising” meme which Ethiopian authorities ostentatiously promote to camouflage the repressive nature of the state.

A new report published by Human Rights Watch on the Oromo protests depicts a disturbing picture of a government that thrives on systematic repression and official violence.

The report, which puts the death toll from the seven-month-long protest at more than 400, exposes the “Ethiopia rising” narrative for what it is: a political Ponzi scheme.

Underneath the selective highlighting of Ethiopia’s story of renaissance and transformation lies a Janus-faced reality in which the triumph of some has meant the utter submission of others.

The Oromo protests are exposing the senseless suffering and brutality that lies beneath Ethiopia’s rhetoric of development and revival.

Ethiopia’s largest ethnic group ‘marginalised’

Long-simmering ethnic discontents

After 25 years of absolute control over the country’s public life, the ruling party is facing its biggest political challenge yet: an unconventional and innovative resistance to its iron-fisted rule.

What is unfolding in the drama of this increasingly defiant and unprecedented protest is the subplot that producers and cheerleaders of the “Ethiopia rising” myth neither anticipated nor fully understood: the power of the indignant to wreak havoc and paralyse the state even as they were met with murderous official violence.

Though the protest was initially triggered by the threat of displacement by Ethiopia’s development policies – particularly the proposed expansion of the territorial limits of the capital, Addis Ababa, into neighbouring Oromo lands – this is not the sole reason and cannot provide an adequate explanation of the level of defiance on the streets of Oromia.

Rather, the protest is a manifestation of long-simmering ethnic discontent and deeper crisis of representation that pushed Oromos to the margin of the country’s political life.

READ MORE: Ethiopia – Oromo protests continue amid harsh crackdown

Despite a rare concession by the authorities to cancel the “master plan”, the protest is still ongoing, demanding genuine political reforms aimed at an equitable reorganisation and overhauling of existing frameworks and arrangements of power in the country.

Protesters argue that the prevailing arrangements with the ethnically mixed morphology of the Ethiopian state, in which ethnic Tigray elites dominate all aspects of public life, are not only undemocratic, they are also an existential threat to the peaceful co-existence of communities in the future.

The Oromo question

As the single largest ethnic group in a multi-ethnic country in which ethnicity is the pre-eminent form of political organising and mobilisation, the prevailing arrangement presents a particularly unique and challenging problem for the Oromo.

According to the 2007 Ethiopian National Census, Oromos constitute 34.49 percent of the population while Tigray, the politically dominant ethnic group, represents 6.07 percent of the total population. The real figure for the Oromo people is much higher.

The silence of the international community in the face of consistent reports raising alarms about systematic and widespread atrocities is deafening.

By virtue of being a majority ethnic group, Oromos represent an existential threat to the legitimacy of ethnic Tigrayan rule and therefore have to be policed and controlled to create an appearance of stability and inclusiveness.

In a landmark report titled “Because I am Oromo“, Amnesty International describes a widespread and systematic repression, astonishing in scope and scale, in which the conflagration of ethnic identity and political power gave rise to the unprecedented criminalisation and incarceration of Oromos over the past five years.

Oromos have been the victims of an indiscriminate and disproportionate attack in the hands of security forces. This, protesters argue, had a far deeper and more corrosive effect of rendering Oromo identity and culture invisible and unrecognisable to mainstream perspectives and frameworks.

OPINION: Ethiopia drought – How can we let this happen again?

The government’s response so far has been to dismiss the movement as misinformed, and besmirch it as anti-peace or anti-development elements controlled and directed by external forces – an old tactic used by the government to discredit and criminalise dissent. The most vocal and outspoken members of the movement are being tried for terrorism.

Western influence

The silence of the international community in the face of consistent reports raising alarms about systematic and widespread atrocities is deafening.

The obsessive focus of the West on the “war on terror” and the tendency to define human rights policy through the lens of the war on terror means that those who abuse their citizens under the guise of the war on terror are impervious to criticism.

READ MORE: Ethiopia’s Oromo people demand equal rights in protests

In the decade since 9/11, the West went beyond technical and financial support to providing diplomatic cover to abuses of human rights including by creating make-believe stories that Ethiopia is a democracy and an economic success story.

High-ranking government officials, including the United States President Barack Obama, praised the ruling party as “democratically elected“, providing much-needed endorsement and legitimisation to the government.

Ethiopia is a classic case of US counterterrorism policy inadvertently producing the very thing it seeks to prevent: helping to create an Orwellian surveillance state reminiscent of the Stasi in East Germany.

The “Ethiopia rising” narrative and its economic fiction is beginning to unravel. With the IMF significantly downgrading its economic forecast to 4.5 percent from 10.2 percent last year, the exodus of people fleeing its repression, and the droughts that made a fifth of its 100 million people dependent on food aid, Ethiopia’s economic miracle is being exposed for what it is: the benefit of the elite.

The Ethiopian government and its partners in the West are thinking that the outcry will die away, that the outrage will pass. We should lose no opportunity to prove them wrong.

Awol K Allo is Fellow in Human Rights at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera’s editorial policy.

Source: Al Jazeera

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UNPO: Oromo: HRW Report Highlights Ethiopian Government’s Excessive Use of Force in the #OromoProtests June 20, 2016

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Odaa OromooUNPO#OromoProtests iconic picture#OromoProtests solidarity rally in Brusells, Beligium, 3 June  2016 p2

Oromo: HRW Report Highlights Ethiopian Government’s Excessive Use of Force in the Oromo Protests

UNPO, 16  June 2016

Freedom for Oromo People, #OromoProtests

A report published by Human Rights Watch [June 2016] reveals that the Ethiopian security forces have killed more than 400 by using excessive and unnecessary lethal force in the peaceful protests in the Oromia region, since November 2015. Many have also been arrested and mistreated in prison, and have been restricted in access to information by the Ethiopian government in order to supress the protest movement. Human Rights Watch urges the Ethiopian government to immediately free those who have been wrongfully detained and to start an independent investigation to hold the security forces accountable for abuses. 

Below is an article published by Human Rights Watch


(Nairobi) – Ethiopian security forces have killed more than 400 protesters and others, and arrested tens of thousands more during widespread protests in the Oromia region since November 2015. The Ethiopian government should urgently support a credible, independent investigation into the killings, arbitrary arrests, and other abuses.

The 61-page report. “‘Such a Brutal Crackdown’: Killings and Arrests in Response to Ethiopia’s Oromo Protests,” details the Ethiopian government’s use of excessive and unnecessary lethal force and mass arrests, mistreatment in detention, and restrictions on access to information to quash the protest movement. Human Rights Watch interviews in Ethiopia and abroad with more than 125 protesters, bystanders, and victims of abuse documented serious violations of the rights to free expression and peaceful assembly by security forces against protesters and others from the beginning of the protests in November 2015 through May 2016.

“Ethiopian security forces have fired on and killed hundreds of students, farmers, and other peaceful protesters with blatant disregard for human life,” said Leslie Lefkow, deputy Africa director at Human Rights Watch. “The government should immediately free those wrongfully detained, support a credible, independent investigation, and hold security force members accountable for abuses.”

Human Rights Watch found that security forces used live ammunition for crowd control repeatedly, killing one or more protesters at many of the hundreds of protests over several months. Human Rights Watch and other organizations have identified more than 300 of those killed by name and, in some cases, with photos.

The November protests were triggered by concerns about the government’s proposed expansion of the capital’s municipal boundary through the Addis Ababa Integrated Development Master Plan. Protesters feared that the Master Plan would displace Oromo farmers, as has increasingly occurred over the past decade, resulting in a negative impact on farm communities while benefiting a small elite.

As protests continued into December, the government deployed military forces for crowd-control throughout Oromia. Security forces repeatedly fired live ammunition into crowds with little or no warning or use of non-lethal crowd-control measures. Many of those killed have been students, including children under 18.

The federal police and military have also arrested tens of thousands of students, teachers, musicians, opposition politicians, health workers, and people who provided assistance or shelter to fleeing students. While many detainees have been released, an unknown number remain in detention without charge and without access to legal counsel or family members.

Witnesses described the scale of the arrests as unprecedented. Yoseph, 52, from the Wollega zone, said: “I’ve lived here for my whole life, and I’ve never seen such a brutal crackdown. There are regular arrests and killings of our people, but every family here has had at least one child arrested.”

Former detainees told Human Rights Watch that they were tortured or mistreated in detention, including in military camps, and several women alleged that they were raped or sexually assaulted. Some said they were hung by their ankles and beaten; others described having electric shocks applied to their feet, or weights tied to their testicles. Video footage shows students being beaten on university campuses. Despite the large number of arrests, the authorities have charged few individuals with any offenses. Several dozen opposition party members and journalists have been charged under Ethiopia’s draconian anti-terrorism law, while 20 students who protested in front of the United States embassy in Addis Ababa in March were charged with various offenses under the criminal code.

Access to education – from primary school to university – has been disrupted in many locations because of the presence of security forces in and around schools, the arrest of teachers and students, and many students’ fear of attending class. Authorities temporarily closed schools for weeks in some locations to deter protests. Many students told Human Rights Watch that the military and other security forces were occupying campuses and monitoring and harassing ethnic Oromo students.

There have been some credible reports of violence by protesters, including the destruction of foreign-owned farms, looting of government buildings, and other destruction of government property. However, the Human Rights Watch investigations into 62 of the more than 500 protests since November found that most have been peaceful.

The Ethiopian government’s pervasive restrictions on independent human rights investigations and media have meant that very little information is coming from affected areas. The Ethiopian government has also increased its efforts to restrict media freedom. Since mid-March [2016] it has restricted access to Facebook and other social media. It has also restricted access to diaspora television stations.

In January, the government announced the cancellation of the Master Plan. By then, however, protester grievances had widened due to the brutality of the government response.

While the protests have largely subsided since April, the government crackdown has continued, Human Rights Watch found. Many of those arrested over the past seven months remain in detention, and hundreds have not been located and are feared to have been forcibly disappeared. The government has not conducted a credible investigation into alleged abuses. Soldiers still occupy some university campuses and tensions remain high. The protests echo similar though smaller protests in Oromia in 2014, and the government’s response could be a catalyst for future dissent, Human Rights Watch said.

Ethiopia’s brutal crackdown warrants a much stronger, united response from concerned governments and intergovernmental organizations, including the United Nations Human Rights Council, Human Rights Watch said. While the European Parliament has passed a strong resolution condemning the crackdown and a resolution has been introduced in the United States Senate, these are exceptions in an otherwise severely muted international response to the crackdown in Oromia. The UN Human Rights Council should address these serious abuses, call for the release of those arbitrarily detained and support an independent investigation.

“Ethiopia’s foreign supporters have largely remained silent during the government’s bloody crackdown in Oromia,” Lefkow said. “Countries promoting Ethiopia’s development should press for progress in all areas, notably the right to free speech, and justice for victims of abuse.”



Icciitii wayyaanee B. Gen/Hayluu Gonfaa saaxile keessaa muraasa. June 19, 2016

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Odaa OromooB. Gen. Hayluu Gonfaa

TPLF  Ethiopia’s regime Hospital in Mekelle, Tigray harvests and  exports human organs, senior military  exposes.

Icciitii wayyaanee B. Gen/Hayluu Gonfaa saaxile keessaa muraasa.

1. Hospitaalli magaalaa Maqaleetti ijaarame qaama dhala namaa keessattuu kan raayyaa ittisaa filee “export” gochaa jiraachuu.
Akka Gen/Hayluun jedhanitti Tigiraayi keessatti waggaa tokko keessatti yoo xiqqate miseensota raayyaa ittisa biyyattii 1000 tuu dhukkuba adda addaa qofaa du’a. Reeffi kun hundi qaamni isaanii filamee biyya alaatti gurguramaa jira.
2.Maatii raayyaa ittisa mishinii (ergama) UN dhaaf bobbaafamanii du’aniif UN’n beenyaa tokkoo tokkoon nama dhu’eef $1,000,000 ykn qar. 22,000,000 kaffala. Qarshii kana garuu maatii wareegamtootaa utuu hintaane generaalota TPLF tuu addaan qooddata.
3.Mootummaan Tigree waraanni Ethio-Eritira akka badus akka ho’us hin barbaadu. Sababini isaas:
a, baajanni waggaa raayyaa ittisaa qar. biliyoona 20-30 dabalata bajata kanaan naannoo Tigiraayitu ittiin misooma, achitti waan dhangala’uuf.
b, Raayyaan ittisaa humnasaatiin hojii misooma naannichaa hojjechaa waan jiruuf
c, Daldaltoonniifi kontiraakteroonni naannichaa gabaa argataniin faayidaa guddaa argataa waan jiraniif.
4.Generaalonni TPLF qajeelcha ajajaa muummichaan (muummicha minstiraan) utuu hintaane waan sammuun isaanii ajaje qofa akka hojjetan. Kanaafuu yakka kamuu yoo dalagan akka itti hin gaafatamneefi ajaaan muummichaa (H/Maariyaam) kan hinbeekne ta’uu isaa saaxilaniiru.

read more at:-


HRW: Ethiopia: Protest Crackdown Killed Hundreds. #OromoProtests June 16, 2016

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HRW: Ethiopia: Protest Crackdown Killed Hundreds

Free Wrongfully Held Detainees, Independent Inquiry Needed

“Such a Brutal Crackdown, killings and arrests in response to Ethiopia’s Oromo Protests (1)

Haleellaa gara jabeenyaa dorgommi hinqabne

Languages: Available In አማርኛ English Français Deutsch Oromo

(Nairobi) – Ethiopian security forces have killed more than 400 protesters and others, and arrested tens of thousands more during widespread protests in the Oromia region since November 2015. The Ethiopian government should urgently support a credible, independent investigation into the killings, arbitrary arrests, and other abuses.

The 61-page report. “‘Such a Brutal Crackdown’: Killings and Arrests in Response to Ethiopia’s Oromo Protests,” details the Ethiopian government’s use of excessive and unnecessary lethal force and mass arrests, mistreatment in detention, and restrictions on access to information to quash the protest movement. Human Rights Watch interviews in Ethiopia and abroad with more than 125 protesters, bystanders, and victims of abuse documented serious violations of the rights to free expression and peaceful assembly by security forces against protesters and others from the beginning of the protests in November 2015 through May 2016.

Ethiopian security forces have killed more than 400 protesters and others, and arrested tens of thousands more during widespread protests in the Oromia region since November 2015.

“Ethiopian security forces have fired on and killed hundreds of students, farmers, and other peaceful protesters with blatant disregard for human life,” said Leslie Lefkow, deputy Africa director at Human Rights Watch. “The government should immediately free those wrongfully detained, support a credible, independent investigation, and hold security force members accountable for abuses.”

Human Rights Watch found that security forces used live ammunition for crowd control repeatedly, killing one or more protesters at many of the hundreds of protests over several months. Human Rights Watch and other organizations have identified more than 300 of those killed by name and, in some cases, with photos.



Ethiopia’s Bloody Crackdown on Peaceful Dissent, an interview with Ethiopia researcher Felix Horne

The November protests were triggered by concerns about the government’s proposed expansion of the capital’s municipal boundary through the Addis Ababa Integrated Development Master Plan. Protesters feared that the Master Plan would displace Oromo farmers, as has increasingly occurred over the past decade, resulting in a negative impact on farm communities while benefiting a small elite.


As protests continued into December, the government deployed military forces for crowd-control throughout Oromia. Security forces repeatedly fired live ammunition into crowds with little or no warning or use of non-lethal crowd-control measures. Many of those killed have been students, including children under 18.

The federal police and military have also arrested tens of thousands of students, teachers, musicians, opposition politicians, health workers, and people who provided assistance or shelter to fleeing students. While many detainees have been released, an unknown number remain in detention without charge and without access to legal counsel or family members.


Witnesses described the scale of the arrests as unprecedented. Yoseph, 52, from the Wollega zone, said: “I’ve lived here for my whole life, and I’ve never seen such a brutal crackdown. There are regular arrests and killings of our people, but every family here has had at least one child arrested.”

Former detainees told Human Rights Watch that they were tortured or mistreated in detention, including in military camps, and several women alleged that they were raped or sexually assaulted. Some said they were hung by their ankles and beaten; others described having electric shocks applied to their feet, or weights tied to their testicles. Video footage shows students being beaten on university campuses.

Despite the large number of arrests, the authorities have charged few individuals with any offenses. Several dozen opposition party members and journalists have been charged under Ethiopia’s draconian anti-terrorism law, while 20 students who protested in front of the United States embassy in Addis Ababa in March were charged with various offenses under the criminal code.

Ethiopian security forces have fired on and killed hundreds of students, farmers, and other peaceful protesters with blatant disregard for human life.

Leslie Lefkow

deputy Africa director

Access to education – from primary school to university – has been disrupted in many locations because of the presence of security forces in and around schools, the arrest of teachers and students, and many students’ fear of attending class. Authorities temporarily closed schools for weeks in some locations to deter protests. Many students told Human Rights Watch that the military and other security forces were occupying campuses and monitoring and harassing ethnic Oromo students.

There have been some credible reports of violence by protesters, including the destruction of foreign-owned farms, looting of government buildings, and other destruction of government property. However, the Human Rights Watch investigations into 62 of the more than 500 protests since November found that most have been peaceful.

The Ethiopian government’s pervasive restrictions on independent human rights investigations and media have meant that very little information is coming from affected areas. The Ethiopian government has also increased its efforts to restrict media freedom. Since mid-March it has restricted access to Facebook and other social media. It has also restricted access to diaspora television stations.

In January, the government announced the cancellation of the Master Plan. By then, however, protester grievances had widened due to the brutality of the government response.

While the protests have largely subsided since April, the government crackdown has continued, Human Rights Watch found. Many of those arrested over the past seven months remain in detention, and hundreds have not been located and are feared to have been forcibly disappeared. The government has not conducted a credible investigation into alleged abuses. Soldiers still occupy some university campuses and tensions remain high. The protests echo similar though smaller protests in Oromia in 2014, and the government’s response could be a catalyst for future dissent, Human Rights Watch said.

Ethiopia’s brutal crackdown warrants a much stronger, united response from concerned governments and intergovernmental organizations, including the United Nations Human Rights Council, Human Rights Watch said. While the European Parliament has passed a strong resolution condemning the crackdown and a resolution has been introduced in the United States Senate, these are exceptions in an otherwise severely muted international response to the crackdown in Oromia. The UN Human Rights Council should address these serious abuses, call for the release of those arbitrarily detained and support an independent investigation.

“Ethiopia’s foreign supporters have largely remained silent during the government’s bloody crackdown in Oromia,” Lefkow said. “Countries promoting Ethiopia’s development should press for progress in all areas, notably the right to free speech, and justice for victims of abuse.”

More Reading




IBTimes: There is a violent repression in Ethiopia – so why is the UK government silent about it? #OromoProtests June 16, 2016

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There is a violent repression in Ethiopia – so why is the UK government silent about it?

By David Mepham By David Mepham, IBTimes  June 16, 2016


London, Oromo Peaceful rally in solidarity with #OromoProtests in Oromia against TPLF Ethiopian regime's ethnic cleansing (Master plan), December   10, 2015

Oromo community protest in London over ‘ethnic cleansing’

Ethiopia: Oromo community protest in London over ‘ethnic cleansing’ IBTimes UK


The Ethiopian government is engaged in its bloodiest crackdown in a decade, but the scale of this crisis has barely registered internationally. According to Human Rights Watch, more than 400 people, including many children, have been killed by the country’s security forces in Oromia, Ethiopia’s largest region, with lethal force unleashed against largely peaceful, student-led protests.

For the past seven months, security forces have fired live ammunition into crowds and carried out summary executions. While students were first on the streets, many others have joined them, including teachers, musicians, opposition politicians and healthcare workers. Tens of thousands of people have been arrested, some of whom remain in detention without charge, and there are credible reports that detainees have been tortured or beaten – some of them in public. Hundreds of other people have been forcibly disappeared.

In normal circumstances, a crackdown on this scale would generate large-scale media attention and prompt strong international censure. But global media coverage has been very limited, in part because of Ethiopia’s draconian restrictions on media reporting and the difficulties journalists face in accessing the region. The response of governments internationally, including the British government, has also been extremely muted.

The reason for this is not a lack of information: diplomats in the country have a fairly good idea of what is going on in Oromia. Instead, it appears to be a flawed political calculation that the UK’s massive investment in Ethiopia’s development efforts (over 300 million pounds of aid is provided annually) would be undermined by public criticism or greater pressure on the government to rein in its abusive security forces.

The other obstacle is Ethiopia’s acute food crisis, where a severe drought – the worst since the famine of 1984-85 – has left 18 million people in need of aid. Global attention on this issue has led many governments around the world to overlook or downplay the other very urgent crisis unfolding in Oromia.

But these trade-offs are short-sighted and counter-productive. Ethiopia’s repression and its deepening authoritarianism hinder, rather than help, the country to combat food insecurity, promote development and tackle a range of other challenges. And they create the conditions for further instability and polarisation.


Ethiopia is struggling with its worst drought for 30 years. 2016

Ethiopia is struggling with its worst drought for 30 years, with millions in dire need of life-saving aidGetty Images
Indeed, it was the very lack of respect for rights in the Ethiopian government’s approach to development that first triggered unrest in Oromia last November. The early protests were a response to the so-called ‘Addis Ababa Integrated Development Master Plan’, which proposed a 20-fold expansion of the municipal boundary of the capital.

Protesters objected that this top-down initiative from the government, introduced without meaningful consultation or participation of the affected communities, would displace thousands of ethnic Oromo farmers from land around the city. Those displaced by similar government initiatives over the past decade have rarely received compensation or new land on which to rebuild their lives – and protesters feared a repeat of this experience on a larger scale.

Mersen Chala, brother of Dinka Chala, who was killed by Ethiopian forces for protesting, but his family says he was not involved ,December 17, 2015, Oromia.

Dinka Chala
Mersen Chala, brother of Dinka Chala, who was killed by Ethiopian forces for protesting, but his family says he was not involved ,December 17, 2015, Oromia.Getty Images
Concerns were also expressed about mining and manufacturing projects in Oromia and their impact on the environment and access to water. In mid-January 2016, the government announced it had “cancelled” the Master Plan. But despite this, the government does not seem to have changed its approach (it is still marketing land to investors, for example), there has been no let-up in the repression, and the protests continue. The government’s violent response and the rising death toll have further inflamed the situation and decades of historic Oromo grievances around cultural, economic and political marginalisation have come to the fore.

With or without the plan, the forced displacement of farmers looks likely to continue – as it has in many parts of Ethiopia – unless the Ethiopian government fundamentally changes its approach to development. That would mean treating communities as genuine partners in the development process, meaningfully consulting them, and allowing them to shape development projects. And it should mean opening up space for peaceful dissent and political opposition, as well as independent media.

In the short-term, the Ethiopian government could ease tensions by releasing all those arbitrarily arrested and imprisoned, establishing a credible independent investigation into the killings and other violations – with those responsible for abuses held to account – and it could start a dialogue with the Oromo community about their legitimate grievances that have fuelled these protests.

But given the awful rights record of the government in Addis this seems highly improbable without stronger international pressure. As a major development partner to Ethiopia – including support for work in the Oromia region itself – the British government should use its leverage more assertively and help galvanise a concerted international response – one which highlights, to the Ethiopian government, the cost of its ongoing repression. And it should press the Ethiopians to pursue a development strategy that respects human rights, rather than tramples all over them.

David Mepham is UK Director of Human Rights Watch


Human Rights Watch: Peaceful Protesters Gunned Down in Ethiopia. #OromoProtests June 16, 2016

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#OromoProtests iconic picture

Ethiopian security forces have killed more than 400 protesters and others, and arrested tens of thousands more during widespread protests in the Oromia region since November 2015. Human Rights Watch interviews in Ethiopia and abroad with more than 125 protesters, bystanders, and victims of abuse documented serious violations of the rights to free expression and peaceful assembly by security forces against protesters and others from the beginning of the protests in November 2015 through May 2016.The Ethiopian government should urgently support a credible, independent investigation into the killings, arbitrary arrests, and other abuses. –   By HRW,  Jun 15, 2016


Hiyumaan Raayit Wochiin gabaasa har’a baasen, humnoonni nageenyaa Itiyoophiyaa yeroo mormiin Oromiyaa keessatti baldhinaan gaggeeffamen Sadaasa 2015 eegalee namoota 400 ol kan ajjeesan yoo ta’u kan kuma kudhaniin lakkaawwaman immoo hidhanii jiru. Mootumman Itiyoophiyaa ragaa amanama ta’en akka utubu, qaama bilisa ta’e tokko hundeesun waayee namoota ajeefamanii akka qoratu, waayee namoota badii tokko malee hidhamaniifii dhiitamuu mirga namaa adda addaa gabaasa akka dhiheesu. HRW June 15, 2016

LSE SU AI: Delta Blues to the Oromo Blues June 15, 2016

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Odaa Oromoo#OromoProtests against the Ethiopian regime fascist tyranny. Join the peaceful movement for justice, democracy, development and freedom of Oromo and other oppressed people in EthiopiaAmnesty International

Delta Blues to the Oromo Blues

The Blues is said to be based on musical traditions drawn from African roots. The slave trade to Arabia and the east – in total, much bigger than the better-known trade routes west – despatched misery on a similar scale.

Except that Oromo and other slaves taken from and through Abyssinia (up to the 1930s incidentally, and continuing now under the guise of domestic servants) were more likely to become freed women and men, and become political and military leaders. Not so much now.

The majority pay to travel on false papers, often with exaggerated ages, to work, for many in a state of slavery, for Arabian families. They flee from persecution because they have dared to stand up for Oromo rights.

Between November 2015 and March 2016 over 400 Oromo students and civilians have been shot dead on the streets of Ethiopia, where they demonstrated. Or when they opened their doors to the house-to-house searches which followed. Local informants report many more killings. Names, dates and locations of over 250 extra-judicial executions have been given.

Where is the clamour from left and right, complaining about misuse of our generous aid to Ethiopia? This aid amounts to about £300 million yearly – Ethiopia receives more aid from the UK than any other country in the world.

Well, the clamour is not coming because, allegedly, the government is in control and the opposition is weak and divided. Small wonder, that an oppressive regime with western support and intelligence can render an opposition weak and divided

Meanwhile, students bleed on Ethiopian streets and there is martial law in Oromia. Tens of thousands of young people are incarcerated in concentration camps. Is this the sort of stability that the UK wants to encourage?
Blog Picture Trevor Article


This picture is of a young woman killed in central Oromia Region, at a place named Galesda. Her name is Nato Guluma. She was shot dead in Jaldu, West Showa, on 14 December 2015.



What do we want the UK’s foreign policy to look like in Ethiopia, East Africa, the Middle East? Like this? An sweeping under the rugs of innocent lives lost in the struggle for freedom from persecution? Then again, so few of us know about these lives. After all, Oromo students being shot dead is sometimes just not media material, and will never make it to the UK’s front pages.

Well, now you know.
Dr Trevor Trueman learned about the unfair treatment of asylum-seekers when providing expert witness reports on Ethiopia to immigration appeal tribunals and courts. He has developed an expertise on human rights abuses in Ethiopia as a result of reporting abuses against Oromo and other peoples of Ethiopian publicly since 1994. He trained Oromo health workers in three long field trips from 1988 to 1991. He is now a member of the steering committee of Amnesty’s Asylum Justice Project.


Credit for Featured Image: Flickr


NO TO IMPUNITY! The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission is not an independent institution and that it is incapable of doing human rights monitoring has long been admitted by the regime itself. So, no report it presents is a result of an independent inquiry June 14, 2016

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Odaa OromooSay no to the master killer. Addis Ababa master plan is genocidal plan against Oromo people. Say no.#OromoProtests, Qabosoon itti fufa jedhu aayyoleen#OromoProtests against the Ethiopian regime fascist tyranny. Join the peaceful movement for justice, democracy, development and freedom of Oromo and other oppressed people in Ethiopia


By Tsegaye Ararssa)

That the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission is not an independent institution and that it is incapable of doing human rights monitoring has long been admitted by the regime itself. So, no report it presents is a result of an independent inquiry. No statement it makes is an impartial statement. What we heard yesterday is not even close to the admission of guilt on the part of the regime made by the Prime Minister and the Spokesperson earlier in the year.
We have yet to see its report, the methods it used, and the personnel it mobilized to conduct its investigation. We have yet to see whom they identified as these “other forces who sought to take advantage of the people”. We have yet to see how “these other forces” are implicated. We have yet to see a full description of who did what so that we can make them responsible. To blame indefinite (and invisible) forces for the people killed (over 500 now), for the people injured (in thousands), and for the people arbitrarily arrested (estimated to be over 50,000), for the destruction of property (through vandalizing and burning of university campuses), for the suspension and dismissal of Oromia’s civil administration unconstitutionally (without even a semblance of legality that could be seen if there were an emergency declaration or a “federal intervention”) is a farce of incredible proportion. And we reject that completely, and we say NO!

Referring to “these other forces” as the responsible bodies without clearly identifying them and without establishing the mode of their involvement is only deflecting responsibility from the regime that acted completely lawlessly (illegally and unconstitutionally) to take “merciless and definitive measures” on protestors and to subject the entire region to military rule. This is simply unacceptable. And we say NO to impunity!

The report claims that the federal army, special forces, federal police, and the entire intelligence personnel was unleashed on Oromia to kill, injure, arrest, and terrorize the people [totally in accordance with the order of the Prime Minister to take “merciless and definitive measures”] on the invitation of the region. However, it doesn’t even care to tell us when was it requested, how it was requested, and according to which rules of procedure (apart from that put in place for a legitimate Federal Intervention in the regions). This is completely illegal and unacceptable. We reject this, and mercilessly and conclusively say NO to that, too!
The report claims that the crisis was caused, among other things, by a misunderstanding of the Master Plan. This suggests that the Master Plan is an appropriate plan. This is utterly unacceptable. We say NO!

By issuing this statement by the EHRC, the regime is now suppressing and displacing the truth of the atrocities it perpetrated on innocent protestors.
We say NO to this suppression of the truth, our truth, just as we say NO to the repression of the protest, and the wider systematic oppression of the Oromo and other peoples of Ethiopia by a regime that has rendered itself not just undemocratic but utterly anti-democratic.
The modest road we suggested from the start remains to be the only road the regime has to take in order to restore peace (and survive this crisis as a regime).
We state it to them again:
1. Rescind the Master Plan unequivocally (both in Addis and in the adjacent Oromia Zones). Take a clear, public stance by issuing a Parliamentary Resolution against the Master Plan.

2. Stop the violence and remove the Army, the Special Force, the Federal Police, and the intelligence personnel from all civilian life in Oromia.

3. Release all the political prisoners arrested in relation to the protest, including political dissidents arbitrarily taken captive in the wake of the re-eruption of the protest.

4. Set up a genuinely independent commission with members and/or observers from international organizations to conduct a proper investigation to the crisis and to make efforts to establish responsibility (political, administrative, legal, and moral) for the harm caused in the process.

5. Take political responsibility as a government, apologize to the public officially (with a clear statement written and delivered in a proper forum fully transparently to the media), and take all appropriate measures to restore the dignity of the victims and pay reparations to the same.

6. Remove all officials who are at the forefront of political and administrative responsibilities, for by being implicated in the bloodbath that they caused in the course of the crisis, they have totally lost the moral legitimacy, the legal competence, and the public credibility to govern.

7. Ensure that those who did and caused the killings, injuries, rapes, tortures, and arbitrary arrests be held legally accountable (in accordance with the criminal law of the country) before an independent court of law. Allow a forensic determination of guilt and punishment in proportion to the degree of their participation. Fail to do this, the regime will be haunted by the possibility of being brought before international justice institutions (or at least they will face the inconvenience of having to defend themselves).

8. The Government in Oromia has lost all the credibility and all the legitimacy (which it never had anyway!) to govern the region. It is imperative that the Caffee Oromia dismiss itself and call for an election before the next parliamentary year (leaving the day to day administration of matters to a care taker government of the old cabinet).

9. Stop all acts of eviction of farmers from their land which, to most of them, is their only means of livelihood. Work towards a better (possessory) tenure security over the plots of land they now have. Stop all activities of land grab and consequent displacement of people everywhere (in Oromia and beyond) even in the name of “development.” Work towards a more legally entrenched, fair, just, and consultative mode of development planning where necessary expropriation is done with due, effective, and adequate compensation.

10. Ensure that the ‘Special Interest’ clause of the constitution is implemented urgently. In the determination of the content of the Special Interest, Oromia’s voice must be properly listened to as well as that of the city government of Addis Ababa. Start a comprehensive, inclusive, open, and genuinely participatory discussion with all the peoples of Ethiopia about where to place the federal Capital city. In an act of bona fide cooperation, the Oromia government should take steps towards suggesting another options and modes for relocating the capital city within or outside of Oromia (and its own contribution, as the largest State in the Federation, towards building the new capital–if this be the option).

These things are doable things. These things are easier things to do for the regime. Anything short of this will only provoke a more vehement and persistent resistance. To do anything less, or anything other than these modest suggestions, is an invitation for further crisis.

We will do everything at our disposal to resist this. We keep saying NO!
We keep saying NO to justification and rationalization of State terror.
We keep saying NO to all forms of impunity for the gross violation of human rights in Oromia and beyond.
We keep saying NO to all forms of eviction from land including through the Master Plan.



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Eeritraa moo Itoophyaattu Dhukaasa Jalqabe?Jarii lachuu Quba Walitti Qabaa Jiran


Oromia: OBS: Qe’ee Oromo Sirba Cidha Noolee June 12, 2016

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Odaa OromooBeautiful Oromo women at Oromo wedding event in Noolee Kabbaa, Oromia. June 2016 picture credited to OBS


Oromo wedding in Noolee Kaabbaa, Western Oromia

Ethiopia: Politics of devolution from fibrosis to cirrhosis. #OromoProtests June 11, 2016

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Odaa OromooSay no to the master killer. Addis Ababa master plan is genocidal plan against Oromo people

People like TPLF leaders are those who never change no matter how much one tries to explain to them about the brutality of their ruling system and barbaric actions of their military and special commandos. This article expose the failed policy of the TPLF and their new destructive plan to slow-down the Oromo people movement for freedom.

Politics of devolution from fibrosis to cirrhosis

By Dr. Baaroo Keno Dheressa

BaarooThe Oromo people are survived the lethal colonialist rule of previous one (they change the Oromo name from Tolesa and Gemechu to Getnet and Gebremeskel and they change the name of our town namely Finfinnee to Addis Abeba, bishoftu to dabrezeit and adama to nazret). The current colonialist TPLF elite plays in multiple cards and faces (mixing up the definition of Oromo people goal self-determination, statehood, sovereignty, and democracy, and creating dysfunctional organization like OPDO to distract the real goal of the struggle). But We Oromo people have to be proud to be an Oromo by challenging all those obstacles and keeping our determination intact for freedom with limited resources and absence of external assistance.

African countries today face greater challenges to peace and stability than ever before with a volatile mix of insecurity, instability, corrupt political institutions and poverty. Alarmingly, most of these countries lack the political will to make and maintain peace agreements, and thus have fallen prey to continuous armed ethnic conflict. (Monty Marshall, 2003) This is partly due to ineffective conflict management.

The Ethiopian government (TPLF) try to teach us and also try to follow the path of South Africa and Nigeria. South Africa is made up of whites, indigenous Africans, coloreds, and Indians.  The blacks form the majority of the population with about 30 million people, the whites 5 million, and the coloreds and Indians share 3 million. The country has about 11 linguistic groups, but English is the official language. Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country with about 120 million people. It is home to 250 linguistic groups, but English is also Nigeria’s chosen official language Although most of the ethnic groups are very tiny, three ethnic groups constitute somewhere between 60 and 70 percent of the population. The Hausa-Fulani ethnic groups count for 30 percent of the population, the Yorubas about 20 per cent and the Igbos about 18 percent.

Both countries (Both Nigeria and South Africa) bear the responsibility to steer the continent away from the repression of authoritarian governments towards a path of social and economic development and good governance. Interestingly, the two countries are also driven by a similar political strategies to manage conflict through national reconciliation, consensus building and economic development. The dual processes of transition and transformation need nothing less than a vibrant economy in which the basic needs of citizens are taken care of.

TPLF is sending his cadres to Nigeria and south Africa to learn about those political transformation in order to  cheat western world to enhance cash flow and internally oppressing all types of opposition, silencing critical voices like Mr. Bekele Gerba, killing, torturing and imprisoning innocent civilians. The TPLF is also try to tell us about the economic growth of the country (I think they are mixing millionaires of TPLF elite with the country) while millions of peoples in Ethiopian empire facing imminent famines.  Wake up TPLF leaders it is 21st century (what does it mean is homework for you).

People like TPLF leaders are those who never change no matter how much one tries to explain to them about the brutality of their ruling system and barbaric actions of their military and special commandos. This article expose the failed policy of the TPLF and their new destructive plan to slow-down the Oromo people movement for freedom.

Medical definition of fibrosis and cirrhosis is: Hepatic fibrosis occurs in response to chronic liver injury. The response to liver injury includes collapse of hepatic lobules, formation of fibrous septae, and hepatocyte regeneration with nodule formation. Hepatic fibrosis is reversible. Cirrhosis represents a late stage of progressive hepatic fibrosis characterized by distortion of the hepatic architecture and the formation of regenerative nodules. It is generally considered to be irreversible in its advanced stages, at which point the only treatment option will be liver transplantation or death.

TPLF is now arrived on the top of the decisive treatment option (identical process of cirrhosis). The OPDO and other artificial organization mission is failed, traitors and collaborators are fail to fulfill their mission, military and security forces are demotivated because of fierce resistance from freedom fighters like Qeerroo and WBO, awareness of the people is much greater than TPLF kitchen cabinet policy, international community are fade-up of the pathological lies of TPLF leaders, media information is faster than colonialist destructive actions, innocent civilians are daily the primary victim of the TPLF policy….etc.  So the best remedy to save the TPLF from death will be transplantation, but the problem is there is no matched organ is/will found. So, the TPLF is now hospitalized in palliative center and awaiting unpleasant death. Unfortunately the TPLF is still working hard from dying bed to defend his destructive policy through his loyalist (traitors and collaborators) instead of participating in the restoration of historical justice for the respect of human rights for all human beings and to safe his Seoul.

According to my tangible information the TPLF government  are investing  40 million dollars to implement his last mission. The main core of the mission is to destroy unity among Oromo’s . According to the insiders the short and long term enemy of the TPLF power is the force behind the unity of Oromo people.  Again the insiders expose the taxonomy of government plan to implement his mission.

  • Strengthen the TPLF messengers by any means possible (in the name of Oromo diaspora, in the name of investment, by recruiting individuals from diaspora through special accommodation like house in the capital city, free movement between foreign countries and homeland ).
  • Maximizing the destructive propaganda of the Oromo unity through available medias (by hiding their real name behind pal talk, through fake name of Facebook, by sending indirect message through TV and radio to demoralize the real fighters and dedicated individuals).
  • Eradicating OLF as an organization, as an ideology and as an individual member of the OLF. According to insiders to fulfill this special mission the government is ready to put extra bonus for every single mission accomplished.  The government emphasizes again on the protocol of accomplishment (redirecting the goal of Oromo people from freedom fighter to economical survivors,  blackmailing their leaders and members, denying any activities of the organization, distributing and exaggerating  the failurity of the organization and minimizing their achievement).
  • Maximizing the economical imbalance between the Oromo people. Supporting by any means possible the trustful individual and force them to influence the poor majority to respect the system and abide by their master colonialist law.
  • Strict control of all Oromo intellectuals activities inside and outside the country.  If they are remain on the uncompromised path they have to be humiliated and destroyed (Bekele Gerba was mentioned as an example-information according to insider).
  • Creating weak political organizations as much as possible to enhance the confusion among Oromo’s. The content of organization has to be (opportunistic leader without dedication but tendency to individual economic thirsty, record less individuals in the history of struggle against colonialism and malignant opponent of OLF stand).
  • Full and Faster reaction to the peoples demand to calm the Oromo movement and to create big confusion about the definition of freedom among Oromo’s. But the demand has to be listed in the external-core-category.

Core category demands are:

  • Military and agazi forces has to leave Oromia.
  • Our question is full freedom sooner than later, but not remote controlled OPDO state.
  • Oromo’s has to be the master of their resources and polices and stop importing and expanding shadow Oromummaa in the name of OPDO.
  • The Doctor of Oromia is Oromummaa but not tigruma.
  • Stopping harassing Oromo’s in their country, work place and home.
  • The prisoners has to be free
  • Stopping hunting Oromo intellectuals and promoting brain drain.

None of us on the earth choose to be born where we are born but once born, for example in my case, as an Oromo, there is no way I can change it. Unlike religion, behavior and attitudes towards nature, ethnic belongingness cannot be changed. That is why I cannot stop reminding at every chance I got the international community, TPLF elite and their puppet collaborators that as an Oromo, I am oppressed and I want my freedom and equality. The collaborators and traitors proposing us to give our left cheek after TPLF slap us on the right, but my answer is first I will never let you slap me and if at all it happens, I will slap you back even harder. That is a simple formula of defending our right but not through mutilated OPDO ways, incapacitated and nihil individual propaganda or buying ground or house around Finfinnee and every year visiting  colonialist sky-reach building.

When TPLF fought to colonize Oromo’s and other nations in Ethiopian empire not through investment plan and lousy approach to Mengistu Hailemariam.  They colonize Oromo’s and other nations “through total destruction tactic and strategy”, their nick name was “ dildy afrash”.  So Yesterday TPLF was master of destruction and currently they call themselves surprisingly champion of development. My message to the traitors of Oromo people and collaborators of TPLF stop sending and propagating enemy destructive message and stand for freedom and equality at any cost.

We the Oromo people are  a victim of the system which the TPLF trying to defend at all cost on the international stage and protect by his mechanized military around Oromia and therefore TPLF and their collaborators will be disappointed with my analysis. That is not what I enjoy to do but I have no choice because the TPLF government is violating our fundamental human rights. The Oromo leaders and the Oromo people simply want to enjoy their fundamental human rights be it civil and political, economic, social and cultural among which the right to self-determination is the most advocated.

Let me clear again: Everybody who are defending the TPLF ruling system are our enemy (TPLF itself, collaborators, traitors). While the old elites are trying to restore the dead oppressive system once again and the TPLF is try to protect and prevail the current totally destructive and unhuman oppressive system, the Oromo’s are still fighting for the same question of 100 years ago that is total freedom. Now tell me dear TPLF-junta and collaborators, on what ground could you think the possibility of developing love for this ugly ruling system (killers and torturers)  and plan to live with you in peace?

TPLF elite are different from other previous colonialist in the sense that they tried to use spices in contrast to the previous colonialist to justify their democratic nature, allowing  afaan oromo as the official language of courts and of instruction at schools and recognition of the Oromia state. For recognition of our country Oromia and using our language (afaan oromo) in our country is not a gift. To accomplish that we Oromo people fought a bloody fight and we sacrifice enormous life of brave sons and daughters of Oromo people.  Come on TPLF junta your disease is worsening by confusing you (brain damage), I think you are developing “ammoniacal encephalopathy” because of your decompensated cirrhosis (decaying politics like dealing with mutilated OPDO and nonproductive collaborators).

I and my fellow Oromo people are not against any nation, I am sure in any nation there are a good  person, leaders, intellectuals who  care for equality, democracy, human rights, loving and a caring family man and women but when it comes to the defence of my right, I will not give you credit for being a good person, leader, intellectuals or family person.  No one, including TPLF elite accept domination and exploitation and there is no reason on earth why the Oromo’s should be expected to give up fighting for freedom from oppression and dancing and building house with you on the grave of our hero’s.

The Oromo’s paid a heavy price to build Ethiopia but when it comes to power and money they are the last to touch the desk and when it comes to the human-right and equality they are the first to be victim of the system.  But now the time of abuses was passed and Oromo people are getting aware of the reality and starting to build their home (Oromia). We Oromo people have no intention whatsoever to violate anybody rights to the contrary we will fight for them to be respected and we expect the same from other nations those we fight for their freedom.

Victory to the Oromo people!

Dr. Baaroo Keno Deressa,

First medical degree in internal medicine and second medical degree specialized  in gastro-hepatology disease

Wired: Security: This Map Tracks Where Governments Hack Activists and Reporters June 11, 2016

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Odaa OromooEthiopia, where Governments Hack Activists and Reporters


This Map Tracks Where Governments Hack Activists and Reporters

Andy Greenberg, Security, 5 June 2016

IN AN AGE when spies carefully hide their tracks through layers of obfuscation and proxy servers, locating the perpetrators of online surveillance is often nearly impossible. But the victims of these spying campaigns can sometimes be easier to place. And one open-source initiative has set out to map cases where state-sponsored malware campaigns target members of civil society, in an effort to show how governments use digital intrusions to control and disrupt their enemies around the globe.

Screen-Shot-2016-05-25-at-1.33.55-PM-1.pngThe Digital Freedom Alliance’s map showing the country of the target—not the origin—of malware attacks against different civil society groups. DIGITAL FREEDOM ALLIANCE

The map tracks where Governments Hack Activists and Reporters


An informal group of security researchers calling themselves the Digital Freedom Alliance this week launched a collaborative software project to aggregate and map out government hackers’ attacks against journalists, activists, lawyers and NGOs around the world. The project, whosecode is hosted on Github, collects data about state-sponsored malware infections from public sources like the University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab, TargetedThreats.net, and security firms’ research. It then organizes that data into a map that breaks down the attacks by date, target type, the family of malware used, as well as the location of the command and control server used to coordinate each malware campaign.


The mapping project was conceived last year, when Citizen Lab malware researcher Claudio Guarnieri gave a talk at the Chaos Communications Camp conference in Zehdenick, Germany about how security researchers need to collaborate more when fighting governments’ digital oppression of activists and journalists. “We always lacked a starting point for people to get an understanding of what is going on…how countries are employing technologies to repress dissent,” he says. “Ideally, this would develop into a place where [we can] reconstruct narratives on what is happening in different regions of the world.”

The country with the most targeted attacks on the map, for instance, is India, with 145 documented attacks. That’s because of the sheer volume of attacks carried out by the Chinese government, Guarnieri explains, against the Tibetan exiles and separatist activists in the Indian city of Dharamsala. The next most targeted country on the map isSyria, where the brutal dictatorship of Bashar Al-Assad has been using malware to target opposition groups since the country devolved into a bloody civil war.

In addition to tracking victims, the Digital Freedom Alliance’s map also shows the location of companies selling surveillance technology, as well as the resellers of those tools, in an effort to map out the shady supply chain of targeted spying. That data, Guarnieri says, is sourced from surveillance tracking projects like BuggedPlanet.info andWikiLeaks’ Spy Files. The country with the most listed surveillance vendors, unsurprisingly, is the United States, though Guarnieri admits the list’s definition of “surveillance vendor” is rather loose: It includes not only the creators of the malware documented in the group’s map, but also other potentially nasty technologies like passive data collection tools and internet filtering software.

For now, the map’s data is no doubt incomplete. But Guarnieri hopes more researchers will contribute to it, and that it could someday soon serve as a resource for tracking and fighting back against government spying. “[It provides] relevant information to further investigate, identify victims, and perhaps rally campaigning if there are human rights abuses involved,” he says.

Guarnieri also intends the map project to serve as evidence that Western surveillance firms’ technology does in fact fall into the hands of dictators who use it to surveil innocent victims—a rebuttal to the claims of companies like the Italian firm Hacking Team. That Milan-based tech company denied its tools had been used for wrongdoing, but then a hack of its email server exposed that it had sold its products to repressive countries including Ethiopia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan. “I was tired of the Hacking Team-types claiming that there are no solid evidences of abuses, when there are plenty,” says Guarnieri. “You get most of them plotted in that map.”

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OAKLAND INSTITUTE: The Unholy Alliance, Five Western Donors Shape a Pro-Corporate Agenda for African Agriculture June 9, 2016

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Odaa OromooOakland Institute



The Unholy Alliance, Five Western Donors Shape a Pro-Corporate Agenda for African Agriculture, exposes how a coalition of four donor countries and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is shaping a pro-business environment in the agricultural sector of developing countries, especially in Africa. unholy_alliance_web

Five Western donors including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the US, UK, Danish, and Dutch governments, are bankrolling the Enabling the Business of Agriculture (EBA) project, implemented by the World Bank. The EBA’s goal is to help create “policies that facilitate doing business in agriculture and increase the investment attractiveness and competitiveness of countries.”1 To achieve this, the EBA benchmarks areas including seeds, fertilizers, markets, transport, machinery, and finance, to determine whether or not countries’ laws facilitate doing business in agriculture. The EBA exemplifies a growing trend in international donors’ aid programs, which have become powerful instruments to impose a market-based, pro-private sector vision of agriculture. Following the 2007-2008 food price crisis, G8 members gathered at L’Aquila summit in Italy and pledged to support country-owned food security strategies. However, it did not take long for this commitment to give way to aid programs that, instead of supporting robust national agriculture policies, favor private sector-led and market-driven food systems. In 2012, the G8 members launched the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition (NAFSN), an initiative that gives a central place to agroindustry and agrochemical companies, to the detriment of family farmers.2 Africa, the site of NAFSN implementation, is a primary target of the pro-corporate push by several Western donors. The continent is marked by the proliferation of bilateral and multilateral initiatives to support the expansion of agribusinesses and the increased use of industrial inputs (synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, hybrid and genetically modified seeds, etc.). The US, UK, Danish, and Dutch governments are providing direct financing through business grants and other support mechanisms such as loans and insurance to agribusinesses operating in Africa. Often, the recipients of aid money are national companies with an assumed goal to combine aid with commercial interests. In parallel, rising amounts of taxpayers’ money is flowing into multilaterally funded entities such as the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), active in training, research, and advocacy around the use of hybrid seeds and chemical fertilizers. AGRA is also a vehicle used to manage multi-donor initiatives such as the Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF),3 which is investing in large-scale agricultural projects and industrial production of agricultural inputs. With the creation of the NAFSN, in which the EBA is entrenched,4 donors are increasingly conditioning their aid to African countries to policy reforms and measures that will facilitate the corporate takeover of their agriculture. The five donors of the EBA are spearheading an aggressive campaign, aimed at pushing to expand agribusiness activity in Africa through the takeover of land for commercial agriculture, opening of countries’ input markets, privatizing of seed systems, and reforms of agricultural trade and tax laws to boost corporate profit. The donors believe that an “agricultural transformation” based on global trade and agroindustry will increase economic growth and provide better incomes to farmers.5 But the impacts of such a transformation are likely to be devastating for the majority of African farmers. Rising pressure on land and natural resources; dependence on expensive and polluting agricultural inputs; increased vulnerability to climate shocks; criminalization of seed saving and exchange practices; and weakened government ability to support national agriculture are among the outcomes that the five donors investigated in this report will deliver to the continent.

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Untold Stories of the silenced: Poet Caalaa Hayiluu Abaataa about the Oromo people and the oppression by the Ethiopian government June 9, 2016

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Odaa OromooPoet Caalaa Hayiluu Abaataa

Untold stories of the silenced


Poet Caalaa Hayiluu Abaataa about the Oromo people and the oppression by the Ethiopian government


8th June 2016  By Melody Sundberg

“But the government – of course, it is not a government, actually – is a group of gangsters and mafias, because if someone is making a group and that group is not representing the majority of the nation or the people, you could not say that that is a government. If the government is not elected by the people, for the people, you could not consider that as a government!”

Poet Caalaa Hayiluu Abaataa about why he wrote poetry about the oromo people who suffers oppression by the Ethiopian government. Caalaa Hayiluu Abaataa was jailed and tortured in Maekelawi, the notorious police station in Ethiopia, for writing poetry about the Oromo people who suffers oppression by the Ethiopian government. He now lives in exile in Sweden. Read his story here.

Filmed during Poesi på liv och död – exilen den verkliga utmaningen (Poetry on life and death – With life in exile as the real challenge), an event by Stockholm University. May 10, 2016 at Fanfaren Kultur Farsta, Stockholm, Sweden. To watch a full video from the event, click here.

Video by Untold Stories / Melody Sundberg.

Ethiopian Army Wantonly Massacres 51 Civilians in Ogaden June 9, 2016

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Odaa OromooONLF

Namoonni 51 ol Ogaden keessattii wayyaaneen ajjesamuuni gabaafame. Kan ajjeefamani keessa baayyeen dubartoota fi daa’imman ta’uun beekame.

(ONLF, 8 June 2016) — The Ethiopian Army wantonly massacred 51 civilians in Jama’ Dubad village near Gashamo town on June 5, 2016. The army indiscriminately opened fire on unarmed civilians in the village centre,  shooting everybody in sight, not sparing women, children or the elderly. After the army started the massacre, many villagers run to the local mosque, hoping that they may be spared there. However, the Ethiopian army followed them there, shooting and killing them all. Then, the army torched the village,  destroying all property, food and the water supplies of the village.

Many wounded civilians who managed to run away to the fields, are scattered and hiding in the fields. Some of the villages and many children are still unaccounted for. In addition,  the Ethiopian army has abducted more than ten elders whose whereabouts are still unknown. The Ethiopian army has sent reinforcements and are currently occuppying  villages along the border. This is an indication that the army intends to commit more massacres in order to create fear and stem any reaction from the local communities.

Just two months ago, the Ethiopian army massacred civilians in Dhaacdheer and Gaxandhaale villages near Galadi town in Wardheer region, killing scores of civilians. In Febraury 2016, the Ethiopian army and the  Liyu Police militia destroyed Lababar village near Shilabo, killing more than 300 civilains and destroying the whole community in order to clear areas near the Jeexdin (Calub) Gas fields.  In  similar aggression the Ethiopian army killed many civilians near Bur-Ukur,  Ferfer, Beledwayne and Hudur areas at the end of last year.

After committing crimes intended to extinguish the spirit and the humanity in Ogaden, Oromia and  all communities in Ethiopia, the regime is now increasingly targeting other peoples along its borders and other neighbouring countries, specially those along the Somalia and Kenyan borders.

The Ogaden National Liberation Front categorically condemns the action of the Ethiopian regime and calls upon all peoples and parties in the Horn of Africa and the international community to condemn this heinous act  and come to the aid of the affected innocent civilians.

Issued by

Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF)

Ethiopia: The US SEC forced TPLF to pay $6.5 million for Unregistered Bonds sold in U.S. June 9, 2016

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Odaa OromooUS SEC

Wayyaaneen  karaa seraan alaatin gorgurtaa  bondii biyya Ameerkaa keessatii kan rawwatte  dolaara miliyoona 6. 5 waan seraa biiyyaati cabsiitef akkaa kaafaltu agoowoni Ameerkaa itti  murttessan.

SEC: Ethiopia’s Electric Utility Sold Unregistered Bonds In U.S.

Washington D.C., June 8, 2016  (SEC) — The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced that Ethiopia’s electric utility has agreed to pay nearly $6.5 million to settle charges that it violated U.S. securities laws by failing to register bonds it offered and sold to U.S residents of Ethiopian descent.

According to the SEC’s order instituting a settled administrative proceeding:

“Foreign governments are welcome to raise money in the U.S. capital markets so long as they comply with the federal securities laws, including registration provisions designed to ensure that investors receive important information about prospective investments,” said Stephen L. Cohen, Associate Director of the SEC’s Division of Enforcement. “This settlement ensures that investors get all of their money back plus interest.”

The SEC’s order finds that EEP violated Sections 5(a) and 5(c) of the Securities Act of 1933. EEP admitted the registration violations and agreed to pay $5,847,804 in disgorgement and $601,050.87 in prejudgment interest. The distribution of money back to investors is subject to the SEC’s review and approval. Investors seeking more information should contact the administrator of the distribution, Gilardi & Co. LLC, at 844-851-4591.

The SEC’s investigation was conducted by Carolyn Kurr and Daniel Rubenstein and supervised by C. Joshua Felker. The SEC appreciates the assistance of the U.S. Department of State.


የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት በአሜሪካን ህገወጥ የቦንድ ሽያጭ በማድረግ የሰበሰበውን ገንዘብ እንዲመልስ ተወሰነበት። የአሜሪካን የቦንድ ሽያጭና ግዥን የሚቆጣጠረው ኮሚሽን ባቀረበው ክስ መሰረት የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት በአሜሪካን ባልተመዘገበ የቦንድ ሽያጭ የሰበሰበውን 5.8ሚሊዮን ዶላር ጨምሮ በድምሩ 6.5 ሚሊዮን ዶላር እንዲከፍል ተስማምቷል። በአሜሪካን ሀገር ከሚኖሩ ከ3,100 ኢትዮጵያውያን የተሰበሰበው ገንዘብ ለአሜሪካን መንግስት ይከፈላል።

NPR: Ethiopia Stifles Dissent, While Giving Impression Of Tolerance, Critics Say June 8, 2016

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Odaa Oromoo

Ethiopia Stifles Dissent, While Giving Impression Of Tolerance, Critics Say

Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn (left), walks alongside President Obama during the U.S. president's visit to the African nation last July. Critics say Ethiopia has cracked down hard on the opposition, but makes modest gestures to give the impression it tolerates some dissent.

Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn (left), walks alongside President Obama during the U.S. president’s visit to the African nation last July. Critics say Ethiopia has cracked down hard on the opposition, but makes modest gestures to give the impression it tolerates some dissent.


The Oromo Federalist Congress, an opposition party in Ethiopia, represents the largest ethnic group in the country, the Oromo.

Yet its office in the capital Addis Ababa is virtually deserted, with chairs stacked up on tables. A chessboard with bottle caps as pieces is one of the few signs of human habitation. In a side office, the party’s chairman, Merera Gudina, explains why the place is so empty: Almost everyone has gone to prison.

The deputy chairman? Prison. The party secretary general? House arrest. The assistant secretary general? In prison. Six members of the party’s youth league? All in prison.

Critics of the Ethiopian government regularly land in prison. So why isn’t Merera Gudina, the chairman of the party and an outspoken critic of the regime, also behind bars?

The reason, he says, is what he calls “the game of the 21st century.” Less-than-democratic regimes are getting more sophisticated, and instead of completely crushing dissent, they seek to create the appearance of tolerance or even a multiparty democracy, explains Merera. (Ethiopians go by their first names).

In the case of Ethiopia, a strategy was laid out by the late former prime minister, Meles Zenawi, after the 2005 election, in which opposition parties won 32 percent of parliament and appeared poised to challenge the government.

“Wait for the opposition to grow legs,” Meles said in a meeting with top party officials. “And then cut them off.”

Merera says he is the current example of that strategy. He describes himself as a “floating head,” while the legs of his party — all his deputies, his candidates, his organizers — are either imprisoned or threatened.

Criticism On Human Rights

Human rights groups are extremely critical of Ethiopia, but it is a member of the international community in good standing.

“We are very mindful of Ethiopia’s history, the hardships that this country has gone through,” Obama said. “It has been relatively recently in which the Constitution that was formed, and elections put forward a democratically elected government.”

A number of human rights groups criticized Obama, saying he should have pressed much harder.

Shortly before Obama’s visit, Ethiopia released several noted opposition journalists and politicians. The deputy chairman of the Oromo Federalist Congress, Bekele Gerba, was among those freed, and he promptly flew to Washington to sound an alarm bell.

“Every one of us is in a very high risk,” he told NPR’s Michele Kelemen. “Because anybody who criticizes the government is always a suspect.”

Bekele said his wife, a high school teacher, was also forced out of her job because of his politics. Bekele declined to use this trip to the U.S. to stay and apply for asylum. Instead, he said, he was determined to go back to Ethiopia, no matter what would happen.

Opposition Figure Re-Arrested

Soon after his return, Bekele was arrested again, and remains in prison today. Bekele is considered a moderate and he counsels nonviolence. He used his free time in prison to translate the writings of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Merera, the party leader, says that targeting Bekele has a boomerang effect.

“When you are suppressing the moderate voice, then what you get is the radical voice,” he warns.

The arrest of moderates inside the country may be amplifying more radical rhetoric in the diaspora, such as rhetoric about “government overthrow” that Ethiopian officials are quick to highlight.

Genenew Assefa, a government spokesman, points out that Ethiopian opposition “tends to be extremist,” but also takes his own Justice Ministry to task for arresting so many opposition members.

“And then we put them in jail, and then it’s a vicious circle,” he says with a sigh. “And this is how it works. I personally, you know, would like to deal with this differently.”

He says that he would like Ethiopia to counter criticism with politics, not with police.

But Ethiopian politics appears to be moving away from democratic freedoms, not toward them. In last year’s election, the ruling party won 100 percent of the seats in parliament. Even the “floating heads” no longer have a token parliamentary seat.

Merera says that the Ethiopian strategy isn’t working.

“You can’t arrest everybody,” he says. He says that what is brewing is “an intifada (uprising), an Ethiopian intifada — even now, they don’t need leadership.”

Last November, ethnically Oromo regions of the country erupted in popular protests. Activists say 350 people have been killed, and thousands more arrested. There’s a growing fear that Ethiopia’s “cut off the legs” strategy is splitting the country.


UNPO: Oromo: Procedural Delay for Students Prosecuted for March Protest in front of US Embassy. #OromoProtests June 8, 2016

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Procedural Delay for Students Prosecuted for March 2016 Protest in front of US Embassy#OromoProtests, Finfinnee (Addis Ababa) University students, 8 March 2016


The status of the Oromo students whose US Embassy protest in March was deemed unlawful by the Ethiopian authorities has remained unchanged due to a delay in proceedings. Their dire situation is seen by many as an example of the harsh treatment handed out to the Oromo ethnic minority within Ethiopia, as well as an attempt to crush resistance to damaging policies from the governing body in Addis Ababa, such as the Addis Ababa Master Plan. The protests in Oromia and the authorities’ violent repression attracted some international attention in the past few months and led, among others, to a European Parliament Resolution.

Below is an article published by Ayyaantuu News

The 20 Oromo students of Addis Ababa University who were arrested for protesting in front of the US embassy last march were brought to court today. The court having been summoned to hear recorded testimonies of witnesses against the students was required to delay proceedings because of the clerk responsible for transcribing the recorded material is on vacation.

Dozens of Oromo students protested in front of the US Embassy in March denouncing the brutal actions of the Ethiopian government against the Oromo protesters who are demanding greater constitutional rights (self-rule, control over resources & democracy) for the last for months.

The students made the demonstrations to bring the situation in Oromia to the attention of the US government, the leading donor to the Ethiopian government. The students were, however, attacked by the security forces, and the demonstration was dispersed. In connection with the demonstrations, 11 Oromo students have been detained and their whereabouts are still not known.

Photo Courtesy of Ethiopian Human Rights Project


Si malee eenyu na aanaa: New Oromo music Masho Abduraman & Temam Tekalinyi 2016 June 7, 2016

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Odaa OromooMasho Abduraman, famous Oromo artist singer


The Guardian: A switch to ecological farming will benefit health and environment – report June 7, 2016

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Odaa Oromoo

A switch to ecological farming will benefit health and environment – report

The world needs to move away from industrial agriculture to avoid ecological, social and human health crises, say scientists

John Vidal, The Guardian,  2 June 2016

A new approach to farming is needed to safeguard human health and avoid rising air and water pollution, high greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity loss, a group of 20 leading agronomists, health, nutrition and social scientists has concluded.
Rather than the giant feedlots used to rear animals or the uniform crop monocultures that now dominate farming worldwide, the solution is to diversify agriculture and re-orient it around ecological practices, says the report (pdf) by the International panel of experts on sustainable food systems (IPES-Food).
The benefits of a switch to a more ecologically oriented farming system would be seen in human and animal health, and improvements in soil and water quality, the report says.
The new group, which is co-chaired by Olivier De Schutter, former UN special rapporteur on food, and includes winners of the World Food prize and the heads of bio-science research groups, accepts that industrial agriculture and the global food system that has grown around it supplies large volumes of food to global markets.
But it argues that food supplies would not be greatly affected by a change to a more diverse farming system.
The group’s members, drawn from rich and poor countries with no affiliations to industry, say that industrial agriculture’s dependence on chemical fertilisers, pesticides and antibiotics to manage animals and agro-ecosystems, has led to ecological, social and human health crises.
“Today’s food and farming systems led systematically to negative outcomes and vulnerabilities. Many of these problems can be linked specifically to the industrial-scale feedlots and uniform crop monocultures that dominate agricultural landscapes, and rely on chemical fertilisers and pesticides as a means of managing agro-ecosystems,” the group says.
In place of an intensive global food system they propose that agriculture diversifies production and optimises biodiversity to build fertile, healthy agro-ecosystems and secure livelihoods.
De Schutter said: “Many of the problems in food systems are linked specifically to the uniformity at the heart of industrial agriculture, and its reliance on chemical fertilisers and pesticides.” He said that simply tweaking industrial agriculture will not provide long-term solutions and a fundamentally different model was needed.
“It is not a lack of evidence holding back the agro-ecological alternative. It is the mismatch between its huge potential to improve outcomes across food systems, and its much smaller potential to generate profits for agribusiness firms.”
“There is growing evidence that these [agro-ecological] systems keep carbon in the ground, support biodiversity, rebuild soil fertility and sustain yields over time, providing a basis for secure farm livelihoods,” says the report.
Diversified agroecological systems can also pave the way for diverse diets and improved health.
The panel argues that industrial agriculture locks in farmers, subsidies, supermarkets, governments and consumers to the point where food systems are in the hands of very few companies and people.
“Food systems in which uniform crop commodities can be produced and traded on a massive scale are in the economic interests of crop breeders, pesticide manufacturers, grain traders and supermarkets alike,” says the report.
“Industrial agriculture has occupied a privileged position for decades and has failed to provide a recipe for sustainable food systems. There is enough evidence now to suggest that a shift towards diversified agro-ecological systems can dramatically improve these outcomes.”
The panel identifies three disastrous consequences of intensive farming. These include the fact that global food systems linked to industrial modes of farming or deforestation generate one-third of all greenhouse gasses.
In addition, the excessive application of fertilisers and pesticides in crop monocultures, and the waste generated by industrial animal feedlots, have resulted in severe water pollution.
Pesticide exposure in industrial farming systems has been linked to a possible range of human health problems such as Alzheimer’s disease, birth defects, cancers and developmental disorders. Additionally, the preventative use of antibiotics in industrial animal production systems has exacerbated the problem of bacterial resistance to antibiotics, creating health risks for human populations.

Read more at sources:-


AFRICA: Oromia: Athletic Nation Report: Oromo Runners in Ethiopia Say They Face Discrimination June 6, 2016

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Odaa OromooOromo legends Tirunesh Dibaba and Kenenisa Bekele win the Great Manchster race

Ethiopian Runners Say They Face Discrimination

NPR,  5 June 2016

When Ethiopia barred its best distance runner from competing in the 2016 Olympics, many saw it as an act of ethnic discrimination. Another runner from the same ethnic group says he was exiled.


If you are a betting person – and we’re not endorsing this – but if you are, it’s a safe bet that the gold in middle-distance running in this summer’s Olympics will go to Ethiopia or Kenya. That’s because those two countries dominate the 5K and the 10K. So it was a shock to the running world when Ethiopia announced its main national team will not include the world record holder in both those races. That’s three-time Olympic champion Kenenisa Bekele. Bekele says he is being discriminated against because of his ethnicity. Bekele is Oromo. NPR’s Gregory Warner tells us more about why other runners say ethnic discrimination casts a shadow over Ethiopian track.

GREGORY WARNER, BYLINE: The 23-year-old refugee I meet in Nairobi talks quietly as if to conserve energy. He’s thin and nervous. But there’s one name that can put a burst of joy on his face. That name – Kenenisa Bekele.

MOHAMED KEMAL: (Speaking Oromo).

WARNER: In fact, you smile when I even say his name.

KEMAL: (Speaking Oromo).

WARNER: This is Mohamed Kemal (ph). He’s also a runner. And he was 16 years old in 2008 when Bekele won gold medals in the 5K and the 10K races in Beijing.


UNIDENTIFIED ANNOUNCER: And the awesome strength – the awesome, awesome speed. He’s untouchable once again. It’s a new Olympic record.


KEMAL: (Through interpreter) (unintelligible) Kenenisa is my role model. So always I’m thinking to be wise like Kenenisa.


WARNER: Kemal pulls out papers. They’re the finishing times for an Ethiopian half marathon in 2014.

So 1 hour 6 minutes 8 seconds – 86th.

Kemal’s time put him in the country’s top 100 that year. But before the race, he says, the coach of his running club had pulled him aside and told him to throw the race for another runner.

KEMAL: (Through interpreter) We have been told to make others too tired, but, at the finishing, to give the chance for the Tigrinya.

WARNER: Give the chance to the Tigrean, he says. Kemal is not of the Tigrean ethnicity. He’s Oromo.

KEMAL: (Through interpreter) I was discriminated because of I’m Oromo.

WARNER: Kemal refused to throw the race. He was tired, he says, of being passed over for international sponsors or forced to pay bribes for the chance to run just because of his ethnic background. But after he finished so well in the race, the furious coach told him he’d be barred from future competitions.

KEMAL: (Through interpreter) After this, things become serious.

WARNER: In November of last year, Ethiopia erupted in massive civil protest by Oromo, the country’s largest ethnic group. And their complaints were various – that their ancestral land was being taken, that their children were discriminated against in education and employment. They said that Oromo who didn’t adhere to the ruling party ideology were targeted. Thousands of Oromo were arrested, including Kemal. And when he was released, he snuck over the border to Kenya. At 23 he had chosen impoverished freedom over a running career.

So let me ask you – with everything that’s happened to you, will you watch the Olympics? And if you watch it, will you be rooting for Ethiopia?

KEMAL: (Speaking Oromo).

WARNER: Kemal’s answer is complicated. A win for Ethiopia in Rio would reflect positively on a national athletics program that Kemal feels is rotten. And his role model, Kenenisa Bekele, won’t be running. But the other Ethiopian runners are men and women that he knows and admires. How can he not cheer if they win?

KEMAL: (Through interpreter) When my colleagues won that’s – that race, I become excited.

WARNER: So you focus on the face and not on the flag?

KEMAL: (Through interpreter) Yes.

WARNER: But of course the headline, if that happens, will be Ethiopia clinches another gold. Gregory Warner, NPR News, Nairobi.






Ethiopia’s Kenenisa Bekele says his exclusion from marathon team for Olympics is “unjust”https://t.co/IGolZrPeIe


Oxfam: Africa: Ethiopia: The 2016 Multidimensional Poverty Index June 4, 2016

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In terms of MPI measurement, Ethiopia’s 87.3% of the population are  identified as  MPI poor, by far higher than Africa’s average (54%) and East Africa’s average (70%).

MPI Country Briefing 2016, Ethiopia


The 2016 Multi-Dimensional Poverty Index was published on 3rd June 2016. It now covers 102 countries in total, including 75 per cent of the world’s population, or 5.2 billion people. Of this proportion, 30 per cent of people (1.6 billion) are identified as multidimensionally poor.

The Global MPI has 3 dimensions and 10 indicators (for details see here and the graphic, right). A person is identified as multidimensionally poor (or ‘MPI poor’) if they are deprived in at least one third of the dimensions. The MPI is calculated by multiplying the incidence of poverty (the percentage of people identified as MPI poor) by the average intensity of poverty across the poor. So it reflects both the share of people in poverty and the degree to which they are deprived.

Global MPI 2016, 10 indicators

The MPI increasingly digs down below national level, giving separate results for 962 sub-national regions, which range from having 0% to 100% of people poor (see African map, below). It is also disaggregated by rural-urban areas for nearly all countries as well as by age.

Headlines from the MPI 2016:

This year’s MPI focuses on Africa:

See here for my post on the MPI 2014. I’d be interested in your reflections on what MPI adds to the usual $ per day metrics, in terms of our understanding of development.





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Odaa OromooAddis StandardFree Bekele Gerba and all political prisonners in Ethiopia


Prison police brings Bekele Gerba et.al to court barefoot, wearing only shorts and t-shirts

The police failed to bring Tesema Regasa and 15 others in the same file to the court

Mahlet Fasil,  addisstandard,   3 June 2016

The Addis Abeba prison administration Qilinto prison police have this morning brought prominent opposition figure Bekele Gerba and the 21 others in the same file for a hearing at a court all barefoot. The detainees were also wearing mere shorts and t-shirts when they appeared at the Federal High Court 19th Criminal Bench here in the capital.

Once inside the court room the detainees, through Bekele Gerba, first secretary general of the opposition Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC), told the judges that the police have come to their cells in Qilinto, a prison in the outskirt of south of Addis Abeba, yesterday and stripped them all of their clothes and shoes to prevent them from wearing black upon appearing in court this morning.

On May 11 the police have failed to bring the 22 detainees, all charged with Ethiopia’s infamous Anti-Terrorism Proclamation, ATP, to the court because all them were wearing black to protest their arrest.  However, the police have told the court this morning that they didn’t bring defendants during the last hearing because they have not received a letter from the court.  The judge told the police at the court this morning that the police officers on duty on May 11 must appear in court to explain the real reason.

Bekele also told the court that he and his co-defendants were subjected to torture and other forms of physical and psychological abuses inside the prison and requested the judge for a change of prison. But the judge denied the request.

The 22 defendants were all arrested between November and December 2015, shortly after the start (and in connection with) Oromo protests in November that gripped the nation for the next five months. Defendants include several members of OFC, students and civil servants who came from various parts of the Oromia regional state.

Prosecutors have charged the 22 with various articles of the ATP. The charges include, but not limited to, alleged membership of the banned Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), public incitement, encouraging violence, as well as causing the death of innocent civilians and property destructions in cities such as Ambo and Adama, 120km west and 100km east of Addis Abeba during the recent Oromo protests in Ethiopia. This morning all of the defendants have presented a written defense statement. The court adjourned the next hearing until June 27.

In a related development, the police at Qilinto have failed to bring this morning 16 other individuals, all from the Oromia regional state and were detained in connection with the #OromoProtests, to the court.  The 16 detainees, under the file name of Tesema Regasa were first brought to the court on April 26. They were subsequently charged with the ATP and have, last month, presented their defense statements to the court. Today’s court appearance was adjourned to hear prosecutors’ counter response for the defense statements. The court re-adjourned the next hearing until June 15.

Wondimu Ebbissa, who is representing Bekele Gerba et.al, said last month that more than 80 defendants, including Bekele Gerba et al, were held in Qilinto and a further 97 were believed to be either at  the Ethiopian Federal Polcie Force Central Bureau of Criminal Investigation, known in Amharic as Ma’ekelawi,  or the Addis Abeba police prison facility near it. All of them are detained in connection with #OromoProtests.

In a separate development, the Federal High Court 19th Criminal Bench yesterday adjourned the hearing for Yonatan Tesfaye, former spokesman of the opposition Semayawi (Blue) Party, until June 21. The court received Yonatan’s defense statement in its hearing and adjourned the next hearing to receive prosecutor’s counter statement.


Last month prosecutors have charged Yonatan with ATP and have presented as evidence the defendant’s Facebook status updates during the #OromoProtests. The charges against Yonatan allege that he was posting inciting message on his Facebook, encouraging protesters to loot and destruct properties. Charges also allege Yonatan was calling for regime change  through violence.

Prison police brings Bekele Gerba et.al to court barefoot, wearing only shorts and t-shirts

Related  from social media:-

Oromo leader and political prisoner Bekele Gerba said 'Our lives are in real danger.' 3rd  June  2016

Guyyaa har’aa Obboo Baqqalaa Garbaa Kaanaateeraa keessaa; Kofoo gabaabduu fi miila duwwaa mana murtiititti dhiyaatan;
” Gaggeessitoonni Bulchiinsa Manneen Sirreessaa hamma hin jijjiiramnetti jiruun keenna rakkoo guddaa keessa jira; beellama itti aanuf nabsedhaanuu argamuu keenna ni shakkina”
” Gara kutaa dukkanaatti fuudhanii nuun deeman. Nu keessaa gartokkee keenya akka malee nu tuman”
” Akka Lammii Biyyattiitti lakkaawwamaa hin jirru”
Obbboo Baqqalaa Garbaa

” Beellama keenna isa dabre irratti uffata gurraacha mana murtiitti dhiyaachudhaaf uffanne baafadhaa nuun jedhan. Nutis hin baafannu jennee mormine. Uffata barbaanne kaawwachuun mirga heera biyyattiittiin nuuf kenname jenneen. Nuti uffata gurraacha kan uffanneef Lammileen Sabaan Oromoo ta’an Kuma 50 ol mana hidhaa keessatti kan argamaniifii dabalataan waggaa kana keessatti qofa lammiilen Oromoo 200 – 300 ajjeefamuu isaaniitiif gadda nutti dhagayame ibsuuf ture. Gochi nuti raawwanne hundi seera fi hojmaata mana sirreessaa haala hin tuqneen ture. Kuni gonkumaa hin ta’u jedhanii nu dhoowwan, nutti dallanan, nu sodaachisuudhaaf yaalan, nu arrabsan.
” Kaleessa sa’aa booda namoonni mana murtiitti dhiyaannu adda baafamne akka dhufnu godhamne. Eddoo jirruu uffata keenya qabannee akka baanu godhame. Uffata keenya keessaa uffata gurraacha barbaadanii fudhatan. Nutis ” uffata keenya hunda isaa nuuf deebisuu qabdu jennee gaafanne. Isaanis gara mana dukkanaa fuudhanii nuun deeman. Nu keessaayis namoota tokko tokko garmalee tumaadhaan dararan. Namootni tumamanis asuma waan jiraniif dhadacha fuulduratti waan irra ga’r kana ibsachuu ni danda’u. Uffatni keenya hundi isaa lafarratti waan bittinneeffameef hidhamtoonni biroo kan barbaadan keessaa fudhatan. Isa hafe fidanii kutaa keenya keessatti darban. Hanga har’aatti midhaan hin nyaanne. Harki keenya hamma ganamaatti Kaateenaadhaan hidhamee ture. Gochi suukaneessaan nurratti raawwatame hundi kan Oromummaa keenyarratii xiyyeffateedha. Lammiin sabaan Oromoo ta’e qofti filatamee garmalee tumamaa jira. Eddoon itti hidhamne kan ilmi namaa sababa sabummaa isaatif qofa itti adabamuudha. Anaanis ‘ Kan kana godhu sihi, si arganna’ naan jedhanii jiru.

Manni murtii eddoo turtii biraa akka nuuf mijeessu ni gaafanna. Ammas yoo gara mana hidhaa Qiliinxootti nu deebistan waan nurra ga’u hin beeknu. Sodaa guddaa qabna. Hoggantoonni mana sirreesichaa hamma hin jijjiiramnetti nabsee keennaaf ni sodaanna. Haala kanaan Beellama itti aanuf nabseedhaan argamuu danda’uu keenyas amantii hin qabnu. Maatin keenya akka nu hin daawwanne dhorgamaa jiru. Har’as erga dallaa mana murtii keessa seennee booda Namootni akka nu hin argine godhameera. Wanti akkanaa kuni mootummaadhaaf maal isaaf godhaa? Akka lammiitti lakkaawwamaa hin jirru.”



Obbo Baqqalaa Garbaa fi Kannen Biroon Har’a Uffata Keessaan Uffatamuun Mana Murtii Duratti Dhiyaatan


Ethiopia: Detainees beaten and forced to appear before court inadequately dressed

Ethiopia: Detainees beaten and forced to appear before court inadequately dressed


UN: Ethiopia: El Niño: Overview of Impact, Projected Humanitarian Needs and Response as of 02 June 2016 June 3, 2016

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 Odaa Oromoo

Ethiopian Drought (famine) Projected outlook, June -September 2016

ETHIOPIA: The worst drought in 50 years has tripled humanitarian needs since early 2015. More than 2.3 million households need immediate agricultural support. The number of people who need emergency health interventions nearly doubled in three months, from 3.6 million in December 2015 to 6.8 million in March 2016. A total of 10.2 million people still need food assistance, and this number is expected to grow in the second half of the year. There are an estimated 2 million additional ‘ad hoc beneficiaries’ – people needing assistance outside the original plan. Malnutrition rates are staggering, with over one third of Ethiopia’s woredas (districts) officially classified as facing a dire food security and nutrition crisis. A total of 2.5 million children under age 5, pregnant women and nursing mothers need treatment for moderate acute malnutrition . It is estimated that 20 per cent of the expected 435,000 severely malnourished children will develop medical complications that need intensive life-saving medical treatment in hospital-based therapeutic feeding centres….


The humanitarian impact of the 2015-2016 El Niño remains deeply alarming, now affecting over 60 million people. Central America, East Africa (particularly Ethiopia), the Pacific and Southern Africa remain the most affected regions. The El Niño phenomenon is now in decline, but projections indicate the situation will worsen throughout at least the end of the year, with food insecurity caused primarily by drought not likely to peak before December. Therefore, the humanitarian impacts will last well into 2017 . El Niño has affected food security and agricultural production, with cascading effects on livelihoods, health, water, sanitation, education and other sectors. This is due to flooding, disease outbreaks and malnutrition, disruption of health and education services, and overall increased mortality. In Eastern and Southern Africa,¹ some 50.2 million people are food insecure, many due to drought exacerbated by El Niño or due to a combination of drought and conflict. This number is expected to increase significantly towards the end of the year. Drought, flooding and extreme weather events caused by El Niño affect women and girls in particular ways which must be understood and incorporated into humanitarian and development interventions.

This year’s El Niño is taking place in a world already dramatically affected by climate change. More extreme weather events are expected, and climate change may increase the frequency and severity of future El Niño events. These events hit the poorest communities hardest. This means that, in addition to responding quickly to critical food, water, nutrition, health and livelihoods requirements, efforts must be focused on building climate resilience and the capacity to respond to future shocks.

The likelihood of a La Niña developing by September 2016 has increased to 75 per cent². However, some uncertainty remains, as forecasts made at this time of the year typically have less accuracy than those made during the second half of the year. The World Meteorological Organization’s El Niño/La Niña Update3 of 12 May indicates a return to ENSO-neutral conditions in May 2016, with odds increasing of La Niña development in the third quarter. The specific impacts of La Niña are difficult to predict, but it typically brings extreme weather to the same regions most affected by El Niño, where people’s coping capacities have already been eroded. Areas now experiencing drought could face flooding, and areas that have seen excessive rainfall with El Niño could experience drought. This means that La Niña preparedness and early action need to be built into El Niño response and recovery efforts, and development actors should increase risk and vulnerability-reduction efforts in priority areas, including by reprioritizing existing development funding to mitigate the risks.

Several additional countries have finalized costed response plans since the last Global Overview, raising the funding request to almost US$3.9 billion. Response plans with requests for international assistance have been completed by Governments and/or humanitarian partners in 19 countries, with other plans still being finalized. Since mid-2015, the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) has allocated over $119 million to 19 countries. Reflecting recent pledges and new funding requests, the current funding gap is almost $2.5 billion. The Southern African Development Community (SADC) is expected to issue a regional appeal in June 2016, based on new crop assessments completed in May/June, which is expected to increase the funding request. The food security and agriculture sector is the worst affected by El Niño, with funding requests comprising almost 80 per cent of all national and humanitarian response plans.

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs:

Symposium: Social Movements and State Fragility in Ethiopia: Lessons from the #OromoProtests and Government Responses of 2015-16 at SOAS, London, Centre of African Studies June 2, 2016

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Odaa OromooSOAS

#OromoProtests against the Ethiopian regime fascist tyranny. Join the peaceful movement for justice, democracy, development and freedom of Oromo and other oppressed people in Ethiopia

Social Movements and State Fragility in Ethiopia: Lessons from the Oromo Protests and Government Responses of 2015-16

Date:21 June 2016Time: 9:00 AM

Finishes:21 June 2016Time: 7:00 PM

Venue: Russell Square: College Buildings Room: Khalili Lecture Theatre

Type of Event: Symposium

In late July of 2015, President Barack Obama praised Ethiopia as a “model of development,” an example of a young democracy and an effective ally of the West in the war against terror.  Three months later, the country was rocked by massive protests in the Oromia region demanding an end to the one-party stranglehold on the political landscape, ethnic discrimination in allocating national resources, and the rule of violence in Ethiopia. In response, the state turned to coercion and violence to put down the uprising.

            The dramatic turn of events has exposed a structural weakness in the Ethiopian state, one which John Markakis has called the failure of nation-building.  After the #OromoProtests, the Ethiopian state is unlikely to continue business as usual. First, the use of external endorsement as a leverage to seek internal legitimacy has limits. Second, state violence further delegitimizes the state, necessitating further coercion. In this cycle of violence, the state is unlikely to win a protracted conflict against its own population. In time, the state recedes, extra-state entities will step up to supplant the state and provide social services and security for its populations. In this situation, state collapse becomes imminent.

            A one-day symposium at SOAS, University of London, will explore how apparently strong state institutions eventually produce weaknesses that in turn initiate tendencies towards coercion, illegitimacy and fragility.  By addressing this phenomenon historically and ethnographically the symposium intends to examine new frameworks for understanding the Ethiopian state and the changing contours of political legitimacy.

Contact email:cas@soas.ac.uk






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Odaa OromooAddis Standardtweet tweet #OromoProtestsEthiopian 12th grade for University entrance exam has been leaked and cancelled p2Ethiopian 12th grade for University entrance exam has been leaked and cancelled p2Ethiopian 12th grade for University entrance exam has been leaked and cancelled


OBS: Oromia: WAAREE AARTII JIMMAA: JU hosts the First International Conference on Oromo Studies June 2, 2016

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Jimma University organized the first international conference on Oromo studiesJimma University organized the first international conference on Oromo studies p3

JU hosts the First International Conference on Oromo Studies

Mediapart au Théâtre de la Ville, à Paris:l’intervention de Solan, réfugié originaire d’Oromia, en Éthiopie: Solan, refugee from Oromia June 1, 2016

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