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Shukrii Jamaal: ‘Ammayyaa Bulloo Boshee’: New Oromo Music Premier July 19, 2016

Posted by OromianEconomist in Uncategorized.
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Odaa Oromoo

Ammayyaa Bulloo Boshee

Kuulanii koo,

Bareedduu xiqqoo rosee.

Nice Oromo pictures from Shukri Jamal's music, Bullo Boshee. p2Nice Oromo pictures from Shukri Jamal's music, Bullo Boshee. p9Nice Oromo pictures from Shukri Jamal's music, Bullo Boshee. p8Nice Oromo pictures from Shukri Jamal's music, Bullo Boshee. p10

Nice Oromo pictures from Shukri Jamal's music, Bullo Boshee. p3Nice Oromo pictures from Shukri Jamal's music in 2016, Bullo Boshee. p11


Nice Oromo pictures from Shukri Jamal's music, Bullo Boshee

Nice Oromo pictures from Shukri Jamal's music, Bullo Boshee. p1



Nice Oromo pictures from Shukri Jamal's music, Bullo Boshee. p4

Nice Oromo pictures from Shukri Jamal's music, Bullo Boshee. p6

Nice Oromo pictures from Shukri Jamal's music, Bullo Boshee. p5Nice Oromo pictures from Shukri Jamal's music in 2016, Bullo Boshee. p12

Nice Oromo pictures from Shukri Jamal's music, Bullo Boshee. p7


Manaa hin baatu jedhanii

Gabaa hin baatuu jedhanii

Koo yaa hintaloo,

Kan si eegu gutuntumaa

Namaa hin naatu jedhanii

Maal wayyaa koo

Kan odeessan  dhuguma moo

Sifan kophaa gunguma anoo.

Arjoo fi Begii Naqamtee,

Shaambuu fi Horroon imaltee,

Waan ofii koo  maaloo,

Lafa qeerroon dhaadatuu,

Waan barbadde si bitaa,

Wanta feete si bitaa,

Ati tiiyya taanaan isa yaanni jaallatuu.

Ichilbee daarii Gobbuu,

Maroolee koo maaloo,

Ya sinnaara sararaa,

Sitti obsee kee na godhuu,

Waan ofii koo maaloo,

Waltaana baranaa.

Jaarsi sawwan yaafatee,

Maroolee koo,

Dirreetti ooffatee dheechisaa,

Wayi nama wal jaallatee,

Waan ofii koo maaloo,

Ija irratti beeksisaa.

Ammayyaa Bulloo Boshee

Kuulanii koo,

Bareedduu xiqqoo rosee.

Maal wayya magaaltittii,

Najjoo irraa moo Ginbitti si eegaa,

Eessatti naaf dhuftaa,

Barrisii na koottuu,

Yoo tiyya taatee,

Maaliif na dhibsitaa………..




The Irrationality of Rationality July 19, 2016

Posted by OromianEconomist in Uncategorized.
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Odaa Oromoorational constrained choice

The confined view of rationality regarding humans has strong relevance while carrying out activities like trade and exchange. Although rationality must not be ignored, understanding other key drivers behind transactions could widen our approach to comprehending and applying economics.

For instance, why do some universities conduct exams without an invigilator? Or why do most people value products they use beyond their monetary value (such as a coffee mug or passes for a cricket match)? Or even with no waste bins, why do some roads stay significantly cleaner than the others?

To answer the above questions, one would have to move away from the usual notion of maximising self-interest. Much literature has come to light during last few decades by behavioural economists and psychologists such as D. Kahneman, A. Tversky and others, in the field of psychological sensitivity. They suggest that various characteristics determine the choices that one makes. Most importantly, they point out that these reasons are beyond the maximisation of self-interest of the individual. Some of these characteristics include attitudes of people, such as higher aversion to losses of wealth and possessions than to identical amounts of gains, or a bias towards an unlikely or a rare event, or any limitation of memory due to biological factors……. Read more at:-
