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#Irreecha2020: The Oromo national and cultural holiday season: Oromians and friends of the Oromo nation celebrating the blessing and colourful festival in Oromia and all over the Globe. Using military forces the Ethiopia government suppressed the main events in Finfinnee at Hora Finfinnee, Hulluuqoo Kormaa (Doollo Buddeena) and in Bishooftuu at Hora Harsadii October 4, 2020

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Irreecha 2020: The Oromo national and cultural holiday season: Oromians and friends of the Oromo nation celebrating the blessing and colourful festival in Oromia and all over the Globe. Due to the historically oppressive nature of Ethiopia’s government towards Oromo people and their culture and identity and its fears of the ongoing #OromoProtests, the Ethiopia government used massive military forces and sanctioned and suppressed the main Irreecha events in Finfinnee at Hora Finfinnee, Hulluuqoo Kormaa (Doollo Buddeena) and in Bishooftuu at Hora Harsadii. For this massive open public culture, the regime sent hand picked party cadres and its supporters through offering its participation badges and drop them there with its transport. That was designed and actioned to make believe that the events were held. Millions of Oromo mass sanctioned from driving and waling to the festive venues with layers and layers of military forces. The millions people of festivals at Hora Finfinnee an Hora Harsadii were defacto cancelled. Thousands attacked by the military, arrested and tortured in effort to celebrate their adored culture. The whereabouts of thousands is not known. This is once again a massive military attack against iconic Oromo culture and identity. Irreecha2020

“I don’t know the kind of information they have but these security checks are too much,” said Hassen, a participant who gave only his first name, fearing for his safety. “Added with the COVID-19, it really has ruined the festive mood.” ~ AP

VOA Afaan Oromoo: Bushooftuutti Irreechi Hora Harsadee namoota muraasa qofaan akka kabajamu taasisamee oole, Hirmaattoota hedduu irraa miirri mul’ataa tures qabanaahaa ta’uu gabaasaan VOA bakka sanatti argame ibsee jira.

“I was looking forward, like many of you, to waking up to hundreds of pictures of massive gatherings of people celebrating Irreecha in Ethiopia, like this one from last year. How heart-breaking to hear many were arrested or unexpectedly prevented from arriving at their destinations. If it was simply about COVID, there could have been clear messaging or alternative plans made, which I don’t think was the case, though that’s one excuse being given. This seems more like an attempt to suppress Oromo cultural expression during a politically volatile time. As we know from attempts of the past, Irreecha cannot  actually be suppressed for long, if at all, though they may have been caught off guard and disappointed today. Broad cultural suppression like this seems like an unwise move, and yet that’s the choice the current government made at the same time they are holding large numbers of political prisoners and are putting political opponents on trial when they should be playing their parts in elections.”Photo credit: oromianeconomist   ~Amy Elliott Van Steenwyk

The security forces blocked the public  not to attend Irreecha, this in Bishooftuu, 4 October  2020
Oromo youth were not allowed to celebrate their Irreecha, 4th October 2020 Bishooftuu, Hora Harsadii, Oromia
Fascist Ethiopia’s military in suppressing Irreecha Celebration in Bishooftuu 4 October 2020
Oromo nationals in their Irreecha cultural outfit, the military blocked them from attending Irreecha festival 4 October 2020, Bishooftuu, Oromia

The Ethiopia’s government military detained and attacking masses of the Irreecha Oromo revellers  in Bishooftuu 4 October 2020
The Ethiopia’s military in suppressing the iconic Oromo culture blocking the Oromo Irreecha revellers from Hora Harsadii in Bishooftuu 4 October 2020
This is Kefiyalew, Oromo national hero, the Ethiopian security forces sanctioned him from Irreecha, Finfinnee 3 October 2020
CaptureEthiopian security forces arresting Oromo national for going to Irreecha, Finfinnee, Oromia 3rd October 2020
Oromo youth in Irreecha Oromo cultural outfit suppressed from Hora Finfinnee and Hora Harsadii 3 and 4 October 2020
Oromo youth to Irreecha with Oromo music star Galana, stopped by military from attending Irreecha Hora Finfinnee on 3 October 2020
Celebrating Irreecha at home

BBC Afaan Oromoo reports on Events in Hora Harsadii, Bishooftuu : Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Hora Har-Sadee suuraadhaan

4 Onkololeessa 2020, BBC Afaan Oromoo

Irreechi 2020 kaleessaa magaaaa Finfinneetti kabajamee harra ammoo Magaalaa Bishooftuutti haala ho’aadhaa kabajameera. Hirmaattoota sirnichaa suuraadhaa kunooti.

Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Hore Har-Sadeetti suuraadhaan
Ibsa waa’ee suuraa,Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Hore Har-Sadeetti suuraadhaan
Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Hore Har-Sadeetti suuraadhaan
BBC Afaan Oromoo: Ibsa waa’ee suuraa,Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Hore Har-Sadeetti suuraadhaan
Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Hore Har-Sadeetti suuraadhaan
BBC Afaan Oromoo: Ibsa waa’ee suuraa,Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Hore Har-Sadeetti suuraadhaan
Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Hore Har-Sadeetti suuraadhaan
BBC Afaan Oromoo: Ibsa waa’ee suuraa,Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Hore Har-Sadeetti suuraadhaan
Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Hore Har-Sadeetti suuraadhaan
BBC Afaan Oromoo: Ibsa waa’ee suuraa,Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Hore Har-Sadeetti suuraadhaan
Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Hore Har-Sadeetti suuraadhaan
BBC Afaan Oromoo: Ibsa waa’ee suuraa,Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Hore Har-Sadeetti suuraadhaan
Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Hore Har-Sadeetti suuraadhaan
BBC Afaan Oromoo: Ibsa waa’ee suuraa,Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Hore Har-Sadeetti suuraadhaan
Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Hore Har-Sadeetti suuraadhaan
BBC Afaan Oromoo: Ibsa waa’ee suuraa,Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Hore Har-Sadeetti suuraadhaan
Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Hore Har-Sadeetti suuraadhaan
BBC Afaan Oromoo: Ibsa waa’ee suuraa,Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Hore Har-Sadeetti suuraadhaan
Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Hore Har-Sadeetti suuraadhaan
Ibsa waa’ee suuraa,Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Hore Har-Sadeetti suuraadhaan
Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Hore Har-Sadeetti suuraadhaan
BBC Afaan Oromoo: Ibsa waa’ee suuraa,Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Hore Har-Sadeetti suuraadhaan
Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Hore Har-Sadeetti suuraadhaan
BBC Afaan Oromoo: Ibsa waa’ee suuraa,Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Hore Har-Sadeetti suuraadhaan
Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Hore Har-Sadeetti suuraadhaan
BBC Afaan Oromoo: Ibsa waa’ee suuraa,Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Hore Har-Sadeetti suuraadhaan
Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Hore Har-Sadeetti suuraadhaan
BBC Afaan Oromoo: Ibsa waa’ee suuraa,Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Hore Har-Sadeetti suuraadhaan

BBC Afaan Oromoo Irreecha 2020: Irreechi Hora Finfinnee namoota muraasaan kabajamuun miira akkamii uume?

3 Onkololeessa 2020 BBC Afaan Oromoo

Irreecha Hora Finfinnee bara 202
BBC Afaan Oromoo: Irreechi Hora Finfinnee Onkoloolessa 4 bara 2020, in Oromo Calendar 6414

Irreechi Hora Finfinnee iddoo namootni muraasni affeeraan taasifameef argamanitti kabajameera.

Kabaja Irreecha 2020 Magaalaa Finfinnee suuraadhaan

3 Onkololeessa 2020

Irreecha bara kana Magaalaa Finfinneetti kabajameera. Boru ammoo Magaalaa Bishooftuutti kabajamuuf jira. Sababii koronaavaayirasitiin walqabatees lakkoofsi namoota ayyaana kanarratti hirmaatanii baayyee muraasaa ta’uun hubatameera.

Kabaja irreecha Hora Finfinnee
BBC Afaan Oromoo: Ibsa waa’ee suuraa,Kabaja irreecha Hora Finfinnee
Kabaja Irreechaa 2020 suuraan
Ibsa waa’ee suuraa,Kabaja Irreechaa 2020 suuraan
Kabaja Irreechaa 2020 suuraan
BBC Afaan Oromoo: Ibsa waa’ee suuraa,Kabaja Irreechaa 2020 suuraan
Kabaja Irreechaa 2020 suuraan
BBC Afaan Oromoo: Ibsa waa’ee suuraa,Kabaja Irreechaa 2020 suuraan
Kabaja Irreechaa 2020 suuraan
BBC Afaan Oromoo: Ibsa waa’ee suuraa,Kabaja Irreechaa 2020 suuraan
Kabaja Irreechaa 2020 suuraan
BBC Afaan Oromoo: Ibsa waa’ee suuraa,Kabaja Irreechaa 2020 suuraan
Kabaja Irreechaa 2020 suuraan
BBC Afaan Oromoo: Ibsa waa’ee suuraa,Kabaja Irreechaa 2020 suuraan
Kabaja Irreechaa 2020 suuraan
BBC Afaan Oromoo: Ibsa waa’ee suuraa,Kabaja Irreechaa 2020 suuraan
Kabaja Irreechaa 2020 suuraan
BBC Afaan Oromoo: Ibsa waa’ee suuraa,Kabaja Irreechaa 2020 suuraan
Kabaja Irreechaa 2020 suuraan
BBC Afaan Oromoo: Ibsa waa’ee suuraa,Kabaja Irreechaa 2020 suuraan
Kabaja Irreechaa 2020 suuraan
BBC Afaan Oromoo: Ibsa waa’ee suuraa,Kabaja Irreechaa 2020 suuraan
Kabaja Irreechaa 2020 suuraan
BBC Afaan Oromoo: Ibsa waa’ee suuraa,Kabaja Irreechaa 2020 suuraan
Kabaja Irreechaa 2020 suuraan
BBC Afaan Oromoo: Ibsa waa’ee suuraa,Kabaja Irreechaa 2020 suuraan
Kabaja irreecha Hora Finfinnee

BBC Afaan Oromoo: Ibsa waa’ee suuraa,Kabaja Irreechaa 2020 suuraan

#Irreecha2020 #OromoProtests in #Finfinnee, Oromia: Oromoon Lencuma duruu

ALJAZEERA ( 4 Oct 2020): In Pictures: Ethiopia’s Oromo hold Irreecha festival

The government says it restricted attendance at the Oromo group’s Irreecha festival to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Women, wearing traditional clothing, sing and march during the celebration of Irreechaa, the Oromo people thanksgiving holiday, in Addis Ababa. [Eduardo Soteras/AFP]
Women, wearing traditional clothing, sing and march during the celebration of Irreechaa, the Oromo people thanksgiving holiday, in Addis Ababa. [Eduardo Soteras/AFP]

4 Oct 2020

Members of Ethiopia’s largest ethnic group gathered in Addis Ababa for a scaled-back version of Irreecha, their annual thanksgiving festival, against a backdrop of unrest and political division.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s government said it was restricting attendance for the Oromo group’s Irreecha festival to approximately 5,000 people to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, just as it did for an Orthodox Christian holiday last week.

But some attendees said the regulations were designed to prevent anti-government protests at a time when Oromo opposition politicians are behind bars and security forces stand accused of using heavy-handed tactics against civilians in the Oromo region surrounding the capital.

“When people get together they may reflect on what is going wrong in the country. For fear of that, they have restricted us,” said Jatani Bonaya, a 26-year-old student, on Saturday. “What the government is doing is not right.”

Irreecha marks the end of the rainy season and the start of the harvest season.

It is traditionally held in the city of Bishoftu, Oromia, some 50km (30 miles) southeast of Addis Ababa.

In 2016, the use of tear gas and firearms by security forces sparked a stampede in Bishoftu that killed dozens, some of whom drowned in a nearby lake.

The government put the death toll at 55, though Human Rights Watch later said it could have been in the hundreds.

The following year, Irreecha turned into an anti-government protest, part of a broader movement that brought Abiy, Ethiopia’s first Oromo ruler, to power in 2018.

Last year, Abiy allowed a separate Irreecha celebration to take place for the first time in Addis Ababa and hundreds of thousands turned out.

On Saturday, a much smaller crowd led by chanting Oromo traditional leaders gathered at pools of water in central Addis Ababa, where they dipped flowers and sprinkled it over themselves, gestures symbolising gratitude and renewal.

Tensions between Abiy and Oromo nationalists have been on the rise in recent months following the killing of Hachalu Hundessa, a pop star who gave voice to Oromo feelings of marginalisation, in June.

More than 160 people were killed in the ensuing violence, and more than 9,000 were caught up in subsequent mass arrests, including journalists and prominent Oromo opposition politicians.

Irreecha marks the end of the rainy season and the start of the harvest season. [Eduardo Soteras/AFP]
Irreecha marks the end of the rainy season and the start of the harvest season. [Eduardo Soteras/AFP]
Members of Ethiopia's largest ethnic group gathered in Addis Ababa for a scaled-back version of Irreecha [Eduardo Soteras/AFP]
Members of Ethiopia’s largest ethnic group gathered in Addis Ababa for a scaled-back version of Irreecha [Eduardo Soteras/AFP]
Men in traditional wraps during the celebration of Irreechaa, the Oromo people's festival of thanksgiving, in Addis Ababa. [Eduardo Soteras/AFP]
Men in traditional wraps during the celebration of Irreechaa, the Oromo people’s festival of thanksgiving, in Addis Ababa. [Eduardo Soteras/AFP]
Authorities said Irreecha attendance was restricted to around 5,000 people to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. [Eduardo Soteras/AFP]
Authorities said Irreecha attendance was restricted to around 5,000 people to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. [Eduardo Soteras/AFP]
Celebrants dipped flowers in water and sprinkled it over themselves, gestures symbolising gratitude and renewal. [Eduardo Soteras/AFP]
Celebrants dipped flowers in water and sprinkled it over themselves, gestures symbolising gratitude and renewal. [Eduardo Soteras/AFP]
The festival is traditionally held in the city of Bishoftu, Oromia, some 50km (30 miles) southeast of Addis Ababa. [Eduardo Soteras/AFP]
The festival is traditionally held in the city of Bishoftu, Oromia, some 50km (30 miles) southeast of Addis Ababa. [Eduardo Soteras/AFP]
A small crowd led by chanting Oromo traditional leaders gathered at pools of water in central Addis Ababa. [Eduardo Soteras/AFP]
A small crowd led by chanting Oromo traditional leaders gathered at pools of water in central Addis Ababa. [Eduardo Soteras/AFP]
Men in traditional clothing during the celebration of Irreechaa. [Eduardo Soteras/AFP]
Men in traditional clothing during the celebration of Irreechaa. [Eduardo Soteras/AFP]
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is irreecha-2020-in-washington-dc-3-october-2020.png
Irreecha Oromo in 2020 in Washington Dc 3 October 2020
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is irreecha-birraa-2020-in-washington-dc-3-october-2020.png
Irreecha Birraa Oromo 2020 in Washington DC 3 October 2020.
Irreecha Birraa in DC on October 3, 2020

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Irreecha Oromo 2020 in Khartoum, Sudan on 3rd October 2020
Irreecha Hawaasa Oromo Saskatoon, Canada (Onk 4, 2020)
Seattle Irreecha 2020

The Oromo’s Irrechaa Festival Is the Living Testimony for the Survival of over 12,000 Years Kush Civilisations!

By Denoboba Natie (October 03, 2020)

The Sidama Nation whole heartedly wishes its cousin nation, the Oromo and the entire nations and peoples in Ethiopia who recognise, respect and believe in unity in difference in an extremely troubled empire known as Ethiopia; a very happy Irreechaa 2020.

The Oromo nation is one of the ancient Kushitic nations of north East Africa whose true history spans back to the Egyptian (Kemetic) civilisation. This history could be traced back up to 10,000 years before Common Era (CE) also known by the Western intelligentsia as Before Christ (BC).

Therefore, plethora evidences are emerging showing the interconnectedness of the Oromo/Sidama/Afar (Kush) and their huge presence and part in a highly discussed civilisation of today’s Egypt (former Kemet). Moreover, the similarities of the ancient Kemites with the Oromo, Sidama, Afar, Somali and the other Kush kingdoms is striking. Available ‘hieroglyphs’ evidences also prove that their means of sacrifices and social organisation is unique and indistinguishable that survived to this date in the cultures of the indicated Kushites.

Additionally, there are also pressing evidences among the Kushitic nations of the horn that the concept of monotheism that has been ascribed to the Europeans by the Europeans has got its genuine root in the cultures of Kushites. There are credible evidences that all the globally renowned, Greek philosophers were schooled in Kemet (Egypt) from where they probably have plagiarised the concept of monotheism to eventually claim it is theirs. The reality is otherwise, however. In Sidama culture, Magano Kalaqa Kaaliqa and in Oromo culture ‘Waaqayoo’ has got the meaning of ‘God’ almighty and the only creator of the universe. No other gods than this were known to these nations. This is the concept of monotheism. Monotheism has been practised by the Kush nations since time immemorial until it was compromised by the infiltration of the West transported fake ideology and fallacious religions that have both adulterated these noble ancient belief systems to replace it with lies, deceits and unprecedented level of immorality.

The current cultural revivals of these noble cultures are ascertained by the celebrations of the Oromo Irreechaa, Sidama Fichchee and various other Kush nations’ noble cultures. This is why we congratulate our gallant Oromo nation during this critical time. Therefore, the Sidama of all walks of life wishes all the best for the Oromo nation whilst equally ascertaining our unity and fraternity is a natural that no one on planet can stop. The current difficulties the Oromo nation is put under including state of emergency and the nation had to bear with extreme cruelty and state terrorism; we assure the Oromo nation that you are not alone. The Sidama nation is with you, in action and belief. Furthermore, we would like the the Oromo nation and the rest Federalist nations know that the agents of the new Sidama national regional state are the agents of darkness masterminding terrorism in Sidama land on behalf of the very dictator dehumanising the Oromo nation.

As the Oromo quislings are doing in Oromia, the Sidamas are there to play their dirty games as they implement their obnoxious unionist agenda in Sidama soil. Like the Oromo agents, the Sidama’s hired and corrupt agents are working day and night to take forward the agendas of their unionist dictator and his advisers. The other federalist nations of Ethiopia must be aware of this and must stand with the Oromo nation and its just cause whose fruits will benefit us all. I believe that from the entire federalist forces no genuine person(s) with assertive thinking will stand with the dictator who aspires to reverse the smallest gain achieved thus far to return the very regime the Ethiopian nations and peoples have bitterly fought to get rid of for the last 60 years. Your enemy is our enemy! Your pain is ours. We can fight together for the future of our generations and will undoubtedly defeat our enemies.

Happy Irreechaa 2020 Once again.

By Denboba Natie (On behalf of the Sidama nation)about:blankFacebook URL

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Oromia: Jubilation in Finfinnee to welcome ABO/OLF September 15, 2018

Posted by OromianEconomist in Uncategorized.
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Odaa Oromoooromianeconomist


Millions converged at    Hulluuqoo Kormaa,  Dirree Masqalaa (Meskel Square) in Finfinnee (Addis Ababa) from all corners of Oromia to welcome OLF/ OLA top leader. 15th September 2018. Former rebels in triumphant return to Ethiopia

 Ethiopians hail return of once-banned Oromo group
Oromo Liberation Front given a hero’s welcome in Addis Ababa

Thousands of flag-waving supporters were out on the streets to welcome the returning OLF 

The awesome Oromo horseman (Obbo Siidaa Dabalee) is the picture of the day  on this very jubilation and victory day for freedom, democracy, unity in diversity and multinationalism for the oppressed nations in Ethiopia.

Oromoo fi firooni saba Oromoo miliyoona hedduun lakkaawaman Finfinnee,  Hulluuqoo Kormaatti walga’un ABO/WBO gammachuun simatan. Fulbaana 15 Bara 2018.

Oromo Horseman in Finfinnee, Hulluuqoo Kormaa, at the event ABO (OLF) leaders welcome, 15th September 2018, victory day..png

7 million strong freedom-loving #Oromo have converged onHulluuqoo Kormaa,  Dirree Masqalaa (Meskel Square) in Finfinnee  to welcom OLF leaders, 15 sept. 2018.png


Oromia, FInfinnee, Hulluuqoo Kormaa, Dirree Masqalaa, the Oromo moment celebrating, victory, OLF.  15  September 2018.png