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EU needs new approach on Ethiopia. #OromoProtests #IrreechaMassacre October 6, 2016

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EU needs new approach on Ethiopia

By FELIX HORNE,  6 October 2016

  • Addis Abeba. As a valuable friend, the EU needs to push Ethiopia to respect divergent views, and rein in forces who rapidly turn to bullets, beatings, and mass arrests. (Photo: Henrik Berger Jorgensen)

(EU Observer) — In January, the European Parliament passed a 19-point resolution condemning the Ethiopian government’s brutal crackdown on protests that had left more than a hundred dead. Many Ethiopians rejoiced at the resolution. I read it to some Ethiopian friends, who cried.

They had assumed Ethiopia was part of an international order in which no Western institution would dare criticise a trusted ally despite the government’s brutal repression.  They hoped the resolution would be a watershed in Europe’s relationship with Ethiopia.

But in the nine months since, the European Parliament’s outrage has not been matched by the European Union or its member countries. This despite the hundreds more Ethiopians killed throughout the country, the detention of tens of thousands, and widespread torture in detention, as we have documented.

Instead, on the sidelines of EU Development Days in June, High Representative Frederica Mogherini and Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn worked on a joint declaration “Towards an EU-Ethiopia Strategic Engagement” that proclaimed business as usual. While demonstrators were being shot, journalists and opposition members locked up, and peaceful activists punished, the EU was silently signing the cheques.

EU officials are quick to point to rare but tepid statements expressing concern for Ethiopia’s human rights situation but it’s not enough. The October 12 European parliamentary hearing on Ethiopia could be the catalyst for much stronger action —built on a willingness to use the considerable leverage that comes with providing various forms of support to the Ethiopian government, including €745 million in European aid for 2014-2020.

Ethiopia’s protests began last November in the largest region, Oromia, over the government’s development plans. Protests soon spread to the Amhara region where grievances focused on complex questions of ethnic identity and the dominance in economic and political affairs of people with ties to the ruling party.

Perfect storm

Security forces have shown no intention of changing their heavy-handed tactics, and the government hasn’t been willing to discuss the issues. The cycle of demonstrations and brutal government responses is feeding Ethiopia’s biggest political and human rights crisis in decades.

How this plays out could jeopardise Europe’s long-term interests in the Horn of Africa.

Ethiopia’s current crisis came as a surprise to many European policymakers, but it follows years of systematic government attacks on fundamental rights and freedoms, cutting off dissent.

Despite widespread frustration with the government, the ruling party is able to hold every one of the seats in the federal and regional parliaments.  The courts have shown little independence on politically sensitive cases, misusing  an anti-terrorism law to punish peaceful dissent.

There is little scrutiny of abusive security forces in part because of restrictions on independent media and NGOs. All of this has contributed to the complete closure of political space, creating the perfect storm.

An international investigation is needed

The EU is among many donors that have historically been silent about Ethiopia’s human rights abuses, afraid to risk strategic partnerships on development, migration, peacekeeping, and security.

Foreign diplomats and development organisations working in Ethiopia understand that you limit public criticism in exchange for access. The EU claims that “quiet diplomacy” is the most effective way to push Ethiopia in the right direction.

But given the dramatic deterioration in Ethiopia’s human rights record it’s hard to argue that this approach works.

Offering government benefits in exchange for silence is something many Ethiopians, particularly in rural areas, have known for years.

Ethiopia’s government carefully controls access to the benefits of development– including seeds, fertilisers, food aid, and jobs, much of it funded by the EU and its members.

To their credit, some African institutions have broken rank and expressed concern over the killings, including the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights and the African Union. And the United States, a key ally of Ethiopia, has been stronger than usual in condemning the use of lethal force, with forceful resolutions introduced in the US House and Senate.

Last month the UN’s top human rights official, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, said an international investigation is needed. A recent EU statement at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva echoed his call for an investigation, an important step that needs follow-up.

Investigate the killings

The EU needs a new approach to Ethiopia. Strategic relationships will become obsolete if Ethiopia plunges further into crisis, and all the signs are there.  As a valuable friend, the EU needs to push Ethiopia to respect divergent views, and rein in forces who rapidly turn to bullets, beatings, and mass arrests.

Ethiopia’s current approach to dissent guarantees future unrest and makes it less likely that the government will be able to find a way back to gain the trust of its citizens, all of which jeopardises the EU’s long term interests in the Horn.

The EU and its member states should continue to push for an international investigation into the killings, press the government to grant the UN access to investigate, and urge the government to hold to account security force members responsible for abuses.

By taking these steps, the EU and its member states can improve the potential for Ethiopians to be stable long-term partners.

Felix Horne is the senior Ethiopia researcher at Human Rights Watch.

The genocidal massacres of Oromos at the Irreechaa Fesival: The lies of the Tigre-led Ethiopian government October 6, 2016

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Odaa OromooOromianEconomistover-4-million-oromo-people-attended-irreecha-birraa-2016-celebration-at-bishoftu-town-horaa-harsadii-oromia-on-october-2016


The genocidal massacres of Oromos at the Irreechaa Fesival: The lies of the Tigre-led Ethiopian government

The University of Tennessee


On October 2, 2016, the Tigre-led Ethiopian regime massacred more than seven hundred Oromos and injured hundreds more at Irreechaa, the Oromo national holiday of thanksgiving held in Bishoftu in which millions had gathered. During the Irreecha festival, Ethiopian security forces shot live ammunition into the crowd and fired tear gas, although they claimed that the lives lost were due to a stampede. Western media have joined in this claim, spreading inaccurate information about the tragic events of this day. However, Oromo victims know what happened to them and they are telling their truth. They have used videos, pictures, and social media to release accurate information.

The victims say that the Tigre-led government used live bullets, tear gas, helicopter gunships, armored cars, and snipers to terrify and kill Oromo children, elderly, women and other sectors of the Oromo society that had gathered to celebrate Irreecha. During the holiday, many young Oromos had chanted anti-government slogans to show support for Oromo Protests, a protest movement that has been taking place since November 2015. Although the holiday festival had this political moment, the massacre of hundreds of people on this day was an inhumane violation of one of the most sacred rituals of the Oromo.Irrechaa is a sacred holiday of peace and a celebration of culture, and the Ethiopian regime continues to push the limits of its inhumane violent practices.

For a quarter of a century, the Tigre-led regime has targeted Oromo mosques, churches and Galma (the house of Oromo indigenous religion) and killed hundreds of Oromo religious leaders who have expressed their Oromummaa (Oromo identity, culture, and ideology) through their religions, language, clothing, and other activities. The regime, mainly representing the interests of the Tigre, 6% of the Ethiopian population, has been committing heinous abuses and violence against the Oromo people, the largest ethno-national group in Ethiopia, and others, since its coming to power. Furthermore, in the process of transferring Oromo land and other resources to Tigre colonial elites and their collaborators, the regime has also targeted Oromo activists, politicians, students, and farmers who oppose its discriminatory and terrorist policies.

It is estimated that more than one million Oromos have been killed and thousands of Oromos have been suffering in prisons and secret concentration camps. Oromos who have been released from these prisons and concentration camps have exposed how Oromos are tortured, castrated, blinded, incapacitated, killed, and infected with HIV in various prisons and concentration camps. Also, hundreds of prisoners have perished due to the lack of adequate food, clothing, healthcare and other essential services. All these criminal acts have been committed on the brightest and conscious elements of the Oromo society. Unfortunately, the financial, military and diplomatic support of big powers has contributed to these genocidal and terrorist policies and practices for twenty-five years.  Still these big powers refuse to take practical actions to stop the regime from its criminal acts. While giving lip service, these powers have continued to provide material support to the regime.

Currently, the Oromo people are determined more than ever to establish their political destiny. Despite continuous violent crackdowns and heinous massacres such as that at Irreecha, they continue to protest peacefully and raise their voices to challenge the Ethiopian regime’s oppressive anti-Oromo policies. Tigre colonial elites and their collaborators have somehow convinced themselves that continuing and escalating violence against unarmed and peaceful civilians is their answer to controlling and quieting a people who are determined to struggle for their rights, sovereignty, and freedoms. The reaction from the Oromo has instead been more protests and more outrage at the Ethiopian regime’s inhumanity.

The Oromo, the Amhara, the Somali, the Konso, the Sidama, the Gambella and others need to join the Oromo protest movement to remove the Tigre-led terrorist and genocidal regime. Learning from the failures of the last two decades, the Oromo movement must rebuild its national organizational capacity and form an alliance with all peoples that are suffering from Ethiopian state terrorism, genocide, and war on the principles of national self-determination and an egalitarian multinational democracy.


Ethiopia: Moments Before & Aftermath of the Irreechaa Massacre in Bishoftu Against Oromos October 6, 2016

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Ethiopia: Moments Before & Aftermath of the Irreechaa Massacre in Bishoftu Against Oromos

By Finfinne Tribune and Gadaa.com  Onkoloolessa/October 4, 2016

The following video shows two segments: one is the moment immediately before the Ethiopian government’s security forces opened fire at the Oromo Irreecha participants who gathered around the main stage in millions – some voicing their protests peacefully; the stage is situated in front of Hora (Lake) Arsadi, which is the sacred ground where millions of Oromos come to every year to pay tribute to Waaqa, the Supreme spiritual power equivalent to God.

Secondly, immediately after the gunshots, the area around the stage is seen to have been evacuated massively and swiftly as millions run away from the gunshots — as a consequence, hundreds ran into their untimely deaths as they slipped into ravines around the lake. The government’s sniper gunshots were accompanied aerially with military helicopters (not shown on the video, but see photo below) – which entered the civilian perimeter to further escalate the situation. And, on the ground, military-grade Humvees were deployed (seen on the video) straight into the main stage area to drive Oromo Irreechaparticipants into the ravines.

These remain unanswered:
1) who gave the order to deploy the military as a response to the peaceful protest at the Irreecha festival;
2) the swiftness (fastness) with which the military responded (within minutes of the breakout of the peaceful protests) does initiate the question: was this a pre-planned massacre? Why was the military staged near the civilian festival?

Photo of the aerial force deployed against Oromo Irreecha participants:

Military-grade Humvee inside the civilian perimeter at the 2016 Irreecha festival (why was the soldier’s face covered with a bandanna?):



Oromia wide #OromoProtests (Reports covering 4-6 October 2016) Continues post Bishoftu Massacre October 6, 2016

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Bulchiinsi TPLF Bososee Irree Ummata Oromoon Diigamaa Jira,Qabeenyi Mootummaa fi Kuufami Meeshaa Humna Addaan Booji’amee Jira,Daandiin Cumaaa Jira.

Onkolooleessa 5,2016 Bulchiinsi TPLF Bososee Irree Ummata Oromoon Diigamaa Jira,Qabeenyi Mootummaa fi Kuufami Meeshaa Humna Addaan Booji’amee Jira,Daandiin Cumaaa Jira.

Haaluma kanaan daandiileen bakka garagaraa geessu cufamee jiraachuun barameera. Magaalaaleefi Baadiyaaleetti bakkeewwan daandiin cufamee humna uummataa jala oolan keessaa:

  1. Waaqee Xiyyaa Mi’oo
  2. Malkaa Sa’aa
  3. Waaqa Malkaa Obaa
  4. Baattoo Dagaagaa
  5. Dirree Dagaagaa
  6. Magaalaa Bofaa
  7. Awaash
  8. Dooniifi KKf keessati ta’uun addaateera.

Namtokko Qeerroo irraa wareegamul illee dhagahameera.

Dabalataan shonkoraa warshaa sukkaara Matahaaraa zoonii sadii irratti guutummaa guutuutti gubuun daaraatti deebisanii jiru.

Oduu biraan ammoo magaalaa Adaamaa keessatti dhukaasni bakka garagaraatti uummataaf wayyaanee jidduutti banamee jira. Barattootni Yuunvarsiitii Adaamaa heeddumminaan bahanii mooraa kaampaasii irraa eegaluun BOOLEE IRRA GORANII FUULLEE ADAAMAA GENERAL HOSPITAL itti harka harka qaxxaamursuun mallattoo diddaa/Xumura Gabrummaa agarsiisaa jiru.  Continue reading

Dhaabbata Deegarsa Qeerroo Idila Addunyaa irraa


Akkuma beekamu Qeerroon Bilisummaa Oromiyaa keessatti mirga uummata Oromoo fi walbummaa Oromiyaa kabachisiisuuf mootummaa abbaa irree biyya bulchu waliin qabsoo hadhooftuu gaggeessaa jira. Qabsoo kana keessattis lammiiwwan keenya hedduun lubbuu isaanii bakka bu’umsa hin qabne dhabaniiru, qaamaas hir’ataniiru akkasumas mana hidhaa keessatti dararaa dhala namaaf hin malle argaa jiru. Kunis mootummaan abbaa irree biyya bulchaa jiru mirga namoomaa uummatni Oromoo dhalootaan qabu mulquu bira taree duguuggaa sanyii kana jaarraa 21ffaa keessatti uumama jedhamee hin yaadamne geesisaa jira.Keesumaayyuu, Oromoon lagan, amantiinii fi saalaan osoo wal hin qoodiin ayyaana irreechaa kabajachuuf guyyaa har’aa (10/02/2016) manaa bahe  mootummaa nama nyaataa wayyaaneen haala suukkanneessaa ta’een tarkaanfii irratti fudhatame gochaa sanyii duuguginsaa waan ta’eef Oromotni biyya alaa jirtan marti balaaleffachuu irra darbee hojii qabatamaa keessa seenuun yeroon isaa amma dha. Namootni guyyaa har’aa du’an dhibbootaan kan lakkaawaman yommuu ta’u kan yeroo ammaa hospitaalaa keessatti du’aa fi jiraa jidduutti argaman daran heedduu akka ta’an odeessi Qeerroo irraa nu gahee jira.Kanaafuu:

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The Ethiopian Government is utterly responsible for the unlawful killings at the Ardsade Irrecha (Thanksgiving) Oromo Celebration


Appeal for urgent action:

The Ethiopian Government is utterly responsible for the unlawful killings at the Ardsade Irrecha (Thanksgiving) Oromo Celebration

To: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)

Palais Wilson
52 rue des Pâquis
CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland.

Dear Commissioner,

Oromia Support Group Australia extremely shocked about the killings of innocent Oromo civilians at the Ardsade, few Kilometers from the capital city (Finfinnee – Addis Ababa) during today’s Irrecha (Oromo Thanksgiving) celebration on 2 October 2016.

The Ethiopian Federal forces, racially affiliated and heavily armed, known as Agazi and part of the select force of the ruling Tigrean People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), violently opened fire and killed more than 140 people out for the celebration (please see attached evidence).


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CCTV America: Who are Ethiopia’s Oromo and what’s behind the wave of protests in the country? October 6, 2016

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VOA: Ethiopia Protests Continue Despite Call for Calm. #OromoProtests #Bishoftu Massacre October 6, 2016

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Odaa OromooOromianEconomist

#OromoProtests: “We want our own government and those in the current government don’t represent us. They are incompetent to administer us and we want them to leave power.”

Ethiopia Protests Continue Despite Call for Calm

 VOA, October 05, 2016  By Salem Solomon


FILE — Demonstrators chant slogans and flash the Oromo protest gesture during Irreecha, the thanksgiving festival of the Oromo people, in Bishoftu town, Oromia region, Ethiopia.

Ethiopia is observing an official mourning period for more than 50 people killed during a crackdown and stampede at an ethnic cultural festival in the Oromia region Sunday.At the same time, the country is seeing a continuation, possibly an escalation, of the anti-government protests that sparked the violence.

Hundetu Biratu took part in a protest that turned deadly Monday in Dembidolo, a town in southwestern Ethiopia. She told VOA that her brother was shot and killed during the demonstration.

“We were taking my brother to the hospital. A bullet pierced his neck and exited through his ears. They fired tear gas and I fell. When I got up they shot me on my thighs and I fell,” she said.

Mulatu Gemechu, assistant deputy chairman of the opposition Oromo Federalist Congress, said other protests took place Monday and Tuesday across eastern and western Oromia. He said clashes broke out in Sendefa, a town in central Ethiopia, as mourners returned from a funeral for a mother and a child who died in Sunday’s pandemonium.

The Oromia Police Commission deputy commissioner, Sori Dinqa, told reporters that protesters in the region are destroying property, burning cars and targeting government offices.


Demonstrators protest gesture during Irreecha, the thanksgiving festival of the Oromo people, in Bishoftu town, Oromia region, Ethiopia. More than 50 people were killed in the violence.

“There are continued and sporadic efforts to block streets, disturb the peace and burn administrative buildings. Our police are continuing to prevent that. We want the people to condemn the uprising and discourage people from taking part in these acts,” he said.

But few people appear to be heeding his call.

A witness in Alem Gena, a town in central Ethiopia, said a funeral service for victims turned into an anti-government demonstration. He said no one was killed but anger in his area is running high.

“We want our own government and those in the current government don’t represent us. They are incompetent to administer us and we want them to leave power,” said the man, who asked not to be identified for safety reasons.

Questions about the stampede

Official tallies put the death toll from Monday’s violence at 52, while Desalegn Bayisa, general manager of the Bishoftu Hospital, told reporters 55 people had been killed. Opposition members and activists, however, place the number of people who died in the hundreds.

Bayisa said the hospital also treated more than 100 injured people.

Advocacy groups such as Freedom House blamed some of the deaths on security forces firing tear gas and live ammunition at festival attendees.

Questions about safety precautions are also being asked of the organizers of the festival, which drew hundreds of thousands of people to a location that includes a lake and deep ditches.

FILE -- People assist an injured protester during Irrechaa, the thanksgiving festival of the Oromo people in Bishoftu town of Oromia region, Ethiopia.

FILE — People assist an injured protester during Irrechaa, the thanksgiving festival of the Oromo people in Bishoftu town of Oromia region, Ethiopia.

“It’s amazing really. There seemed to be no preparation or planning about how to manage the flows of people,” said William Davison, a reporter for Bloomberg News who attended the event and said there were no barriers between the people and the ditches.

“To make those mistakes given the high likelihood of a protest and a government response just seems sort of criminally negligent to me,” Davison added.

Stifling dissent and criticism

Free speech advocates say the government was attempting to silence critical voices even before the festival.

Seyoum Teshome, a prominent Oromo blogger and lecturer at Ambo University, was arrested on October 1 in Wolisso, 110 kilometers from the capital of Addis Ababa. His house was searched and the police confiscated his computer according to local reports.

“My attempts to reach him via his phone ended unsuccessfully. May he stay safe,” wrote Befekadu Hailu, another blogger, on his Facebook page.

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), a group advocating for the safety of journalists, condemned the arrest and called on the government to release Teshome without delay or conditions.

It is “deeply disturbing as it comes against a backdrop of government moves to stifle protests and criticism,” CPJ’s deputy director Robert Mahoney said.

“We want to see any pending charges or charges they might try to pursue dropped,” Kerry Paterson, the senior advocacy officer for CPJ’s Africa program told VOA. “The chilling effect that occurs as a result of arresting people doesn’t just hurt the individual journalist who gets arrested. It hurts all Ethiopia.”

What’s next?

Analysts see no end in sight to the ethnic tensions roiling Ethiopia.

Jeffrey Smith, executive director of Vanguard Africa Movement, a group that advocates for good governance, said protesters do not feel the promise of Ethiopian federalism, in which all regions are supposed to have a degree of self-governance, has been realized.

“I don’t see it ending anytime soon,” he said of the widespread anger. “I think a lot of this resentment and a lot of this discord that we are seeing is because the highly intrusive, highly repressive central government has not allowed those basic democratic avenues to be opened up. They have not allowed the Oromo people in particular to exercise and to demonstrate their basic rights that are enshrined in the country’s own constitution.”

Adane Tilahun, the chairman of the opposition All Ethiopian Unity Party, said that to begin the healing process from this week’s events, the government needs to recognize the killings were unjustified, apologize, and offer compensation to the families of the victims.

Tilahun also called on international actors and human rights groups to put pressure on the Ethiopian government in order to establish an independent investigation into the deaths.

VOA reporters Tujube Hora and Solomon Kifle contributed to this report.


Aljazeera: Oromo protests: Ethiopia unrest resurges after stampede October 6, 2016

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Odaa OromooOromianEconomist


Oromo protests: Ethiopia unrest resurges after stampede

Bloggers arrested, internet shut down periodically, and foreign firms attacked as anti-government protests continue.

File: A man at a funeral holds up the portrait of Tesfu Tadese Biru, a construction engineer killed in Bishoftu [Tiksa Negeri/Reuters]

Often violent protests in which rights groups say hundreds of people have been killed by security forces have flared again in Ethiopia, with a US citizen among the latest deaths.

Protests reignited in the Oromia region – the main focus of a recent wave of demonstrations – after at least 55 people were killed in a stampede at the weekend, which was sparked by police firing tear gas and warning shots at a huge crowd of protesters attending a religious festival.

Fifty-five is the official death toll given by the government, though opposition activists and rights groups say they believe more than 100 people died as they fled security forces, falling into ditches that dotted the area. Ethiopian radio said excavators had to be used to remove some of the bodies.

 Are Ethiopia’s Oromo being repressed?

The anti-government demonstrations started in November among the Oromo, Ethiopia’s biggest ethnic group, and later spread to the Amhara, the second most populous group. Though they initially began over land rights they later broadened into calls for more political, economic and cultural rights.

Both groups say that a multi-ethnic ruling coalition and the security forces are dominated by the Tigray ethnic group, which makes up about six percent of the population.

The government, though, blames rebel groups and foreign-based dissidents for stoking the violence.

Staff at the California-based UC Davis university  confirmed the identity of the US citizen as Sharon Gray, a postdoctoral researcher of biology, who had been in the Horn of Africa nation to attend a meeting.

The US embassy said she was killed on Tuesday when stones were hurled at her vehicle on the outskirts of Addis Ababa, where residents said crowds have attacked other vehicles since the stampede.

The embassy did not give further details or a precise location for the incident.

Foreign firms attacked

News of Gray’s death came as foreign-owned factories and equipment were damaged in the protests. Demonstrators in Oromia say farmland has been seized to build foreign factories and housing blocks.

On Tuesday, crowds damaged a factory run by Turkish textile firm Saygin Dima and the BMET Energy cable plant, which also has Turkish investors, officials from firms in the area said. Both plants are in the Oromia area.

READ MORE: The ‘Ethiopia rising’ narrative and the Oromo protests

A third of the Saygin Dima plant in Sebeta, 35 km (20 miles) southwest of Addis Ababa, was destroyed by fire, General Manager Fatih Mehmet Yangin said.

“A large crowd attacked the factory,” he said, adding three vehicles were also destroyed.

Yangin said a flower farm nearby was also attacked. The Oromia Regional Administration said vehicles and some machinery at a plant owned by Nigeria’s Dangote Cement were vandalised.

Oromia has been a focus for industrial development that has fuelled Ethiopia’s economic growth, but locals say they receive little compensation when land is taken by the government.

The death toll from unrest and clashes between police and demonstrators over the past year or more runs into several hundred, according to opposition and rights group estimates. The US-based Human Rights Watch says at least 500 people have been killed by security forces.

The government says such figures are inflated.

Ethiopia criticised over lack of press freedom

The attacks will cast a shadow over Ethiopia’s ambition to draw in more investment to industrialise a nation where most people rely on subsistence farming, and have been struggling with a severe drought in the past two years or so.

The government has been building new infrastructure, including an electrified railway connecting the capital of the landlocked nation with a port in neighbouring Djibouti, which was inaugurated on Wednesday.

At least seven foreign-owned flower farms in Ethiopia’s Amhara region, another area where protests have flared, were damaged in political violence at the start of September.

Bloggers arrested

Rights groups and opposition politicians accuse the government of excessive force in dealing with demonstrations, crushing opponents and stifling free speech.

WATCH: What is triggering Ethiopia’s unrest?

The Committee for the Protection of Journalists (CPJ) called on authorities on Tuesday to free Seyoum Teshoume , a blogger critical of the government, who writes for the website Ethiothinktank.com. CPJ said he was reported detained on October 1.

Another blogger who has expressed support for the protests, Natnael Feleke, was arrested on Tuesday, according to a blogging collective of which he is a member. Natnael was previously arrested in 2014 and released after more than a year in prison when charges against him were dropped.

There were also reports that the internet had been shutdown periodically over the last two days.

Officials could not immediately be reached for comment, but the government says it only detains people who threaten national security and says it guarantees free speech.

The opposition failed to win a single seat in a 547-seat parliament in a 2015 election and had just one in the previous parliament.

Source: Al Jazeera News And Agencies

Related Article from Financial Times 


Ethiopians chant slogans against the government during a march in Bishoftu © AP

Ethiopian anti-government protesters are escalating attacks on foreign investors as anger grows over the regime’s crackdown on demonstrations, in which hundreds of people have been killed.

Activists torched a Turkish textile factory and attacked a mine owned by Aliko Dangote, Africa’s richest man, damaging trucks and machinery on Tuesday, days after more than 50 people were killed when police fired tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse protests at a religious festival. The US embassy in Addis Ababa said an American woman died on Tuesday when her vehicle was struck by rocks thrown by Ethiopians on the outskirts of the capital.

The violence comes after a wave of protests this year that were originally triggered over a land dispute in the Oromia region of central and southern Ethiopia. They have since escalated into broader demonstrations against the autocratic government and spread to other regions, threatening the stability of one of Africa’s best-performing economies.

Addis Ababa has responded with force — activists accuse security forces of firing live ammunition on unarmed demonstrators and say hundreds have been killed in the protests.

Washington has called the government’s approach to the unrest “self-defeating,” while the EU on Wednesday called for the authorities to address the “wider aspects of the grievances”.

Activists and analysts say the attacks on foreign companies are becoming increasingly co-ordinated.

More than two dozen foreign companies, including flower farms and other agribusinesses have suffered millions of dollars in damage in recent weeks, according to Verisk Maplecroft, a UK-based consultancy.

Juan Carlos Vallejo, co-owner of Esmeralda Farms, pulled out of the country after his business was attacked several weeks ago.

“Right now, everyone is really scared,” he said. “We never expected something like this to happen. I don’t think anyone is going to want to invest here any more.”

Ethiopia has been one of Africa’s star performers, recording 10 per cent annual growth and attracting tens of billions of dollars in foreign investment over the past decade thanks to a carefully planned, state-led development and industrialisation policies.

But it is also a tightly controlled society, with the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front — which has governed with an iron grip since 1991 — and its allies controlling all the seats in parliament.

Dissent is swiftly repressed and the political opposition was severely weakened by a government crackdown — during which scores of people were also killed — after disputed 2005 elections.

“We have made clear that Ethiopia’s prosperity depends on the ability of its government to maintain a stable and predictable investment climate and to expand political space,” a western diplomat said.

The current protests began in Oromia region last November over plans to expand Addis Ababa into Oromo lands. The initiative was shelved but the government’s aggressive response to the protests saw them spread to northern areas, which are dominated by the Amhara ethnic group.

Both the Amhara and Oromo are frustrated by the political dominance of the Tigray minority, which makes up 6 per cent of the 100m population, analysts say. The Oromo and Amhara comprise some two-thirds of Ethiopians.

Awol Allo, an Ethiopian law lecturer at Keele University, said foreign investors were being targeted because “they are seen as the source of legitimacy for the government”.

“The government has to attract foreign investment to keep the economy growing and has to provide land and services cheaply,” he said. “People are taking out their anger on investments by foreigners to undermine the government.”

The government has sought to play down the protests, blaming overseas agitators and criminal elements.

Analysts say the Tigray-dominated regime has maintained its grip in part by keeping the larger ethnic groups divided. But they add that now the Oromo and Amhara have united in their opposition to the government, it will be hard for the authorities to appease them without making significant concessions.

However, Rashid Abdi, an analyst at the International Crisis Group, said some ministers, and the Tigray-controlled military, are loath to do this.

“The protests have now reached a serious level, a different scale,” he said. “We should not exaggerate and say the government is going to keel over tomorrow, but it portends future trouble unless they get a grip. What’s worrying is that so far they haven’t.”

Afar People’s Party: Condolences and Solidarity message to Bishoftu Massacre October 5, 2016

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Odaa OromooOromianEconomist


Condolences and Solidarity message to Bishoftu Massacre


 October 4, 2016

Afar People’s Party is dismayed by the mass killing of our Oromo brothers in Bishoftu, while celebrating the Irrecha seasonal holyday. This act of state-terror and coward action on civilian population is a testimony for that the Woyane regime is falling apart and the situation is getting out of its control. It’s time to make sense of the causes, the causes that people are scarifying their lives for all over the country. Many heroic Ethiopians have been killed, prisoned, tortured and driven from their homes because they merely voiced their grievances and said No to social injustice and said Yes for human dignity.

In this trying time our hearts are bleeding and our souls are mourning with all families who lost their beloved ones. Afar People’s Party would like to express its solidarity with all Ethiopian people in general and with our Oromo brothers in particular.

Since its control of power, the EPRDF/TPLF regime has been systematically dismantling every aspects of societal institutions to create fertile ground for its divide and rule policies. The paradox is that those who have been killed repeatedly are civilians not armed opposition groups.

  • For instance, since 2005 Ethiopian have been massacred when they protested to protect their votes from being snatched;
  • Our Muslim brothers were killed and prisoned and tortured when they say “listen to our voices” and respect our religious freedom and demanded to restrict state interference in religious affairs;
  • Ethiopians were massacred in Gambela to give land for foreign investors;
  • Ethiopians were massacred and villages were burned in Ogaden when people asked for full-fledged federal arrangement;
  • Ethiopians were massacred in Gonder/ Wolkait/ Bahirdar/ Konso/ Sidama/ Konnaba/ Sawne/ Gawani etc., when they demanded that one’s identity should be determined by a group or individual but not by the state;
  • Ethiopians are massacred, prisoned and displaced in Afar because of they protested against land grabbing, territorial claims and marginalization;
  • Ethiopians were massacred in every corner of Oromia and now while celebrating the traditional ceremony of Errecha; and the list can continue…

The question is now, how long shall we wait and see while such gross human rights violations and crime against humanity are committed in daily basis? We believe that it’s our responsibility to accomplish the dreams and aspiration of many fallen brothers and sisters and we can only achieve that when we are united against the tyrannical regime.

  • We condemn all forms of barbaric acts and convey our condolences to those families who lost their beloved ones.
  • We call up on all Ethiopians to unite for lasting peace, justice, freedom and peaceful coexistence among Ethiopian.

Together we can make it happen !

Afar People’s Party


Quartz: Ethiopia emerges from national mourning with more protests and internet shutdown October 5, 2016

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Odaa OromooOromianEconomistbishoftu-mascare-2nd-october-2016-fascist-ethiopias-regime-tplf-conducted-masskillings-against-oromo-people-at-irreecha-celebration

Bishoftu Massacre

Following the death of at least 55 people in the weekend, Ethiopia is coming out of a three-day national mourning with a complete internet shutdown and more protests engulfing the country. Anti-government protests have broken both in the outskirts of the capital Addis Ababa, with reports of closed roads, a heavy presence of riot police…

via Ethiopia emerges from national mourning with more protests and internet shutdown — Quartz

Bishoftu Massacre: Ana Gomez, MEP, Statement at European Union regarding the mass killings conducted by fascist Ethiopia’s regime (TPLF) at Irreecha Oromo National Cultural celebration event in Bishoftu, Oromia where over 4 million people congregate on 2nd October 2016 October 5, 2016

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Odaa OromooOromianEconomistEU



Oakland Institute: After Irreechaa Tragedy, the US Must Take Action for Human Rights in Ethiopia October 4, 2016

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Odaa OromooOromianEconomist








Oakland Institute

After Irreechaa Tragedy, the US Must Take Action for Human Rights in Ethiopia

October 4, 2016

Irreechaa Holiday 2016: Protests and Tragedy

The annual Irreechaa festival is a time of celebration and thanksgiving for the Oromo people of Ethiopia. After the hardship of the winter months, the festival welcomes the spring and attracts millions to the town of Bishoftu in one of the largest cultural and spiritual celebrations of the year.

But instead of jubilation, this year’s festival was met with bloodshed. Between 55 and several hundred anti-government protesters were killed when Ethiopian security forces used tear gas, rubber bullets, and live ammunition on crowds, triggering a stampede.

Protest for Human Rights in Ethiopia, Oakland, CA Credit: Elizabeth Fraser
Protest for Human Rights in Ethiopia, Oakland, CA. Credit: Elizabeth Fraser

The exact details of this atrocity are difficult to confirm—Ethiopian authorities routinely jail journalists and bloggers for critiquing the government and internet and cell phone reception in the Bishoftu region has reportedly been cut off. But regardless of the exact details, this is the latest in a series of events that signal increasing state violence.

State Violence Mounting in Ethiopia

For almost a year, protests have erupted in the Oromo and now also the Amhara regions of Ethiopia. They originated in response to a “Master Plan” that was set to expand the boundaries of Addis Ababa and take land away from farmers in the region, but have grown into larger calls for democracy and human rights in the country. Between November 2015 and January 2015, at least 400 people—mostly students—were killed by security forces in Oromo in the start of these protests. In August, nearly 100 more were killed in similar events in Oromo and Amhara. In September, a fire in the prison holding political prisoners and anti-government protesters in September took the lives of 23.

The trend is clear: state violence and repression in Ethiopia is mounting, and the international community is doing little to stop it.

Over the past eight years, the Oakland Institute has extensively researched, monitored, and reported on land and human rights abuses in Ethiopia. We started this work by examining detrimental land investments. This work led us to document the widespread human rights violations and repression of critics and opponents of the government’s development plans that were grabbing land and resources from its own citizens. In the wake of the Anti-Terrorism Proclamation that led to the arrest of students, land rights defenders, journalists, indigenous leaders, opposition politicians, religious leaders, and more for exercising basic freedoms; in the wake of the villagization program that set out to forcibly relocate up to 1.5 million people to make their land available for foreign investment; in the wake of this year’s anti-government protests that have seen hundreds, if not thousands, killed by security forces—our work has expanded and our appeals for justice have grown.

Today, as we all reel from this latest tragedy, we say enough is enough. The US—as the largest bilateral donor to the country—must take a firm stand for human rights, democracy, and justice in Ethiopia.

House Resolution 861—Human Rights in Ethiopia

In September, Resolution 861—“Supporting Respect for Human Rights and Encouraging Inclusive Governance in Ethiopia”—was introduced in the House of Representatives, thanks to the courageous leadership of Representative Chris Smith. To date, it has been publically co-sponsored by Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), Rep. Al Green (D-TX), Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO), Rep. Eliot L. Engel (D-NY), Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI), Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX), and Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-OH). The resolution summarizes and condemns the massive abuses taking place in Ethiopia; calls on numerous US departments and agencies to review their financing of the Ethiopian government; and “stands by the people of Ethiopia and supports their peaceful efforts to increase democratic space and to exercise the rights guaranteed by the Ethiopian constitution.” The resolution’s support is growing, with news received last week that Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) will also be signing on.

The US Must Act Now

The US and Ethiopia have a unique relationship: the US has relied on Ethiopia in its war on terrorism in the region, while Ethiopia relies on the US as a primary aid contributor. Because of this relationship, the position of the US is vital. A strong statement from the US would not only cause the Ethiopian authorities to take heed, but could inspire other world leaders to stand up for human rights in the country as well.

Over the past year, nearly one thousand people have lost their lives because they stood up for justice and human rights. How many more innocent lives need to be lost before the US is willing to take a stand?

All eyes are on us. The time to act is now.

Ethiopia: human rights defender condemns deadliest mass murder in Oromia. #IrreechaaMassacre #OromoProtests October 3, 2016

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Odaa OromooOromianEconomist


Human rights League of the Horn of Africa




Ethiopia: human rights defender condemns deadliest mass murder in Oromia #IrreechaaMassacre  #OromoProtests

Ethiopia: Deadliest TPLF/EPRDF Mass Murder In Oromia

HRLHA Urgent Action

October 2, 2016

The HRLHA deeply condemn the mass murder by the Ethiopian government  sponsored killing squad Agazi force near Bishoftu, Oromia  where over 4,000,000 Oromos were gathered  to celebrate the Irrecha annual festival , the Oromo thanksgiving day on October 2, 2016.

The attack by the killing squad Agazi  which was supported by helicopter from the air has left at least 300 civilians dead on the spot and thousands  wounded and has been taken to hospitals in Bishoftu and Addis Ababa, 40 km away from the place of mass murder took place. According the HRLHA informants from the place, the dead bodies were everywhere on the ground around the Hora Arsadi, the area of the irrecha festival

The October 2, 2016 mass murder would be one of the highest tolls for a single day in Oromia  since 10 months the Oromo protest has begun in November 2015

The HRLHA calls on the world governments and donor organizations to condemn the barbaric acts of government sponsored killing squad Agazi force against Oromo civilians and put pressure on the TPLF/EPRDF government to allow swiftly neutral body to investigate this horrific action of this dictatorial government sponcered killing squads..

The HRLHA will continue updating the fast growing number of the victims from around  the  area.


Note: The following pictures are extremely graphics. Proceed with procuation

All photos were taken from social media, names are not identified




Read Related at OE: 

Irreecha Massacre: Bishoftu Massacre: Fascist Ethiopia’s regime (TPLF) has committed war crimes and crimes against humanity in Oromia (Ethiopia) on the peaceful Irreecha ceremony- Oromo thanksgiving day, 2nd October 2016 where over 4 million celebrating the Oromo National Cultural Day at Horaa Harsadii, Bishoftu, Oromia.

Oromia: Ibsa ABO: Dhiigni dhangala’e fi lubbuun harcaate galaana tahee diina fuudha October 2, 2016

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Odaa OromooOromianEconomist

OLF logo

Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo (ABO)
Oromo Liberation Front (OLF)
Lakk/NO. ABO/006/2016
Guyyaa: 010/2/2016

Dhiigni dhangala’e fi lubbuun harcaate galaana tahee diina fuudha

Ayyaan Irreechaa 10, 2016 Haroo Arsadee bushooftuutti bara baraan tahu, Aayyaan Africaa keessaa guddichaa fi sadarkaa addunyaattiis lakkooysa nama Miiliyoona hedduu hirmaachisuun beekamuudha. Kan bara 2016 kuni ammoo dirree murriqii ilmaan Oromoo idda takkatte tahee ummata Oromoo fi ummata dhala namaaf naatota addunyaa hunda biratti guyyaa dukkanawaa tahee jira.

Aayyaanni arraa kuni kan durii caalaa Oromoota miliyoonata hedduu hirmaachise, Bushooftuun yoo xirracha darban lafa hin bu’u. Humni Faashiftiin TPLF/wayyaaneen ummata sirbaa fi dhiichisaan gidiraa, gadadoo, hidhaa fi ajjeechaa dhala Oromoo irratti ji’oota 11 darbe kana tahaa turte anaanataa, yeroo Haroo Arsadee itti deeman Rabbii ifii kadhachaa uffata aadaa fi caffee qofa qabatee ayyaanichaaf bahe loltuu lafaa fi xayyuura/hilicopter sammiirran rasaasa itti roobse akka baala mukaa lubbuu dhibba hedduu murruq godhee jira.

Warraa fi Maatiin tiruun biruqxe, Saba guutuutti guyyaa dukkanaa tahe, Ilmi, Intalti,Abbaan yokaan Haati teessan wareega ulfaataa kabajaa Biyyaa fi Sabatiif wareegaman. Jabaadhaa, gumaa baafna malee hin nyaannu. Wareegni, Lafee fi dhiigni haga firii xaafii osoo hin hafne kafallanna. Kumaantamaan dhiiga dhiigaan baasuuf tarree galee jira. Onnee keessaan rabbiin jajjabina isiinii haa kennu, Abbaa keenya, Ilma keenya, Intala teenya fi Haadha teenya ulfina Rabbin/waaqa biratti wareegamtoonni Saba fi biyyaaf of kennan qaban rabbiin haa badhasu.

Ilmaan Oromoo biyya ambaa jirtan

gatii bilisummaan gaafattu Sabni keenya kafalaa jiru harka duwwaa duguuggaa shanyummaa Saba keenya irratti tahaa jirtu laallee garra, guyyaan dirqama Sabummaa bahunnu, kan wareega sadarkaa kamiittuu kafallu amma dirmachuuf Sabaaf uwwaadhaa.

Jaarmayni Oromo

Guyyaan maqaan qabsaawummaa fi Jaarmayummaa itti salphatuu fi itti kabajaa Saba Oromoo biratti argatu yeroon geesse. Lubbuu Saba keenya guyyaa kabajamaa irratti, Oromiyaa irratti murriqiin bu’aa jirtu gaafii qabsaawaa dhugaa, kan waan jedhe hujjitti hiiku, Kan lubbuu ifii Sabaaf rakoo godhu, kan irbuu seene itti dhugoomsu gahee jira. Guyaan dhiiga ilkee liqimsanii irbuu Sabaaf seename guutamee, gochaan muldhifamu amma. Humnaa fi beekumsa moora mooraa jiru mara qindeessuun qabsoo Sabni Oromo daraarse firiif wareega baasa jiru kanaaf gummaacha Sabummaa akka baanu dhaamna. Kuni ammoo, boodaa miti amma, Boruu mitiis arra.

Ummata Oromoo Niimota!!

Oromiyaa Irratti Abbaa Biyyaa Nitaata!

Adda Bilisummaa Oromo

Onkoloolessa 02,2016 Ayyaanni Oromoo Guddichi Irreechi Tarkaanfii Diinaa Dhiiga Ilmaan Oromoo Dhibbaa ol Dhangalaaseen Boora’e, Oromoof Sanbata Gurraacha!

(Ibsa ABO)

Ummatni Oromoo Ayyaana uumaa isaaf galata itti galchu wagga waggaan Oromiyaa keessatti kabaja. Ayyaanni kun addatti ammoo lammiilee Oromoo Oromiyaa mara keessaa walitti dhufuun Har-Sadee Bishooftuutti kabajamu isa ol aanaa dha. Irreecha wagga waggaan kabajamu kana mootummaan Wayyaanee/TPLF danda’ame hanqisuuf dadhabame ammoo karaa jalee isaa OPDO, tikoota siivilii uffatanii fi humna waraanaan hanqisuuf karoora itti baafatuun yeroo dheeraaf sosso’aa akka ture ni yaadatama.

Ayyaana Irreeffannaa kana waltajjii siyaasaa mootummaa farra-ummatootaa godhatuun fedhii siyaasaa ofii ittiin guuttatuufis, deggertoota mootummaa gandoota Oromiyaa keessaa Har-Sadeetti akka argaman gochuu, akkasumas, bakka Irreeffannaatti baandii muuziqaa qopheessuu fi jalbultii ayyaana kanaa fiigichoo gosa adda addaa qopheessuun fuula mootummaa ittiin miidhagsuuf maallaqni irratti dhangalaafame hedduu dha. Kana malees ummatni Oromoo Ayyaana Irreechaa irratti baay’inaan akka hin argamneef karaa cufuutti dabalee geejjibni akka hin sossoone taasifamuun ummata jalaa dhokataa miti. Kanneen hundi Ayyaana Irreechaa tohannoo mootummaa jala galchuuf yaadamee hojjataman.

Ummatni Oromoo gochaa diinaa kana jabinaan dura dhaabbatuun Har –Sadeen bakka uumaa itti galateeffatan malee waltajjii siyaasaa mootummaa itti faarsan ykn eebbisan akka hin tahiin hubachiisuun, mootummaan gochaa kana irraa akka dhaabbatu hubachiisaa fi yaadachiisaa ture. Haa tahu malee mootummaan humnatti amanu kun akkuma bare humnaan to’achuun waltajjii ofii godhatuuf yaalii godheen mormii dhalateen ummata meesha maleeyyii ayyaana kabajataa jiru irratti boombii harkaa darbatuun lubbuu gaaga’ee, waraana lafoo fi helikooptara waraanaan marsee dhukaasa baneen lammiilee fayyaaleyyii Oromoo dhibbaa ol ajjeesuu dhaan diinummaa isaa caalaatti ifa godhee jira. Guyyaan kun Oromoof Sanbata Gurraacha seenaa keessatti hin dagatamne tahee jira.

Kanneen aadaa fi safuu ummataaf kabajaa hin qabne ajjechaa jumlaa fi tarkaanfii sanyii duguggii kana kan rawwatan bakka Irreeffannaatti tahuun ammoo mootummaan kun Ayyaana ummata Oromoof kan kabajaa hin qabne tahuu kan durii caalaa mirkaneesse. Waan taheef tarkaanfii diinummaa kana ABOn gadi jabeessee balaaleffata.

Hawaasni addunyaa, nagaa jaallattootni, dhabbattootni mirga namoomaa gochaa gara jabinaa fi faashistummaa mootummaa Wayyaanee kana akka balaaleffatan ABOn jabeessee gaafata. Addatti ammoo mootummootni mootummaa kanaaf waahela tahan ajjechaan jumlaa haa gahu jechuun callisa isaanii irra aanuun tarkaanfii barbaachisuu fi quubsaa yeroon itti fudhatan amma tahuu irra deebi’ee yaadachiisa.

Ummatni Oromoo mootummaa Wayyaanee ummatoota hunda irratti roorrisaa jiru kun akka gatiittii ummatoota irraa bu’uuf qabsoo gaggeessuun durummaan kaafama. Qabsoo ummatni Oromoo itti jiru fakkeenya godhatuun kan qabsoo mirgaa fi eenyummaa kaasuun falmaa seenanis hedduu dha. Ummatootni qabsoo eenyummaa fi mirgaatti jiran martis gochaa kana akka balaaleffatanii fi qabsoo mirgaa fi dimokraasii ummatni Oromoo itti jiru cinaa hiriiruu fi wal tumsuun falmaa isaanii akka finiinsan ABOn gaafata.

Tarkaanfiin fashistummaa guyyaa har’aa Onkoloolessa 2, 2016 ummata Oromoo irratti fudhatame hariiroon mootummaa Wayyaanee fi ummata Oromoo gidduu kan diinummaa tahuu waan daran caalaatti mirkaneesseef, ummatni Oromoo mootummaa kana irraa ajjeechaa fi hidhaa, xiqqeenyaa fi salphina malee kan argatu homaatuu akka hin jirre hubatee, qabsoo bilisummaa itti jiru bifa hundaan akka finiinsu ABOn dhaamsa dabarsa.

Dhaabotni bilisummaa fi mirga waliigalaaf qabsaawan hundi fi ummatootni marti akka qabsoo hadhaawaa kana finiinsanii umrii mootummaa fashistii kana gabaabsuu irratti akka fuulleeffatan waamicha keenya dabarsina.

Sanbatni kun Oromoof Sanbata Gurraacha Seenaan hin dagatamne dha.

Injifannoo Ummata Oromoof!

Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo

Onkoloolessa 2, 2016

ከመቶ በላይ የኦሮሞ ዜጎች ደም በጠላት እርምጃ ፈስሶበት የታወከው ታላቁ የኦሮሞ ባህል፡ ኢሬቻ፡ ለኦሮሞ ጥቁር ሰንበት ሆኗል

(የኦነግ መግለጫ)

የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ለፈጣሪው ምስጋና የሚያቀርብበትን በዓል በየዓመቱ በኦሮሚያ ውስጥ ያከብራል። በተለይ ደግሞ ከመላው ኦሮሚያ ቢሾፍቱ ሀር-ሰዴ ላይ በሚሰባሰቡት የኦሮሞ ዜጎች የሚከበረው በዓል ታላቁ ነው። የወያኔ/ሕወሃት መንግስት ይህንን ዓመታዊ በዓል ከተቻለለት እንዳይከበር ለማድረግ ካልቻለ ደግሞ በጀሌው ኦፒዲኦ፣ ሲቪል ልብስ በለበሱ የደህንነት ሃይሎቹና በጦር ሃይሉ ኣማካይነት ለማደናቀፍ እቅድ በማውጣት ለረዥም ጊዜ ሲንቀሳቀስ እንደነበር ይታወሳል።

የኢሬፈና በዓል የሚከበርበትን መድረክ የህዝቦች ጠላት የሆነው መንግስት ለፖለቲካ መደስኮሪያነት ለመጠቀም የስርዓቱን ደጋፊዎች ከኦሮሚያ ቀበሌዎች በሀር-ሰዴ ላይ እንዲገኙ በማድረግ፣ በኢሬፈና ቦታ ላይ የሙዚቃ ባንድ በማዘጋጀትና በበዓሉ ዋዜማ በተለያዩ ርቀቶች የሩጫ ውድድር በማዘጋጀት የመንግስትን ገጽታ ለማሳመር ከፍተኛ ገንዘብ ኣፍስሶበታል። ከዚህም በተጨማሪ የኦሮሞ ህዝብ በኢሬቻ በዓል ላይ በብዛት እንዳይገኝ መንገድ መዝጋትን ጨምሮ የመጓጓዣ ኣገልግሎትን በማቋረጥ ህዝቡን እንዳይንቀሳቀስ ማድረጉ የተሰወረ ኣይደለም። ይህ ሁሉ የኢሬቻ በዓልን በመንግስት ቁጥጥር ስር ለማስገባት ታስቦ የተሰራ ደባ ነው።

የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ይህንን የጠላት ድርጊት በቆራጥነት በመጋፈጥ ሀር-ሰዴ ፈጣሪን የሚያመሰግኑበት ቦታ እንጂ መንግስት የሚወደስብት የፖለቲካ መድረክ እንዳልሆነ በማስገንዘብ መንግስት ከዚህ ድርጊቱ እንዲታቀብ ሲያሳስብ ቆይቷል። ይሁን እንጂ ይህ በሃይል የሚያምነው ኣምባገነኑ መንግስት እንደልማዱ በሃይል በመቆጣጠር ኢሬቻን የራሱ መድረክ ለማድረግ ባደረገው ጥረት በተፈጠረ ተቃውሞ በዓሉን እያከበረ ባለው መሳሪያ-ኣልባ ህዝብ ላይ የእጅ ቦምብ በመወርወር፣ በእግረኛ ጦርና በጦር ሄሊኮፕተር ከብቦ በከፈተው ተኩስ ከኣንድ መቶ በላይ የሚሆኑ ንጹሃን የኦሮሞ ዜጎችን በመግደል ጠላትነቱን ይበልጥ ኣረጋግጧል። ይህ ዕለት ለኦሮሞ በታሪክ የማይረሳ ጥቁር ሰንበት ሆኗል።

ለህዝብ ባህልና ወግ ክብር የሌላቸው ይህንን የጅምላ ግድያና የዘር-ማጥፋት እርምጃ የፈጸሙት በኢሬፈና ቦታ መሆኑ ደግሞ ይህ መንግስት ለኦሮሞ ህዝብ በዓል ክብር የሌለው መሆኑን ይበልጥ ኣስመሰክሯል። ስለሆነም የኦሮሞ ነጻነት ግንባር ይህንን ጠላታዊ እርምጃ በጥብቅ ያወግዛል።

የዓለም ማህበርሰብ፣ ሰላም ወዳዶች፣ የሰብዓዊ መብት ተቋማት ይህንን ኣረመኔያዊና ፋሽስታዊ የወያኔ መንግስት እርምጃ እንዲያወግዙ ኦነግ ኣጥብቆ ይጠይቃል። በተለይ ደግሞ ለዚህ መንግስት ኣጋር የሆኑ መንግስታት የጅምላ ግድያ ይብቃ በማለት ዝምታቸውን በመስበር ኣስፈላጊውንና ኣጥጋቢ እርምጃ የሚወስዱበት ጊዜ ኣሁን መሆኑን በድጋሚ ያሳስባል።

የኦሮሞ ህዝብ በሁሉም የሃገሪቷ ህዝቦች ላይ ጭቆና እየፈጸመ ያለው የወያኔ መንግስት ከህዝቦች ጫንቃ ላይ እንዲወገድ ትግል በመካሄድ በግንባር ቀደምትነት ይጠቀሳል። የኦሮሞ ህዝብ እያካሄደ ያለውን ትግል እንደኣብነት በመውሰድ ለመብቶቻቸውና ለማንነታቸው ወደ ፍልሚያ የገቡትም በርካቶች ናቸው። ለመብታቸውና ለማንነታቸው በመታገል ላይ ያሉት ሁሉም ህዝቦችም ይህንን ኣረመኔያዊ የዘር-ማጥፋት ድርጊት እንዲያወግዙና የኦሮሞ ህዝብ እያካሄደ ካለው የመብትና የዲሞክራሲ ትግል ጎን በመሰለፍና በመተባበር ትግላቸውን እንዲያፋፍሙ ኦነግ ጥሪውን ያቀርባል።

በዛሬው ዕለት፡ ጥቅምት 2, 2016ዓም በኦሮሞ ህዝብ ላይ የተወሰደው ፋሽስታዊ እርምጃ በወያኔ መንግስትና በኦሮሞ ህዝብ መካከል ያለው ግንኙነት የጠላትነት መሆኑን በድጋሚ ይበልጥ ስላረጋገጠ የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ከዚህ መንግስት ግድያና እስራት፣ ውርደትና ሃፍረት እንጂ ኣንዳች የሚያገኘው ነገር እንደሌለ ተገንዝቦ እያካሄደ ያለውን የነጻነት ትግል በሁሉም መልክ እንዲያፋፍም ኦነግ መልዕክቱን ያስተላልፋል። ለነጻነትና ለኣጠቃላይ መብት የሚታገሉ ድርጅቶች እንዲሁም ሁሉም ህዝቦች ይህንን መራር ትግል ኣፋፍመው የፋሽስቱን መንግስት እድሜ ለማሳጠር ተግተው እንዲታገሉ ጥሪያችንን እናስተላልፋለን።

ይህ ሰንበት ለኦሮሞ በታሪክ የማይረሳ ጥቁር ሰንበት ነው።

ድል ለኦሮሞ ህዝብ!
የኦሮሞ ነጻነት ግንባር
ጥቅምት 2, 2016ዓም

Irreecha Massacre: Bishoftu Massacre: Fascist Ethiopia’s regime (TPLF) has committed war crimes and crimes against humanity in Oromia (Ethiopia) on the peaceful Irreecha ceremony- Oromo thanksgiving day, 2nd October 2016 where over 4 million celebrating the Oromo National Cultural Day at Horaa Harsadii, Bishoftu, Oromia. October 2, 2016

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Odaa OromooOromianEconomist










Ethiopia’s regime’s ( TPLF) mass killing at Irreecha Makaa 2016 in Bishoftuu. #Irreechamassacre



ABO: Dhiigni dhangala’e fi lubbuun harcaate galaana tahee diina fuudha.

VOA: Ayyaana Irreechaa Har’aa Irratti Walitti Bu’iinsa Uumameen Kanneen Dhibbaan Lakkaa’aman Dhuman Jedhama

TPLF soldiers (Agazi) opened fire from ground by snipers and commandos  and helicopter on these people celebrating Ireecha Birraa at Harsadii  Lake in Bishoftu, Oromia.




An Oromo just shot and killed in Bishoftu at an area called ‘Circle’. His body still there as soldiers prevented medical personnel and civilians from picking him up.


Shoes of Oromo people killed by fascist Ethiopia’s regime forces (TPLF, Agazi) during Irreecha 2016 in Bishoftu. Genocide is gooing on. 2nd October 2016.


UUUUUUUUU Genocide against Oromo people by TPLF. This is at Hora Harsadii while millions of Oromo People at Irreecha, 2nd October 2016.




As social media more accurately reports from the field and hospitals,  more than 800 people were massacred and thousands were jured   by TPLF while more than 4 million people  celebrating the most popular  African based Oromo Thanksgiving season on 2nd October 2016. The number of people killed by Agazi on 2nd October on Irreecha day may be increased. The genocide has been going on  over 25 years particularly since November 12, 2015 as the world community has been watching.

Hundreds of people fell into this deep ditch as bullets tear gas fell on millions from helicopter and ground soldiers


Ergaa kana naaf dabarsi Beekan.. ANi ogeessa fayyaa Hospiitaala Bishooftuuti. Namoota du’aniifi gaggaban adda baafachuu hamma dadhabnetti jirra. AKka warra lubuun keessa jiru hinyaallannettis nama jala erganii nudanqaa jiru. Dawwaanillee dhumee waan ittiin madaa isaani qoorsinu fixneerra. Warri akkanumaan gar aFinfinneetti refer’ gochaa jirrus utuu achi hingahiin du’uuti malu. Nama gaddisiisa. Har’an ogeessa fayyaa ta’uukoo of abaare. Jarri saba keenyaa lafarra daguuguuf murteeffatteetti. Ani kanin lakkaa’ee qofti dhibba sadii ol ta’a…maaloo warri sagalenkeessan dhaga’amu, sabni kun ciisee du’uurra ajjeesee akka du’uuf dhamsa nuuf dabarsa. Namoota naannoo Bishooftu jiraniin adaraa dhiigaa nobboleeyyan keessaniif nuuf arjoomaa naajedhiin. kana boda abbaatu ofmara jedhe bofti.ani dhukkuba uumamaa sabnikoo ittiin miidhamu yaaluufan baradhen se’e amma garuu ajjeechaa Wayyaaneen lammiikoorratti gootu ..yeroon siif katabu kana office ‘ koo balbala cufadhee imimmaan ofirra lolaasaadha. Gaafa haatikoo duute akkas boo’ee hinbeeku. Adaraa tokkummaan ka’aa naa jedhiin.



Video lee Irreecha Bishooftuu Guyyaa Har’aa Toora Kana Keessaa Argattu.

Haala Irreecha guyyaa har’aa irratti  ture Video lee hedduu kana keessa saaqachuun argattu



OPRIDE:The Irreecha massacre: Hundreds feared dead in Bishoftu


(OPride) — At least 250 feared dead in Bishoftu, Ethiopia, after police used tear gas and opened fire on people gathered to mark Irreechaa, the Oromo thanksgiving festival, according to activists and eyewitness reports. The Irreechaa holiday at Hora Arsadi, the crater lake near the site of Sunday’s massacre, is considered the biggest cultural and spiritual celebration in Africa.

 TN: Irreecha Massacre: Hundreds of Oromo Festival Goers Feared Dead in Bishoftu

On this day, October 2, which will be entered into history books as the Irreechaa Massacre, the sacred grounds of Arsadi were littered with dead bodies, according to reports. The mass arrests began a day early. Tensions run high all day as military helicopters flew above the crowd at lower altitude, in what was seen as an effort to intimidate the gathering crowd. At the city entrances, security checkpoints stretched for hours as festival goers arrived from across Oromia. But despite the heavy security presence, Irreechaa goers still expected to partake in a peaceful celebration of the arrival of Birraa, as the holiday marks a seasonal change from dark and rainy winter months to a bountiful Spring.

But chaos, confusion and stampede broke out in the early afternoon when the youth booed the newly elected chairman of the ruling Oromo People’s Democratic Organization, OPDO, off the stage. The protests began as soon as the crowd filed into the malka, the river bank, close to the stage where politicians hoped to make political statements – statements that are often unheard and unheeded even on a “normal” year. It’s clear that the youth were ready to make a statement of their own to the local officialdom – in an unusual in your face type of way. But their protests were peaceful. They crossed arms, forming an X, popularized by Oromo marathon runner Feyisa Lilesa, to say no to the killings, beatings and arrests. It is an incident like no other. A turning point for the 11-month old Oromo protests, a popular uprising against the Oromo people’s continued social, economic and political marginalization by the central government in Ethiopia.

Irreechaa has emerged at the most important event among the Oromo. It is officially a celebration of the bountiful harvest of Birra but a celebration of Oromummaa itself. It is the most unifying event for the Oromo, who constitute at least half of Ethiopia’s 100 million people.

This wasn’t an ordinary year for Oromo and for Ethiopians as a whole. More than 1,000 people have been killed, mostly in Oromia, but also in the Amhara state in the last 11 months.

Opposition party says stampede kills at least 50 people in chaotic scenes in restive Oromiya region

Protesters run from teargas during the Irreecha festival of thanksgiving in Bishoftu.
Protesters run from teargas during the Irreecha festival of thanksgiving in Bishoftu. Photograph: Tiksa Negeri/Reuters

Police in Ethiopia’s Oromiya region fired teargas and warning shots to disperse anti-government protesters at a religious festival, triggering a stampede the opposition party said killed at least 50 people.

Note: Dr Merera told The guardian about 50 casualties several hours ago right after the news first emerged. Current estimate stands over 350. Also note, they are still waiting for bulldozers to dig people who feel deep into the ditch and waiting for divers for those who fell into the lake. Jawar Mohammed


WP: Dozens of deaths during stampede at Ethiopia religious event




IOL: Ethiopia religious festival ends in stampede  / 2 October 2016

Africa News: Oromia festival disrupted as Ethiopian police fire teargas to disperse protesters


Oromia: Protest at Irrecha Celebration 2016

BBC:Oromia: Several dead in Ethiopia festival stampede

Several people have been killed in a stampede in Ethiopia’s Oromia region after police fired tear gas and warning shots to disperse a protest.


ALJAZEERA: Ethiopia: ‘Several’ killed in Oromia festival stampede

Police fire tear gas at protesters during Oromia religious festival, reportedly instigating deadly stampede in Bishoftu.

Thousands of people gathered for the annual Irreecha festival in Bishoftu, about 40km south of the capital.

Protesters chanted slogans against the Oromo People’s Democratic Organisation, one of four regional parties that make up the Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front, which has ruled the nation for quarter of a century.

Oromia: Irreecha Fantaalleettii Kan Birraa Bara 2015: Uumayyoo Uumayyyoo Hayyee, Uumaa tee ta ganamaa yaa waaqayyoo……..! Jeekkara dubartoota Oromoo karrayyuu October 1, 2016

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Odaa OromooOromianEconomist

Gumii Waaqeffannaa


Irreecha Fantaalleettii Birraa bara 2015.

Uumayyoo Uumayyyoo Hayyee Uumaa Tee Ta Ganamaa Yaa Waaqayyoo.

Jeekkara Dubartoota Oromoo Karrayyuu


Take Your Hands Off The Earth! October 1, 2016

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Odaa OromooOromianEconomistOakland Institute


When we think of land grabbing in Africa, all too often we think of China or the Gulf States as being the principal actors, but this is far from the truth. “Development agencies, universities, pension funds, Norwegian churches, banks and private equity funds are all involved.” There is also a common perception that the lands grabbed are then turned over to monoculture production of soy, corn or palm oil, products which sustain unhealthy Western diets with lots of sugar and meat. But in fact, a lot of the time something even worse happens. The lands are not used to grow any food at all, but left completely fallow. “This is true for the majority of the hundreds of land contracts we have studied,” Mittal tells us. “They grow nothing at all, but simply speculate on the land in order to sell it at a profit later.” The consequences for the previous residents of these lands are internal displacement, hunger, and violence if they try to resist. In cases, where lands are used for agricultural production, furthermore, the nature of social relations is changed, as the new owners create seasonal jobs, meaning the people who once farmed the land freely are reduced to being sharecroppers, inevitably increasing profits for the new owners.


Take Your Hands Off The Earth!


On September 24th, we were joined by activists from six countries as well as Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of Indigenous Peoples and Anuradha Mittal, the founder of the Oakland Institute, who moderated the Terra Madre Forum on land grabbing, “Take Your Hands Off The Earth”.

As Mittal pointed out in her opening speech, food prices have risen both in nominal terms and as a percentage of spending for people in the developing world since 2008, with the amount of household expenditure on food up by as much as 50%. The capacity of poor people in developing countries to grow their own food and feed themselves without reliance on imports or supermarkets is more important than ever, insofar as it represents people’s ability to withstand the whims of the free market. When we think of land grabbing in Africa, all too often we think of China or the Gulf States as being the principal actors, but this is far from the truth. “Development agencies, universities, pension funds, Norwegian churches, banks and private equity funds are all involved.” There is also a common perception that the lands grabbed are then turned over to monoculture production of soy, corn or palm oil, products which sustain unhealthy Western diets with lots of sugar and meat. But in fact, a lot of the time something even worse happens. The lands are not used to grow any food at all, but left completely fallow. “This is true for the majority of the hundreds of land contracts we have studied,” Mittal tells us. “They grow nothing at all, but simply speculate on the land in order to sell it at a profit later.” The consequences for the previous residents of these lands are internal displacement, hunger, and violence if they try to resist. In cases, where lands are used for agricultural production, furthermore, the nature of social relations is changed, as the new owners create seasonal jobs, meaning the people who once farmed the land freely are reduced to being sharecroppers, inevitably increasing profits for the new owners.

There are harrowing stories of lands being bought at unbelievable prices, Mittal continues, citing the example of South Sudan, which gained statehood in 2011. Though for the Western media, the creation of the new country signaled a settlement to a decade-long civil war, the problems are far from over. “In South Sudan, the country with the most transnational land acquisitions, land has been sold for as little as US$0.025 cents per hectare.”

Nyikaw Ochalla of the Anywaa Survival Organization in Ethiopia told us of the country’s vague anti-terrorism laws which allow the government to arrest and imprison anyone who dissents from the State’s policy. There activists such as Yonatan Tesfaye who are facing the death penalty in Ethiopia simply for criticizing the government’s crackdown on anti-landgrabbing protests on Facebook.

Mamy Rakotondrainibe, a key activist in the Collectif pour la Défense des Terres Malgaches in Madagascar, told us how the South Korean company Daewoo had bought over a million hectares of land there in 2009 to create an enormous palm oil plantation, the product of which would have been exported back to South Korea. The deal represented half the country’s arable land, and the Collectif pour la Défense des Terres Malgaches petitioned the government to stop it. At first the government ignored the petition, and it was only after violent protests which left over 100 people dead that country’s President Ravalomanana fled to South Africa, and his replacement stopped the deal. Nonetheless, smaller but less-publicized deals continue to go ahead in Madagascar, slowly stripping the population of their ancestral lands, in a country where 65% of the population live from agriculture.


Andrew Orina from Kenya told us how the construction of hydroelectric dams on Lake Turkana (the fourth largest in Africa, and the world’s largest alkaline lake) threaten its very existence, and it will likely be split it in two. This will force massive migrations, loss of arable land, destruction of fisheries, and an ecological disaster.

Edward Loure, a Goldman Prize winner from Tanzania, is pioneering a fightback against land grabbing in his country through deeds which recognize indigenous communities’ collective right to their ancestral lands, rather than and instead of any one individual’s propriety. Despite this, Tanzania continues to be a prime target for foreign direct investment in land, and it will require a sustained struggle against the investors to secure the rights of these indigenous peoples.

Helpme Hamkhein Mohrmen of Northeast India told us how in that region, it is a change in thinking about land brought about through modern legal structures which is to blame for tensions over land. In the past, the indigenous clans saw themselves as “custodians” of the land, that is, not having inherited the land from their ancestors, but borrowing them from their children. This idea of custodianship is dying out, replaced by ideas of propriety, which has mainly been exacerbated by the recognition of the value of the region’s mineral resources (including Uranium) which were once irrelevant.
Néstor Joaquín Mendieta Cruz of Colombia, who is also a Slow Food convivium leader, recounted how since 1990, the amount of land available for agricultural production in Colombia was 2.5 million hectares, which has now been reduced to 1.5 million. Half of this land, 500,000 hectares, is now used for the production of palm oil, and despite Colombia already being the number one producer of palm oil in South America, the government plans to increase the amount of land dedicated to its production to a million hectares. In some regions of the country, private security forms create checkpoints along the roads to stop local people from occupying their lands.

Victoria Tauli-Corpuz brought a message of hope to the audience, and clearly conveyed her conviction that the fight for indigenous peoples’ land rights is an essential part of the struggle for global food security. As UN Special Rapporteur for the rights of Indigenous Peoples, she wants to see laws still in force from the colonial era which consider indigenous lands to be empty (as happened in Australia and the Philippines) revoked, and is leading the charge by tackling governments directly, around the world. Though many of the large industrialized countries, particularly the United States, Australia and New Zealand ignore or deny her reports, progress is being made. We need a concerted, collaborative effort, which Slow Food can proudly take part in, in order to reverse these trends and shift government policy around the world in recognition of land rights, and against land grabbing.

Read more:




Africa Times: Update: Ethiopian police release Oromo leader Bekele Gerba’s daughter October 1, 2016

Posted by OromianEconomist in #OromoProtests, Because I am Oromo.
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Odaa OromooOromianEconomistbontu-bekele-gerbaFree Bekele Gerba and all political prisonners in Ethiopia



Update: Ethiopian police release Oromo leader Bekele Gerba’s daughter

By AT editor 30 September 2016

(Africa Times) — Oromo rights activists said Friday that Bontu Bekele Gerba, daughter of the imprisoned Oromo political opposition leader in Ethiopia, had been released after security forces detained her in the town of Mojo.

Independent Oromo journalist Mohammed Ademo, a former al Jazeera America columnist based in the United States, said the family’s lawyer confirmed the late-afternoon disappearance.

Ademo and other Oromo advocates immediately took to social media, some demanding that U.S. officials and international NGOs confirm her whereabouts and intervene as necessary.

Journalist Jawar Mohammed, executive director for the Oromio Media Network in the U.S., reported that she was released after being detained for questioning at a Mojo police station.

Bontu Bekele Gerba is a political activist in her own right, speaking often to media organizations and Ethiopian activists on behalf of her father, a leader of the Oromo Federalist Congress, and the movement.

The elder Bekele Gerba was most recently detained at Ethiopia’s Kilinto Prison in Addis Ababa, a maximum-security facility where high-profile political prisoners and anti-government protesters are incarcerated. He was rearrested in December following a short release and since remained at the facility, where a fire claimed 23 lives in early September, according to official Ethiopian government totals.

Bontu Bekele Gerba led a search for her father when prison authorities failed to provide information to anxious families who knew nothing of their loved ones’ fate, and spoke publicly again on their behalf.

Her father’s initial 2011 arrest followed a meeting with Amnesty International researchers that led to terrorism charges, which are often used by Ethiopia to silence political dissidents including the Oromo.

Global concern for the 30 million Oromo living under President Mulatu Teshome has increased, following a year in which at least 500 hundred Ethiopians died in violent clashes with security forces.

That visibility was raised following the protest of Ethiopian Feyisa Lelisa at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro and his subsequent application for U.S. asylum. Activists in the U.S. have held large protest marches, most recently on Thursday in Washington D.C., on behalf of the Oromo.

Ethiopia Human Rights Abuses Spark U.S. Congressional Action October 1, 2016

Posted by OromianEconomist in #OromoProtests.
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Odaa OromooOromianEconomist


Congressman Mike Coffman of Colorado in solidarity with Oromo protests at the global Solidarity Rally in Denver, USA. 29 August 2016

Ethiopia Human Rights Abuses Spark U.S. Congressional Action

Lima Charlie News Published on September 30, 2016 by J. David Thompson

U.S. Representatives push for legislation targeting Ethiopia after Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch document human rights abuses.

A bipartisan group of U.S. Representatives has proposed legislation targeted at the government of Ethiopia, after Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch documented hundreds of cases of alleged human rights abuses. House Resolution 861, titled “Supporting respect for human rights and encouraging inclusive governance in Ethiopia,” was introduced by Reps. Chris Smith (R-NJ), Keith Ellison (D-MN), Al Green (D-TX), Mike Coffman (R-CO), and Eliot Engel (D-NY).

“It is an abomination when any country tortures its own citizens,” said Rep. Smith, at a September 13th press conference on Capitol Hill. The human rights abuses, waged primarily against the Oromo and Amhara populations, have come to light despite Ethiopian authorities efforts preventing independent screeners from conducting transparent investigations.

The Resolution condemns the killing of peaceful protesters, the arrest and detention of students, journalists, and political leaders, and the stifling of political dissent under the guise of “counterterrorism.”

Ethiopia is a strategic ally of the United States. The country headquarters the 54 nation African Union, and, critical to U.S. interests, assists in counterterrorism efforts against al-Shabab, an Al-Qaeda aligned jihadi terrorist group based in Somalia. Ethiopia is also host to a staggering 750,000 refugeesfrom the war torn region.

image ethiopia

In a press statement Rep. Ellison said, “While Ethiopia is an important ally for the United States, continuing to let the Ethiopian government oppress its own people will only further destabilize the region. We must do all we can to ensure that the human rights of all Ethiopians are respected.” Rep. Smith added, “A valuable contributor to global peacekeeping missions, growing unrest in Ethiopia in reaction to human rights violations by the government threaten to destabilize a nation counted on to continue its role on the international scene”.

Resolutions, like the one proposed, tend to be more of an opinion that often do little in themselves because they lack the political leverage to prompt much action. They often fail to hold allied nations to a standard of conduct, as countries and international organizations are hesitant to regulate how other nations behave within their own borders.

The bill expressly calls on the government of Ethiopia to end the use of excessive force by security forces; hold security forces accountable after a full, credible, transparent investigation; release dissidents, activists, and journalists who have been imprisoned for exercising constitutional rights; respect freedom of assembly and freedom of the press; engage with citizens on development; allow theUnited Nations to conduct independent examinations; repeal certain proclamations limiting inclusive growth; and investigate shootings and a fire on September 3, that killed 23 people at a prison housing high-profile politicians.

Noteworthy, is that the bill also seeks to apply financial and other pressure towards the government, by calling for the Secretary of State to “conduct a review of security assistance to Ethiopia” and “improve transparency” with respect to such assistance, and to “improve oversight and accountability of United States assistance to Ethiopia”.

Image Ethiopia protest

Despite the good intention of the bill, critics highlight that it doesn’t go far enough. Henok Gabisa, a visiting Academic Fellow and faculty member at Washington and Lee University School of Law, stated in a personal interview:

“H.RES.861 is generally a good gesture from the United States Congress. It is very specific in a sense that it points out the consistent and constant patterns of corrosion of civil and economic liberties in the country. It also seems to give scrupulous attention to the marginalized groups who remain on the receiving end of the pain. That is really great. Nonetheless, owing to the mammoth financial aid transported to Ethiopian government by the U.S. under their bilateral security partnership, H. RES. 861 failed to deploy the political leverage of the [United States Government], and as a result it is nowhere nearer to fulfilling the goal it promises. In fact, Resolutions by merit are just declaratory statements or positions of a government. They may not be considered law in a positivist school of law. Yet again, H.RES.861 has no teeth to bite those who fail to comply the soft obligations it enumerated under the last sections 3-6.”

Experts give the bill a 32% chance of getting past the Foreign Affairs Committee and a 29% chance of being agreed to completely. Comparatively, from 2013-2015, 46% of simple resolutions made it past committee.

In a country of over 86 million, Oromos and Amharas constitute the two largest ethnic groups, combining for over 61% of the population. Yet, they are the most politically marginalized andeconomically disenfranchised. In 2015 Ethiopia’s ruling party, the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front, won every seat in parliament despite little ethnic diversity. The EPRDF has remained in power since the overthrow of Ethiopia’s military government in 1991.

Lima Charlie News, by J. David Thompson

J David Thompson (US Army) is a Juris Doctor candidate at Washington & Lee University School of Law focusing on International Human Rights Law. He is a Veterans in Global Leadership Fellow, and brings experience on human rights, international relations, strengthening civil society, refugee issues, interagency collaboration, and countering violent extremism. Prior to Washington & Lee, he served in the US Army as a Military Police officer and Special Operations Civil Affairs with multiple deployments to Afghanistan and one to Jordan—receiving a Bronze Star amongst other decorations. In Jordan, David worked at the US Embassy in countering violent extremism, strengthening civil society, and refugee response with other United States Government organizations, the United Nations, and various non-governmental organizations.


Oromia: #OromoProtests: Gabaasa Fincila Xumura Garbummaa (FXG) Oromiyaa 2016 (September) September 30, 2016

Posted by OromianEconomist in #OromoProtests.
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Odaa OromooOromianEconomistOMN on NILESATOromo Protests defend Oromo National Interest

#OromoPRotests tweet and share#OromoProtests against the Ethiopian regime fascist tyranny. Join the peaceful movement for justice, democracy, development and freedom of Oromo and other oppressed people in EthiopiaFeyisa Lelisa Rio Olympian and world icon of #OromoProtestsQuebec City Marathon winner, Oromo athlete, Ebisa Ejigu, replicates Rio Olympic medallist’s #OromoProtests. p3Athlete Fraol Ebissa Won the Germany 10Km race and shows his solidarity with #OromoProtests. 4 September 2016. p2oromo-athlete-tamiru-demisse-center-reacts-after-the-final-of-mens-1500m-of-the-rio-2016-paralympicoromo-oromo-athletes-tamiru-demisse-c-megersa-tasisa-l-and-sport-journalist-adugna-angasu-r-who-are-in-rio-de-janeiro-brazil-for-the-paralympic-2016-show-solidarity-in-a-world-stage-to-oromoathlete-hajin-tola-winner-of-mississauga-canken-5k-race-protests-in-support-of-ethiopias-oromo-peopleathlete-hirut-guangul-joined-the-brave-movement-as-she-won-the-womens-marathon-and-in-solidarity-with-oromoprotests-25-september-2016-this-video-is-viral-on-social-media-in-her-adoration
Oromo Students protest @ Mandii, Western Oromia 25th November 2015Oromo Students protest @ Ambo, Oromia 25th November 2015 picture1

Gaaffiiwwan yeroo ammaastop killing Oromo People#GrandOromoProtests 6 August 2016, in Oromia including in Finfinnee (Addis Ababa), the capital.

Oromo Olympic marathon athlete Fayyisaa Lalisaa in the social and international media. #OrompProtests global icon. p7

Gincii, Amboo, Jalduu, Gudar, Giddaa Ayyaanaa, Mandii, Najjoo, Laaloo Assaabii, Jaarsoo, Gullisoo, Bojjii, Gujii,Dambi Doolloo, Gimbii, Naqamtee, Buraayyuu, sabbataa, Dirree Incinnii, Adaamaa, Harammayyaa, Mattuu, Baale (Robee), Madda Walabu, Walliisoo, Tulluu Boolloo, Sulultaa (Caancoo), Horroo Guduruu, Buuraayyuu, Dirree Dhawaa, Calanqoo, Ada’aa Bargaa, Baddannoo, Holootaa, Shaashee, Awaday (E. Harargee), Hara Qallo (Goro Dola, Gujii), Gaasaraa (Baalee), Bulee Hora, Jimmaa, Arjo, Heebantuu, Giddaa Ayyaanaa ,Kiiramuu, Ciroo, Dodolaa, Anfilloo (Mugii), Walqixxee, Diillaa, Bishooftuu, Finfinnee,  Yuniversiitii Finfinnee, Geedoo, Asallaa,  Shaambuu, Agaarfaa, Sibuu Siree, Kotobee, Wacaalee, Saalaalee, Machaaraa, Ammayyaa, Tokkee  Kuttaayee, Innaangoo, Baabbichaa, Laaloo Qilee, Hiddii Lolaa, .Mugii, Arsi Nagallee, Baabbichaa, Shukutee,  Baakkoo Tibbee, Jalduu, Gindoo, Buun’dho Beddellee, Grawwaa, Gaara Mul’ataa, Qarsaa, Qobboo (Dardar, Eastern Oromia), Sinaanaa (Baalee), Jimmaa Arjoo, Bojjii, Kombolcha,  Aggaaroo,Tajji (Iluu), Qilxuu Kaarraa, Baabboo Gambel, Daawoo,Tulu Milki (Warra Jarso), Hirnaa, Xuulloo,  Masalaa, Galamso, Bordode, Mi’esso, Waheel, Diggaa, Arjoo Guddattuu, Guraawa, waamaa Adaree, Shabee Somboo, Limmuu Saqaa, Amuruu (Agamsa), Daroo Labuu (Gaadulloo), Yaabelloo, Aliboo (Jaartee Jardagoo), Saasigga, Magaalaa Dafinoo, Dhumugaa, Daroo Labuu (Buraysaa) Begii (Kobor), Mardida Halo Guba (Daroo Labuu), Qassoo, Bonayyaa Boshee, Baalee  (Dalloo Mannaa), Jimmaa Raaree (Magaalaa Gobaan), Nophaa (Iluu), Bordoddee, Togowacaalee, Dooguu, Metekel (Wanbara), Asaasaa, Waabee, Heeraroo, Doguu, Quufanziq (Dadar), Boku Luboma (Miyo, Borana), Eddoo, Dirree (Ada’aa), Qilxuu Kaarraa, Shebel town, Bate, Walanchiti, Warra Jiruu,  Boolee Bulbulaa, Diilallaa, Gannat Haaraa (dodolaa)……………


Gabaasa FDG Oromiyaa Sadaasa (November) 12, 13,  25,  26, 27, 28, 30, Muddee (December) 1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,14, 15, 16, 17/18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,  26, 27,28, 29,30, 31….    2015

Amajii (January) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,14, 15, 16, 17,18,19, 20,21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,30, 31……2016

Guraandhala (February) 1,  2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9, 10,11,12,13, 14, 15, 16, 17,18,19, 20, 21,22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28,29………… 2016


Bitootessa (March) 1, 2, 3,4, 5,6,7,8,9, 10, 11,12, 13,14,15, 16,17, 18, 19,20,  21,  22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 2,28, 29, 30, 31 …………2016

Ebla (April) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,18, 19,20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30……… 2016

Caamsaa (May) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,20, 21,22, 23, 24, 25, 26,27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 2016


Waxabajjii (June) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 …………………………….2016

Adoolessa (July) 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31……..2016

Hagayya (August) 1, 2,3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 ….. 2016

 Fulbanaa (September) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30……. 2016


#OromoProtests: International Community Alarmed as Ethiopia Crisis Worsens

#OromoProtests. International Community Alarmed as Ethiopia Crisis WorsensEthiopia's scores in freedom in the world 2016, freedom House World Report, January 2016.

Ethiopian regime guilty of crime against humanity


Click here for #OromoProtests report 1- 31 August 2016 PDF

Click here for #OromoProtests Updates, 1st July – 31st July 2016 PDF

Click here for #OromoProtests Updates, 1st June – 30 June 2016 PDF

Click here for #OromoProtests updates, 1st – 31st May 2016

Click here for #OromoProtests updates, 1st – 30 April 2016

Click here for #OromoProtests updates, 1st – 31st March, 2016

Click here for #OromoProtests updates, November 2015- February 29, 2016

For Latest News click here for OromianEconomistonfacebook


Ethiopia Human Rights Abuses Spark U.S. Congressional Action

Risk Advisory: Ethiopia | Assessment of government stability amid ongoing protests

The Ethiopian government is looking increasingly unstable, and the security environment in Ethiopia is looking more dangerous.

This is Africa: Ethiopia at a crossroads: apartheid, civil war or reconciliation?


The Grand Oromo Rally at the World Bank: #OromoProtests at World Bank Group, Washington DC, while Mr. Secretary listening and receiving an appeal letter, watch the video.

The Grand Oromo Rally: #OromoProtests Global Solidarity Rally and Opposing Mass Killings by Ethiopia’s Fascist (TPLF) regime

To the UN Security Council: a plea to intervene to Stop the Bloodshed in Ethiopia, Please click here and sign the petition 

UN Human Rights Commission on human rights violation in Oromia

Open Democracy: The ‘Ethiopian Spring’: “Killing is not an answer to our grievances. #OromoProtests


The regime in Ethiopia (Fascist TPLF) has lost any semblance of humanity


Daily Mail: Unrest mars Ethiopia’s New Year, Eid parties. #OromoProtests and the Market Boycott in Action

Human rights abuses in Ethiopia require congressional action, Congress Blog, 31 August 2016

Ethiopia: Civil society groups urge international investigation into ongoing human rights violations, 30 August 2016

Press Statement: Centre for Human Rights releases a second press statement calling on Ethiopia, the African Union and the United Nations human rights monitoring mechanisms to take steps regarding the gross human rights abuses in Ethiopia.

Labsa Ficincila Xumura Gabrummaa Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo Irraa Bahe: Renewed Declaration of Protest to Culminate Slavery

The Guardian: Olympic medallist Feyisa Lilesa’s gesture was a plea for justice for his people.Click here to read at Oromian Economist, 24 August 2016

EU Ambassadors briefing on Ethiopia, 23 August 2016

Germany: Human Rights Commissioner on the unrest in Ethiopia: Press Release. #OromoProtests

Read more at Pressemitteilung Menschenrechtsbeauftragte zu den Unruhen in Äthiopien



UN calls for probe into Ethiopia protesters killings. #OromoProtests #Africa

UN calls for probe into Ethiopia protesters killings. #OromoProtests #Africa

UN calls for probe into Ethiopia protesters killings. #OromoProtests #Africa


Human Rights League: Ethiopia: Death Squad Killings in Oromia Continue as the World Community Responds with a Deaf Ear

Human Rights League: Ethiopia: Death Squad Killings in Oromia Continue as the World Community Responds with a Deaf Ear

The Tigran fascism: Its State repression, violence and genocide in Oromia

The Tigran fascism: Its State repression, violence and genocide in Oromia

Athlete Fraol Ebissa Won the Germany 10Km and shows his solidarity with #OromoProtests. 4 September 2016

Fiigicha  km 10 Fulbaana bara 2016 biyya Jarmanitti godhame irratti Atileetiin dhalataa Oromoo  Fraa’ol Eebbisaa injifate. Innis akkuma atileetota kanii mormii mootummaaa gabroomfataa irratti qabu Addunyaatti agarsiiseera.

Atileet Firaa’ol dorgommii adda addaa irratti yeroo baayyee injifachuun goota Alaabaa keenya dhugaa ol qabaa turedhaa.

Atileet Firaa’ol dorgommii adda addaa irratti yeroo baayyee injifachuun goota Alaabaa keenya dhugaa ol qabaa turedhaa.

Athlete Fraol Ebissa Won the Germany 10Km race and shows his solidarity with #OromoProtests. 4 September 2016Athlete Fraol Ebissa Won the Germany 10Km race and shows his solidarity with #OromoProtests. 4 September 2016. p2

Another Oromo athlete Demissie Tamiru repeats the #OromoProtests gesture at Rio Paralympics on 11 September 2016.

Gootummaan Oromoo gandaa,aanaalee fi guutuu Oromiyaa irra darbee hamma adduunyaa biyya lafaa raajutti itti fufee jira. Atileet Taammiruu Dammisee seenaa galmeesse!


Throwing up the “X” in parliament, Swedish MP Mr. Anders Österberg asked the Sweden Government to break silence on killings of Oromo & Amhara protesters in Ethiopia. 30 September 2016.#OromoProtests



Sean John Combs also known by his stage names Puff Daddy, Puffy, Diddy, and P. Diddy, is an American Hip Hop Recording Artist, Record Producer, Entrepreneur and Actor showing his support for Ethiopian Human Rights Global Movement.

Sean John Combs also known by his stage names Puff Daddy in solidarity with #OromoProtests

#OromoProtest, September 30, 2016

Sagalee Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo (SQ) Qophii Fulbaana 30, 2016

The Grand Oromo Rally, September 29, 2016, #OromoProteststhe-grand-oromo-rally-september-29-2016-oromoprotests

Sochii Diddaa Gabrummaa Saba Oromoo (Sadaasa 2015 – Hagayya 2016)

Gaaromaa B. Waaqasaa Hagayya 30, 2016


Barreffamni kun kan xiyyeefate sochii saba Oromoo sababa moottummaan abbaa irree Itoophiyaa “Finfinnee Karoora Guddicha Oromiyaa waliin walitti dabaluu “Addis Ababa – Oromia region integrated master plan” jechuun base mormii bara 2014 baatii Eeblaa keessa eegale irraa kaasee hanga ammaatti sochiiwan bifa adda-addaatiin adeemsifamaa ture fi ammas kan itti jiru irrati dha.

Karoorri magaalaa Finfinnee diriirsuuf moottummaan Itoopiyaatiin bara 2014 keessa labse, magaala Finfinnee fi magaalaalee 36 naannoo Finfinnee jiran walitti dabaluuf kan aggaamame ture. Sababa kanaanis yoo xiqqaate qotate bulaa Oroomoo miliyoona lamaa ol ta’an qee abbaa isaanii irraa buqisuuf kan karoorfame yoo ta’u lammii isaanii gaaga’umsa irraa baraaruuf barattootni Oromoo yuunivarsitii karoora kana gufachiisuuf sochiii mormii eegalani. Sochiin barattoota yuuniversitii Ambootiin eegalame guyyoota yartuu keessatti gara man barnootaa sadarkaa ol’aanaa fi gidduu galeessa akkasumas gara gandoota Oromoo maraatti babal’ate. Kunis ibidda hoongee ta’ee magaalotaa fi baadiyaalee Oromoo waliin gahuun karoorri moottummaan abbaa irree baafate ibdatti shidame . Loltootni moottummaa Itoophiyaa sochii diddaa saba Oromoo kana gara jabinaan tarkaanfiilee irratti fudhate, Oroomota 80 ol ajjeesani, dhiboota madeessani, kumaatama gara mana hidhaatti guurani. Humna waraanaatti dhimma bahuun yeroof dhaamsuu danda’ani. Yeroof human waraanaatiin ukkamsamee ganna tokkoof eega turee booda qophii fi qindoomina guddaadhaan Sadaasa 2015 keessa magaala Gincii keesatti sochiin bifa haarawaan eegalame. Fincilli diddaa saba Oromoo marsaa lammaffaaf magaalaa Gincii keessatti buruqe magaalaalee fi baadiyyaa Oromiyaa guyyoota yartuu keessatti waliin gahee hanga har’aatti itti baatiiwan sagal oliif osoo wal-irraa hin citiin gageeffamaa jira. Bareefamni kunis sochii diddaa saba Oromoo baatilee saglan dabran keessa ademsifamaa ture irratti kan xiyyefate dha. Continue reading

#OromoProtests, September 28, 2016

#OromoProtests 28 September 2016: Massive rally in Mandi West Walaga following funerwl service for Sanbata Imana who was killed while celebrating Meskel two days ago

Guyyaa Har’aa Qeerroon Godina Wallaggaa Magaalaa Mandii Hiriira Guddaa Gaggeessaa Jira.

Godina Arsii Bakkoota Gara Garaa Keessatti Diddaan Ummataa Jabinaa Itti Fufe,Waraanni Agaazii(TPLF)s Ummata Nagaa Goolaa Jira.

Fulbaana 27,2016,Godina Arsii aanaa Doddotaa magaalaa siree keessatti Qeerron Daandii cufee Wallee warraaqsaa Eebisaa Adunyaatin garmaamaa jira.

Kanuma waliin Arsii aanaa Diksiis Hamdaa magaalaa Diksiis keessatti kaabinootni OPDO ummata dararaa turan ammas gocha isaanii kana kan durii caalatti cichanii dalagaa jiraachuu fi miseensota ABO fi OPDO jechuun addaan baasanii namoota miseensota ABO ti jedhanii shakkan hiisisaa fi reebsisaa jiran maqaan isaanii akka armaan yeroo ta’u maqaan isaanii :-

  1. Muhaammad Qotichaa itti gaafatamaa dhimma nageenya aanaa
  2. Inispeektar Tashoomaa Mangistee
  3. Biraanuu Adaree itti gaafatamaa milishaa aanaa
  4. Bulbulee Muhaammad Bulchaa ganda 01Ta’uun beekamee jira.

Gama biroon achuma Godina Arsii lixaa aanaa Shaallaa gandoota ollaa magaalaa Shaallaa keessatti komaandoon ummata isaan dheefa daggalatti gale isintuu shiftaa bosonatti nurratti sooraa jira jechuun reebicha hamaa ummata nagayaa irraan gayaa jiru.ummanni magaalaa Shaallaa fi gandoota baadiyyaa jeeqama hamaa keessa jirra waan.ABO hin deggeriina jechuun kan ummata biyyattii shororkeessaa jiru sirna abbaa irree loltoota TPLF dha.

Arsii lixaa aanaalee Shaashamannee fi Shaallaa jiddutti kan argamu gaara Harree keessatti waraanni Agaazii ummatarraa hidhannoo hiikaa jedhamanii bobbaafaman tarkaanfii ummanni irratti fudhateen waraanni agaazii lama ummataan reebamanii galaafatamuun beekame. Continue reading



#OromoProtests 27 September 2016:

A meeting called by TPLF’s puppets in Oddo Shakkiso district in Guji Zone turns into fierce protest as elders stand up and denounce the regime and vow to fight to death
Godina Gujii aanaa Oddoo Shaakkisoo ganda Magaadoo keessatti walgahiin uummataa mootuummaan waamee gara mormii uummataatti jijjiirameera. Guyyaa kaleessaa Fulbaana 26, 2016 yookiin fulbaana 16, 2009tti, uummanni gaaffiiwwaan ciccima mirgaa abbaa biyyummaafi qabeenyummaa gaafachaa turane. Walgahiin mootummaan yaame kun gara mormiitti jijjiiramuun guutumaa gututti injifannoo ummataatiin xumurameera.



Birraan baranaa kan bilisummaatti. #OromoProtests during Irreechaa season. September 2016


Qabsoonis barannoonis itti fufa. #OromoProtests 27 September 2016


OromoProtests, East Hararghe, Biabbile, 27 September 2016



Guyyaa Kaleessaa Godina Wallaggaa Magaalaa Mandii Keessatti Dargaggoo Imaalaa Lidataa Waraana Wayyaaneen Wareegame Har’a Kabajaan Gaggeefamaa Jira.








































#OromoProtests, in South Korea an Oromo woman stands solidarity with Oromo Protests, 24 September 2016


OromoProtests, in Egypt, Cairo, solidarity with Oromo Protests on world Peace Day, 24 September 2016


#OromoProtests in Arsi (Dodolaa and Seeru) Oromia, 24 September 2016

Godina Arsii Dodolaa fi Seerutti keessatti Fulbaana 24, 2016 mormiin FXG gaggeefamaa oole.



Guutoo Giddaa Magaalaa Ukkee Barsiisonni Leenjii Dabbalootaa TPLF Dura Dhaabbachuun Haala Boonsaan Xumuran

Fulbaana 24,2016
Godina Wallagga bahaa Aanaa Guutoo giddaa Magaalaa Ukkeetti Leenjiin barsiisotaa kan torban lamaaf ture har’a Barsiisonni keenya
injifannoodhaan Xumuraniiru…Guyyaa walga’iin kun eegale irraa kaasuun barsiisonni mana barumsaa ukkee sadarkaa 1ffaa fi 2ffaa
Mootummaa nama nyaata kana hadheeffatanii mormuudhaan Mujula kana hin dubbifnu jechuun harkatti didanii Mormii bifa callisuutiin
Xumuraniiru. Haalli kun waan garaa isaan gubeef Sabboona Barsiisaa Akkawaaq Jalduu kan jedhamuun Gaaffii qabdaa, hindubbattuu jedhanii
gaafannaan Sababan Dubbadheefan Xoollayitti hidhame jedhee deebiseef..

Waldaan Guutuu Wangeela Magaalaa Naqamtee Loltoota Wayyaanee TPLFn Goolamaa Jirti,Tajaajiltooti Waldichaas Hidhamanii Jiru.

Fulbaana 24,2016/ Warraakasa biyyoolessaa baatii 11 Oliif akka abidda saafaatti finiinaa tureen kan rifate mootummaan garboonffataau murna bicuu Wayyaanee aangoo isaatti fayyadamuun ilmaan oromoo sabboontota ta’aniifi tajaajiltoota wangeelaan maaliif uummataaf kadhattu jechuun magaalaa Naqamtee keessaa jumlaan mana adabaatti guuraa jira.
Haaluma kanaan  mootummaan  abbaa irree(TPLF) yakka isaa  ajeechaa fi doorsisni inni ummaata biyyaatirraan gahaa ture itti xinnaannaan amma immoo abbooti amaantii sabaaf kadhataan akkasumas uummata isaaniif kan  quqqamaan yakka tokko malee mana  adabaatti guuraa jira.
Hanga ammaattis tajaajiltoonni waldaa guutuu wangeelaa kan  magaalaa Naqamtee keessa jiran keessaa namoonni heedduun hidhamaa jiru.
Teessoon waldaa guutuu wangeelichaa kan inni keessatti argamus 07 keessa yemmuu ta’u namni tajaajiltoota wangeelaa kanarratti yakka duguuggaa sanyummaa raawwachaa jirus nama maqaansaa Fiqaaduu Takilee jedhamuudha.
Yakkamaan kun Waldaa guutuu wangeelaa keessaa nama tajaajilamuuf deeme fakkaachuun tajaajiltoota kanaan Yaa waaqayyo mootummaa kana nurraa buqqisi jechuun kadhattan jedhee mana hidhaatti guursisaa akka jirus baramee jira.
Bifuma walfakkaatuunis yakkamaan Fiqaaduu Takilee jedhamu kun tajaajiltoota kanaan maqaa meeshaa waraanaa guutummaa magaalaa naqamtee keessatti dhukaafamaa jiru isintu maallaqa walitti qabee bitaa jira maqaa jedhuun tajaajiltoota kana mana hidhaatti guursisaa jira.
Kanumaan wal qabatees tajaajiltoonni maqaan isaanii kanaa gaditti eerame mana hidhaatti kanneen gidduuma kana qabamanii jiran keessaa:

  1. Zerihuun Imiru hojiin isaa tajaajilaa guutuu wangeelaa magaalaa Naqamtee.
  2. Kennsaa Alemuu hojiinsaa tajaajilaa guutuu wangeelaa.
  3. Fayyisaa Tashomee hojiin isaa tajaajilaa guutuu wangeelaa.
  4. Kennasaa Darajee Hojiinsaa tajaajilaa guutuu wangeelaa

#OromoProtests, September 24, 2016

#SilentProtest at teachers indoctrination conference continues. #OromoProtests September 2016

OromoProtests, September 22, 2016, Click here at Ayyaantuu News.




Godina Wallaggaa Magaalota Qassoo,Moxee fi Yaamaa Hagaloo Jedhamu Keessatti Diddaan Sirna TPLF Itti Fufee Jira.

Fulbaana 21,2016 Godina Wallaggaa Bahaa Magaalaa Qassoo naannawaa mana barnoota sadarkaa lammaffaatti alaabaa Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo erga fannisanii booda, magaalicha guyya gabaa roobii waldaldalaa oolee wajjin ta’uun hanga halkan kanaatti mormii jabaa geggeessaa jiru.

Achuma Magaalaa Aanichaa Magaalaa Moxee irraa humnk waraanaa bakkichatti sochoosamaa fi tarkaanfii fudhachuu akka qaban ajjeechaa
ilmaan Oromoo irratti raawwachuuf tiki aanaa Waamaa Hagaloo Obbo Girmaa Gurmeessaa fi Tasfaayee Bantii akkasumas namni yeroo hedduu
uummatatti roorrisuun beekamu kaabineen tikaa Wayyaanee Takkaalliny Lammaa jedhama irratti walii galanii waraanni dhiiga uummata nagaa
akka lolaasuuf irratti walii galuu isaanii fi konkolaataan dhaqanii akka uummata goolan waajjira keessattiwal dhabuu. isaaniillee odeessi
waajjiricha keessaa ba’e dabalee addeessee jira.

Continue reading

#OromoProtests Fulbaana (September) 21, 2016: Guyyaa har’aa godina Aarsii Lixaa Aanaa Nansabooti magaala Garaambaamooti barsiisoonni wal gahii wayyanee  dhiitanii bahaniiru.


“Barsistonni B/M/ Sabbataa leenjii keessan dura xalayyaa daballii mindaa keenyaa fi kan ji’a 3 dura isa ittin nusossobdan maalirra akka jiru nubeesiftan malee mata duree tokko nutti hinkaasiinaa jedhani didda isaani itti fufanii jiru. Akkuma siyaasa keessaniif dhimmitan dhimma keenyaafis xiquma dhama’aa hamma kun jala muramee nutti himamutti waan tokko illee waliin hindubbannu jedhanii addaan bittinanii jiru. Mana barumsaa sad. 2ffaa barattoota 1,000 maatriki kutaa 10ffaa fudhatan keessaa barattoota 86 qofaatu qabxii pp galchu fide jedhanii barsiisonni kun akkamitti ilaallama qormaanni bara kanaa akkamitti ilaalameet kan bara dhufuuf dubbanna jedhani OPDO cinqaa oolan.”


#OromoProtests, SilentProtests, Fulbaana (September) 20 bara 2016:

Barsiisonni YuunvaristiiFinfinnee walga’ii kaleessa eegalan!!

Jalqabuun dura yaada namoonni tokko tokko kennaniin warra walga’ii geggeessu hinqaban jenee harkaa buufne jedhan! Walga’ii eegaluuf jennaan, uummata keenya gochaa gara – jabeenyaan ajjeefamaniif yaadannoo sammuu gochuun yaa eegallu, waan biraa waan goonu hinqabnuu ishima kanallee nurraa yaa argatan jechuun yaadannoo taasifnee akka eegallu ta’ee jira!
Itti fufuun, namoonni hedduun gaaffii barsiisonni gaafatan qofa dhaggeeffachuun ennaa jarri waltajjiirraa deebii kennuu eegalan ka’anii deemu! Waggaa 25 f deebii nuuf deebisaa turtan har’as nutti himaa jirtu! Kuftanii jirtu waan ta’eef hatattamaan aangoo gadi dhiisuu qabdu jechaanii jiru barsiisonni Yunivarsiitii Finfinnee!

Qabsoon itti fufa!!
Jabaadhaa Hayyoota Oromoo!!

Denmark global solidarity rally with OromoProtests, 21 September 2016.




#OromoProtests Fulbaana 20, 2016: Arsii Lixaa Dodolaatti, qeerroon Ganda Qacama Caree guyya har’aa tarkaanif jajjaboo lukkeelee woyyannee irratti fudhannee jirra jedhu.



OPDO is neither the the cause nor solution for the political crisis

Yesterday the regime announced that the top two puppets in Oromia have been removed and replaced by not so new faces. TPLF is either still dumb and numb about the depth of the crisis or chose to continue insulting the intelligence of our people. The cause of conflict between the regime and the Oromo and other peoples of Ethiopia is TPLF’s mission of and obsession with building and maintaining the supremacy of Tigreans. They have successfully built a system whereby power and wealth is monopolized in their hand. They are killing, jailing, exiling and reshuffling to preserve such domination. The puppet parties be it OPDO, ANDM or SEPDM were built and maintained to serve as tools of advancing and protecting this Tigrean supremacy. Hence reshuffling men and women at the head of these puppet parties does not make any difference in the ongoing conflict. They could appoint an OPDO or ANDM as prime minister, and still it won’t solve the problem. Since its created to advance TPLF mission of creating and protecting Tigrean supremacy, the so called EPRDF cannot be reformed through changing of guards or policy fixes –solution will come only when the mission is defeated and the regime is dismantled.

Having said this, why are Lemma Megersa & Workineh Gebeyehu chosen as the new place holders in Oromia? It meant to achieve two tactical objectives; to pacify the growing resentment within OPDO rank and file and the bureaucracy in Oromia, and to further militarize the administration in Oromia.

– Lemma is relatively popular among the younger cadres–hence TPLF believes appointing him will give false hope to the bureaucracy and give them breathing time internally. .
– Workineh is a shrewd politician with keen understanding of the role of the cultural sphere. He has long experience of reaching out to Oromo elders and religious leaders every time the regime faces challenge. They hope he can tap into that to isolate young protesters from the masses through the elders.
-The most important reason however is this. Both men come from the security branch having worked as police and intelligence chiefs. As it anticipates and prepares for further escalation into armed confrontation, TPLF believes these guys will be easier to work with the military and intelligence than Mukar ad Aster whom were very loyal but clueless about dealing with the military generals and spy masters who took over through command post.

Well that is TPLF’s calculation. They are still using that very old calculator left behind by Meles. The input, the machine and the output is off the mark. Jawar Mohammed, 21 September 2016

Fulbaana 20/2016  Wayyaanee TPLF  Aangawoota OPDO YAKKA ol-aanaa   ummata Oromoo irratti rawwachaafi raawwachiisaa turan  aangoo ırraa arii’uun yakkamaa biraa bakka buusan.

Uummatni Oromoo, Qeerroon Bilisummaa Oromoo, jaarmiyaaleen qabsoo Bilisummaa Oromoo, fi hayyootni fi beektootnı Oromoo sirni abbaa irree hundeen uummata keenyaa fi biyya keenyaarra buqqa’ee uummatni Oromoo bilisummaa isaa gonfachuufi walabummaa isaa deeffachuuf  qabsoo hadhooftuu gaggeessee wareegama qaalii kanfalaa jira malee jijjirama haromsa aangoo abbootii irree Wayyaanee OPDOf qabsa’a miti. OPDOn duras hardhas, borus aangoo ittin uummata Oromoo ficisiisuufi ulee harka mirgaa diinati malee uummata Oromoo bakka hin butuu, uummatni Oromoos OPDO jalatti akka bulaa hin jirree alaabaa OPDO gubee, waajji ishee irraatti duuguufi barbadeessuun itti argisiseera, kanaan booda aangawaan OPDO kamuu maqaa uummatan bakka bu’a jettuun Oromıyaa keessa socho’uu dhaabuu qabdi, uummatni Oromoo OPDO of irraa dhaabuuf of irrattii fi dargaggoota Qeerroo isaa irratti abdata.Kanaafuu  kanaan booda Oduun OPDOn bifa kamiinuu Odeessituu uummata Oromoo hin ilaallatu, OPDOn kan Uummata Oromoo miti, jijjiramni kabeebsaa fi itti fakkeessii  abbootii irreef gurraa hin qabnu!!  Diramaan OPDO kan arman gadii kana!!

1.Muktaar Kadir Bakki dhaloota isaa Godina Jimmaa Aanaa Shabee Somboo kan ta’eefi Presidentii OPDO ta’uun  Nama Uummata Oromoo irratti Waraanni Yeroo Labsamu, Waraana daa’imman, Dubartii ulfaa, Manguddootaa fi dargaggoota qaroo hawaasaa dhukaasee ajjeesaa jiru mediatti bahee kan galateeffachaa turefi waraana uummata keenyarratti labsuu keessatti qooda guddaa kan qabu  OPDO’n Aangoo irraa arii’uun ibsamaa jira!!

2. Asteer Maammoo Bakki dhalootaa GO/I/Abbaa Booraa Aanaa Gachii kan turtee fi  hiddi dhaloota ishee Oromoo hin taanee qubattoota irraa kan dhalatte fi Mınisteraa Sivil Servisii fi itti aantuu itti gaafatamtuu OPDO kan taatee fi yakkaa suukkaneessaa uummata Oromoo irraatti rawwatamuu sadarkaa hojjettootaa hanga uummataatti duguugınsa sanyii gaggeeffamaa jiru keessa harka guddaa kan qabduu aangoo OPDO irraa arii’atamte,

3.Lammaa Magarsaa Iafa-yaa’iin Caffee OPDO ergama diinummaa rawwatamaa jiru keessa kanneen qooda guddaa qaban, utuu arganii fi ilaalanii yeroo dubartiin ulfaa duutuu,daa’imni wareegamtu, manguddoon Gannaa 80 olii fi dargaggootni qaroo hawaasaa yeroo wareegaman ijaafi gurra cuqqallaachaa kanneen turanii fi yakkicha keessa warra harka qaban keessa tokko kan ta’ee angawaa Hogganaa OPDO ta’uun OPDOn Muuddattee jirti.

4. Warqinaa Gabayyoo gaafatamaan poolisii Federaalaa duraanii kan turee fi dhalootaan Oromoo kan hin taane fi yakka ulfaataa Uummata Oromoo irratti dalagamaa jiru keessa harka guddaa kan qabuu itti aanaa hoogganaa OPDO godhachuun OPDOn filattee jirti. Garuu uummataa Oromoo biyyaa keessa fi biyyoota garaagaraa jiran bakka hin bu’an. Oromoon waraanaan wal dura dhaabbachaa jira, hanga mirga isaa kabachiifatee bilisummaa isaa fi walabummaa isaa gonfatutti qabsoo isaa finiinsuun wareegamaa caaluu baasee of kabachiisuuf qophiidha!!

#OromoProtests, September 19, 2016, Ayyaantuu News.

Ogeeyyiin Fayyaa Ilmaan Oromoo Qabsoo Oromoo utubuuf kan ammaa caalaatti hojii aantummaa hojjechuu akka qaban, Dooktoroonni fi Ogeeyyiin Fayyaa Miseensa Qeerroo ta’an waamicha dhiyeessan!

Fulbaana 19,2016

Ogeeyyiin fayyaa kun Hospitaalota irraa walitti dhufanii yaada gurmuu qeerroo isaaniif kennaniin, bara 2014 keessa utuu ogeeyyiin ilmaan Oromoo irraa dhalatan hedduu ta’anii jiranii FDG yeroo sana Oromiyaa keessatti ta’een Qeerroon Oromoo diinaan rukutame,yaalii tokko malee guyyoota sadii booda du’uun isaa kan nama gaddisiisu qofa utuu hin taane,hanqinaa gama keenyaan jirudha jedhan!

 Yeroo ammaa kanas,murni alagaa ilmaan Oromoo abiddaan gubee gara hospitaala Abeet dame Hospitaala  Phaawuloos erga fidee booda,hojjettoonni Hospitaalichaa fi Hospitaalota maraa dhimma hojii tiif gara Hospitaalichaa akka hin seenne taasisuun, kanneen gamoo Hospitaala Abeet irra keessa dhaabbatan kutaa reeffaa kan jala jiru keessatti reeffa namoota abiddaan gubamanii suura kaasuuf yaaltan maqaa jedhuun hojjettoonni hojiirraa arii’aman! Yeroo ammaa kana hojjettoonni kutaa reeffaa keessaa mana callabbeessaa keessatti reeffa ilmaan Oromoo abiddaan gubamanii eegaa jiran dararaa fi sodaachisa tika mootummaa Itoophiyaarraa halkaniif guyyaa boqonnaa dhabuurraan kan ka’e mana isaanii akka gadhiisanii fi kanneen mana qaban immoo mana galanii maatii isaanii wajjin bulaa akka hin jirre dubbataniiru! Continue reading

Godina Wallaggaa Aanaa Guutoo Giddaa Magaalaa Ukkee Keessatti Dararaan Wayyaaneen Uummata Irratti Babal’ate

September 20, 2016
Gochi Wayyaaneen uummata Oromoo irratti raawwachaa jirtu daran daran haadhaa daangaa hin qabne keessa seenee jira. hidhaan adabuun hanqatee qeensa dargaggootaa hanga bubuqqisuuf gara laafina dhabuufiitiin geggeeffamaa jira,darggaggoo Kanneen armaa gadii Magaalaa Ukkee keessatti dararaa guddaa irraan gahaa jiru.
1-Indalkachew kan qeensa irraa buqqisanii reebichaan dararame
2,Takilee…kan maqaa abbaasaa hin baramin
3, Obsa xilahun dafaa….
4- Obbo xilaahun dafaa bulchiinsa magaalaa ukkeeti hojjetaadha. Abbaa obsaati..meeshaa isaani irraa fuudhame kan jiru Continue reading

Fulbaana 18,2016 Godina Arsii keessatti Wayyaanen dargaggoonni ayyaana irreechaa irratti argamuuf akka hin yaanne jechuun maatii dargaggootaa doorsisu eegalee jira.

Fulbaana 18,2016 Godina Arsii keessatti Wayyaanen dargaggoonni ayyaana irreechaa irratti argamuuf akka hin yaanne jechuun maatii dargaggootaa doorsisuu eegaltee jirti.guyyaa har’aa fulbaana 17/2016 Magaalota akka Shaashamannee, Adaabbaa, Ajjee, Waabee, Nageellee, Seeruu, Dheeraa, Itayya, Hamdaa, Siree, Gobeessa fi kofaleen keessatti wal gahiin dhimma ayyaana irreechaa ilaallatu jechuun wayyaanen waamtee manguddoota doorsisaa oolte bakkoota heddutti manguddoonni dheekkamsaan ergamtoota wayyaanee salphisuun.erga yoomii as dargaggoota ayyaana irreechatiif jedhee galmeessuu eegale bakka ilmaan Oromoo itti wal gayanitti argamuuf galmeen maaf barbaachise.ummata oromoo ka lubbuun jiru dhiisaa ka ficcisiiftaniif waan yaadaa jirtan nutti himaa erga biyya bulchaa jirra jettan jechuun gaafilee ciccimoon Afaan qabsiisun addaan bayuun isaanii dhagayame.kuni kanaan osoo jiruu guyyoottan hafanittis maatii dargaggootaa doorsisuuf kaabinoota hanga gandoota baadiyyaatti bobbaasun isii dhagayamee jira.

Gama biraan  Magaalaa Naqamtee Halkan kana dirree Waraanaa fakkaatti naannoo Ganda 05 tti dhikaasni dhaga’amaa Jira, qaama hin beekamnen Agaazii haleelaa Jira

Waldaan Christian Oromoo Magaalaa Finfinnee. – Oromo Christian church in Finifinnee, Oromia, in solidarity with #OromoProtests, 11 September 2016. The church held New Year prayer and solidarity with our people.


Teachers who are forced to participate in the 10 day indoctrination conference are engaged in #SilentProtest by refusing to ask, answer of comment. They are also boycotting food provided by the regime.
“Hirmii hin nyaannu!!” #OromoProtests September 2016


“Yuniavrsitii Wallaggaa Kampasii Shaambutti diddaan barsiisonni caldhisuun godhan itti fufee jira. Nama Dr. Balay Shifara jedhamuu mqaan waamtee dubbisuuf yaallaan waci eegalee achumaan dhiisan. Amma laaqana esheen qopheessites lagannee jirra.” #OromoProtests 15 September 2016

“Leenjii Barsiistota irratti Barsiistonni Kolleejjii Polii Teeknika Bishooftuu fi koolleejjiwwan dhuunfaa magaalichaa bakka yokkotti bakka leenjii koolleejjii poli Teeknika bishoftu keessatti hirmaachiseen Barsiistonni CALLISUUN DIDDAA giyyaa guutuu waan tokko otuu hin dubbatin hafanii waan ajaa’ibaati
Jarri nu teechisan keessaa obbo Caalii Xiiqii, Leggesee, fi itti aanaa diinii koollejjii pooli teeknika bishooftu kan ta’e Sulxaan ciigoo kan jedhaman dubbadhaa , yaada qabduu ……… cicci xumaaxum namni tokko dubbatu dhabamee jennaan kan duursanii warra afaan oromoo dubbatuuf hin dandeenye adda baasaanii otuu jiranuu waan jedhan wallaallan warri afaan hin dandeenye jirtu? Mee kan afaan oromoo dandeechan harka baasaa jechuun, Barssiisyonni afaan oromoo akka danda’an ibsachuuf otuu hin dubbatin harka baasan, eegas jedhan amma warri harka baastan maqaa waamanii dubadhaa jedhanii gara dirqiittis hoofuf jennaan Barsiistonni sagalee wal fakkaatun kolfa guddaa daqiiqaa walakkaaf ta’u kolfuun erga yokko deebisanii callisan guyyaan saa akka habashaatti 04/01/2009.” #OromoProtests 15 September 2016.


#OromoProtests 16 September 2016, SlentProtests: Dabballoonni Wayyaanee waan cinqii keessa galte fakkaatti.
Har’a Godina Arsii Aanaa Honqooloo Waabeetti, dabballoonni leenjii barsisootaa kennan waliin hasa’aa turan. Kunis barsiisoonni walgahii teechisaan nu jalaa dubbachuu didan jedhanii haasa’u.
☞yaada kennaa jennaan, cicci
☞waraqicha dubbisaa jennaan, cicci
☞gaaffii gaafadhaa jennaan, cicci
☞adeemsa jijjiirruu jennaan, cicci
☞qarshii 50,000 (kuma shantama) isiniif welcome qopheessine akka aanaatti jennaan, cicci
☞Mee anumaa arrabsaatii asii na ari’aa jennaanis, cicci,
cicciin cicumaan dhumte.
Kanaafuu,jarri rakkoo garaadha qabdi jenne, maal wayya? jedhanii mari’achaa jiru.”

“Barsiisonni magaala finfinnee kutaa magaala kirkos keessatti kan argaman keessaa Mana barumsaa qophaa’ina Abiyoot kirsi(jiisee). leenjii eegaluun dura wareegamtootaaf kadhannaa sammuu daqiiqaa tokko gochuudhaan jalqabani.Akkasumas barsiisonni mana barumsaa Misiraaggootti hirmaatani keessaa dareen tokko dhaggeeffachuu didanii rafnaan yookaan hirmaadhaa yookaan immoo gad bahaa jennaan barsiisotni jechoota ulfaataa itti lakkisanii of irraa arii’aniiru hanga ammaatti namni sadii ol itti jijjiiramus yaada kennuu hin dandeenye qondaalota Tplf harkatti fashaleessaniiru kun injifannoo guddaadha galatoomaa nuuf jedhaa.”

“Lenjii barsisota motumman wayyane qophesiite irratii caliisuun barsisoota univeristy science fi technology adama kessattis akkuma itti fufet jira. bayye kan nama aja’iibu yaada kenuu diduu barisoota qoffaa osoo hin ta’iin yeroo waltajii irra ergaamooni dina oddesituu barsisaan dhagefatuu tasuum hin jiruu. barsisoon bayeen walgahii kessa ta’iin mobile issan irra facebook fayyadamuu, gariin immo ni rafuu, gariin immo dabaaramani ta’uu, waluuma galaati walgahiichi bayye qoradha fi barsisooni waan nama gaddaara (taziiya) ta’aan fakkata, malee lenjii hin fakkatu.”

“Yunivarsiitii Wallaggaa campus Gimbiitti, yeroo amma kana qaamni ani OPDO dha jedhu waltajjii geggeessaa jirurratti waa’ee ajjeechaa lammii keenyyarratti raawwate hundee seerummaa itti uuffisuuf(uumuuf) yeroo yaaleetti iyya galma guutuu fi teessuma reebuun akka afaan hin saaqqanne waan beektu hin qabdu callisi dhiisii jechuun afaan qabsiisaniiru!!”


Fascist Ethiopia’s regime is conducting genocide on Konso people.




Fulbaana 18,2016 Godina Wallaggaa Horroo Guduruu, Magaalaa Kombolchaa Daandiin Konkolaataa Kana Fayyaata.


#OromoProtests – September 14, 2016click here for morenews

Diddaan Qeerroo Bilisummaa fi Ummataa Itti Fufuun Oromiyaa Bakkoota Hedduutti Diddaan Daandiin Konkolaataa Cufuu Itti Fufee Jira.

abo2Fulbaana 14,2016 Oromiyaa guutuu keessatti daandii cufuun dhaabbataan  itti fufeedhuma jira. torban tokko dura gabaa lagannaan oromiyaa guututti kan taasifamee turee fi daandii cufuun haala wal fakkaataadhaan magaalotaa fi godinaale hundatti ammallee yeroodhaa yerootti cufamaa jiran. Haga ammaatti wayyaaneenis banuu kan hin dandeenye daandiin cfuamee kan hafee jiru Magaalaa shaashamanneetti guyoota hedduu lakkoofsisee jira daandii guddaan ,Boojjii Birmajii Biilaa,Qilxuu Kaarraa, Awwadaayi keessatti daandiin hin banamin torban lamaa ol lakkoofsiseera humna banuu hin dandeenye qabaachuun wayyaanees barameera akkasuma hamma ammaatti duulli hojii dhaabuu adeemsifamee itti fufee dhaabbachuus akka hin qabne waggaa kana guutuu duula hojii dhaabuutti hojetootni walii galaa jiraachuunis beekameera. Magaalawwan negellee,daaroo, mechaaraa, adaamaa fi kkf keessa halkan Qeerroon akeekkechiisa hojii dhaabuu gabaa lagachuu,danddii cufuu uummataa kennee jira barruun kunis magaalota kanneen keessatti bittimdfamee jira. Continue reading

Godina Lixa Shaggaar Aanaa Midaa Qanyii Gandaa Haleeluutti Waraanni Wayyaanee Jiraattota Irratti Yakka Sukkanneessaa Deemisaa Jira.

Fulbaana 13,2016 Godina Lixa Shaggaar Aanaa Midaa Qanyii Gandaa Haleeluutti Waraanni Wayyaanee Kora Bittinneessaa fi loltootni Liyyuu Hayilii Wayyaanee EPRDF/TPLF/OPDO Yakka Suukkaaneessaa Mana Jireenyaa Abbootii warraa Shani(5) İrratti dhuka’aa dhoosuu fi Ibiddaa itti qabsiisuun Barbadeessan.

 Tarkaanfii keessa deebii hin qabne dhiyeenya humni ittisa uummataa miseensa waraanaa fi basaasa Wayyaanee uummata hiraarsaa kan jiru nama maqaan isaa Fedhasaa Ganneetii jedhamuu irratti fudhateen wal qabatee mootummaan waayyaanee humna ittisa uummataa nyaachisaa jirtu , ijoolleen keessaan humna ittisa uummataa waliin hariiroo qabu jechuun uummata nagaa  irratti yakki suukkaneessan rawwatamee jira. Continue reading

Barsiisotii fi Hojjettooti Yuuniverstii Wallaggaa Walgahii TPLF Waame Lagatan

Fulbaana 14 /2016 Godina Wallagga bahaa magaalaa Naqamtee fi naannoo ishee keessatti formiin itti fufuun, walga’ii guyyaa har’aa kana yuunversiitii Wallaggaa keessatti geggeeffamaa ooleen  sabboontonni barsiisonni Yuunversiitichaa guutummaan guutuutti wal ga’ii Wayyaanee kana  irratti diddaa  garboonffattuu Wayyaaneef qaban haala ajaa’ibsiisaa ta’een warra wal ga’icha geggeessuuf dhaqan afaan qabachiisanii jiru.
Qaamonni walgaicha mariisisuuf deemanis gaafii gaafachuun mirga keessan gaafa jedhanitti barsiisonnis gaaffii gaafachuu fi yaada isaanii kaasuu waan didaniif profeeseriin yuunversiitii wallaggaa kan ta’e dr Eebbaa miijanaa itti waamuudhaan dirqamaan gaaffii akka kaasaniif doorsisaa akka jiraniif doorsisaa akka oolan baramee jira.
Wal ga’icha irrattis barsiisonni  tokkoyyuu gaaffii kaasuu waan didaniif mootummaan wayyaanee dirqiidhaan gaaffii akka kaasaniif   hiraarsaa akka oole maddeen keenya achirraa nuqaqqaban ifa godhu.










Sagalee Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo (SQ) Qophii Fulbaana 13, 2016September 13, 2016

Godina Lixa Shaggar Gidduugaleessaa Oromiyaa Aanaa Adaa’aa Bargaa Mogoritti Warraaqsii Biyyoolessaa Oromiyaa FXG Daran Jabaatee Itti Fufe.

Fulbaana 13,2016 Godina Lixa Shaggar Gidduugaleessaa Oromiyaa Aanaa Adaa’aa Bargaa Mogoritti Warraaqsii biyyoolessaa Oromiyaa FXG daran jabaachuun itti fufe. Mogoor  keessatti

1. Sababa sochii duulaa gabaa lagachuu fı uggura dinagdee buusuu torbee tokkoof gaggeeffameen manneen daldalaa fi suuqiiwwaan cufamanii turan banamaa yeroo jirachuun walqabatee waraanni Agaazii Uummata irratti reebicha hamaa gaggeessuun jumlaan mana hidhaatti guuraa jira.

2. Hoojjettootni  Warshaa Simintoo DANGOTE hojii guutummaatti dhaabuun diddaa isaanii kan itti fufani jiran yoo ta’uu qondaalotni wayyaanee aangawootni warshichaa fi abbaa qabenyummaa isaa waayila wayyaanee lammii Naajeeriyaa kan ta’ee kasaaraa guddaaf saaxilamee waan jiruuf warshicha banuuf illee fedhii kan hin qabnee ta’uu argisiisee jira Yeroo ammaa kana hojjattootni warshichaa guutummaan mooraa warshichaa keessa dhaabbatanii argamu. Qeerroon Mogoor qindeessıtootnı sochii warraaqsaa FXG’n keenyaa roga hundan hanga wayyaaneen Oromiyaa gadhiiftee baatutti itti fufa jechuun dhaamsa dabarsan!!

Naqamtee Cufaa Jiru,Diddaan Ummataas Itti Fufee TPLFn Burjaajessaa Jira.


Exif_JPEG_420Guyyaa har’aa kana Fulbaana 13,2013  Godina Wallaggaa Magaalaa Naqamtee keessatti dukkaanni(Suuqiin) Sabboontota Oromoo gabaa lagatanii turanii Milishoota Wayyaaneen gutummaan cufamaa jira.

Buufata konkolaataa magaalaa Naqamtees ganama irraa kaasee guutummExif_JPEG_420aatti cufamee jira.
Taaksiin magaalaa Naqamtee keessa jiranii fi baajaajjonnis diddaa mootummaa garboonfataa Naqamteef qaban ganama irraa kaasuudhaan akkuma itti fufanitti jiru.
Milishooti Wayyaanee ammoo Suuqiilee diddaa gabaa lagachuuf cufaa turan adabuuf jecha irra deemaanii cufaa jiru.Exif_JPEG_420

Gama biraan Goototi Barsiisoti Oromoo Aanaa Ginde Beret akka aadaa isaanii gootummaa hojjetan.
Har’aa Fulbaana 13,2016 Barsiisota Aanaa Gindebert mana barnootaa qopha’inaa fi sadarkaa 2ffaa dirqisiisuun walitti qabanii leejii isinii laanna jechuun dabballoonni TPLF siyaasa isaanii osoo hin dubbatiin duratti gootonni barsiisonni Oromoo itti iyyuun isin ummata Oromoo bakka bu’uu hin dandeessan dhaabi keenya ABO dha isin nu hin bulchitan jechuun itti iyyuun qaanessaa jiru.

Godina Shaggar Kaabaa Aanaa Yayyaa Gullaallee Keessatti FXG Itti Fufee Oole.September 13, 2016


Karaan Oromiyaa Keessaa Garam Nama Geessaa???














Oromia’s freedom flag everywhere in Oromia. #OromoProtests 11 September 2016



#OromoProtests and Market Boycott continued unabated, September 11 and 12, 2016.  

Commercial bank boycott in Arjo ( East Wallaggaa, Oromia).  “Kuni hiriira baankii daldala xoophiyaa Arjooti”. #OromoProtests 10 September 2016


#OromoProtests, Boycott Continued Unabated, September 10, 2016

#OromoProtests in Sulultaa, Oromia


Oromiyaa Guutuu Keessatti FXG Jabaatee Itti Fufee Jiraachuu Qeerroon Gabaase.

fxgFulbaana 10,2016 Wayita kana akkuma beekamu haalli ormiyaa keeysa jiru danqaa fi ummanni Oromoos yeroo itti bilisummaa isaa gonfatu fakkaatee jira.
Fooliin Bilisummaa kan urgaa’aa jiruudha. Torban kana sababan dirqama hojif bobbahee tureef caasaan odeesa sochiiwwan Qeerroo fi uummataa kan godinoota hundaa irraa yeroo kana sochiin hubatamu haala jabaa tahuun kan diina abdii kutanna dhumaa fi uummatas kan boonsu tahuun shakkii kan hin qabne tahee mul’ateera.
1.      Godina Qellem wallaggaa irraa magaala Dambi Doolloo fi naannowaa ishee guutummaatti FXG dhowee uummanni magaalicha dhuunfatee kan ture Wayyaaneen humna lakkoofsa guuddaa fi meeshaalee gurguddaa bobbaasuun uummata irratti dhukaasni banamee kan jiru guyyoota muraasa asitti haga ammaatti namni 5n wareegamuun beekamee jira. ijoolleen lama magaala DD ganda 07 keessatti yoommuu tahu kaanis baadiyaattii miidha jabaan uummata irra gahaa jiraatuun odeessi dhufe addeessa. Uummanni FXG baadiyaa keessatti finiinsuun daandii cufuu, riqicha addaan kutuu fi kkf irratti hojeta jira. Fulbaana 6 kaasee magaalli Dambi Doolloo humni uummataa waan isaan sodaachiseef uummanni manaa akka gadi hin baane gootee jirti. Humna addaa daangaa irraa dhufe achi buusuudhaan Qeerroo dhabamsiisuuf meeshaa kanneen akka matiriyeesii fi kkf konkolaataa hedduudhaan magaalicha nannawuun uummata doorisaa turaniiru. Sababa kanatti uummanni guyyoota sadan kana mana keessaa gadi bahuu hin dandahu har’a garuu manaa bahuun garuu bittaanii fi gurgurtaan akka hin jirre magaalicha keessa gabaafamaa jira. Inni kun waggaa kana guutuu irratti hojjenna jechuun naggaadoni itti walii galaa jiran. Tajaajila geejjibaas kennuun itti fufiinsaan akka tahu uummanni ammallee waamicha isaa waliif dabarsaa jira.  namoni hedduunis hidhaatti guuramaa jiru.
2.      Magaala shawaa lixaati hojjettootni baatii tokkoon dura hojii dhaabanii jiru. Godina kana keessatti Amboo, Geeddoo, Gudar, Mugar, fi kkf keessatti duulli hojii dhaabuu milkaawee waan jiruuf Qeerroon caasaa isaa toohachuudhaan kan warraaqsicha butachuuf barbaadanis toohannoo caasaa tolchuudhaan hojii itti fufsiisanii jiru.
Konkolaattotni hedduun barbaadeeffamaniiru. Yeroo kana waraqaan Qeerroodhaan barreeffames ABO fi WBO kan leellesu Shggar  lixaatti haalan bittimfamee argama. Inni kun halkan halkan waan hojjetamuuf humni waraana agaazii jedhamu magaalota sana keessa buufatee jira.
hojiin tikoota dina achi keessa buufatanii jiran halkan waraqaa Qeerroo faca’e bulu ganama osoo uummanni hirribaa  hin kahin funaanuudha. Haala kanaan uummanni qabamee qabamee gadhiifamaa jira.
3.      Wallagga lixaa Gimbii, Najjoo, Mandii, Hoomaa fi kkf keessatti FXG uummataa jabaatee itti fufeetu jira. godinoota kana keessatti haaluma kana wal fakkaataadhaan diddaa gibiraa, gabaa dhiyeessuu, walgahii diduu fi kkf kan wal irraa hin cinneen itti fufeetu jira.  akka lixa Oromiyaa waluma gala injifannoo gurguddaatu jira gama FXGtiin gama tarkaanfii uummata keessaa fi humna FXG keessatti ijaaramee socho’u kan of duuba hin deebineen gumaa gootota waregamanii baasaa jiru, kan adaba basaastota diinatti kennaa jiru magaalota oromiyaa garagaraa keessatti haala wal fakkaadhaan itti fufee hojjetamee jira.
4.      Naannoo FF fi Shaggar kaabaa dabalatee godinoota addaa keessattis Qeerroon uummanni keenya dhiyeessii garagaraa gara FF dhiyeessu irraa deebisaa jira. waggaa kana akkuma karoora keenyaatti dhiyeessii kutuu ,yeroodhaa yerootti daandii cufuu, tarkaanfii fudhachuu, walgahii diduu, gibira kaffaluu diduu, fi kkf mirkaniidha.  Shawaa kaabaa fi naannoo amaaraa kan geessu daandiiwwan bakka hedduutti citanii jiru. Amma mootummaan wayyaanee kufaatii isaa mirkaneeffataa dhufeera. Godinoota biroo oromiyaa keessatti FXG sadarkaa baadiyaatti itti fufee jira waggaa dhufaa jiru kana manneen barnootaa kamuu oromiyaa keessatti akka hin gaggeeffamne akkuma murtii Qeerroo olaanaa irraa darbetti caasaadhan gadi buhee uummanni oromoos FXGf of qopheessaa jira.

Qeerroon Bilisummaa Oromoo kan magaalaa Naqamtee fi naannoo keessatti argaman fulbaana 05/2016 halkan guutuu barruullee warraaksaa maxxansaa fi bittinsaa bulan.





Waraqaan kun  uummanni magaalaa Naqamtee fi naannoo ishees Ficila Xumura Gabrummaa FXG  akka finiinsaniif waraqaan waamichaa godhameefii jira.
Barruulleen warraaksaa dhimma hidhamtoota mana hidhaa Qilinxoo iirrattis haalaan guutummaa magaalaa Naqamtee fi naannoo ishee keessa facaafamaa bulee jira.
Kanneen keessaa:
– Hidhamtoonni balaa abiddaa qilinxootin du’an uummatatti haa mullifaman.
-Hidhamtoonni rasaasa Wayyaanneetiin boqotan uummatatti haa agarsiifaman.
-Biyya isaa irratti abbaan biyyummaa Oromoo haa kabajamu.
-Abbaan biyyaa Oromoodha.
-OPDOn farra qabsoo bilisummaa Oromooti.
-OPDOn diina uummata oromooti jechuudhaan  ,dhaadannoolleen kunneen facaafamaa bulanii jiru.
Mootummaan Wayyaanees naasuu keessa seenuun uummata nagaa karaa irra deeman tumanii manatti olseensisaa jiru.
Uummanni magaalaa Naqamtees guyyaa keessaa naannoo sa:a 11 iirraa kaasuun guutummaan guutuutti suuqii cufuun ,taaksiin akkasumas konkolaataan kam iyyuu karaarra akka hin deemneef walii galteedhaan murteessuun jibba mootummaa Wayyaaneef qaban mullisanii jiru.
Mootummaan gabroonffataan Wayyaanees kirkirffannaa keessa seenuun uummata magaalaa Naqamtee namni tokko suuqiis ta’u kaaffeen,manni nyaataa akka hin cufne  jechuun doirsisaa jira.

Godina Arsii Magaalaa Waabee Eddoo Keessatti Gubachuu Mana Hidhaa Qilinxoon Sababeefachuun Ummanni Diddaa Itti Fufe.

14184553_1584923995145172_2022012586903986552_nGodina Arsii magaalaa Waabee Eddootti Qeerron Bilisummaa Oromoo fi ummanni guyyaa har’aa 4/9/2016 Gochaa sanyii duguuggaa wayyaanen mana hidhaa qilinxootti raawwatte sababeeffachuun mormii godhaa oolun daandii magaalattii seenu kallattii hundaanuu cufaa oolaniiru.Karaa biraatin asuma godina arsii magaalaa Boollootti Qeerron basaastuu wayyaanee Taammiraat Hayluu Assaffaa jedhamurratti gaafa3/9/2016 halkan naannoo saa’atii 6:00 irratti mana isaatii gadi baasun tarkaanfii irratti fudhataniin guyyaa har’aa 4/9/2016 wareegamuun isaa himameera.

Kana malees Godina Wallaggaa magaalaa Jaarsoo keessatti Qeerroon Bilisummaa barruulee warraaqsaa ummataaf raabsaa ooluu fi jala deemtota Wayyaanee akeekachiisaa turuun beekame.

Abbaan Irree Wayyaanee TPLF Godina Arsii Aanaa Dododaa Magaala Dodolaa Ummata Nagaa Rasaasaan Goolaa Jira.FXGs Itti Fufe.

14192776_1093987890686579_478949996451881251_n14184353_1093987947353240_1319711451092704951_nGodina Arsii Aanaa Dodolaa Magaalaa Dodolaatti humnootni abbaan irree Wayyaanee dargaggoo Qeerroo Oromoo Kan maqaan isaa Abdullaxiif Sanbatoo jedhamu 4/9/2016 rasaasan naannoo masgiida fatihii gamoo muniir biratti rasaasa lamaan rukuttee hospitaala Dodolaatti yaalamaa jiruun yaalcha baqaqsanii hodhuutin rasaasni qaama isaa keessaa bahuun himamee jira.Sababuma kanaan ummanni magaalaa Dodolaa guyyaa har’aa hospitaala duratti yaa’un deeggarsa isaaf qaban agarsiisanii jiru jedha gabaasni Qeerroo Dodolaa14203241_1093995064019195_3656063882813952635_n14233035_1093994994019202_6625600833057223318_n









Warraaqsi Fincila Xumura Gabrummaa(FXG) Godina Wallaggaa Magaalaa Naqamtee Keessatti Halkan Kana Bifa Addaan Ka’ee Jira. Wayyaaneen Dhukaasa Banee Jira.

Fulbaana 5,2016
Warraaksi biyyoolessaa galgala sa’a 1:30 irraa kaasee guutummaan magaalaa Naqamtee raafamaa jira. Humni federaalaas uummata irratti dhukaasa banuun uummata goolaa jira. Humni kora bittineessaas magaalaa naqamtee keessaa naannoo boordii jedhamutti uummata rebaa jira. kaan immoo konkolaataatti naqanii butanii badaa jiru. Uummanni akka malee reebamaa jira.

Amma galgala kana Magaalaa Naqamtee Naannoo Boordiitti Uummata nagaarratti sodaa boriitiif dhukaasi banamee jira.Namoonni jireenya isaanii fooyyeffachuuf karaarra daldalanii bulanirra balaan Dhaqqabuu mala,ammaaf addan baafannee hin jirru.Qorachaa jirra nu hordofa waan dhalatu hin beekamu.


Diina irra hin bitiini, itti hin gurguriin. #OromoProtests. September 2016

Boycott business of the Woyane ( fascsit Ethiopia’s regime), September 2016

A letter from Oromo political prisoners in Qilnxoo, #OromoProtests September  2016

Duula Diddaa Bittaa Gurgurtaa ilaalchisee xalayaa hogganoota mana hidhaa Qilinxoo irraa ergame.

Waggaan baranaa kun yoomiyyuu caalaa ilmaan keenya kan itti dhabane, kumaatamoonni kan itti hidhaman, hedduun as buuteen isaanii kan itti dhabame waan ta’eef lammiilee keenya kanneen yaadachuuf guyyoota gaddaa labsineef deebii ajaa’ibsiisaa kennitanii jirtu.Gocha kanaan diinni na’eera. Nutiifi sabni keenya boonneerra. Quuqamaafi jaalala ummata keessaniif jecha gatii guddaa kafaltanii deebii waamicha keenyaaf laattaniif kabaja isinii qabnuufii galata keenya isinii dhiheessuu barbaada Galatoomaa, ulfaadhaa.
Yoo waldhageenye, walitti birmannee, walbira dhaabbanne salphinni nurra jiru kun nurra hin bubbulu, bubbulus hin qabu. Tokkoon tokkoon qajjiisa funyoo morma keenyatti maramee jiru kukkunnee hanga bilisoomnutti waldhaga’uufii walbira dhaabbachuun keenya itti haa fufuu jechuudhaan waamicha biraa qabannee dhihaachuun dirqama nutti ta’ee jira.
Akkuma beektan har’as ajjeechan nurraa hin dhaabbanne, hidhaan itri fufee jira, Ambulaansonni deessotaaf kadhaan biyyoota alaa irraa argaman dargaggoota keenya akka allaattii butanii fiiguuf gandeen keenya keessa wal maruu itti fufanii jiru. Haati ilma deesse har’aas imimmaan ishee hin qoorre. Maqaan maastar pilaanii yoo ka’uu baateeyyuu har’aas ummata keenya lafa isaa irraa buqqisuun hin raawwanne.
Namoonni ilmaan keenya ajjeesan seeratti nuu haa dhihaatan jennee osoo gaafachaa jirruu dheengadda hagayya 16 Muummichi ministeeraa ifatti badhaafamanii jiru. Manni maree jiddu galeessa ADWUI hagayya 18 – 22 tti yaada yeroo irratti marii gaggeessen waa’ee daangaa Tigraayifii naannoo Amaaraa ilaalchisee hiika itti kennuuf murtii dabarsee jira. Karaa biraa garuu waggaa tokko guutuf nagaya dhabiinsaaf sababa kan ta’eefii wareegama lubbuu hedduu kan gaafate dhimmi maastar pilaanii daangaa waliin kan walitti qabate ta’uusaa osoo beekuu maqaallee osoon dhahin bira darbee jira.
Mata dureen kun osoo hin ka’in hafuunsaa yoo xiqqaate waan sadii nutti garsiisa.
1ffaa, Ajjeechaan ummata keenya irratti raawwate sirrii ta’uu isaafii akka itti fufu murtaa’uu isaa agarsiisa.
2ffaa, ummanni kun humaa fiduu hin danda’u jedhamee tuffatamuu isaa mul’isa.
3ffaa, paartii biyya bitu sana keessa bakka bu’aan ummata oromoo kan hin jirre ta’uusaa agarsiisa. Eeyyee kan nuu falmu hin jiru.
Yeroo ammaa kana bulchitoonni keenyaa fi ergamtoonni isaanii qabeenya nusaamaniin alaa fi mana isaanii guuttatanii waggaa haaraa sirbaafi gammachuun simachuuf qophaawaa jiru.
Nutimmoo akkamiin simachuuf deemna? Waggaan itti deemnu kun waan haaraa nuufidee akka hin dhufne mallattoo isaa argaa jirra.
Uffata haaraa bitannee nyaata gaarii nyaannee dhugaatii gaarii dhugnee ergaa “baga geessee” walii dabarsinee bakka bashannanaa deemnee gammachuun dabarsuuf sababa hin qabnu. Haala kanaan yoo dabarsine fooniifii dhiiga ilmaan keenyaa akka soorannetti lakkaawama. Ummanni bilisummaa hin qabne wantoota akkanaa raawwachuun irraa fokkisa, nituffachiisaas. Tokko tokkoon qarshii harka keenyaa bahu eenyu harka gala? Maaliif oola laata? Naanna’ee naanna’ee rasaasa ilmaan keenya ittiin du’an bita, mana hidhaa isaan itti hidhaman ijaara, abbootii irree aangoo irra tursa, nuun ammoo bilisummaa keenya dheeressa.
Kanaaf diinagdeen qaama qabsoo keenyaa ta’uu qaba. Diinatti ulee kenninee na hin rukutin jennee kadhachuu dhaabuu qabna.
Wanti bilisummaa keenyaf hin taane qarshiin tokkolleen bahuu hin qabu, homaa nugochuu hin dandeessan jedhee mootummaa nutti dhaadatu waa gochuu akka dandeenyu yeroon itti agarsiisan amma ta’uu qaba. Karaa diinagdee malli ittiin mootummaa kanarra dhiibbaa gahan hedduutu jira. Ammatti kanneen armaan gadii hojirra akka oolchitaniif lafee ilmaan oromoo nuuf jecha wareegamaniin waamicha isinii dabarsina.
Jalbultiin ayyaanaa kun yeroo itti ummanni keenya fedha isaaniitin ofsaamsisaniidha. Saamicha kana baroota dheeraaf keessummeessinee jirra amma garuu raawwachuu qaba. Guyyaa ergaan kun isin dhaqqabee kaasee hamma bituu diduufii gurguruu diduudhaan humna harka keessan keessa jiru agarsiisaa. Gurraachonni Ameerikaa konkolaachisaan adiin tokko dubartii gurraattii tokko adiif akka iddoo gadidhiiftu ajajee isheen didnaan morma qabee gadi darbate. Gurraachonni salphina kana fala dhaabbachuuf guyyaa tokkoof otoobus yaabuu lagachuuf murteessanii garuu guyyoota 381ffaa miila isaaniin deemuudhaan ulfina isaanii deeffatan. Nutimmoo salphina kana caalu baannee maalif waan qabnu facaasaa deemna? Gaandiin ummanni Indiyaa uffata warra biritish lagatee jibrii foo’atee, dhahee akka uffatu gochuudhaan saba isaa bilisummaa gonfachiiseera. Nutis midhaan keenya, jimaa keenya, buna keenya, horii keenya, damma keenya, dhadhaa keenya, walumaa galatti oomisha keenya gabaa baasuu dhiisudhaan akkasumas meeshaalee , uffata , nyaataa fi dhugaatii bituu dhiisuudhan badiinsa nutti deemaa jiru haa hir’isnuu.
Mee guyyatti keessumaa yeroo ayyaanaa, nama dubbisuuf , sirba filachuuf, gaaffii gaafachuuf , gaaffii deebisuuf , marii irratti qooda fudhachuuf , baga geessee namaa dhaamuuf, kkf qarshii meeqa akka baafnu yaadaa. Isaan kun ummata bilisummaa hin qabneef barbaachisoodhaa? Mee isa guyyatti baaftan kana ammoo ummata keenya akkuma kana raawwatan yoo xiqqaate miiliyoona 15 ta’u meeqa akka baasu tilmaamaa. Kun hundi rasaasa ittiin duunu bituuf ykn nama nu’ajjeesu badhaasuf ooluu danda’a. Kana duwwaa miti. Dargaggoota keenya maqaaf mana murtitti deddeebi’aa jiran irratti ragaa ta’ee dhiihaachaa kan jiru ragaa teeleeti. Kanaaf haalli humnaa olii yoo numudate malee teelee lagachuudhaan maallaqa keenya haa qusannuu, bilisummaa keenya haa saffisnuu, adaba irraas haa oolluu.
Qooda baankii daldala itoophiyaa fayyadamnu baankilee biroo yoo fayyadamne , galii mootummaa hanga tokko xiqqeessuudhaan humna isaa laaffisuu ni dandeenya.
Lammileen keenya biyya alaa jiranis gara biyyaatti maallaqa wayta ergan filannoo birootti akka fayyadamaniif waamicha isaaniif goona.
Karaalee mootummaan ittiin maallaqa saamu keessaa tokko lootorii bifaafii maqaa adda addaa qabaniini. Kanaaf lootorii biyyoolessaas ta’ee kanneen achumatti soofanii carraa ofii ilaallatan bituu lagachuudhaan qabsoo karaa diinagdee keessatti qooda fudhadhaa.
Konkolaattota naannoo tokkoo gara naannoo birootti daangaa qaxxaamuranii deeman kanneen magaalattii gara baadiyyaatti ykn Baadiyyaatii gara Magaalatti Meeshaa fi nama deddeebisan, Baajaajotaa fi Taaksii qaammee 1-5 fayyadamuu dhiisuudhaan mana akka ooltan ykn lukaan deemuudhaan qooda akka fudhattan isin yaadachiisa. Konkolaachiftoonnii fi Abbootiin qabeenya konkolaattotas ummata keessaniif aantummaa akka agarsiiftan kabajaan waamicha isiniif dabarsina.
Akkuma hundumti keessan hubachuu dandeessan malli qabsoo nuti eegalle kun biyya kana keessatti baay’inaan hojirra kan oolee miti. Wareegama xixiqqaas kan nama baasisu ta’ee mul’achuu danda’a. Osoo uffata bitachuu danda’anii isuma duraan qaban qulqulleeffatanii yoo tarsa’es hodhatanii ittiin ayyaana oolun hin beekkamne. Waggaa haaraa ittoo lukkuu, Foon , dhugaatii malee simachuunis hin baratamne. Garuu jalqabamuu qaba. Wanti nurraa barbaadamu waan xiqqoodha, oftoo’achuu, fedhii ofii daangessuu, dhiibbaa aadaa fi ollaa jalaa bahuu, Qabsaa’aa kaayyoo qabu ta’uudha.
Mirga argachuuf wareegama kafaluun haaraa miti. Sabni aarsaa osoo hin baasin abbaa mirgaa ta’e hin jiru. Waggaa kana ummanni keenya tokko ta’ee seenaa hojjatee jira. Ammallee hanga cunqursaan nurraa kufutti malleen biroo heddutti fayyadamnee qabsoo keenya itti haa fufnuu. Har’aas borus diinagdeen qaama qabsoo keenyaa ta’ee itti fufa. Dhimma kana ummata hubachiisuuf dargaggoota irraa hedduutu eegama. Kan bilisummaa keenyaaf hin fayyadne qashii tokkollee hin baasnu!!
Hagayya 24 bara 2008

Boycott business of the Woyane ( fascsit Ethiopia's regime), September 2016Boycott business of the Woyane ( fascsit Ethiopia's regime), September 2016 letter from Oromo political prisoners in QilnxooBoycott business of the Woyane ( fascsit Ethiopia's regime), September 2016 letter from Oromo political prisoners in QilinxooBoycott business of the Woyane ( fascsit Ethiopia's regime), September 2016 letter from Oromo political prisoners in Qilinxoo p4

Boycott the fascist TPLF and its business. #OromoProtests #AmharaProtests
#OromoProtests 10  September 2016: Market Boycott 5th day continues.

#OromoProtests 9  September 2016: Market Boycott  4th day continues.

Godina Wallaggaa Ummanni Magaalaan Naqamtee FXG Diddaa Gabaa Lagachuu Akka Itti Fufanitti Jiru.


Fulbaana 09,2016 diddaan gabaa lagachuu guutummaa magaalaa Naqamtee keessatti kan guyyoota sadan darban irra caaluun akkuma itti fufeetti jira.
Godina Wallagga bahaa magaalaa Naqamtee keessatti diddaan gabaa lagachuu daran jabaachuun itti fufee jira.
Guutummaan magaalattiis callistee jirti. Dunkaanonni magaalaa Naqamtee fi naannoo ishee keessa jiranis hunduu cufamuun gara diddaa gabaa lagachuutti makamuun mootummaa Wayyaanee nagaa dhorkaa jiru.
Konkolaataan kamiyyuu magaalaa Naqamtee keessa oliif gadi socho’aa hin jiru.
Kanneen walii galtee uummataa cabsanii socho’an immoo tarkaanffii Qeerroo Leeqaatiin haleelamaa jiru.


Baankonni magaalaa Naqamtee keessa jiranis baankii daldala Ithiyoopiyaa  irraan kan hafe hunduu diddaa gabaa lagachuutti makamuun mootummaa Wayyaaneetti kirkirffannaa guddaa naqanii jiru. Haaluma kanaanis baankonni kanneen akka:

  1. Baankii internaashinaalii Oromiyaa
  2. Baankii hojii gamtaa Oromiyaa
  3. Baankii Awwaash
  4. Baankii Hibirat
  5. Baankii konistraakshinii
  6. Baankii Nib
  7. Baankii Abiisiiniyaa
  8. Baankii Bunnaa fi kanneen kana fakkaatan magaalaa Naqamtee fi naannoo ishee keessattiExif_JPEG_420guutummaan guutuutti cufuudhaan diddaa gabaa lagachuu uummata isaanii waliin ta’uun jibba mootummaa Wayyaaneef qaban mullisaa jiru.
    Hanga ammaattis dunkaanonni magaalaa naqamtee keessa jiranis heedduun isaanii fedhii uummataa malee dirqiin samsamaa akka jiran bira ga’amee jira.
    Mootummaan Wayyaanees yeroo ammaa kana diddaa uummanni Oromoo isaaf qabuun riffannaa guddaa keessa seenuun sagalee guddiftuu fidhatee magaalaa Naqamtee keessa oliif gadi deemmuun uummata doorsisaa jira. Uummannis diddaa isaas sodaa tokko malee akkuma itti fufetti jira.

Barattooti Oromoo Boqonnaa Yeroo Gannaaf Yuniversitiilee Irraa Warratti Galan Waraana Agaaziin Qabamee Hidhamaa Jira.

14034982_1612317162399496_7680444488697492511_nWarraaksa biyyoolessaa guutummaa Oromiyaa keessatti finiinaa jiruun wal qabatee mootummaan gabroonfataan Wayyaanee ilmaan Oromoo sabboontota ta’an mana hidhaatti guuraa jira.1654404_264658403708853_1370759305_n
Fulbaana 08,2016 godina Wallaggaa lixaa aanaa Mana Sibuu ganda qonnaan bulaa Beengu’aa jedhaman keessaa dargaggoonni agartuu biyyaa ta’aniif saboontota ta’an gara mana hidhaatti guuramaa jiru.
Haaluma kanaan godina Wallaggaa lixaa aanaa Mana Sibuu ganda qonnaan bulaa Beengu’aa jedhamu keessaa dargagoonni Oromoo ganna kana boqonnaaf gara maatii isaaniitti galanii jiran gara mana hidhaatti guuramaa jiru.
Haaluma kannaan dargagoonni maqaan isaanii fi suuraan isaanii kanaa gaditti argamu magaalaa ganda qotee bulaa Beengu’aa jedhamu keessaa butamanii achi buuteen isaanii dhabamabamee jira..13876262_281719605517646_1826905278337307440_n


Amboon Guyyaa Har’aa Kana Fakkaatti


Bishooftuu Keessa Guyyaa Har’aa Wayyaaneen Ummatatti Dhukaasaa Jirti.


Naqamte Guyyaa Har’aa

Godina Arsii Bulchaan Aanaa Qoree Namni Maqaan Mi’eessoo Duubee Jedhamu Waraana Agaazii Qabatee Ummata Irratti Ukaasisaa Jira.

Bulchaa Aanaa Qoree

Bulchaa Aanaa Qoree

Arsii Aanaa Qoree magaalan Qoree galgala kana 9,2016 dirree waraanaa fakkaattee jirti dhukaasni ummatarratti banamee namoonni hedduun rasaasa Agaazitiin rukutamanii jiru. Namni ummatarratti waraana bansiise bulchaa aanaa Qoree nama maqaan isaa Mi’eessoo Duubee jedhamu yoo ta’uu.Namoota rasaasan rukutaman keessaa kan maqaan isaanii barame

1,Dargaggoo Gammadaa Muddaa Tashitaa

2, Dargaggoo Sayyida Guyyee Galchuu14292445_287315021649945_436158234992706951_n

3, Dargaggoo Jamaal Tibboo kan jedhamaniidha

Kana malees  Qoree fi Ashookatti daandin cufamaa jira waraanni konkolaataa jahaan gara qoree deemaa jira.

Gama biraan ummanni magaalaa Shaashamannee kanneen Wayyaanee jala kaachuun gabaa lagannaa didan irratti magaala keessa deemuun adaba barbaachisu kennaa akka jiran beekame.

Magaalaan Naqamtee Waraana Agaazii Wayyaaneen Jeeqamaa Jirti.

nqFulbaana 8,2016Warraaksi biyyoolessaa diddaa gabaa lagachuudhaan wal qabatee torbee kana magaalaa Naqamtee fi naannoo ishee keessatti daran jabaatee itti fufuurraan kan ka’e mootummaan gabroonffattuun Wayyaanee rifannaa guddaa keessa seenuudhaan uummata magalaa Naqamtee fi naannoo ishee irratti dhukaasa banaa jira.
Hanga ammaattis dhukaasa mootummaan gabroonffataan Wayyaanee uummata gaaffii mirgaa gaafachaa jiru irratti bansiiseen lubbuun namoota lamaa irbaata rasaasaa ta’e akka jiru bira ga’amee jira.
Kanneen du’an keessaa kan maqaansaanii nu ga’e:
1,Eebbaa waaqjiraa Bakka dhalootaa magaalaa Siree akka ta’es bira ga’amee jira.
Haaluma Kanaan  Yeroo ammaa kanas mootummaan Wayyaanee lafa seentu dhabdee oliif gadi waraanashee uummata magaalichaarra naannessuudhaan uummata doorsisaa jirti. Gidduuma kana dargaggoonni magaalaa naqamtee sabboontota ta’anis mana hidhaatti akka darbataman bira ga’amee jira. Kanneen keessaa:
1,Dargaggoo heenok Tananyee 2.dargaggoo muluqan  bootee.
3 Dar.Qaaluxee.
4.Dar.Taakuu shitayee
yeroodhaf maqaa abbaa issanii baruu hin dandeenye.  Dargagooni kun gidduuma kana  poolisota federaalattin marfamanii magaalaa naqamtee keessaa naannoo bakka jaamaa jedhamuu butamanii achi buuteen isaanii dhabamee jira.

Guyyaa har’aa Fulbaana 7,2016 FXG Itti Fufee Magaalaan Naqamte Cal-Cal jettee Jirti.

Konkolaataan tokkoyyuu magaalaa Naqamtee keessa oliif gadi imalaa hin jiru. Suuqiinis manni nyaataas hunduu cufamanii jiru.
Mootummaan gabroonffattuu murna bicuu Wayyaanees naasuu guddaan shororkooftee uummata suuqii fi mana nyaataa irra deemuun doorsisaa jirti.
Uummannis sodaa tokko malee diddaa mootummaa Wayyaaneef qabu duula gabaa lagachuutiin mirkaneessaa jira.





#OromoProtests 8  September 2016: Market Boycott 3rd day continues.
#OromoProtests 7  September 2016: Market Boycott 2nd day continues. All shops are closed in Burayyuu, Naqamte, Bishoftu, Robe, Dodola, Ambo, Gudar, Gimbi, Galessa, Adaba, Najjoo,  Mugii, Awaday, ……..
#OromoProtests Fulbaana ( September 6 2016): Godina Sh/lixaa, Aanaan Dirree Incinnii guyyaa kibxata har’a gaba gudda ture. Horii gaafa ,hoolota,dhadhaa kkf baayinaan kan dhiyaatu ture.
Hata’uu malee gaba dhisaatii manni jereenyaa yuu cufamee jira.
Namnii bakkee dhaabatullee hin jiru,badiyaadha dogogoree llee kan dhufe hin jiru.
Ummanni sirrumatti walitti daberseera jechuudha.

Stores shut their doors in the busy city of Awaday the Khat capital, Oromia, 6 September 2016. #OromoProtests boycott the woyane.

Stores shut their doors in the busy city of Awaday the Khat capital, Oromia, 6 September 2016. #OromoProtests boycott the woyane.

Bank run in Dambi Doolloo, Oromia, 5 September 2016

Fulbaana 5,2016 Ummanni Magaalaa Dambi Doolloo qabeenya baankii Daldala Ethiopia keessaa qabu guutuutti baafachaa jira.









 Boycott the fascist TPLF and its business in action. #OromoProtests at Naqamte 6 September 2016

“Nuti qeerroon magaalaa naqamtee ummata baadiyaa hin dhaga’iin dhufaa jiraniif beeksisa haala kanaan qopheessinee karaa walakkaa dhaabnee jirra. isaanis kana dubbisuudhaan ofirra deebi’anii gara mana isaaniitti galaa jiru.”

 Boycott the fascist TPLF and its business. #OromoProtests at Naqamte 6 September 2016 Boycott the fascist TPLF and its business. #OromoProtests at Naqamte 6 September 2016

 Stores shut their doors in the busy city of Naqamte, Oromia, 6 September 2016. #OromoProtests

Stores shut their doors in the busy city of Naqamte, Oromia, 6 September 2016. #OromoProtests


Baankiin daldala Ethiopia rakkoo Connection tu nu mudate jechuun ummata magaalaa Naqamtee fi naannoo ishee mallaqa baasuu dhorke.



Warraaqsa biyyoolessaa FXG utuu wal  irraa hin citiin ji’a sagalii oliif guutummaa Oromiyaa keessatti finiinaa tureen sirni Wayyaanee TPLF naasuu keessa seenuun waan qabdee  lakkisu wallaalee uummata goolaa jira.
Guyyaa har’aa Fulbaana 5,2016 Baankiin daldala Ithiopiyaa magaalaa Naqamtee fi naannoo ishee keessa jiru guutummaan guutuutti duwwaa ta’uu irraan kan ka’e sirni  Wayyaanee rifaatuu guddaa keessa seenuun uummata magaalaa Naqamtee goolaa jira.
Rifannaa isaa kana irraa ka’uudhaanis baankii keenya  rakkoo konneekshiniitu mudate jechuudhaan maallaqa uummataa akka isaan hin fudhanneef dhorkaa jira.
Haaluma kanaan uummanni magaalattiis harki caalu maallaqni isaa waan dhowwatameef baayyee rakkachaa akka jiran bira ga’amee jira.
Uummannis morma keenya laanna malee maallaqa keenya fudhannu malee hin gallu jechuun mormii kaasaa jiraachuun dhaga’amee jira.



‘Attacks on foreign firms in #Ethiopia reflect growing popular hatred for minority #TPLF regime that is steadily losing control.’ Herman J. Cohen  

The Dutch company said crowds of people in the Oromia and Amhara regions torched flower farms as they targeted businesses with perceived links to the government. Flowers are one of the country’s top exports. 2nd September 2016

TPLF’s Dashen beer destroyed by protesters in Amhara state. 29 August 2016.

Baankiin Daldala Itiyoopiyaa Naqamtee Keessaa Duwwaa Hafaa Jira.

Fulbaana 3,2016
Naqamte33Qabsoon Oromoon mootummaa Waayyaanee hubdeen galagalchaa jiraachuun argamaa jira Qabsoo karaa nagaa Qeerroo idil addunyaatiin hogganamu keessatti sagalee tokkoon yaada walii fudhatee hanga diina isaa rifaasisutti har’aan gahee jira.Kunimmoo hangam uummatichi beekaa ta’uusaa addunyaaf ragaa bahaa jira.
Adeemsa kanaan gidduu kana duula gabaa lagannaa akka gaggeeffamuuf labsii labsamaa jiru waliif dhaga’uun Uummanni magaalaa Naqamtee haalaan hojirraa oolchuuf guyyaa sadii asitti baankii qabeenyummaan isaa kan diinaa ta’e Baankii Daldala Itiyoophiyaa keessaa maallaqa qaban baasaa jiru. Kunimmoo dinagdee mootummaatti kuffisuurra darbee hanga waan sochii diinagdee  sochootu dhabdutti gahuuf karaa jabaa saaqa,adeemsi haala beekumsa addunyaa ammaan gaggeeffamaa jiru kun qabsoo biyya Hindii Mataammaa Gaandiin durfamaa turee waliin akkasuma,qabsoo gurrachota Ameerikaa mirga isaaniif duula taaksii lagannaa gaggeessaa turan waliin wal fakkaataadha. Kanarraa walii dhageenyee bakkayyuu dinagdee mootummaa onsuun qabsoo omishaa fi diinagdee mootummaa lagannaa kana akka galmaan geenyu gochi Uummanni Magaalaa Naqamtee hanga baankittiin haguugamtutti maallaqa baafachuun wal sardaa turan ragaa amansiisaa nuuf kenna.Qabsoon nama barateen gaggeeffamu haala kanaan diina mataa jaanjessa.

#OromoProtests 3 September 2016: People are rushing (Bank run) to take out their money from Commercial Bank of Ethiopia. This picture is taken from Kumsa Moroda branch in Naqamte, Oromia.

#OromoProtests, boycott business of the Woyane, bank run in Naqamte, Oromia. 3 september 2016#OromoProtests, boycott business of the Woyane, bank run in Naqamte, Oromia. 3 september 2016. p2#OromoProtests, boycott business of the Woyane, bank run in Naqamte, Oromia. 3 september 2016. p3

Dhaamsa FXG  Birraa 2 bara 2016:

Maallaqa Keessan Baankii Daldala Itiyoophiyaa keessaa baafadhaa!

Akkuma beekamu bara mootummaan Dargii kufe kanneen maallaqa isaanii baankii mootummaa keessatti qusachaa turan kisaaraa galani hafani. Maallaqa isaanii tokko osoo hin argatin mootummichumaa wajjin bade.

Amma immoo maaltu ta’uuf deema?
Mootummaan wayyaanee mormii guutummaa biyyattii keessatti adeemsifamaa jiru dhaamsuuuf/laamshessuuf maallaqa hedduu akka baasaa jirtu ni argina. Kisaaraa guddaa keessa akka seentee jirtus addunyaa guutuutu dhugaa ba’aa jira. Maallaqi kadhaadhaan alaa galus mootummaa wayyaanee kanatti lubbuu deebisuu hin dandeenye. Mootummaan kun maallaqa uummati keenya baankii mootummichaatti kuufataa jiru fayyadamee ilmaan keenya poolisii Agaaziitiin fixaa jira.
Mootummaan kun bitintiraa jirti. Horsossooftee jirti. Kufaatiin ishee dhiyaateera. Kanaafuu, namoonni baankii daldala Itiyoophiyaatti kuufachaa jirtan hatattamaan utuu maallaqa keessan hin dhabin baankiilee Oromiyaatti dabarfadhaa.

Uummati keenya biyya alaa jirtan immoo adaraa gaafa maallaqa firootaa fi maatii keessanii ergitan baankii daldala Itiyoophiyaa hin fayyadaminaa!

Dabalataan maallaqa keessan baankii mootummattii wayyaanee kana keessaa baasuun dinagdee mootummichaas gadi buusee kufaatii ishee saffisiisa.

Kun qabsoo aarsaa osoo hin baasin godhamuudha. Baankii wayyaanee keessaa guuraa qullaatti hambisaa!

Ariitiin kisaaraa of oolchaa! Mootummaa wayaanee immoo kisaaraa keessa galchaa!


Qabsoon itti fufa!


#OromoProtests 2nd September 2016:

“Godina Arsii liixaa Aanaa Dodolaa keessaatti woyyaaneen sodaa irraa kan ka’ee Maal akka gootuufi dhiistuus wolalte jirtii. ummataa sodaachsiuufjechaa meeshaa waraanaa kanaa fakkatuu magalaa keessaa asii achii ariaa ooltii. karoorri uguurtaa daldalaa kan mataa isii dhukubsee mootummaan woyyaanee ummataas waliigahii bahaa jechuudhaan keessaa deemtee kadhaataa jirtii. garuu waan nama ajaaibuu ummaanni keenya sodaa cabsee walii afoo dhabachaa jiraa.”


“Shawaa Bahaa Aanaa Boossat gandoota Rukeechaa Boqoree, Dongorree Nayyee, Dongorree Furdaa,Hurufaa Kukkurfaa, Rukeetti akkasumas Dongorree Callee Araddaa jedhamanitti halkan sadeessoof poolisii Aanaa, Federaala fi jiraattota giddutti lolli adeemaa jira.Haala dhukaasni humnoota nageenyaa fi ummata giddutti baname keessatti hidhattooni gandaafii caasaan nageenyaa ummatattii hindhukaasnu jechaan ummata tumsaa jiru.”

#OromoProtests mass solidarity rally in Berlin, Germany September 2, 2016.
Fuulbana (Birraa) 2 bara 2016 Hiriirri deeggarsa FXG  magaalaa Berlin, German keeysatti gaggeeyfamaa oole.#OromoProtests mass solidarity rally in Berlin, Germany September 2, 2016.#OromoProtests mass solidarity rally in Berlin, Germany September 2, 2016. p2#OromoProtests mass solidarity rally in Berlin, Germany September 2, 2016. p3

Solidarity with #OromoProtests at European Parliament at the conference/hrearing on crisis in Ethiopia, #OromoProtests, #AmharaProtests and  land grabs in Afar state. 2nd September 2016

Hagayya 2 bara 2016 Gamtaan Awurooppaa Paarlaamaa Keessatti walgahii wa’ee yakka dhimma Oromo irraattii TPLF/EPRDF saba Oromoo fi Amahara akkaasumaan sabaa fi sabbonttotaa Ethiopia daballatee duguuggaa sanyii balleessuuf raawwatee fi Saamicha lafa Itoophiyaa keessatti gaggeffamuu keessumattuu Saamicha lafa Affaar irrati TPLF gaggessu irrati Marii guddaan gaggeeffameera.

Solidarity with #OromoProtests at European Parliament at the conference on land grabs in Afar state. 2nd September 2016

#OromoProtests 2nd September 2016,Qobboo, East Hararge, Oromia : Funeral service for Saladin Shakim, who was wounded on the grand rally and died 1st September 2016. #OromoProtests 2nd September 2016,Qobboo, East Hararge, Oromia, funeral service for Saladin Shakim, who was wounded on the grand rally and died 1st September 2016.


TRT WORLD Ethiopia’s Oromo Protesters

#OromoProtests 31 August 2016:  Cruelty of the TPLF

You might recall the report about killing of 15 farmers in West Hararge, masala District Choma village over the last four days. You also remember reading how the military prevented people from burying the dead and helping the wounded. Today they are dressing body of dead civilians in military uniform and video taping it. They want to make fake documentary claiming they killed armed combatants.  Jawar Mohammed

Guyyaa hardhaa ilmaan Oromoo 15 Harargee Lixaa Aanaa Masalaa Araddaa Coommaa keessatti ajjeefaman san reeffa isaanii huccuu waraanaa offisuun fiilmii sobaatiif viidiyoo waraabaa jiran. Jawar Mohammed 

The TPLF has continue indiscriminately mass killings  of the peace loving Oromo people everywhere throughout Oromia.
The following 15 innocent Oromo people were killed by Agazi soldiers (Tigray People’s Libration Front) in Choma village , Masala District, West Hararge on August 27, 2016
1.Hamzaa Abdullaa
2.Mohammadnur Kaliif
3.Asiyaa Abbaas
4.Imaam Jaabir
5.Jaabir Mohammed
6.Feesal Abdallaa
7.Adam Mikaa’il
8.Mikaa’il Aliyyii
9.Kaamilee Mikaa’il
10.Shukrii Umar
11.Kaamil Hassan
12.Muraad Ahmad
13.Jaabir Hassan
14.Ahmad Imaamee
15.Jamaal Aliyyee
Our thoughts are with all the victims relatives and families.
May their soul rest in peace!!


Pray and fight for Masalaa 26 August 2016 #OromoProtests



Posted by OromianEconomist in Irreecha, Irreecha Birraa, Irreecha Oromo, Irreessa.
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Odaa OromooOromianEconomist

Irreecha Oromo 2014 Hora Harsadii, Oromia

Oromia and the continuity its Nile Valley Civilization, Irreecha Malkaa 2015 ( 6409 years since started on upper Nile (Mormore) Valley)Irreecha Malkaa 2015 @Malkaa Ateetee, Gafarsaa, Buraayyuu, Oromia. 11 October 2015 picture18Irreecha Malkaa 2015 @Malkaa Sabbataa, Gafarsaa, Buraayyuu, Oromia. 11 October 2015Oromo, Irreecha Malkaa Oromoo 2015 @Hora Harsadi, Bishoftuu, OromiaIrreecha Malkaa Oromoo kan Bara 2015 (6409 ALO) Onkoloolessa 4, Hora Harsadi. picture3Irreecha Malkaa Oromoo Onkoloolessa 4, Bara 2015 (6409 ALO), Hora Harsadii, Bishooftuu, OromiaOromo from Raayya at Irreecha Malakaa 2015, Hora Harsadi, Bishoftu October 4, 2015Irreecha Oromo 2014 Hora Harsadii, Oromia 4Irreechaa Arfaasaa 2015 (17)


This is Africa: Ethiopia at a crossroads: apartheid, civil war or reconciliation? September 30, 2016

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Odaa OromooOromianEconomistgrand-oromo-rally-in-solidarity-with-oromo-protests-in-oromia-oromoprotests-29-september-2016

Despite the country’s constitution professing the equality of ‘all the peoples of Ethiopia’, for the past 25 years ‘equality’ has been a factor of who has the most firepower among the rebel groups that toppled the former military regime in 1991. As a result of the political atmosphere in the country, where the best armed takes all, all aspects of the federal government (i.e. intelligence, military, police, state banks, airlines and core sectors of the country’s economy) are now dominated by an elite from a Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) that represents only 6% of the general population.
Divide and rule: For 25 years, the TPLF elite has guaranteed its grip on state power through the divide-and–rule tactic of festering ethnic animosity. The Amhara and the Oromo are their prime targets. Hate speech against the Amhara (the second–largest ethnic group in the country)was broadcast on state– and party–owned mass media outlets, denigrating millions of people by referring to them as ‘timkehetegna’, which means ‘the conceited’ The killing and jailing of the Oromo (the largest ethnic group in the country) has been normalised, thereby creating an entire generation of people who feel like second-class citizens in their own country.

Ethiopia at a crossroads: apartheid, civil war or reconciliation?

By , This Is Africa, September 27, 2016 

Ethiopia is seeing an increasing number of civilian protests, which are brutally suppressed by the government. It seems that the elite in power needs to heed the lessons taught by the Rwandan genocide: Do not play with ethnic hatred.

Oromo Liberation Front fighters. Photo: Jonathan Alpeyrie/ Wikimedia Commons

Oromo Liberation Front fighters. Photo: Jonathan Alpeyrie/ Wikimedia Commons

The year-long, nationwide and unceasing popular anti-government revolt in Ethiopia has brought the country’s ‘ethnolinguistic federalismexperiment to a dead end. Despite the country’s constitution professing the equality of ‘all the peoples of Ethiopia’, for the past 25 years ‘equality’ has been a factor of who has the most firepower among the rebel groups that toppled the former military regime in 1991. As a result of the political atmosphere in the country, where the best armed takes all, all aspects of the federal government (i.e. intelligence, military, police, state banks, airlines and core sectors of the country’s economy) are now dominated by an elite from a Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) that represents only 6% of the general population.


Divide and rule

For 25 years, the TPLF elite has guaranteed its grip on state power through the divide-and–rule tactic of festering ethnic animosity. The Amhara and the Oromo are their prime targets. Hate speech against the Amhara (the second–largest ethnic group in the country)was broadcast on state– and party–owned mass media outlets, denigrating millions of people by referring to them as ‘timkehetegna’, which means the conceited’ The killing and jailing of the Oromo (the largest ethnic group in the country) has been normalised, thereby creating an entire generation of people who feel like second-class citizens in their own country.

There is a lesson to be learned from the Rwandan genocide: Do not to play with ethnic hatred.

Threatening the country they lead

Unlike the former military regime, which relied on force to crush any opposition but never compromised on the sovereignty of the nation, the current TPLF–led dictatorship is unprecedented in its threat to wreak havoc if its absolute power is contested. The late Meles Zenawi was often seen using this tactic of bullying the country whenever his party’s reckless corruption and unconstitutional dominance over the federal government was questioned.

"The late Meles Zenawi was often seen using this tactic of bullying the country whenever his party’s reckless corruption and unconstitutional dominance over the federal government was questioned." Photo: World Economic Forum/ Flickr

One aspect of the mayhem that Meles designed and his colleagues now desire to unleash isthat of instilling hatred among the people of Tigray and other ethnic groups by turning anycriticism of them as leaders of the country into an attack on the Tigray people. This hate–mongering is evidence that the elite does not have the Ethiopian people at heart, onlypower. The Tigray people have not only been betrayed by the TPLF elite but they are alsobeing manipulated as the party tries to hide its many failing. Tigray deserves peace and development as much as the other parts of Ethiopia, not to be taken hostage by the corrupt and power-hungry TPLF, which is terrorising them.

Read: Ethiopia: Paralympian Tamiru Demisse gestures in solidarity with Oromo protestors

Cracks in the ‘divide and rule’ policy

For the first time in the 25 years of minority control of the federal government, the people of the two major ethnic groups, the Amhara and the Oromo, have come together to create a common front of the oppressed. This unexpected show of unity has sent a shockwave throughthe TPLF elite, who is frantic and has sent in the military, armed with tanks, helicopters and missiles, against civilians – as if people who are simply demanding their rights and equalitywere foreign invaders.


Country at a crossroads

The current popular opposition in the Oromia and Amhara regional states is a great opportunity for the government to re–examine its divisive policies, admit to its failings and design a reconciliatory road map that would save the nation from descending further into conflict. The elite, however, still chooses to use special killing squads, military force, burning prisons and killing prisoners in custody.

For the past 25 years, ‘equality’ has been a factor of who has the most firepower among the rebel groups that toppled the former military regime in 1991.

In addition, it is now spending taxpayers’ money and foreign aid on the launching of media campaigns to derail the unity of the Amhara and the Oromo people.

A silent coup

Following the first wave of uprising by the Oromo last year, the Ethiopian military, controlled by the TPLF, has made official its unequivocal allegiance to the ‘Revolutionary Democracy’ policy, which is the governing policy of the ruling party. This act of merging party and government into one practically re-mandated the defence force of Ethiopia into being a mere protector of the minority elite and, by implication, declared the country’s constitution obsolete.

This is a silent coup. This fact becomes evident when one considers the supposed industrialisation of Ethiopia, which is to be led by the military, under the Metals and Engineering Corporation (METEC). This is a corporation under the Ethiopian National Defence Force that is fully controlled by generals who were former TPLF rebel leaders. They were tasked by the late Meles Zenawi with the industrialisation of the country. This dangerous disregard for the constitution amounts to running a government inside a government and is pushing Ethiopia towards being an ethnic apartheid state. This can only lead to more violence.

Flag of the Oromo Liberation Front. Photo: J. Olle/ Wikimedia Commons

Embracing real democracy

Just a few months ago, the government won 100% of the seats in parliament seats. Voterigging is suspected. The whole country erupted in opposition, showing the real danger of authoritarianism.

Sending in an army, equipped with tanks and missiles, against civilians – as the government has done against the people of Amhara – for no reason other than the fact that they exercisedtheir democratic rights, is not how democracy works. Such a display of power is the most cowardly and desperate exhibition of despotism.

It is incumbent on the people of Ethiopia not to fall for the traps set by the elite, who seem more determined than ever to encourage ethnic conflict and hatred through their media propaganda.


The path of national reconciliation

Unfortunately, due to the divide-and–rule policy of the government over the past 25 years,Ethiopians have been targeted for their ethnicity: The Amhara, Oromo, Anuak, Somali, Tigray, Kembata, Konso and many other ethnic groups have been targeted at different times. This is a sad reality and testifies to the policy of hate–mongering that is practised by the elite.

Read: Ethiopia abandons Addis Ababa “master plan” after Oromo protests

The government of Ethiopia needs to stop encouraging further division and animosity. No Ethiopian should be targeted for his or her ethnicity. There is a lesson to be learned from the Rwandan genocide: Do not to play with ethnic hatred.

However, it is incumbent on the people of Ethiopia not to fall for the traps set by the elite who now, more than ever, seem determined to encourage ethnic conflict and hatred through their media propaganda. Our silence today will not save us sorrow tomorrow. We should say no to the machetes of hatred that the country’s leaders are selling in their media. We should say no to the use of our name to justify the killing of any Ethiopian.

The martyrdom of our time is saying no to hatred and ethnic conflict while calling for equality and justice for all.


The Grand Oromo Rally at the World Bank: #OromoProtests at World Bank Group, Washington DC, while Mr. Secretary listening and receiving an appeal letter, watch the video. September 29, 2016

Posted by OromianEconomist in #OromoProtests.
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Odaa OromooOromianEconomist






The Grand Oromo Rally: #OromoProtests Global Solidarity Rally and Opposing Mass Killings by Ethiopia’s Fascist (TPLF) regime September 29, 2016

Posted by OromianEconomist in #OromoProtests.
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Odaa OromooOromianEconomistthe-grand-oromo-rally-september-29-2016-oromoprotestsgrand-oromo-rally-in-solidarity-with-oromo-protests-in-oromia-oromoprotests-29-september-2016grand-oromo-rally-in-washington-d-c-in-solidarity-with-oromo-protests-in-oromia-oromoprotests-29-september-2016










Oromia (Irreecha Birraa 2016): Irreechaa celebration at the historic Ginchi town where the #OromoProtests began in November 2015 September 28, 2016

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Odaa OromooOromianEconomist


Ummanni magaalaa Giincii  Ayyaana Irreecha Birraa kan Bara 2016 ( 6410 ALO)  Malkaa Awaashitti haala kanaan Fulbaana 28 bara 2016 kabajatanii oolan.

‘Diina nu dhaanu rabbii nurraa haa dhaanu’,  jedhan.





The Oakland Institute: Miracle or mirage? Manufacturing hunger and poverty in Ethiopia September 27, 2016

Posted by OromianEconomist in #OromoProtests, Ethiopia's Colonizing Structure and the Development Problems of People of Oromia, Afar, Ogaden, Sidama, Southern Ethiopia and the Omo Valley, Land and Water Grabs in Oromia.
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Odaa OromooOromianEconomist

Oakland Institute


Miracle or mirage? manufacturing hunger and poverty in Ethiopia

Oakland Institute, 27 September 2016


As months of protest and civil unrest hurl Ethiopia into a severe political crisis, a new report from the Oakland Institute debunks the myth that the country is the new “African Lion.” Miracle or Mirage? Manufacturing Hunger and Poverty in Ethiopia exposes how authoritarian development schemes have perpetuated cycles of poverty, food insecurity, and marginalized the country’s most vulnerable citizens.

A key government objective is to make Ethiopia one of the largest sugar producers in the world. Several sugar expansion plans are underway, including the colossal Kuraz Project in the Lower Omo Valley, which will include up to five sugar factories and 150,000 hectares of sugarcane plantations that rely on Gibe III Dam for irrigation. Studies show that Gibe III could reduce the Omo River flow by as much as 70 percent, threatening the livelihoods of 200,000 Ethiopians and 300,000 Kenyans who depend on the downstream water flow for herding, fishing, and flood-recession agriculture.

Miracle or Mirage? offers lessons from the deadly impact of sugar and cotton plantations in the Awash Valley in the Afar Region, established in the 1950s. The projects drastically reduced land and water availability for people and cattle, undermined food security, destroyed key drought coping mechanisms, and stirred up violent conflicts between different groups over the remaining resources. The establishment of plantations was a critical factor in the 1972-1973 famine, resulting in the deaths of nearly 200,000 Afar people. These findings raise serious questions about the government’s logic behind sugar expansion, with $11.2 billion to be invested by 2020, and much more for irrigation schemes and dams – Gibe III alone cost Ethiopia $1.8 billion.

Using quantitative evidence, the report also details how plantations established in the Awash Valley have been far less profitable than pastoralist livestock production, while carrying massive environmental costs including the depletion of vital water resources.


VOA: U.S. Concern Over Ethiopia September 26, 2016

Posted by OromianEconomist in #OromoProtests.
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The United States is very concerned over the situation in Ethiopia, particularly the instability in the Oromia and Amhara regions.

The United States is very concerned over the situation in Ethiopia, particularly the instability in the Oromia and Amhara regions, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Linda Thomas-Greenfield said in an interview. Speaking in New York on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly meeting, Assistant Secretary Thomas-Greenfield called the response by the government to protests an “intense and somewhat harsh crackdown:”

“We have had discussions with the Ethiopian government encouraging that they have dialogue, and that they open the possibly for press freedom, civil society’s ability to function, and that many of the people who have been put in jail be released.”

In Oromia anti-government protests began in November 2015, and they have also occurred in the northern Amhara region.

Assistant Secretary Thomas-Greenfield said the United States believes that the situation in the country could deteriorate and that the Ethiopian government is aware of that possibility as well.

“We’ve met with Prime Minister Hailemariam [Desalegn] in New York, and we have encouraged him to look at how the government is addressing this situation.”

“We think,” she said, “it could get worse if it’s not addressed – sooner rather than later.”


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Odaa OromooOromianEconomistAddis Standardtweet tweet #OromoProtests#OromoProtests, 2nd August 2016 and continues#OromoProtests iconic picture

The truth is that Ethiopians are revolting in the clearest of terms. One need not look beyond what has evolved in Oromia and Amhara regional states over the last ten months where simple, constitutional and even by the ruling party’s lexicon ‘legitimate’ requests by the people of Ethiopia was turned by the government into unimaginable horror.

For a government that deprived the people of Ethiopia any other means to either humble it or talk back to it, this shouldn’t come as a surprise. It is harvesting what it sowed and the least it can do is admit that its way of being a government is not working. If this means dissolving itself, so be it!



Addis Standard,  26 September 2016


When news of a 100% victory by the ruling EPRDF came out shortly after the May 2015 general elections, everyone scorned the result; it was too stupid to be true. After all, democratic elections in a multinational state home to a near 100 million odd, which Ethiopia is one, were not supposed to be like this. So, the world was right to scorn the results because nowhere in it would similar experiences go down history books unchallenged.  

Alas, the ruling party in Ethiopia was not only intoxicated by the victory to see what was in the offing, but it was so sure to get away with it, as it did get away with many lapses of political orders in the last quarter a century.

The reason why the world – not the government in Ethiopia – looked at the results of that fateful election with a sheer horror is because the latter is the author, director and main character of the tragic political drama which eventually dragged Ethiopia to the verge of crisis, yet again. And that election was the straw that broke the Camel’s back.  From north to south and left and right Ethiopians are on the streets screaming their ultimate rejection of a government which claimed to have won a 100% of their votes.

Damage from within and outside

There is damage to be sustained when a rebel-turned-government spoils its political capital to become a bullying dictatorship. In all measures, that is what happened in Ethiopia since the advent of May 1991. A federated state tutored by party manifesto; alternative political parties decimated from inside out with their leading members often jailed, harassed and in some cases killed or simply made to disappear from the face of earth; independent media and civil society organizations persecuted in equal terms as terrorists; and academic institutions and religious establishments coerced to dance to the music of the ruling party. Regrettably, that is Ethiopia as we know it since it was declared the ‘democratic republic of Ethiopia,’ although some would discount the first 10 years as a semi-successful democratic experiment.

The result is that military violence has now become the new language in which the government is using to talk back to the people of Ethiopia.  Judging by the look of events it wouldn’t be an overstatement to say that Ethiopians are betrayed by their own government which has no misgivings to turn into the military to answer their questions and control their dissenting voices.

But there is also damage to be sustained from outside when western allies of a dictatorship sugarcoat their terms of reference to declare a dictatorship “democratic” and continue to engage with it business as usual. (See story here).

Such blunders by the west are driven by several factors. Leaving aside the cliché, this magazine posits two of the often neglected factors.

The first is the burning ambition by Ethiopia’s western allies to showcase how the aid business turned a once poster child of famine into a successful budding state with a seemingly soaring economy. Calls by rights organizations, and most importantly, the people of Ethiopia for the west to use constructive diplomatic leverages to tame the government often fell on deaf ears. Ethiopia’s western allies repeatedly opted to hold their nose about the smelly human rights record and the government’s unbridled control of both the political and civic spaces in Ethiopia. But at the same time they continued pumping taxpayers’ money in the name of aid and lavish a repressive state with undeserved international legitimacy.

The second is the concept of not wanting to face the task of opening the Pandora’s Box during what’s often a constitutionally limited term in office practiced by most western governments. President Barak Obama is leaving office and he was under no illusion that speaking truth to the world that Ethiopia was going down the nasty way was going to do him more harm than good.

The result is that there remains no discourse and platform where Ethiopia’s western allies can use to discipline a government they themselves enabled to grow out of control.

True, Ethiopia is a sovereign state whose independence should not be tampered with but there are international laws, for example, that Ethiopia itself is a signatory to. Sadly no western ally is daring to speak out loud when Ethiopian officials use and abuse these laws the same way they use and abuse local laws. The recent flagrant dismissal by the government in Ethiopia of the kind reminder by the UN Human Rights Commission of the need to allow access to UN monitors to investigate recent killings and rights abuses in Ethiopia is one classic example.

This means it should now be up to the ruling party to stop playing illusory for the sake of PR consumption by the west and propaganda for Ethiopians and start facing the inevitable. That means the ruling EPRDF should admit that the country is really on the verge of crisis and that it and only it is responsible for it.

The truth is that Ethiopians are revolting in the clearest of terms. One need not look beyond what has evolved in Oromia and Amhara regional states over the last ten months where simple, constitutional and even by the ruling party’s lexicon ‘legitimate’ requests by the people of Ethiopia was turned by the government into unimaginable horror.

For a government that deprived the people of Ethiopia any other means to either humble it or talk back to it, this shouldn’t come as a surprise. It is harvesting what it sowed and the least it can do is admit that its way of being a government is not working. If this means dissolving itself, so be it!


Cultural Survival: Human Rights of Ethiopia’s Oromo People Brought to Light in Rio September 25, 2016

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Odaa OromooOromianEconomistOromo Olympic marathon athlete Fayyisaa Lalisaa on the Guardian. #OrompProtests global icon p1oromo-athlete-tamiru-demisse-center-reacts-after-the-final-of-mens-1500m-of-the-rio-2016-paralympiccultural-survival

Human Rights of Ethiopia’s Oromo People Brought to Light in Rio

Cultural Survival, 23 September 2016


Photo courtesy of: ctj71081/ Flickr

On August 21st, in Brazil, Ethiopian runner Feyisa Lilesa was awarded the silver medal for the Men’s Marathon in the 2016 Rio Olympics. Although this was perhaps one of the greatest sporting achievements of his life, this day will forever be remembered for the political protest he made just before the finish line.  While in the global spotlight,  Lilesa raised his hands above his head in an ‘X’ formation to stand in solidarity with the Oromo people of Ethiopia, who have suffered a crackdown at the hands of the Ethiopian government.

Lilesa is one of the thousands fighting for the rights of the Oromo people. In August 2016, the United Nations’ High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Raad Al Hussein, called on Ethiopia to allow UN international observers to investigate the excessive use of force by the government’s security forces against peaceful protesters in the Oromo and Amhara regions of the country. There is a strong need for organized international pressure on the Ethiopian government. A credible and independent investigation into this country’s Human Rights offences is long overdue. This will be a huge and very welcome step for the people and the country as a whole.

More on Oromo Abuses Here

Human rights abuses have been prevalent throughout Ethiopia’s history, but for the last nine months, protests have erupted in Oromiya, the homeland of Ethiopia’s largest but historically marginalized ethnic group, the Oromo, of which Feyisa Lilesa belongs. The protests are have now spread north, to a second region, the Amhara.

Although these protesters from Oromo and Amhara have different backgrounds, cultures, and complaints, they share a growing fear and frustration with the rule of a third, minority ethnic group — the Tigrayans. As NPR reported, the Tigrayan elite has a “cartel-like grip on the government, military and the fast-growing economy.”  The Tigrayan Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) forcefully rose to power after the fall of the Soviet Union. Since then, there have been numerous human rights violations, with examples like the 2001 killing of forty Addis Ababa university students for simply demanding the academic freedom to publish a student newspaper, to the Killing of 200 Oromo in 2014, according to the Solidarity Movement for a New Ethiopia (SMNE).

Related: Learn more about the TPLF in Ethiopia here.

The right of peaceful assembly is protected in Ethiopian and International law. Ethiopia’s Constitution states “everyone shall have the freedom, in association with others, to peaceably assemble without arms, engage in public demonstration and the right to petition.” But, after Human Rights Watch interviewed more than 125 witnesses, victims, and government officials, a significant pattern of human rights violations during peaceful Oromo protests was revealed. Examples from late 2015 when the decision of authorities in Ginchi to clear a forest for an investment project triggered protests in at least 400 different locations across all the 17 zones in Oromia, until May 2016, and even into current times, prove there have been massive human rights violations. Numerous reports exposed that in many locations security forces have gone at night, arresting innocent and unsuspecting members of the community such as students and those accommodating students in their homes. Security forces also strategically target those seen as “influential members of the Oromo community, such as musicians, teachers, opposition members and others thought to have the ability to mobilize the community for further protests.” Even more shocking, is that many of those arrested and detained by the security forces were children of eighteen years and younger. Security forces have also been reported to open fire on, and kill peaceful protesters, as well as torture or beat many of the detained Oromo. Many of the females detained have reportedly been raped by security force personnel, while almost none of the detainees have had access to legal counsel, adequate food, or their family members.

An unnamed student said in an interview with HRW on January of 2016, said his friend “was shot in the stomach [at the protest], his intestines were coming out, he said, ‘Please brother, tie my [wound] with your clothes.’ I was scared, I froze and then tried to do that but I was grabbed and arrested by the federal police. Jamal died. They arrested me and took me to Bedeno police station.”

With ongoing events such as these, the people of Ethiopia have appeared to have reached their limit; the brutal force being used by the regime to deter an uprising is starting to backfire, creating new alliances between previously divided groups of Ethiopians such as the Oromo and the Amhara. The regime, struggling to find ways to retain domination, resorts to solutions like the exploitation of Ethiopian resources, land, and opportunities; but this too, is becoming a regime failure.

A press release from The Solidarity Movement for a New Ethiopia (SMNE)notes, this is a regime, accustomed to using tools like manipulation to divide the people by ethnicity or other differences, furthering ethnic hatred, alienation and isolation, leaving a niche for the regime to squeeze into. It has allowed them to repeatedly commit fatal human rights atrocities against these groups with no fear of a united retaliation; but this is suddenly changing. These methods of turning selected ethnic groups against one another, is being scrutinized by Ethiopians; and previously rival groups are now unifying to challenge it. As SMNE said, “more killing, wounding and use of violence against unarmed civilians on the part of the regime’s security forces are strengthening, not weakening, the movement of the people,” but the movement is just beginning.

Ethiopia’s government has rejected the call for UN intervention and promised to launch its own investigation according to Al Jazeera. With the TPLF now facing a crack in the current power structure of the country,  the government’s resistance to UN intervention was to be expected. The fearful reality is, however, that the TPLF, power hungry, and corrupt, will continue to use illegal force in an attempt to maintain control. But this lack of legal and transparent investigation of human rights violations in Ethiopia strongly implies that the Ethiopian government’s investigation of the ongoing human rights crisis will not be independent, impartial and transparent, and according to Sarah Jackson, Amnesty International’s Deputy Regional Director for East Africa, the Horn and the Great Lakes. “It is time to step up efforts for an international and independent investigation in Ethiopia.”
For years the government has worked to project a “forward thinking, democratic, and economically progressive image” of Ethiopia to outsiders, while on the inside, achieving the total opposite. For example, laws such as the Charities and Societies Proclamation law (CSO) which is meant to appear as an advocacy network, actually has criminalized human rights and other kinds of advocacy work in Ethiopia, making an equal and  civil society impossible to maintain in Ethiopia. This makes the presence of an independent organization like the UN crucial for the protection of the Oromo people, who are practically inhibited from seeking protection themselves.

According to the Press Release from SMNE, “meaningful democratic reforms, restorative justice, and reconciliation for all the people of Ethiopia, including the current ruling party,” are the essential measures which need to be enacted if Ethiopia is to find peace and avoid total disaster. History shows that the government will not cooperate without pressure from key donor nations such as the the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union, Canada, Norway, Sweden etc., as well as from major international human rights organizations, to provide leverage critical in obtaining substantial changes for the rights of the Oromo people and governmental structure of Ethiopia as a whole.

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Oromia: Lola gooticha ummata Oromoo Baalee, Ona Beeltoo fi waraana wayyaanee jidduutti gaggeeffameen ummanni waraana wayyaanee irraa 25 ajjeesee, kanneen 18 ol ta’an madeessudhaan qawwee Kilaashii 18 hidhannoo waliin diinarraa booji’uun injifannoo gonfatee jira September 22, 2016

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Odaa OromooOromianEconomist


Lola gooticha ummata Oromoo Baalee, Ona Beeltoo fi waraana wayyaanee jidduutti Fulbaana 15 fi 16  guyyoota Lamaaf gaggeeffameen ummanni waraana wayyaanee irraa 25 ajjeesee, kanneen 18 ol ta’an madeessudhaan qawwee Kilaashii 18 hidhannoo waliin diinarraa booji’uun injifannoo  gonfatee jira.

(SBO/VOL – Fulbaana 22,2016) Odeessi Kibba-Baha Oromiyaa irraa SBO dhaqqabe akka hubachiisutti Ummanni Oromoo murannoo jabaa fi gootummaadhaan Humnoota Waraanaa Murni Faashistii fi gabroomsaan gocha bineensummaa akka raawwataniif itti bobbaase dura gootummaan dhaabbachuun Ofirraa qolachuurra dabre, haleeludhaan injifannoo cululuqaa galmeessaa jira.


Godina Baalee Ona Beeltoo gandeen adda addaa keessatti ummanni Oromoo “Biyya keenna, Oromiyaa, falmataa irratti dhumnee dhabamna tasa Wayyaaneef dabarsinee hin laannu” jechuun falmaa hadhaawaa mirga abbaa biyyummaa fi bilisummaa Oromoof taasisaa jiru cimsee itti fufuun mootummaa gabroomsaa waliin kokkee hudhee wal qabee jira.


Akka odeessa nu gahe kanaatti, waraanni murna Faashistii Wayyaanee, Ona Beeltoo jiraattota gandeen Harree Kolooloo, Tulluu Daraarii fi Hara Ciirraa jedhamanii kan tikfattummaan jireenya gaggeeffatan hidhannoo hiikkachiisuuf wayta yaaletti dura dhaabbannoo jabaan isa mudate. Humnoonni diinaa meeshaa waranaa hamma funyaaniitti hidhachiifamuun ummata Oromootti bobbaafaman Ummanni Qawwee horii isaa bineensarraa tikfatuu fi ofis weerara miliishoota sirna Wayyaaneen bobbaafaman of irraa ittisuuf bitate akka hiikkatu ajaja dabarsan. Akkanaanis “Qawwee akka bitattan kan isin ajaje YKN isiniif dhaame ABO dha, qawwee wanni bitattaniif ammoo mootummaa loluuf akka ta’e qormaataan mirkaneeffannee waan jirruuf, warra qawwee qabdan hunda akka hiikkachiifnu dirqamni nutti kenname” jechuun yoo ummata gandeen Kudhanii naannawa sana jiraatu walitti qabanii dirqiin irraa hiikuuf yaalanitti ummanni akkaan dallanee diddaa fi mormii cimaa agarsiise.



Ummanni Oromoo doorsisaa fi ajaja humnoota wayyaaneef odoo hin jilbeeffanne akka qawwee hin hiikkanne ifatti itti himee jira. “Nuti qawwee horii/maallaqa keenyaan bitanne. Kan bitanneefis saamicha qabeenyaa fi gaaga’ama lubbuu hidhattoonni Somaalee leenjiftanii qawwee itti hidhuun nutti bobbaaftan ofirraa ittisuufi. Mootummaan erga lammiilee keenya dhibbootaan ficcisiisee fi nu saamsisee booda araara jedhee nu sossobuun ammas balaa biraaf lafa jalaan hojjetuu isaatti dammaqnee akka didannee mootummaa isin ergettuu himnee jirra, qawwee kan bitanneef ofii fi qabeenya keenya balaarraa ittifatuufi waan ta’eef hin hiikkannu” jechuun gootummaan ifatti itti himuudhaan murannoo qaban ibsan.


Doorsisaan qawwee hiikkachiisuuf kan bobbaafaman hidhattoonni wayyaanee murannoo jabaa ummatni agarsiiseen rifatuudhaan of duuba deebi’anii gooftolii isaaniitti himuudhaan waraana hedduun ummata Oromootti duulan. Ummata Oromoo qawwee hin hiikkannu jechuutti cichanii fi waraana wayyaanee kaayyoo diinummaa galiin ga’uuf bobba’ee ummatarraa humnaan qawwee hiikkachuuf tattaafate jidduutti Fulbaana 15 bara 2016 walitti bu’iinsi uumame. Waraanni wayyaanee gandeen Ona Beeltoo kanneen akka Harree Kolooloo, Tulluu Daraarii fi Hara Ciirraa keessa heddumminaan qubsiifame ummata marsee dirqamaan qawwee hiikkachiisuuf wayta yaaletti ummanni guutummaan dura dhaabbachuurraa lolli hadhaawaan Fulbaana 15 bara 2016 ganamarraa eegalee odoo addaan hin citin oolee, hanga borumtaa isaa, Fulbaana 16 bara 2016tti, deemuu maddeen keenya gabaasanii jiru.


Lola gooticha ummata Oromoo Baalee, Ona Beeltoo fi waraana wayyaanee jidduutti guyyoota Lamaaf gaggeeffame kanaan ummanni waraana wayyaanee irraa 25 ajjeesee, kanneen 18 ol ta’an madeessudhaan qawwee Kilaashii 18 hidhannoo waliin diinarraa booji’uun injifannoo  gonfatee jira. Waraanni weerartuun wayyaaneen bobbaase gootowwan ilmaan Oromoo dura dhaabbatuu dadhabuudhaan reeffa loltoota isaa lafatti gatee baqatuun gara irra bobbaafame, magaalaa Beeltootti akka deebi’etu barame.



Lola hadhaawaa ummanni Oromoo waraana diinaa dura dhaabbatee falme kanarratti gama ummataatii goototni qaqqaaliin 20ni wayta wareegaman kanneen 25 ol tahan ammoo madeeffamuus odeessi arganne dabaluun ifa godha.


Kabajamuu mirga abbaa biyyummaa fi bilisummaa isaaf onnatee falmaa gaggeessaa kan jiru ummanni naannichaa duula wayyaaneen qawwee hiikkachiisuun dhumaatii caalu dhaqqabsiisuuf itti aggaame kanaan daranuu dallanuudhaan gamtaan sossohee weerartootarraa of ittisuu fi naannoo isaatii ari’uuf murannoo qabu agarsiisee jira. “Nuu fi wayyaaneen warra gumaa ti, ajaja mootummaa wayyaanee tokkollee hin fudhannu, hireen qabnu tokkichi hidhannoo qabnuun ofii fi biyya keenya ittisaa wareegamuu dha” jechuun hidhannoo isaanii gonkumaa akka hin hiikkanne firaafis diinaafis mirkaneessan.


Jiraattonni Godina Baalee Ona Beeltoo gandeen adda addaa wayyaaneen maqaa ABOtiin qabatee Oromummaan yakkee lafarraa isaan duguuguuf saganteeffatee akka jiru dursanii hubachuun hidhannoo hiikachuu didanii waraana wayyaanee dura gootummaan kan dhaabbatan yoo tahu, ABOn Kallacha keenya, ABOn dhiiga keenya waan taheef yoomiyyuu ni jaalanna ni deeggarra jedhanii wayyaaneetti himuun murannoo qaban ibsan jedha gabaasni arganne.


Kasaaraa ummanni gootummaan falmatee waraana isaarraan gahee fi ummanni jaalalaa fi deeggarsa ABOf qabu ifatti mul’ifattuutti kan shororkaawee fi baarage mootummaan wayyaanee xiyyeeffannaa ummataa kallattii isaa jijjiiree bifa sossobbiitiin ummata lolaan dadhabe shiraan jilbeeffachiisuuf “Wanni dhalate kun dogoggora guddaa dha, rakkoon ummata osoo hin tahin ABO dha jechuun afanfajjii uumuuf dhama’anis ummanni fudhatama dhabsiisee jira.


Ummanni diduudhaan dura dhaabbannoo fi fincila isaa itti fufuu kan hubate gartuun TPLF, waraana isaa Kumootaan naannichatti dhangalaasuun ummata Oromoo akka bosonuutti adamsee fixuu itti fufee akka jiruu fi ummannis harka laachuu didee murannoon falmataa jiraatuurraa wayta ammaa kana naannichi dirree lolaatti jijjiiramee akka jiru gabaasni arganne ifa godha.

Oromia: Kenyan Government is Held Accountable for Supporting Ethiopia TPLF Dictatorship and Hunting Freedom Fighters September 21, 2016

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Kenyan Government is Held Accountable for Supporting Ethiopia TPLF Dictatorship and Hunting Freedom Fighters


OLF Press Release

Foreign assistance from foreign countries near and far has helped the Tigirean People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) government of Ethiopia to stay in power unjustly for the last 25 years. Unintentional or intentional, foreign assistance provided to Ethiopia, has made it difficult for the peoples of Ethiopia to free themselves from the imposed orders of the anti-democracy and anti-human rights TPLF regime of Ethiopia.Because of the current popular uprisings in many parts of the country, the TPLF Ethiopian regime is hysterically paranoid, desperate and callous. In the same way the regime has been protecting its power by force and by begging for foreign support. Now the regime is attempting to enlist the help of neighboring and distant states to save itself from collapsing or to prolong its life. The TPLF regime is using its experience of begging for food handouts also plan to stay in power by soliciting foreign assistance in order to weaken domestic protests, armed and unarmed oppositions. By responding to the sinister invitation from the Ethiopian regime, the Kenyan government has agreed to provide military support and has ordered a joint military operation against the Oromo Liberation Army of Southern Zone.Holding Kenya and the sovereignty of Kenya in contempt, the TPLF regime of Ethiopia has crossed borders into Kenya several times and has been inflicting massive damage on Kenyan citizens under the pretext of searching for OLF/OLA. The crimes Ethiopia’s TPLF army is committing in Kenya include, massacre of the Turkana people, abduction and refoulement of Oromo refugees by interfering and infiltrating Kenyan policy and security operatives. Some Kenyan police fulfilled the wishes of Ethiopian government by letting it avoid responsibility for engaging in wanton criminal activities. The fact that the Kenyan government is entering into alliance once again with the Ethiopian regime by ignoring Ethiopia recurrent attacks against Kenyan civilians will make Kenyan people lose their respect and trust for their own government, which is continuously being treated as a puppet for Ethiopia dictatorship. Fulfilling the interests of the Ethiopian government at the expense of Kenyan interest amounts to complicity in the crimes against humanity being committed by TPLF regime inside Ethiopia and in Kenya’s own territory.

By enlisting the assistance of the Kenyan government, the TPLF regime and the Kenyan government have finalized plans to launch a campaign of attacks against the OLA operating in the south. It has been known that Kenya is planning to participate in this anti-OLA campaign by mobilizing its Special Forces unit GSU (General Service Unit), and its infantry (Kenyan Defense Force) and specially KA1 to take action in Moyale area across the border. There is no doubt that Kenyans citizens opposing the action of Ethiopia totalitarian regime and Oromo refugees are going to be the groups that are going to be the most hurt by Kenya’s blind support for TPLF. This military action by the two forces is not new.

Despite the search and joint operation conducted by Kenyan army and Ethiopia regime military repeatedly before, it has been impossible to stop OLF activities in the south. And it is meaningless if it is thought to reverse the ongoing Oromia wide struggle to uproot the TPLF brutal regime once for all.

Like many failed joint past campaigns, there is no doubt that this campaign is also going to fail again. We believe that it’s clear to everyone at this juncture that as long as the Oromo questions ofbilisummaa (freedom) are not answered, the Oromo liberation struggle will not be contained.

The OLF strongly condemns military, security and other forms of assistance the Kenyan government provides to Ethiopia’s tyrannical regime. Because these acts target freedom fighters struggling for the just cause of their people and because it will contribute to depriving the Oromo of freedom and to perpetuating dictatorship and slavery for the majority, the OLF again strongly asks the Kenyan government to stop providing assistance to the Ethiopian regime. Kenya should not be fighting a proxy war in which it has no stakes just to prolong the life of a dictatorial regime of Ethiopia.

Kenya’s government’s participation in wars planned by Ethiopia has no use except expanding the conflict into a regional conflict. It is possible to learn from the long history of the Oromo people that the Oromo have practiced peaceful relations, respect, love and mutual co-existence with neighboring peoples. Violating this long history/code of brotherhood/ good neighborliness, the role of the Kenyan government should not be one of being a proxy war monger on behalf of the TPLF regime that is staggering to collapse because of concerted and unstoppable popular movements at home. The OLF would like to remind Kenya that it will be responsible for perpetuating dictatorship and injustice and slavery against the Oromo people in Oromia and Ethiopia if it proceeds with this an unwelcome alliance and proxy effort with the fragile military regime of Ethiopia. Kenya will be responsible for all the damages this unholy alliance will inflict on the Oromo people and the Oromo national liberation struggle. Kenya should not interfere in the domestic political affairs of Ethiopia by picking Ethiopia’s regime’s side against the will of the Kenyan people who would want a respected and sovereign Kenya.

We call on the Kenyan people to confront and protest repeated unjust and illegal actions by their government, which will negatively impact the relationships between the peoples of Kenya and the Oromo people and others fighting for freedom from military dictatorship in Ethiopia. Kenyan people have the obligation to hold the Kenyan government accountable; they have the responsibility to object to continued Kenyan interference in the domestic affairs of its neighboring country. This actions will harm Kenyan people, Kenyan history and the relationship of Kenyans with their neighbors.

Beyond silently watching the Ethiopian government shed the bloods of the peoples of the Horn of Africa who struggle for their freedom every day, if the Horn of African countries silently watch the military support Kenya gives to Ethiopia regime, history will judge these governments. We appeal to regional governments to stop the Kenyan government for acting as a proxy warrior for Ethiopia in a conflict that does not concern Kenya and its peoples altogether.

Victory to the Oromo People!
Oromo Liberation Front
September 20, 2016

Oromia: Athletic Nation World Report: Athlete Hajin Tola: Winner of Mississauga CanKen 5K race protests in support of Ethiopia’s Oromo people September 20, 2016

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Winner of Mississauga CanKen 5K race protests in support of Ethiopia’s Oromo people.
Ethiopia’s Hajin Tola won the inaugural CanKen 5K road race in Mississauga, Ont. on Sunday and performed a political protest by crossing his wrists to form an “X.” (Photo: Happy Films Photography.)


The inaugural CanKen 5K road race was held on Sunday in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada in an effort to strengthen Kenya-Canada relations through sport, business and community. The 5K was dominated by the Toronto Olympic Club as the event attracted some of southern Ontario’s top talent featuring Kenyan and Ethiopian teams.
At the front of the pack, Ethiopian Hajin Tola won in 14:45 and performed a political gesture crossing his wrists above his head in an “X,” done in solidarity with the Oromo people in his home country. The protest is the fourth such notable act by an Ethiopian at a race in the past month.

How the protests got started
Olympic silver medallist Feyisa Lilesa was the first to make headlines in August when he performed the protest in Rio in the men’s marathon. He feared for his life following the race as the protest was directed at the Ethiopian government.

RELATED: Quebec City Marathon winner Ebisa Ejigu replicates Olympic medallist’s political protest.

The protests are being done in response to the government’s displacing of Oromo people outside of Addis Ababa as the municipal boundary of the capital city is extended into neighbouring areas.

Why the “x” gesture?
The anti-government protest is meant to signify being handcuffed at the wrists. The Oromo people, with much of the population living in an area named Oromia, are the largest ethnic group in the Horn of Africa. As many as 500 people have been killed in the protests between November 2015 and June as reported by Human Rights Watch.

RELATED: Paralympic T13 1,500m silver medallist protests Ethiopian government.

Lilesa, the Olympic marathon silver medallist, performed the protest in Rio and said after the race that “If I go back to Ethiopia, I will be killed.” He has since arrived in the United States on a special skills visa and has not returned to East Africa though his family remains in Ethiopia. A GoFundMe page in his name has raised more than US$160,000 for travel and living costs.

RELATED: Ethiopian Feyisa Lilesa lands in the U.S. after staging political protest in Rio.

Also in Sunday’s race was Ebisa Ejigu who won the Quebec City Marathon at the end of August and also protested against the Ethiopian government. Ejigu finished fourth on Sunday in 15:04.

At the Mississauga race, the first three positions were awarded cash prizes of $1,500, $750 and $500 in both the men’s and women’s categories. Jane Murage was the women’s race winner in 17:16. There were a number of notable figures on hand for the inaugural event including Deputy Kenya High Commissioner to Canada Ambassador Jane Onsongo.

The 1K kids dash encouraged the next generation of runners to participate with a medal being awarded to all participants and trophies going to the top three finishers.

The Toronto Olympic Club won the team trophy for fastest average time and Team Umoja won the largest turnout trophy. Team Umoja is mainly drawn from Kenyans living in Canada. Full results can be found here.

Star Tribune: Oromo Olympian draws big crowd at his Minneapolis appearance September 19, 2016

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Oromo Olympic marathon athlete Fayyisaa Lalisaa on the Guardian. #OrompProtests global icon p1

Fayyisaa’s welcoming moment at Minneapolis Convention center.

Kun Simannaa Fayyisaa Leellisaaf hawaasti Oromoo Minisootaatiin, Fulbaana 18, 2016.

Star Tribune: Oromo Olympian draws big crowd at his Minneapolis appearance

Marathon silver medalist seen as a hero for his running as well as his political statement.

TOM WALLACE, STAR TRIBUNE: Oromo (Ethiopian) Olympian Feyisa Lilesa entered the Minneapolis Convention Center Sunday, Sept 18, 2016 to a crowd of about 1000 well wishers. He won the silver medal in the 2016 Games in Rio and crossed the finish line with his arms crossed in an X, symbolizing the plight of the Oromo in Ethiopia.

Lilesa, 26, became a hero to his people and brought global attention to the plight of the Oromo in Ethiopia when he crossed his arms to form the letter X above his head as he crossed the finish line at the Rio Games.

He did the same as he entered the auditorium Sunday and the crowd erupted in cheers.

The Oromo Community of Minnesota said more than 100 Oromo people were killed in Ethiopia in August alone while peacefully protesting the government’s persecution of the ethnic group.

Lilesa, who faces jail if he returns home, has been granted a special skills visa to the United States so he can train and compete. His wife, 5-year-old son and 3-year-old daughter remain in Ethiopia.

His visit to Minneapolis was sponsored by the Oromo Community of Minnesota, headquartered in St. Paul. The group estimates that up to 40,000 Oromo people are living in Minnesota, but the state demographer’s office puts that number closer to 8,500.



CNN Connect the World: Marathon runner Feyisa Lilesa tells us why it was so important to highlight his people’s suffering at the Rio 2016 Olympics and #OromoProtests September 17, 2016

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Hero Hero, double hero in Olympic Marathon, Rio 2016 and Oromummaa. Oromo athlete. Fayyisaa Lelisa at press conference. p1

CNN Connect the World: Marathon runner Feyisa Lilesa tells us why it was so important to highlight his people’s suffering at the Rio 2016 Olympics and #OromoProtests

CNN Connect the World: Marathon runner Feyisa Lilesa tells us why it was so important to highlight his people’s suffering at the Rio 2016 Olympics and #OromoProtests




Addis Standard & All Africa: Ethiopia: #OromoProtests – the ‘Oromo Street’ and Africa’s Counter-Protest State, part III September 17, 2016

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Odaa OromooOromianEconomist#OromoProtests image, Addis StandardAddis Standard


Ethiopia: #OromoProtests – the ‘Oromo Street’ and Africa’s Counter-Protest State


In the first part of this series, I explored in historic perspectives (particularly with developments in Oromia regional state) the Ethiopian government’s road to becoming a counter-protest state and the systematic ways in which the regime further bolstered its role as a counter-protest state.

And in the second part I discussed about the surge of popular protests in Ethiopia focusing on the socio-political and party architecture in which the ongoing Oromo protests first took shape. In this third, and last, part I will take a close look at the decades-old simmering tensions between the Oromo nation and successive Ethiopian states, discovering what they reveal about the contemporary politics of the Ethiopian counter-protest state vis a vis its relations with the Oromo protests, which, by several measures, have reached a point of no return.

Decades of simmering tensions

Continuous confrontations and tensions between Oromo protesters and the ruling party manifested in Oromia-wide Oromo protests may not be understood fully unless we look back its history. In order to contextualize the on-going Oromo protests, we must consider decades of relationships between the two confronting parties – the Ethiopian state and the Oromo nation – discovering what they reveal to us about the politics of the Ethiopian counter-protest state, and what they suggest about the future prospects of Ethiopia’s political trajectory.

It is indisputable that this massive movement in Oromia is not simply a political phenomenon whose root is limited to the period between 2006-2015; it goes as far back as the 1960s when modern Oromo political activism was born, and even goes as far back as the formation of the Ethiopian state itself.

Yearning since the 1960s for three overarching questions – language, land, and self-rule – Oromo nationalism has been growing more than ever since the introduction in Ethiopia of the multi-national federalism in the early 1990s. While the Oromo question for land has two parts: the homestead (qee’ee) and the Oromo country (biyya-Oromoo), the issue of language became the foundation of identity question. The third, the Oromo question for self-rule in the course of their national struggle, seemed to have been conceived as an ultimate solution capable of addressing the other two.

These three overarching Oromo questions were aired in the 1960s by the Oromo members of the Ethiopian student movement and the Maccaa-Tuulama Self-help Association, and were later on articulated in the early 1970s in the political program of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF). These questions have been dealt with piecemeal in the revolutions of 1974 and 1991.

The 1974 revolution succeeded in the promulgation and implementation of a proclamation answering the country’s pressing demand, which was coined through the famous slogan of the student movement – “land to the tiller”; it was able to return plots/homestead to individual peasant households. With the Oromo in view, the 1974 revolution answered the question of qee’ee (homestead) but it had never attempted to deal with the Oromo question of yearning for biyya-Oromoo (Oromo country). Instead it criminalized the demand presenting it as a treasonable crime. The revolution also addressed the Oromo identity claims by allowing some media outlet for Afaan-Oromoo (Oromo language) but the demand to use Latin alphabet (qubee) was made another treasonable crime.

The political change in 1991, however, went far beyond the offers of its predecessor and dealt with more fundamental issues. Demands of Oromo nationalism was legitimized and institutionalized within the state apparatus when the new regime – for the sake of its own legitimacy – decided to offer concessions to decades old national struggles.

Through the federalism arrangement, it created the long sought after Oromo country within Ethiopia in the form of the Oromia National Regional State with its own regional parliament, Caffee Oromiyaa. It also allowed Afaan Oromoo, which had long been criminalized and heavily suppressed under the imperial and socialist Ethiopia, to be recognized as the medium of instruction in schools throughout Oromia.

But as the rule of the TPLF/EPRF began to unfold the problems inherently linked to its system of rule started to unearth. When in 1991 a coalition of rebels overthrew the Derg, the victorious TPLF-led-EPRDF not only took control of the capital city, expanding daily at the expense of Oromo farmers, but also inherited one of Africa’s oldest authoritarian state form, effectively excluding from the country’s politics, economy and cultural manifestation most of the southern peoples (the Oromo included).

As soon as TPLF took control of the center, a dubious, rather feckless Transitional Government of Ethiopia (TGE), where various political groupings, including Oromo parties of which the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) was prominent, was organized in 1992. Perhaps as part of its concerns to take the OLF on board, the TPLF recognized Addis Abeba as the capital of Oromia and promised that the interests of the Oromo people in the city would be accommodated.

The Transitional Charter that established the TGE (1991-1995) declared, “The special national and political interests of the Oromo are reserved over regions 13 [Harari State] and 14 [Addis Abeba].” In 1995, Oromia’s interest in Addis Abeba was once again recognized by the constitution that created the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE). Article 49, sub-article 5 of the constitution states that “The special interest of the State of Oromia in Addis Abeba, regarding the provision of social services or the utilization of natural resources and other similar matters, as well as joint administrative matters arising from the location of Addis Abeba within the State of Oromia, shall be respected.”

However, the whole scheme boiled down into a political manipulation where the TGE gained the support of Oromo parties and the people’s support for the creation of a lasting TPLF-dominated authoritarian regime. When the TPLF dominated EPRDF ensured its control over Oromia, it went on to purge the OLF out of the TGE in June 1992.

In 1995, when the new constitution transformed TGE into the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE), the TPLF dominated government began employing ambiguities in the constitution and walked in earnest to take full control of Addis Abeba.

In Article 49, where issues of Addis Abeba have been stipulated, three of its sub-articles (sub articles 2, 3 and 5) present contrary provisions, a state of affairs that made the gate wide open for the ruling party’s looming interests over the city. After appointing a TPLF veteran soldier as the mayor of Addis Abeba in 2000, the regime took a bold decision in 2003 to shift Oromia’s capital from Addis Abeba to Adama, 100km southeast of Addis Abeba. When the office of the Oromia regional parliament, Caffee Oromiyaa, was thrown to Adama it appeared that the hope of the Oromo to have their government in the city they believe is the center of Oromia was dashed.

Following the 2003 government decision to transfer Oromia’s seat to Adama the leadership of Maccaa-Tuulama Association (MTA) and Addis Abeba University students immediately organized a protest, which was met with brutal crackdown.

The organizers were imprisoned and MTA was outlawed and had its office looted and dismantled. The university itself dismissed nearly 400 students whom it believed had taken part in the protest. While it was clear that thousands of farmers were evicted between 1995 and 2003, it was, however, the decision to transfer Oromia’s capital from Addis Abeba to Adama that gave birth to the Oromo struggle for Addis Abeba.

The declaration of the proposed “Master Plan” a decade later would mean dashed hopes and broken promises; it breaks up into two what has been known in the narrative of modern Oromo political activism as biyya-Oromoo (Oromo country), a reference to Oromia. On one hand, it is a broken promise because it sustains the regime’s tradition of deciding on issues relevant to biyya-Oromoo without the consent of the Oromo nation. In fact, many believed the implementation of “the Master Plan” would come close to restoration of the former Shewa governorate-general, which in turn would mean a renewed wave of cultural invasion on the Oromo as much as a territorial break up of Oromia.

Addis Abeba’s expansion in historical times had scored the highest record in eviction of the surrounding farmers in its environs, namely, Tuulama Oromo, but the EPRDF regime took this to a new level previously unmatched in Ethiopia’s history. Most peasant households have been and still are poor in Ethiopia but they live on their land and depend on its produce for their livelihoods, whatever its sufficiency.

Tuulama Oromo in this regard appear the most unfortunate for encountering endless evictions since at least the 18th century. Left in isolation from the Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopians in all walks of life, and undoubtedly the TPLF/EPRDF regime, the Tuulama Oromo have been forced to bear unbearable projects accompanying the regime’s intent (whatever the name attached to it) of expanding the city of Addis Abeba with no regard to their way of being.

Coherently conscious

The Oromo population constitutes nearly 40 per cent of Ethiopia’s estimated population of 100 million. Some are adherents of Islam (being involved in more than one sect); others follow different sects of Christianity, and still others adhere to Waaqeffannaa, the Oromo indigenous belief system. In rural Oromia, their social organizations exhibit diverse historical experiences and regional patterns. These few remarks help us appreciate the internal diversity of Ethiopia’s largest ethno-nation.

So far, a number of scholars have made serious attempts to understand the contemporary political status of this diversity within the Oromo nation. While some treated them as a nation others seriously question that status. This diversity, for example, in the eyes of Gebru Tareke, an Ethiopian scholar, made the Oromo nation “a vastly dispersed people with no history of political unity since the sixteenth century.”

Another scholar, John Markakis, wrote, “From the beginning of their historic [population movement] the Oromo did not forge unity above the tribal level, nor did they ever coordinate their efforts for a common purpose. Each tribe pursued its own destiny entirely independent of the others, and inter-tribal warfare was the rule rather than the exception.” Historian Bahru Zewde on his part says “… the incorporation of the nineteenth century has resulted in the denigration of Oromo culture and identity,” but plainly denies the fact that an Oromo country has ever existed before the twentieth century; he argues against a map of Oromo country – Ormania – made by a German missionary J.L. Krapf based on primary historical data he collected ‘during an eighteen-years residence in eastern Africa’ in mid 19th century.

 While Gebru Tareke and John Markakis have taken Oromo internal diversity far beyond limits, it is fairly recognizable that Oromo internal diversity led to considerable divisions that played key roles not only in their historical experiences with Ethiopian systems of rule but also in creating within themselves fissured political groupings.

But the fact that the ongoing Oromo protests engulfed the whole of Oromia in merely three weeks’ time threw some light on the perspectives of these scholars – Gebru and Markakis, for example – who consistently argued against the presence of the Oromo’s nationhood.

 By claiming that Oromoness is counterfeit, that it never existed, that Oromo nation possess within itself lots of local and cultural diversity to develop any coherent consciousness and never possessed an overarching sense of “nationhood”, or that they are inseparably intermingled with various other peoples, “the opponents believe that they can divide, destroy, or, perhaps, wish away Oromo nationalism,” to use the words of Herbert Lewis, who wrote The Development of Oromo Political Consciousness from 1958 to 1994.

While this attitude has clear origins in politics and “interests,” it is facilitated by the general social science discourse that still tends to discount or decry ethno-nationalism. Yet this kind of internal diversity which some scholars employed to question the very existence of the Oromo as a nation is seriously called into question with the start of Oromo protests in November 2015.

Many scholars attempted to understand the challenges of the Oromo national struggle in isolation from the political developments in that tumultuous region of Ethiopia and the horn of Africa. But the on-going Oromo movement appears to have overcome lots of deterring factors long-lived in the Oromo national struggle. In less than four weeks what the Oromo people regarded as a serious threat to their national identity caused a union of massive popular movement that engulfed the whole of Oromia.

A case in point is how Oromo national identity, Oromummaa, has been built over decades and the significant impact it has in uniting a population of close to 40 million for a coherent cause. Oromoness is a reference to all those features that make up Oromo personality.

It is constituted by the entirety of the Oromo culture. It is worth noticing that Oromo activists, artists, political commentators, scholars and politicians appear to have successfully campaigned over the last two decades highlighting the fact that Oromummaa transcends differences in political opinions, religions, and all sorts of background, a concept well articulated in the works of Oromo scholars such as Assefa Jaleta.

Readjusting the narrative

Apparently placed at a precarious position, many scholarly works need to be revisited; there is a need to further investigate facts and collect empirical data to create effective analytical frameworks capable of capturing the whole, more nuanced scenario that would help us better understand the Oromo nation and its indisputable place in the Ethiopian state.

Only then can we appreciate and understand why and how various Oromo politicians chose to establish different political parties after the onset of the 1974 revolution; have decided to join rival political groupings not founded for separate Oromo cause; have even joined the dictatorial military regime – a clear indication that even those of similar social and religious backgrounds understood Oromo problems differently and likewise proposed disputing routes of political struggle.

Only then can we clearly comprehend why Oromia has in the last quarter a century exhibited spatial and temporal mismatch on concerns of opposition to the EPRDF regime. Without readjusting our existing narratives it will be hard to understand how and why the 2014 and the on-going Oromo protest movement overlap and deviate.

Our understanding of the cultural and socio-political stances that are being taken through the Oromo protests movement can also be appreciated when placed into context with issues related to the wider Horn of Africa.

A more accurate contextualizing of these stances can be viewed within the affairs of Ethiopia’s broader issues, and their complexities. The same understanding appeared to have been useful to inform narratives shaping the future of the Oromo national struggle. The days of hiding behind Oromo internal diversity as Ethiopia’s numerical majority with subaltern political constructs are gone, and will not come back again.

It is also incumbent upon us to understand that taking opportunities offered in the current multinational federal system, Oromo youth at secondary schools and junior colleges throughout Oromia, and the ever expanding universities have for the last two and half decades propagated their literature, folklore, music, songs, poetry, theatre, drama, and other forms of cultural revival and actions in these concepts of the Oromo cultural movement. Taking into account the growth of federal universities from less than five when TPLF/EPRDF took power in 1991 to over 30 in 2015, it becomes important to see the relationship between this considerable expansion in higher education and the growth in modern Oromo political activism.

While ‘economic solvency’ remains one of the fundamental points of the Oromo people’s opposition to ‘the Master Plan’, for the growing Oromo consciousness it is by no means comparable to the Ethiopian regime’s project of posing immeasurable challenges to the concept of Oromoness altogether, and all of what it means from the central parts of Oromia, the territory the Oromos believe is “handhuura-Oromia” (Oromia’s bellybutton).

Understanding this is at the same time one of the pillars in symbolization and conceptualization of Oromoness in the minds of the Oromo people. It is such understanding of Oromoness which seems to have brought the new generation of OPDO, discussed in part two of this series, to openly speak against “the Master Plan” in April 2014. There is little doubt that the Oromo nation conceived ‘the Master Plan’ as a threat to their national identity. Styled after popular Arsii tradition, “namni lafa hinqabne, nama lafee hinqabne,” (a person without land is a person without bones).

Hope for millions

After nearly five decades of struggle, the Oromo seem to have learnt from experience and history that an attack on one part is an attack on the whole. Collective memory helps a society to understand both its past, present, and by implication, to imagine its future. It is important to underline here that it is the memory of past injustices and the contemporary aims of the TPLF/EPRDF regime against the future of the Oromo nation that has served as one of the most important tools stirring the ongoing protest.

The Oromo protesters believed that “the Master Plan” violates the territorial integrity and identity of the Oromo and their aspiration to become a self ruling nation. In the perspectives of the protesters rallies across Oromia are rallies for self-defence. The progress of Oromo nationalism over decades appear to have succeeded to present the cause of the Oromo of the central region as the cause of all.

While the government employs the same old narrative of “we have made it possible for Ethiopia’s oppressed nations for the first time to use their own language and exercise their cultures,” public political consciousness seems to have navigated far ahead of this narrative.

As protesters have proved for themselves through their practical experiences that the regime has very little room for implementation of provisions in the same constitution drafted and promulgated under its own dominance, they took up constitutional provisions as weapons against it.

In short, the constitution has become for the Oromo protesters what James Scott theorized as “weapon of the weak.” As the protests set out to start the systematic use of provisions in the constitution by dissent voices within OPDO, the protesters and the opposition became united. It is mainly in this sense that the regime’s propaganda to present the protesters as “terrorists” and “anti-peace” failed to bear fruit.

The struggle for Addis Abeba and the adjacent territories presents the Oromo people with a choice between survival and annihilation as a cultural unit and as a nation. It is this understanding that managed to mobilize the entire Oromo nation throughout Oromia region and tested the limits of the counter protest state that Ethiopia is.

This popular perception has clearly succeeded in establishing in the minds of Ethiopia’s single largest nation that “the struggle for Addis Abeba is the struggle for Oromia.” EPRDF’s killing is far from threatening the Oromo people and all indication suggest that there is no turning back. The slogans have now changed from “No to the Master Plan,” “Oromia is not for sale,” and “Oromia needs autonomous self-government,” to “justice for our blood and lives.”

It is also a hope of millions of Oromo and many more that it is upon the Oromo national struggle to give birth to an efficient national political narrative that, while not compromising unanswered historical questions in Oromia, gives rise to a country-wide coalition of political parties that can realize the old democratic demands of the peoples of Ethiopia, a state of affairs Ethiopia had missed to realize at many historical trajectories.

Despite age-old terrains of relations among various groups of peoples in Ethiopia and the Horn, and where the Oromo people deeply and actively involved themselves for generations, Oromo struggle is a struggle for self-rule as well as one for democracy, struggle for both group and individual rights. Signs of overcoming disagreements and standing together for common cause are being observed at this point of the Oromo national struggle. Appreciable is unequivocal banners carried out by Amhara protesters in support of their Oromo brethren and statements made by some Oromo and Amhara political parties and dialogues initiated by their respective media outlets.

TPLF/EPRDF’s approach of facing popular protests with bloody crackdowns is no longer keeping Ethiopia as a state. The persistence of the Oromo people in the face of the counter protest state’s ruthlessness will also soon begin to reflect itself within the Horn of Africa’s fragile peace and stability position. Any concerned party, be it domestic or international, which takes seriously the Horn of Africa’s peace and stability, must not only understand the framework of today’s popular demands (that refuse to turn back in Ethiopia’s Oromia region), but must also become grounded in the particular historical contexts of this framework.

Ed’s Note: Etana Habte is a PhD Candidate at the Department of History, SOAS, University of London. He can be reached at:ittaanaa@gmail.com

Click here to read related article on #OromoProtests: OPINION: THE QILINTO MASSACRE: THE TRUTH SHALL BE REVEALED

Ibsa Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo: “Ayyaana Irreecha Guddicha Bu’aa Qabsoo Bilisummaa Oromoon Kan Argamee As Gahe Qabsoon Kunuunfanna” September 17, 2016

Posted by OromianEconomist in Irreecha Birraa, Irreecha Oromo, Irreessa.
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Odaa OromooOromianEconomist


Ka'i Qeerro

Oromia and the continuitity its Nile Valley Civilization, Irreecha Malkaa 2015 ( 6409 years since started on upper Nile (Mormore) Valley)Irreecha Malkaa Oromoo kan Bara 2015 Hora Harsadi, Bishoftuu, Oromia, Africa. Onkoloolessa 4,  2015  (6409 ALO)Oromia and the continuity its Nile Valley Civilization, Irreecha Malkaa 2015 ( 6409 years since started on upper Nile (Mormore) Valley)

Ayyaanni  Irreechaa kabajamaa fi jaalatamaan uummata Oromoo miliiyoona kudhanootaan kan kabajamu bu’aa  qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo wareegama qaalii lafee gootota Oromoo fi dhiiga gootota Oromoon tikfamee hardha ga’ee , yeroo ammaa kanattis ayyaana Irreechaa fi aadaa Oromoo kunuunsanii tiksuun dhalootaaf dabarsuuf gootonni Oromoo wareeegama qaalii itti baasaa jiru. Baroota darban keessa ayyaana Irreechaa kabajuuf jecha ummanni Oromoo fi sabboontotiin hedduun waraana Agaazii fi Poolisoota sirna TPLFn hedduu dararamanii jiru, gariin qabsaawotaa fi dargaggoonni Oromoo bakka irreecha kabajatanii fi kabajuuf deemanitti reebamuun kanneen qaamaa hirdhatan hedduu dha. Warri hidhamanii hanga ammaa bakka buuteen isaanii wallaalalme dhibbootaa  hedduu dha. Kanas ta’ee gootonni Qeerroo Bilisummaa hiraarsa kora bittinneessaan osoo hin jilbeeffatiin ayyaana Irreechaa Oromiyaa bakkoota adda addaatti kabajamu sirna miidhagaan kabajachuun aadaa Oromoo aduunyaatti muldhisaa turan. Haalleen dararaa fi gufaatii sirni Wayyaanee TPLF ummata keenya irraan gahu hunda keessa qaxaamuruun bu’aa gootota wareegamanii kan ta’e Ayyaana Irreechaa kana daran midhagsuu fi aduunyaatti muldhisuuf har’a sadarkaa UNESCO itti galmaa’aa jiraachuun qabsoo Oromootiif injifatnoo tokko.

Haala kana keessatti  Qeerroon Bilisummaa Oromoo Ayyaana Irreechaa Birraa kan baranaa 2016 Hora Arsadiitti kabajamuuf yeroo jiru kana keessatti, Oromiyaa fi ummanni Oromoo bulchiisa waraanaa yoomyyuu caalaa suukanneessaa kan ta’e jala galtee jirti. Ayyaanni guddaan saba Oromoo biratti jaallatamaa ta’e kun duula waraana TPLF Oromiyaa fi Oromoo irratti labse kana cabsuun ummata miliyoona hedduun kabajamuuf Oromoota biratti qophii guddaa irra jirama. Bara kana ayyaanni Irreechaa kabajamu kun dhaadannoo  ‘ Ayyaana Irreecha Guddicha  Bu’aa Qabsoo Bilisummaa Oromoon Kan Argamee As Gahe Qabsoon Kunuunfanna”jedhuun kan kabajamuu waan ta’eef Qeerroon Bilisummaa Oromoo  uummata isaa cufa waliin ta’uun ayyaana Irreecha 2016 kabajamu bifa adda ta’een kabajachuuf kan jirru  ta’uu hubachisuun haala kabaja ayyaanaa Irreecha bara kana sadarkaa hundarratti  kabajamu  ilaalchisuun Qeerroon Bilisummaa Oromoo  uummata Oromoo, sabootaa fi sabalammoota kabajaa fi jaalaala ayyaana irreechaa Oromoof qaban hundaaf Ibsa kanaa gadii dabarsee jira.

  1. Ayyaanni Irreechaa bakka uummatnı Oromoo Waaqa isa uume ıttı galateeffatu, kadhatuu fi wal arguun waliin İrreeffachuu Aadaa, Duudhaa, eenyummaa, Oromummaa , Sabboonummaa isaa itti jabeeffatuu fi tikfatu ta’uun gadi jabeessuun hubachiifna;
  2. Biyyaatti Impayera Ethiopia humna waraana mootummaa EPRDF/TPLF gaggeeffamaa jirtu keessatti ayyaanota gurguddoo kabajaman keessa ayyaanni Irreechaa qofti bara baraan loltoota EPRDF, TPLF fi ergamtoota isaaniin uummatni nagaan ayyaaneffachuuf bahuu daandii irratti goolamaa , reebamaa, hidhamaa, daraaraamaa fi hiraarsaa ulfaataan kan isa  mudachaa ture.  Ummatni Oromoo haala rakkisaa kana hundaa tokkummaa fi kabajaa fi jaalala eenyummaa isaa kan ibsuu ayyaana Irreechaaf qabu  obsaa fi murannoon jala dhaabbatee wareegama baasaa kabajachaa har’a ga’ee. Bara kanas TPLF /Wayyaaneen Irreechaa 2016  karaa dhaaba jalee isaa OPDO  maqaaf Aadaaf Turizimiin karoora danqaa tatta’an baafachuun ummati Oromoo ifaa fi bilisaan akka ayyaanicha hin kabajneef shira xaxaa jira.  Karoorri OPDO kun hatattamaan ummata keenya irraa ka’ee Oromoon bilisaan ayyaana qabsoon argate kana akka kabajatu warra karoora shiraa wixinee ummata rakkisu karoora kana akka kaasaan gaafatna;
  3. Mootummaan Wayyaanee OPDOn ummata Oromoo waaqa uumaa kee illee eeyyama koo malee waaqeffachuu fi ayyaaneffachuu hın dandeessuu jechuun mirga uumamaan uummatni keenya qabu  ırraa sarbuun anatu siif beekaa akkan jedhetti malee waaqeffachuu hin dandeessuu jechuun shoroorkaa uummataa keenyarratti gaggeessaa jiran hatattamaan akka dhaabbatu Qeerroon Bilisummaa Oromoo gadi jabeessuun ni hubachiisa.  Jaarmiyaaleen mirga namummaa Idil-addunyaa hundii rakkoo ulfaataa uummatni keenyaa keessa jiru akka hubatanii fi dhiibbaa  wayyaanee irratti akka jabeessus sabboontotni biyya alaa jirtan gadi jabeessitanii akka irratti hojjettan cimsinee gaafatna;
  4. Qeerroon dargaggootni Oromoo haamilee uummata keenyaa fi qabsoo bilisummaa bara dheeraa  ummatni keenya irratti wareegamaa jiruuf kabaja fi jaalalaa qabnu  muldhisuun jeequmsa kamuu osoo hin uumne Oromiyaa, gootota Oromoo qabsoof wareegaman faarsuun ummata haamlessuu fi diddaa sirna gabroomfataaf qabnu muldhisuu irratti jabaannee akka hojjennu hubachiifna;
  5. Ayyaana kana irratti hogganootii fi miseensotiin Qeerroon Bilisummaa Oromoo bakka jirtan hundatti tokkummaa, jaalalaa fi kabajaa ummata  keenyaa fi gootota keenyaa wareegamaa qaalii kanfaluun asiin nu ga’an faarsuun eegumsa naamusaa,daa’immanii , Shamarranii fi Maanguddootaaf akkasumaas uummata keenyaa waliigalaaf akka goonu dhaamsa Oromummaa fi dirqama dhalootaa waliif dabarsina;
  6. Jalbultii Ayyaana İrreechaa barana Fulbaana 20-21, 2016 Wayyaanee TPLF fi ergamtooti isaa OPDOn muddamanii waan qabanii dhiisan dhabuun maqaa waldorgommii İspoortii jedhu gaggeessuun yaada ummataa hanga tokko warraaqsaa FXG irraa jallaisuu dandeenya jettee toftaa dulloomaa ishee butachuun olola afaan fajjii gaggeessuuf akka jirtu saaxilameera. Ummatni Oromoo dhumaa utuu jiruu, hidhaa keessatti  dararaa hiriyyaa hin qabne irra gahaa osoo jiruu biyyi keenya  Oromiyaan waraanaan shororkeeffamaa utuu jiruu shirri itti fakkeessi TPLFn wixinamee OPDOtti kenname kun salphinaa fi farrummaa qabsoo Oromoo waan ta’eef dargaggoonni Oromoos ta’e ummanni Oromoo bakka shiraa maqaa Ispoortiin qopaawee kana akka hin geenyee fi irraa akka of qusatan dhaamsa lammummaa wareegmtoota dabarsina;
  7. Ummatni Oromoo biyya isaa keessatti mootummaa hin qabu; Media Mootummaas hin qabu; poolisii isa eeguu , nageenyaa fi mirga isaa kan kabachiisu hin qabu; Oromoon wal malee homaa waan hin qabneef bakka jirtaan hundatti jaalala, tokkummaa fi kabaja Oromummaa waliif akka qabaattanii nagaan baatanii nagaan qe’ee keessanitti akka deebitaniif akka wal tiksitaniif waamichaa keenyaa dabarsina. Meidaleen walabaa Oromoo jalbultii ayyaana Irreechaa irraa eegaluun ayyaanichaa fi qophii isaa aduunyaatti muldhisuun akka miidhagsitan waamicha keenya dabarsina;
  8. Mootummaan Wayyaanee shiroota garaagaraa jalbuitii Ayyaana İrreechaa rawwachuuf jiru qindeessaa jira. Shiroota kanneen keessa ammaaf kan saaxilame Fajjii qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo alaabaa ABO har’a uummaatni Oromoo golee fi Oromiyaa cufa keessatti qabatee  ittiin warraaqsa gaggeefataa jiru fi  jaalaalaa, kabaja uummatni ABO faajjii qabsoo isaaf qabu argisiisaa kan jiru kana gaafa jala bultii ayyaana Irreechaa irraa kaasee basaasotiin Wayyaanee bal’inaan karaa irra dhaabbatanii gurguruun nama alaabaa bitu hordofuun qabuuf shira guddaa xaxaa jiru. Ummanni keenyaa fi dargaggoonni keenya kana hubachuun alaabaa Oromoo kan Wayyaaneen gurgurtaaf dhiheessaa jirtu akka irraa hin bitne gadi jabeessinee dhaamsa dabarsina;
  9. Ayyaanii Irreecha birraa 2016 sadarkaa godinaaleetti waan itti fufuuf qabxiilee ibsa kana irratti taarrifaman bakka iyyuutti yaadachaa muuxannoo Hora Arsadiitti argattan irraa kabaja Ayyaana Irreechaa godinaalee irrattis bifa ho’aa, naamusa ol aanaan  fi qindaa’aan akka kabajamu waltaanee gamtaan kan irratti hojjennu ta’uu dhaamsa keenyaa dabarsina.


Injifannoon Uummata Oromoof!!


                Gadaan Gadaa Bilisummaati!!


                Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo!!


            Fulbaana 16, 2016 Finfinnee


Oakland Institute: Ethiopia: The Time for Change is Now! #OromoProtests September 17, 2016

Posted by OromianEconomist in #OromoProtests.
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Odaa OromooOromianEconomistOakland Institutestop-killing-oromo-peopletplf-stop-killing-the-konso-people

Ethiopia: The Time for Change is Now!

Last weekend on the eve of two large celebrations in Ethiopia—the Ethiopian New Year and the beginning of Eid al-Adha festivities—the Ethiopian authorities pardoned approximately 1,000 people, 135 of whom had been charged under the country’s draconian Anti-Terrorism Proclamation. Amongst those released were leaders of theEthiopian Muslim community, who have been in jail since July 2012 when they were detained for protesting against governmental interference in religious affairs.1

Ethiopian army soldiers monitoring Suri people during a festival in Kibish. Credit: Oakland Institute.
Ethiopian army soldiers monitoring Suri people during a festival in Kibish. Credit: Oakland Institute.

While the release of these political prisoners is welcome, we must not be fooled by this supposedly “generous” act. The Ethiopian government frequently issues pardons at times of international scrutiny. Before President Obama’s trip to Ethiopia in July 2015, for instance, numerous high profile political prisoners were released, including Bekele Gerba,2 Reeyot Alemu, and several of the Zone 9 Bloggers. Pardons like these are strategic. They are meant to make the Ethiopian government look reasonable, with the hope that the international community will be pacified and look the other way.

But the abuses continue, and cannot be ignored.

Just two days after the pardons, it was reported that two more Ethiopian opposition members had been arrested. On September 3rd, at least 23 prisoners died “under disputed circumstances” when a fire broke out in Ethiopia’s notorious Kilinto jail. Those jailed at Kilinto include numerous Oromo protesters, former World Bank translator Omot Agwa, and prominent Oromo opposition politician, Bekele Gerba. Local news reports allege that prison guards opened fire on the detained during the fire.

And let us not forget the thousands that remain behind bars, having not been included in what appears to have been an arbitrary set of pardons.

Mounting Pressure

The Ethiopian government has good reason to worry about the growing dissent in the country. The past months have seen increased unity in the courageous fight for democracy and human rights. Community members engaged in the struggle told Oakland Institute staff “there will be no jubilation until all political prisoners, regardless of religious or ethnicity, are released.”

International pressure, too, has mounted. On September 12th, Rep. Chris Smith introduced House Resolution 861, entitled “Supporting human rights and encouraging inclusive governance in Ethiopia.” The bill recounts the many abuses taking place in Ethiopia – from the impact of the villagization program on the Anuak in Gambella, to the numerous unlawful arrests made under the Anti-Terrorism Proclamation; the crackdown on civil society organizations under the Charities and Societies Proclamation to the numerous extrajudicial killings that have taken place during this past year’s protests – and calls for strong action, both by the US and Ethiopian governments. One day later, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights expressed deep concern in his opening remarks before the Human Rights Council regarding the “lethal use of force against protesters, enforced disappearances, and mass detentions” by Ethiopian forces. He reaffirmed his previous calls for an “independent, impartial, and international” investigation.

Solidarity actions are also taking root in the US. On Friday September 16th, the Oromo Renaissance Organization will hold a peaceful rally in Oakland to “denounce the deadly crackdown … on peaceful protesters in Oromia and other regions of the country.”3 Earlier this week, Olympic silver medalist Feyisa Lilesa held a high-profile press conference in Washington DC, bringing significant international media attention to the plight of not just the Oromo people, but those in Amhara and Gambella as well. Lilesa will hold another press conference on September 18th in Minneapolis, hosted by the Oromo Community of Minnesota.4

A Critical Moment for Ethiopia

This is a critical moment for Ethiopia. The US Government, United Nations leaders, and the international media are all paying attention to the abuses taking place, and finally giving these atrocities the attention they deserve. Now, more than ever, the international community needs to follow through on its responsibility. We must not accept the introduction of a bill or the pardoning of 1,000 as enough. Instead, we must continue to call for universal human rights, democracy, and justice across Ethiopia.

The time for change in Ethiopia is now!



  • [1] Their sentencing was condemned by the Chairman of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom, who called the Muslim leaders “peaceful advocates for religious freedom.”
  • [2] Bekele Gerba was rearrested in December 2015, and continues to languish in jail.
  • [3]The peaceful rally, coordinated by the Oromo Renaissance Organization, will be held on Friday September 16 from 11am – 2pm at 1301 Clay Street in Oakland, CA.
  • [4] The press conference with Feyisa Lilesa, hosted by the Oromo Community of Minnesota, will be held at 12:00pm on Sunday September 18th at the Minneapolis Convention Center, 1301 2nd Ave S., in Minneapolis, MN.


RUNNING INTO TROUBLE: A life of discrimination and fear led an Ethiopian marathoner to protest on the world stage September 17, 2016

Posted by OromianEconomist in #OromoProtests, Uncategorized.
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Odaa OromooOromianEconomistrio-paralympiccongressman-smith-and-athlete-feyissa-lelisa-at-capitol-hill-oromoprotests

At night, Feyisa Lilesa and his friends hid in the farms to evade the security forces who were arresting people across the country. As a 15-year-old growing up in Oromia region, Lilesa says he was always aware that many of his fellow citizens didn’t approve of the government’s treatment. But the moment of awakening for…

via A life of discrimination and fear led an Ethiopian marathoner to protest on the world stage — Quartz

VOA: Congressman Smith and Athlete Feyissa Lelisa at Capitol Hill. #OromoProtests September 13, 2016

Posted by OromianEconomist in #OromoProtests.
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Odaa OromooOromianEconomist

Oromo Olympic marathon athlete Fayyisaa Lalisaa in the social and international media. #OrompProtests global icon. p7


Press Conference to announce the introduction of a House Resolution “Supporting respect for human rights and encouraging inclusive governance in Ethiopia.” Oromo Olympic marathon runner who won silver in Rio, Feyisa Lelisa was invited to this event to make a remark and meet with U.S. Representatives.



Oromo Ethiopian diaspora community optimistic about human rights bill

Several dozen members of the Oromo Ethiopian diaspora community expressed support for recently introduced legislation aimed at curbing human rights abuses in that country during a press conference outside the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday. Click here to read more.

CNS News: Rep. Smith on Ethiopia Rights Abuses: ‘Abomination When You Torture Your Own Citizens,’ click  here to read more.

Related, Media reporting Fayyisaa Leellisaa:-

Afk Insider: 12 Things You Didn’t Know About Ethiopian Marathon Runner Feyisa Lilesa, click here to read. 


Washington Post: Olympian Feyisa Lilesa: From Rio to America, I will keep fighting Ethiopia’s oppression, click here to read.

CNN: Olympic runner Feyisa Lilesa: ‘I will be killed if I go back to Ethiopia’, click here to read.

Al Jazeera: Feyisa Lilesa, who won silver for Ethiopia at Olympic Games in Rio, wants “superiority of one ethnic group to end”, click here to read.

Fox Sports: Ethiopian marathoner remains in US on visa after protest

QUARTZ Africa: SYMBOL OF RESISTANCE:Defiant marathoner Feyisa Lilesa has taken Ethiopia’s protests to the United States

The Guardian: Feyisa Lilesa: being an athlete allowed me to be the voice of my people

Mail Online: Olympic runner yearns for peace, fears bloodletting in Ethiopia

Foreign Policy

Tesfa News


Open Democracy: The ‘Ethiopian Spring’: “Killing is not an answer to our grievances. #OromoProtests September 10, 2016

Posted by OromianEconomist in #OromoProtests.
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Odaa OromooOromianEconomist

stop killing Oromo Peopleoromoprotests-boycotts-fascist-ethiopias-regime-tplf-the-criminal-group-and-its-business

The ‘Ethiopian Spring’: “Killing is not an answer to our grievances”

There is every sign that Ethiopia is plunging into a crisis whose scale, intensity, and multiple and interdependent drivers are unprecedented since the founding of the regime in 1991.

Ethiopian PM, Hailemariam Desalegn attends African Summit in Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa January 2016. (AP Photo/Mulugeta Ayene). All rights reserved.

The Ethiopian leadership remains in denial. The long meetings of its ruling bodies have culminated in a report on 15 years of national “rebirth”, in which it awards itself good marks, while acknowledging the existence of a few problems here and there.

Nonetheless, the odd warning signal may be heard – though very seldom – in counterpoint to the general complacency. Hailemariam Desalegn, prime minister and chairman of what is essentially the single party, has gone so far as to warn that the issues facing the regime are a matter of “life or death”,[1]and that Ethiopia is “sliding towards ethnic conflict similar to that in neighbouring countries”.[2]

Well, these neighbouring countries include Somalia, epitome of the ‘failed state’, and Sudan, which has split in two and where civil war is raging in the new Southern State. In this, unusually, he is in agreement with Merera Gudina, head of one of the main opposition parties still permitted to operate, whospeaks of the probability of “civil war […] if the government continues to repress”.[3] There is every sign that Ethiopia is plunging into a crisis whose scale, intensity, and multiple and interdependent drivers are unprecedented since the founding of the regime in 1991, although the impossibility of field research precludes any in-depth and conclusive assessment.

The first, very discreet signs of this crisis appeared in the spring of 2014 in a part of the country where they were probably least expected: in Tigray, where the Tigrean People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), pillar of the quadri-ethnic party ruling coalition – the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) – seemed both unopposed and unopposable.

Yet the Tigreans loudly and clearly accused “their” Front of neglecting them by only looking after its own interests or, as Hailemariam Desalegn expressed it, of using “public authority for personal gain at all levels”.[4]

The crisis erupted into the open a few weeks later in Oromya, with additional grievances. In the most populous of the nine states and two municipalities that make up federal Ethiopia, a state that is also the country’s economic powerhouse, students took to the streets to protest against the Addis Ababa Master Plan. Their suspicion was that this would inevitably lead to a transfer of sovereignty from the Oromo region to central government and be accompanied by “land grabbing”, the expulsion and dispossession of the local peasant farmers. Protests resumed in November 2015 and continue today at a larger scale that now includes the general population and almost the whole of Oromo State.

Turning up the heat

The heat was turned up a further notch in mid-July with the advent of protests in the historic heart of Amhara State. Together, Amhara and Oromo account for almost two-thirds of the country’s total population. The diversity of the ways of life that characterizes Oromo – farmers and pastoralists, of its religions – Orthodox Christian, Muslim, Protestant, animist, together with its very loose traditional structures, prompts Merera Gudina to emphasisethe chronic division between Oromo political forces”.[5] By contrast, the homogeneity of the Amhara population – in its vast majority small farmers and Christian Orthodox – fosters unity, while its mobilisation is favoured by its sense of hierarchy and discipline. Finally, the parallel protests by Oromo and Amhara, with largely shared reasons and objectives, breaks with their historical antagonism: the dispossession and subsequent exploitation of the Oromo by an Amhara – and Tigrean – elite from the late nineteenth century onwards, embedded their relations in a system that the Oromo have described as colonial.

The toughest demonstrations that the regime had faced followed the contested elections of 2005. They were essentially confined to Addis Ababa, with the young unemployed playing a major role. In all, they lasted only a few days, in two surges. They came in response to a call from established political forces for a very clear outcome – respect for the verdict of the ballot box. The regime reacted in unison with violent repression – killing almost 200 and arresting tens of thousands – immediately followed by a large-scale strategy of political reconquest through the expansion of the quasi-single party and a rallying of the elites. The protests very quickly died down, and the opposition forces collapsed.

This time, the protests affect the country’s two main states. Despite the repression – hundreds killed, thousands arrested – it has been going on for nine months, with varying degrees of intensity. The attempts at dissuasion through fear have not been enough[6] – at least for the moment – to demobilize the protesters, as evidenced by new forms of protest such as the recent “dead city” operations in the Amhara region[7] and the just launched boycott campaign in Oromya.

This time, a whole generation of young people is in the forefront of the protests – the 15-29 age group represents more than a quarter of the population – starting with, but not confined to, all those who have benefited from mass education, who have carried their elders with them. This time, their anger derives from widespread discontent, focusing on three areas.

First, they are fed up not just with the regime’s authoritarianism, but more so with the way it is exercised: supervision and control that are stifling, intrusive and infantilising, imposed everywhere, all the time, on everyone, by a Party that has swallowed up the State. The second focus is the implementation of a federalism that is in theory equitable, but in reality profoundly unbalanced. Tigray, representing 6% of the population, was the epicentre of the rebellion, which threw out Mengistu Haile Mariam’s military-socialist junta in 1991, the Derg. It was headed by the Tigrean student elite that founded the TPLF. This historical role justified its initial primacy.

Twenty-five years on, however, this elite remains vastly overrepresented at the apex of political power, the army, the security services. In addition, through public and para-public companies, it controls two thirds of the modern economy, excluding traditional agriculture.In the specific Ethiopian case… a tentacular and increasingly voracious and arrogant oligarchy… has ultimately filtered down to village level.

The third focus of discontent is the backlashes of the “developmental state”. This system centralises revenues at the summit of power, which supremely decides on its optimal use for development across the country. This strategy has been decisive in the exceptional economic growth of the last decade – probably around 6% to 7% per year – and in the expansion of education and health services alike. However, the centralisation it entails is evidently incompatible with authentic federalism. Moreover, in the specific Ethiopian case, the fact that the functions of political leadership, economic decision-making and the management of public and para-public enterprises are concentrated in the hands of the same people at the summit of the party-state, free of any control and political counterweight, has led to the creation of a tentacular and increasingly voracious and arrogant oligarchy, which has ultimately filtered down to village level.

These flaws have had a cumulative and mutually reinforcing impact. In Oromya in particular, the implementation of development projects dictated from above and often controlled by nonindigenous oligarchs, has frequently been marked by authoritarianism, spoliation and ethnic favouritism. In the case of “land grabbing”, there are multiple instances of land being brutally appropriated and embezzlement of the compensation owed to evicted farmers. The triggering factor for the protests in Amhara region was the authorities’ refusal to tackle the dispute arising from the incorporation into Tigray of the Wolkait region – a thin strip of land in the north that was part of the imperial province of Amhara – imposed after 1991 without public consultation of any kind, together with the transfer of western areas to Sudan, a process conducted in total secrecy.


The demonstrators’ slogans and targets speak for themselves. They have attacked prisons to free the inmates. They have ransacked public properties, not just offices, vehicles, etc., but also health centres, unemployment offices and cooperatives, places they see as existing more to control the population than to perform their purported functions.They have ransacked public properties…  they see as existing more to control the population than to perform their purported functions.

They have gone after local party bosses and their possessions – the lowest layer of the oligarchy – targeting government representatives as much as the despoilers. They have burned businesses owned by national and foreign investors (farms, factories, hotels, etc.) because they symbolise an external stranglehold over Oromya and the Amhara region. “Oromya is not for sale” was one favourite slogan. In short, the demonstrators are targeting both the persons and property of those they see as having obtained position and/or wealth at their expense, through the patronage of the ruling power. “Thief!” is one of the most oft repeated slogans.

In Oromya, the conviction of having remained second-class citizens in a system dominated by a “northist” minority, and in the Amhara region of having become second-class and of feeling permanentlyhumiliated and marginalized[8] because a part of the Amhara elite was dominant in the imperial era, is less and less tolerated. The assertion of ethnic identity and the demand for the full rights associated with it are at the heart of the demonstrations. “We want genuine self rule”, cry the Oromo, “We are Amhara”, declare the crowds in the historical capital Gondar, or in Bahir Dar, the new capital. However, these claims are also taking a very worrying turn. In Oromo, demonstrators have gone after Amhara and Tigreans, as well as their properties. Tigreans have been targeted in the Amhara region. However, distortions of every kind in the propaganda war make the reality difficult to grasp. In particular, were the rioters targeting arrivistes more than Tigreans, or vice versa? Anyway, Tigreans are even beginning to leave certain areas, notably in a “mass exodusfrom Gondar.[9] Some go so far as to speak of “ethnic cleansing”.

There are pressing calls for these practices to cease, both on social media and from the legal opposition. But as Beyene Petros, one of its leaders, explains:we’re just watching… people are coming out spontaneously… political parties are bypassed”.[10] By contrast with 2005, this popular protest is largely independent of the legal opposition, and even the illegal opposition groups, such as the Oromo Liberation Front, the oldest and most radical of the Oromo “nationalist movements”, and Ginbot 7, heir to one of the big opposition parties of 2005 and considered a pan-Ethiopian movement.There is no secret central command orchestrating events.

There is no secret central command orchestrating events, although there is no doubt that informal clandestine networks, with links to the diaspora, are contributing to basic coordination and the exchange of information. “These protests are at the level of an intifada”, claims Merera Gudina,[11] or rather at the level of what could be called an “Ethiopian Spring” reminiscent of the “Arab Springs”.

‘Arab plot’

In addressing this situation, the ruling power clings stubbornly to a binary, reductive and simplistic analysis. True, it quickly shelved the Master Plan, an entirely unprecedented turnaround. It also reaffirmed the self-critique that emerged from the congresses of summer 2015: beyond the immense benefits that it has brought – peace and development – its action has been marred by failures and deficiencies, notably with regard to corruption, bad governance, unaccountability and youth unemployment. The narrative is that these are the only failings that the “public” condemns, which makes them “legitimate”. It has undertaken to correct them and “to discuss with the people” in order to tackle them more effectively.

So the legitimacy of these “public” claims is accepted. But those who demand more are supposedly driven by a “destructive agenda” manipulated by “destructive”, “anti-peace”, “anti-development elements”, “bandits”, or even “evil forces” and “terrorist groups”, “extremist Diaspora members who have negotiated their country’s chaos for money”, which are puppets of “foreign actors” or “invaders”, starting with Eritrea. It is they who are “hijacking” peaceful demonstrations and turning them into illegal and violent protests. Websites close to the TPLF, among the few accessible in Ethiopia, are more explicit: according to them, the wave of protest is simply the outcome of an Arab plot, led by Egypt, in which Asmara, the OLF and Ginbot 7 are mere “foot soldiers”. Their real purpose? “To destabilise” Ethiopia, repeats the government, “the total disintegration of Ethiopia as a country”, according to these websites.[12]

To attribute the crisis to external, foreign conspiracy is unjustifiable. Eritrea, still in an on/off state of war with Ethiopia, and Egypt, deeply alarmed by the construction of a colossal dam on the Nile, would undoubtedly welcome a weakening of Ethiopia. It may even be that they are trying to fan the flames. But they do not have the means to light the fire and keep it burning. And the ruling power’s claim that they have been able to do so is itself an admission of weakness: for them to succeed, the regime must already have been resting on weak foundations.

This externalisation also exempts the government from having to consider the grievances at the heart of the protests, going far beyond a few personal failings and deficiencies in implementation. Externalisation is also used to justify repression as the only possible response: there can be no compromise with the enemies of the motherland. It would therefore be pointless to move beyond the use of force and engage in the political sphere, as it did in 2005. Above all, however, the government rejects this option because a political response to the protesters’ demands would require it to question its whole political structure and policy.


The TPLF is a child of the student movement of the end of Haile Selassie’s reign, radically Marxist and above all Leninist. From its creation, it adopted the movement’s analysis of Ethiopian society. The peasantry – still 80% of the population today – backward and illiterate, the working class tiny and in any case ‘trade-unionist’, the ‘national’ bourgeoisie equally small and anyway indecisive, assigned an irreplaceable role to “revolutionary intellectuals”, as Lenin defined them. They are the only ones able to develop the path that would bring Ethiopia progress and well-being, and therefore the only ones with the legitimacy to impose it on Ethiopians, willingly or by force if necessary.[13]

This conviction remains. Just a few years ago, Hailemariam Desalegn explained: “due to poor education and illiteracy, the Ethiopian public is too underdeveloped to make a well reasoned, informed decision”; so the “enlightened leaders” have “to lead the people”.[14] At the other extreme, every local official is convinced that his position places him within the circle of “enlightened leaders” and that he has the right and duty to assume all the authority associated with that role.

This messianic vision creates an unbridgeable divide between a handful of ‘knowers’, an ‘intellocracy’, which alone has the legitimacy and the capacity to exercise power, and all the others, the ‘ignorant’, in other words the people, reified and bound to obey in its own interests, whatever it may think. It justifies a totalising ascendancy in every sphere, exercised through an age-old hierarchy on which the Leninist formula “democratic centralism” confers a modern and revolutionary dimension. Or, in this particular case, “revolutionary elitism” or “elitist centralism”.[15] Of course, the outcome has been exactly the same: centralising excess and denial of democracy, culminating with the installation of a “strong man” at the apex of a pyramid of power. Meles Zenawi, the prime minister until his death in 2012, would become the acknowledged fulfiller of this role, drawing on immense rhetorical skills backed by an exceptional intelligence.

In this binary vision, the political spectrum is inevitably polarised at two extremes. The ruling power is the sole promoter of peace and development. Those who oppose or merely question it are assigned to the “anti-peace”, “anti-development”, “anti-federalist” camp, as “chauvinists” or “narrow nationalists”, threatening the Ethiopian state and the integrity of the country. Although masked in the early days of the TPLF by the collective operation of the leadership, this conception of ruling, monopolistic and exclusive to the point of extreme sectarianism, is in essence undemocratic. It legitimises the use of force whenever those in power deem it appropriate.

A new middle class

However, a growing section of the population is no longer prepared to be stifled, undervalued and marginalised. A new middle class has emerged, essentially in the public sector, in services and – largely unrecognised – in the countryside, where a rump of recently enriched farmers has emerged. 700,000 young people are in university, 500,000 have obtained degrees in the last five years.[16] In a country of close to 100 million inhabitants, the number of mobile phone customers has reached 46 million, internet users 13.6 million,[17] compared respectively with fewer than a million and 30,000 ten years ago. Satellite dishes have sprouted on the roofs wherever electricity is present, breaking the public television monopoly. It is estimated that 4 million Ethiopians live abroad, but still maintain close relations with their native country. Millions of Ethiopians are suddenly connected to the world. More globally, the demands society now places on the regime are commensurate with the upheavals brought about by the development it has driven. In this sense, the regime’s very successes have come back to bite it.

Ethnic faultlines are also imprinted in the regime’s DNA. From the mid-1980s onwards, the TPLF carried its combat against the Derg from the regional to the national level. At least within the country’s two major “nations”, Oromo and Amhara, it thus had to find ethnic political movements to join it. But rather than forming partnerships, which would have entailed power-sharing, it imposed its grip on them. That is the original sin of federalism ‘Ethiopian style’.

Rather than reaching agreement with the spearhead of anti-Derg struggle in Oromya, the OLF, it created the Oromo People’s Democratic Organisation (OPDO), drawn from among its Oromo or simply Oromifa-speaking prisoners. This structure would be confined to the rank of ‘junior partner’, even more than the Amhara National Democratic Movement (ANDM), the Amhara component of the EPRDF, although its initial nucleus had been an autonomous group. The new Oromo and Amhara elites that joined this structure did so more out of opportunism than by conviction, and in general at least without recognising their leaderships as legitimate representatives.

Federalism, which was supposed to achieve a harmonious balance in inter-ethnic relations, has in fact as practised led ultimately to their deterioration. It faced an insurmountable contradiction. On the one hand, it promoted new ethnic elites to political, administrative and economic functions; on the other, it continued to keep them subordinate, while sharpening ethnic identities. Large parts of these elites, and moreover large swathes of their nations, are no longer prepared to tolerate this.

Deepening faultlines

Ultimately, the exclusiveness and top-down approach are having a negative impact on the economy. In the first phase, the party’s control over the State and the modern sector encouraged the mobilisation and effective use of resources. At this time, the ‘developmental state’ proved its worth by delivering remarkable economic growth. It has to continue if the regime wishes to tout it as a pillar of its legitimacy.

However, this model is on the wane. The developmental state has gone off the rails, diverted by the oligarchical dynamic. The onus is on private investors, in particular foreign investors, to take over from public investment to drive structural transformation towards a globalised market economy. However, the governing power’s obsession with maintaining control is stifling those investors.

Finally, the party political discipline imposed on the technocracy smothers its professional capacities and its confidence. This is one of the primary sources of frustration. It also hampers the effective use of the resources essential for growth in an increasingly complex economy. Yet even at its current rate, that growth is unable to absorb the two to two and a half million young people entering the labour market each year, including new graduates, contributing to the anger that is now exploding in the streets.

In light of these contradictions, the fault lines are deepening. The discontent of the Tigreans has triggered the emergence of a ‘reforming’, pragmatic and politicised current inside the TPLF, which wants to rally them by making the Front work for them again. It advocates breaking with the “rule of force”, an immemorial feature of Ethiopian history.

It underlines that the only way to achieve long-term stability, beginning with peaceful changes of government, is through the step-by-step introduction of the “rule of law” by full and integral application of the constitution, notably the separation of powers, the exercise of fundamental liberties and an authentic federalism.[18] It would have to be “consociationalist”. The chief nations would be equally represented, with decisions taken by consensus, so each would possess an effective right of veto. The second “traditionalist” or “conservative” current rejects significant change and argues for continuity. Essentially, it takes the view that Ethiopia is not yet mature enough for democratic move, and still needs to kept under iron control. A website close to the TPLF argues:“the people are not ready yet in every aspect and meaning of the word (democracy). Any attempt to accelerate that process other than its natural course… can only lead to darker places”.[19]

Reflecting the intensity of this division, these websites are full of heated debate between those who show real understanding of the protests and those who utterly condemn them, between those arguing for immediate political openness and those calling first and foremost for the crushing of the unrest. However, they agree on one point: an unprecedentedly virulent condemnation of the leadership of the Front, which is deemed inept and incapable of handling the situation.

This political division has also reached the ranks of the ANDM and OPDO, but here the focus is on federalism.  The “ethno-nationalists” reject the asymmetries of the current federal system and are keen to assert their party’s autonomy from the TPLF. Their adversaries are considered too weak to fend for themselves and vitally in need of the TPLF’s support. So, the OPDO base has literally disintegrated. At its summit, there is overt opposition between Abadula Gemeda, who expresses understanding for the claims of protesters and is the only leader who enjoys real popularity, and Muktar Kedir, who is perceived as an insubstantial apparatchik imposed by the TPLF. The same applies to the problematic destiny of Gedu Andergatchew, President of the Amhara region, number two in the ANDM and the Movement’s real heavyweight in terms of popularity, and the official number one, Demeke Mekonnen, a much criticised figure who is nevertheless supported by the TPLF.

This ethnicisation of the political landscape is also apparent in the deterioration of relations between TPLF, ANDM and OPDO. Discussions with their rank and file members and a reading of their websites give an insight into their mutual mistrust.

In the TPLF, there is an iron belief that the “rotten chauvinists” and “revanchist”Amhara, controlled remotely by Ginbot 7, have “hijacked” the ANDM, are intent of restoring their former hegemony by “overtaking the position of TPLF in the Ethiopian politics” and are even once again forcing Tigreans “to defend our existence from extinction”.[20]

In the ANDM, there is a conviction that the TPLF wants to continue to make Amhara pay for the former dominance of some of their elite, to marginalize them and to dispossess them of ancestral lands.[21] For the ordinary OPDO party official, nothing has changed since the nineteenth century conquests: exploitation, oppression, marginalisation, or even quite baldly “genocide”. Hackneyed as it clearly is, the word is widely used, symptomatic of a paranoia that casts doubt on what remains of the unity at least at the base of the EPRDF.

These fractures were born since the initial formation of the ruling power. Meles Zenawi widened them, but succeeded in masking them by maintaining an iron grip over the tensions that they engendered. The present wave of protests has exacerbated them.  They are splitting, not to say cracking, the party, from its summit to its 7 million member base, which is torn between loyalty and discipline, the material advantages of membership, and the ever-growing swell of popular aspirations within it.

In Oromya, part of the OPDO pushed behind the scenes for overt opposition to the Master Plan. The regional police were unable to cope or adopt a prudent ‘wait and see’ strategy. Today, they are virtually out of the game, and the federal police and army have had to intervene. The OPDO has essentially been relieved of the government of Oromya, which is under military administration via a “Command Post” based in Addis Ababa and headed by Hailemariam Dessalegn.[22] In the Amhara region, at least the big initial demonstrations were held with the support or tacit approval of part of the ANDM, although officially forbidden. Out of their depth, the Amhara State authorities had to request army intervention. The region has been placed under military command.[23]

The growing number of leaks of documents and recordings of discussions at the highest level of government and the State-Party are testament to the fact that frontline leaders now have one foot in the government camp and one in the protesters’ camp. Villages and entire local areas are taking advantage of the dilution or even disappearance of public authority to set up embryonic forms of self-government. In places, the State-Party’s local structures have placed their organisations at the service of the protesters. Armed men, who can only be village militiamen in principle strictly under local government control, have fired in the air alongside demonstrators. They are necessarily involved in fatal ambushes on soldiers and attacks on military depots. Desertions and overt acts of insubordination are taking place.

Losing authority

By contrast with 2005, when neither the federal nor regional governments lost control, today – at least at certain times and in certain places – they have lost authority over their own agents and even their monopoly on the use of force. Hailemariam Desalegn had to concede: “chaos” has broken out “in parts of Oromia and Amhara states”..[24] There has been a shift from demonstrations to riots, and then from riots to pockets of insurrection. Militiamen and farmers hold hundreds of thousands of weapons. The transition from unrest towards a scattered armed peasant revolt (a “jacquerie”), is a possibility.

The crisis is not only about a change of government, or even regime change. It is systemic, because it is rooted in the form in which contemporary power has been exercised since its bases were laid down in the middle of the nineteenth century. This has been theocratic, authoritarian, centralised, hierarchical, ethnically biased, monopolising the country’s resources.

“Intellocracy” has replaced theocratic feudalism, but other main traits have been more or less transposed in an updated form. The ruling power faces more or less the same demands as those it addressed to Haile Selassie’s regime forty years ago: rule of law; fair use of assets, beginning with land (“land to the tiller”, went the slogan; denunciation of “land grabbing’” now); the “national question”, in other words a balanced relationship between Ethiopia’s 80 “nations, nationalities and peoples”; and, at the crossroads of the land issue and the “national question”, the border conflicts between the states.They want to rule in the old way, and people are refusing to be ruled in the old way

They want to rule in the old way, and people are refusing to be ruled in the old way”, is Merera Gudina’s concise summing up.[25] What the protesters – and indeed the “reformists” – are demanding is huge: the shift from an imposed, exclusive and closed system, to an accepted, inclusive and open system. This would require a total reconstruction, an outcome that the successors of Haile Selassie, then of Mengistu, failed to bring about.

For the moment at least, this goal is well beyond the EPRDF’s capacities. Firstly, it is paralysed by its divisions. These range from personal conflicts to business rivalries, from old ethnic tensions to new political disagreements. Secondly, the Front would risk disintegration if the “reformists” tried to force through their views. Whatever side they are on, its leaders know that a split would be fatal to everyone. They are obliged to maintain unity, with the result that they seem for now condemned to immobility.

Opening up

The majority of the Front perceives opening up as a leap in the dark and a fatal threat to its positions and its interests.

Opening up to the opponents of the Front would have to go hand-in-hand with an internal opening up. It would inevitably threaten numerous unfairly acquired positions.

Until now, the rule of winner-takes-all has reigned. In the general perception, or at least ‘Abyssinian’ perception, authority is either absolute or moribund: if it accepts concessions, it implicitly acknowledges that its end is imminent. To open up would therefore trigger a sharing of power, which could culminate in total loss of power.

Opening up would also mean a historic shift. For centuries, power has been “northern”, Abyssinian. A fair representation of the different ethnic components is inconceivable without the Oromo, the largest ethnicity, playing a central role, a role moreover that they are demanding.

That would be an even more hazardous leap for the TPLF, abandoning its domination and betting that a genuinely democratic federalism would emerge. In other words, that nations or a coalition of nations much more populous than the Tigreans would not impose majority rule, threatening the preservation of what for the Front is non- negotiable: Tigreans remaining in charge of Tigray.Finally, power and enrichment go together.

Finally, power and enrichment go together. From the summit of the state-party to its most modest ranks, official positions and oligarchical rents are mutually reinforcing. This material dimension is an overwhelming reason to preserve the status quo. In particular, the vast majority of the Front’s members think that it is right that their commitment and obedience should be rewarded with direct or indirect favours.

To open up, but to whom, in what domain, and to what point? Everyone agrees that the protest movement has neither a recognised leadership nor a clear programme, which is its major weakness. Would it consider itself authentically represented by the legal opposition, enfeebled through repression and its own divisions, or by the more radical illegal opposition, whose real representativeness is impossible to assess? Would these very diverse forces agree on a sort of shared programme of demands?

Up to now they have always stumbled over two crucial points: whether to maintain public ownership of land – far and away the primary asset – or to privatise it; and whether to accentuate or to temper federalism. For the moment, the voices making themselves heard cover a very wide spectrum of demands, from the launch of a national dialogue through to the total and immediate overthrow of the EPRDF. And history tells us that in such circumstances the extremists quickly prevail over the moderates.But the word compromise has no direct translation in Amharic…

Yet short of plunging the country into chaos, there exists no credible alternative to the existing authority, except in the long term. Supposing the EPRDF were to decide “to rule in a new way”, it would only do so on condition that it remained in control of a very gradual and therefore very long process of change. Which of its adversaries would accept this? On one side or the other, all-or-nothing politics have so far been the rule. But an inclusive and open system cannot be created unless all the stakeholders, without exception, are ready for compromise, in other words ready to make reciprocal concessions in order to reach an agreement. But the word compromise has no direct translation in Amharic…

Worst case scenario

So every scenario remains possible, including the worst-case. The regime may decide to continue on the same trajectory, relying on repression and the acceleration of its recovery plan for the state-party. It could be that the machinery of repression will stifle the protest movement. This machinery is extensive and experienced. It is even possible that the army could decide to take matters into its own hands, if it thought that the political leadership was failing. Its effective head, Samora Yunus, has always said that “the army is always vigilant to safeguard the constitutional order.[26]

But will it be able to, especially if protest intensifies, and in particular if it takes root in the rural areas? From a leaked record of a meeting of army chiefs, it seems that some are uncertain about the physical capacity of the troops to hold firm on multiple fronts, and above all about the risks of insubordination, or even mutiny, resulting from the ethnic divisions in their ranks.[27]Killing is not an answer to our grievances

Even supposing that simple repression works, the probability is high that it would only offer the regime a period of respite before, sooner or later, a new – even more devastating – surge of unrest. To prevent this, it has just decided to put on the table the question of Wolkait and the relations between Addis Ababa and the Oromo lands around it, and above all to “sack and reshuffle party and government officials including Ministers” in the coming month, all through wide-ranging discussions “with the people”.[28]

But even the legal opposition judges these reforms to be “cosmetic”.[29] Up to now, these discussions have always consisted in a massive process of self-justification, with no genuine consultation of the people, which is unable – or does not dare – to make itself heard. Moreover, this promise is an old chestnut. The struggle against the dark triad of corruption, bad governance and unaccountability, on the agenda since the early 2000s, has had no impact. The campaign to “purify” the state-party of its black sheep, launched with much fanfare in the autumn of 2015, has been a damp squib. It touched only minor officials, while none of the senior figures – some are notorious for their corrupt practices – was affected, leading the population to conclude that the campaign was nothing but a smokescreen.

This triad of failings extends from top to bottom of the EPRDF. It is hard to see how the Party could put an end to them in response to what it sees as the main demand emanating from the people, without putting itself at high risk.

Killing is not an answer to our grievances”, cry the demonstrators. For the moment, however, no other genuine answers are to be heard or seen, unless basic common sense, not to mention democratic aspirations, were to prevail in the ruling power.

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Daily Mail: Unrest mars Ethiopia’s New Year, Eid parties. #OromoProtests and the Market Boycott in Action September 10, 2016

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Odaa OromooOromianEconomist

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oromoprotests-boycotts-fascist-ethiopias-regime-tplf-the-criminal-group-and-its-businessDiina irra hin bitiini, itti hin gurguriin. #OromoProtests. September 2016

Unrest mars Ethiopia’s New Year, Eid parties

With New Year festivities set for Sunday and Eid parties scheduled the following day, in any other year Burayu’s sheep and cattle market would have been at its busiest this weekend.

But after months of on-off trouble in the central Oromo region — home to Ethiopia’s largest ethnic group — this small town close to the capital, Addis Ababa, is in virtual lockdown after a call for a general strike against the government’s stance on Oromo demands.

Closed shops in Burayu town, about ten kilometres from Addis Ababa in Oromia regional state

Closed shops in Burayu town, about ten kilometres from Addis Ababa in Oromia regional state

“I’ve never seen the city like this,” said a grocer manning one of the few market stalls still open.

“The police came and said we have no right to close our shops and if we close, they’ll close us for good.”

But despite incessant police patrols up and down the streets, most of the shops have remained shuttered.

“The whole Oromo region is ruled by the military,” said 26-year-old Abdisa, who vows while chatting with a couple of friends that his family’s small cafe will stay shut until the New Year, as agreed by the shopkeepers.

“This boycott is a way of showing our disagreement with the government,” adds Abdisa, who gave no family name.

The lockdown, he says, is a sign of respect for those killed in the Oromo region since November, which rights groups say number in the hundreds.

With security forces readily using live bullets against demonstrators, there have been fewer protests in recent days.

– ‘People choice is my choice’

“We don’t want to celebrate the New Year with joy … They’re killing people with guns. We need the killings to stop,” said Falmata, a young university graduate unable to find a job.

And when talk focuses on Ethiopia’s last elections in May 2015, when the ruling EPRDF coalition — in power for a quarter of a century — won every parliamentary seat, Falmata’s anger boils over. “This result is totally false,” he says.

It was a government decision a few months later to appropriate Oromo lands for an urban development scheme — a decision now rescinded — that raised fears by Oromo farmers of expropriation, triggering months of deadly trouble.

“The plan brought a lot of blood, and that blood started everything”” said Falmata.

“We don’t want this regime to continue, it’s ruled by a few people dominated by the TPLF,” he added, referring to the Tigray Liberation Front that overthrew Mengistu Haile Mariam’s dictatorial regime in 1991 but is now also accused of monopolising political power.

The unrest, the first such protests in a decade, has spread to the northern Amhara region. In August, simultaneous protests took place for the first time in the two regions that together account for 60 percent of the country’s people.

The protests were violently suppressed by security forces who opened fire on crowds in several places leaving at least 100 dead, according to rights group Amnesty International.

In Burayu, the main bus station is deserted, with activists stopping all traffic to western Oromo, where the protests have been specially violent.

Civil disobedience appears to be growing in the region, with artists now openly joining the protest movement.

“I am on the side of the people,” popular singer Abush Zeleke said on Facebook. “People choice is my choice. I am not going to perform any concert.”

Local media says around 20 artists have decided to boycott New Year celebrations on Sunday.

closed shops in Burayu town, about ten kilometres from Addis Ababa in Oromia regional state.Most traders have closed their shops and called for a general str...

closed shops in Burayu town, about ten kilometres from Addis Ababa in Oromia regional state.Most traders have closed their shops and called for a general strike against the repression of anti-government movement that affects the Oromo region.

Most traders have closed their shops and called for a general strike against the repression of anti-government movement that affects the Oromo region

Most traders have closed their shops and called for a general strike against the repression of anti-government movement that affects the Oromo region.

See also related sources at:-Godina Wallaggaa Horroo Guduruu Aanaa Abbaay Cooman Finca’aa Qeerroon Karaa Cufee Gabaa Lagachuun FXG Gaggeessaa Jira.


Godina Wallaggaa Ummanni Magaalaan Naqamtee FXG Diddaa Gabaa Lagachuu Akka Itti Fufanitti Jiru.


Magaalaa Awadaay Guyyaa Har’aa
